back to episode 7.22 - Chosen

I'm kind of stuck, here.  I'm not sure what to say.  They killed the only reason I even watched BtVS for the last 3 years.  They killed my Boy, Spike.  I can't believe they killed Spike.  I can't even make that South Park joke and yell, "you bastards", 'cuz I'm just...distraught.

Okay, spoiler-free, yes, but I've heard about the casting for next season's AtS.  I can come up with at least 3 viable and exciting ways to make that happen.  But that doesn't take the sting away of watching Spike disintegrate into nothing.

And, to continue on the same topic, different paragraph, I can remember exactly 4 times that I've been reduced to nothing more than a stereotypical woman as I wept for fictional characters.

1) Quantum Leap - "Sam never went home."

2) BtVS - Buffy sent Angel to hell.

3) BtVS - Buffy jumped off the tower.

4) BtVS - Spike turned to dust.

Hubby thinks I'm totally nuts. He can't understand why I'm upset. And the truth is, neither can I.

The core scooby gang-

That scene before the big battle really made this episode for me. Talk about back to the beginning. They've been through more than 7 apocalypses, and have to continue with life every time. The shoe shopping debate was priceless and brought me right back to S1. And amazingly enough, they all survived. It's especially amazing since this, being the last episode ever, is the only time where the writers can do whatever they darn well please, and it won't affect the rest of the season...'cuz there is no rest of the season.


I loved this. She really came through, and she had a very positive experience too. It's nice to see something positive after that whole magick addiction thing. And she was so cute too...just like from the first and second seasons. (Even if the white light was cheesy)


That scene between her and Willow was more a scene between Willow and Iyari. I totally saw her in Kennedy right then. It actually made me not hate the character for a minute.



RIP, my little bunny fearing friend. Say hello to Halfrek/Cecily.


Ouch. <Hee, hee> How fitting is that? The misogynist gets killed that way? I don't have a penis, but even I felt that.


You knew he'd have to survive, right? Especially after all his expectations of death.

Faith and Wood-

I rarely get the deeper meaning of things. I'm more of a fist and fangs viewer. But I did like that bit about Faith. She sees Wood lying there, very injured, and wants to run off to "get help". She knows there's no help to get. She just doesn't want to be a part of a very real thing. Doesn't want to connect with him any more than she already has. But he asks her to stay, and she does. It's a big step for our slayer.

That not-death scene was also priceless. 


About time he agreed with one of Buffy's ideas. Jerk. But I forgive him. I miss loving Giles.

Mr. Gordo-

I can't even talk about him right now. Maybe in a few days. There's just no excuse for what Joss did to him. None.


Okay. This was my biggest pet peeve about this episode. Y'all know me, right? Resident Angel hater supreme. Webmaster and president of the I Hate Angel Fanclub. While I was thrilled that Buffy didn't want him around, that didn't make a whole lot of sense. She's fighting a war. You don't send away a very powerful ally because...why? Because she didn't want to deal with the jealousy thing? I don't get it. Because you loved him too much to risk his life? (If that were the case, she would have sent away Xander, Dawn, and Giles.) It just proves to me that Angel's appearance was nothing but a lame stunt to give us a cliffhanger last week. "Will Spike turn evil?!" 

So, despite my dancing around the room when she blew him off (and not in a sexual way), it was a dumb decision.


I'll need some help here from the rest of you guys as to what actually happened. There was a scene where Buffy entered the basement, and then that was it. We got no more of that scene. What happened between them there? And how did she go from "He's not my boyfriend" to "I love you"?

Plus, I was surprised they didn't have the Cassie scene in the previouslies. "Someday she'll tell you".

(I just really liked this picture, okay?)


Why was he having a nightmare about drowning?

I loved that he just confronted her about the kiss with Peaches. That was so unlike any of the BtVS characters.

Also loved the discussion about a champion wearing the amulet. Wow.

(Spike always did have a penchant for gaudy jewelry)

ADORED, ADORED, ADORED the little Angel sketch that he was punching.


Holy shinto! Not only has he lost two women that he loved dearly, and his only son, but now he's not even the champion in the End of Days prophecy. (Man, is my inner Angel hatred cheering right now. Ha, ha! Spike's better than you!)

The End-

She can be a normal girl. Nice. Buffy can let her cookie dough-self cook into a nice, normal, young woman.

Suddenly, I don't care if she and Angel end up together in the end. He's a self-centered idiot with an overhanging brow, and she's a self-centered bitch with an ugly nose. They deserve each other. Spike deserved better. Deserved. Oh, no. Now I'm crying again. Somebody slap some sense into me already.

Some of my favorite moments

They went to Armageddon in a school bus.


Giles playing D & D


Not only is the hair just hideous, but why is she dressed like a waitress at Mel's Diner?


"You are now leaving Sunnydale"


Favorite Line

"Most people don't say hello with their tongues. Actually, they do."

Screen Caps courtesy of Spirit Crow

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