Wendy's Spoiler Zone

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The character who dies is very likely Tara. She will die by the end of sweeps.

Updated 2-1-02:

Edited 2-2-02: I edited some of the info I posted to make it more vague. I don't want to get any of these people in trouble.

I have agreed to retract the spoiler I posted about Tara dying if I have confirmation that she survives episode 17. So far, I do not have that confirmation. In fact, I don't feel it is confirmed yet that she survives episode 16.

I'm going to take a few paragraphs and explain how I came to the conclusion that Tara would die by the end of sweeps. (Note: as Marti Noxon's recent Dreamwatch comments confirm, episode 16 was originally planned as a sweeps-ender, and it was only UPN's last-minute pre-emption decision that changed that plan.)

In early December, I made contact with two sources. Source A was going to provide me with sides from Episode 12, which had just finished filming. Source A had an on-set source who had access to these sides. As I was provided with these sides, which were legitimate sides, I would be an idiot to discount what this person told me. This person also said that Amber was leaving the show.

After the New Year, I e-ed Source A again to ask if there were any more sides. In our emails, I was told that Amber was not working lately. This was during filming of episode 15. As AngelX has now confirmed, Tara is not in episode 15. A few days later, Source A e-ed me to say that I could obtain episode 16 sides, which I received last Monday and posted about here on Spoiler Zone. These are legitimate sides; a Buffy call sheet is a hard thing to fake.

Again, I would be an idiot to ignore or dismiss this person's obvious connection to the set of Buffy.

Most recently, Source A told me that Amber was still leaving, and that Source A thought she was filming her last episode. I think this indicates Tara may leave in episode 16 or 17.

Meanwhile, also in early December, I heard from Source B. Source B e-ed me about a scene that had been filmed involving Buffy and Spike. Oh, and by the way, Tara was going to be killed off. (Sorry, Tara fans, but this is a fellow Spike fan, so the Spike news was the important stuff.) This was during the filming of 13. When I learned in late December that AngelX of Buffy Cross & Stake had a script for 13, I asked her about the scene, which she confirmed was in the script for 13. Therefore, Source B was confirmed on one part of the info I was given; it seems likely that Source B was also correct about the other part.

Source A merely says Amber is leaving. Source A knows very little about the actual show (tried to tell me Halfrek was getting married in episode 16) but does seem knowledgeable about Amber's comings and goings. Source B, who has been proven credible on other issues, tells me Tara is dying. There have been other bits of confirmation. Sweetie of FanForum, whose information has been almost entirely credible, posted that she had heard that Tara dies. I checked with her to make sure she was not basing her claim on anything I said, and she said she wasn't. And I think we all know there is another spoiler disseminator out there who believes Tara will be the Big Scooby Death. I spoke with that source on the topic in late December or early January, and that source was not part of my original decision to post the spoiler.

Quite frankly, there are two bits of info that make me doubt that this spoiler will happen. First is that Wanda seems to be suggesting it will (though what she meant in her most recent chat is up in the air--another victim of garbled syntax). If Wanda says it will happen, I have to doubt it! Sarcasm aside, the other thing that makes me doubtful is Steve DeKnight's insistence last week that Tara would die over his dead body. It would be extremely cruel for him to say that and then for Tara to be killed off. We cannot rule out that writers would lie, but that seems a bit extreme.

And though I will be accused of trying to Cover My Ass by saying this, there are some strong indications that there is behind-the-scenes flux. Anthony Stewart Head's recent comments to a fan (originally posted on the Watcher Girls list and reposted on the Kitten Board) suggest that despite this late date, there are no firm plans for episodes 19-22 (17 is filming now and 18 is probably written):

"I asked ASH whether he would be in anymore Season 6 eps. His response was that
he's 'supposed to be but doesn't really know as it's all confusing and up in
the air at the moment.'"

If they don't even know right now if or when Giles will appear, then perhaps they have made changes that they have to accommodate. Clearly, his comments suggest some sort of change and confusion over at ME. In addition, there have been rewrites of scenes. I know definitely about a rewrite of an episode 16 scene, and there seems to be another rewrite that happened. Both rewrites seem to have the hand of Joss, so rumors that he is taking a more active part in the show recently are somewhat credible, though I have also been given to understand that he has always reviewed all scripts prior to filming.

I've spent the past 2 months being alternately attacked for posting this spoiler and supported by good friends and spoiler colleagues who understand that I had logical reasons for posting what I did. In the next few weeks, I expect that we will find out for sure one way or another, so I decided to take this opportunity to explain my reasoning. I did not post this spoiler to cause trouble, to torture anyone, or to somehow make Spike look good at the expense of other characters (not sure how that would happen, but it's been an implication in some of the attacks). I do not hate Tara or Amber Benson. I posted what I believe to be the truth, based on logical reasons. If Tara survives episode 17, then obviously my sources were confused, mis- or underinformed or (less likely) lying to me. I will retract the spoiler, but I will never apologize for posting it in the first place. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence who had received the same information from the same sources would have taken it seriously, too.

Though I normally have a liberal reposting policy, no one has my permission to post the material on this page elsewhere. You may post the URL but not the text.