The Chosen :: A Buffy virtual series continuation

9x08 - 'When I Look Inside Myself, I Remember Me'

"When I Look Inside Myself, I Remember Me"

Story by: Jet Wolf and Ultrace
Scripted by: Jet Wolf
Prose by: Novareinna
Edited by: Jet Wolf and Novareinna

Original Airdate: Sunday, 28 August 2005, 8pm EST

Download Season 9 credits. Double the spiffy, triple the cool.

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all such related things, © Mutant Enemy and many other people with big scary lawyers.
We're borrowing them without permission, but you said you were done with 'em, so we're hoping you won't mind so much.
Stories, images, characters you don't recognize, those are all by 4Paws. Yes, we'll take the blame.