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The instant the last person crossed the threshold, the shimmering gateway closed, leaving no sign that it had ever existed.

Xander glanced quickly over his shoulder. "I can't tell if that was the coolest thing ever or the most disturbing." He considered the statement momentarily before adding, "It might possibly be both."

Each member of the group began to assess the situation, trying to orient themselves. The room in which they had arrived was indeed large, almost the size of an aircraft hangar. The area was comprised of multiple levels, with a metal staircase that led to catwalks circling most of the perimeter. Their port of entry was at the far end of the room, close to a raised stage and a wooden lectern.

Kennedy gestured with her thumb. "I'm guessing this is where the Fuhrer gives his daily affirmations."

The room was well lit, but otherwise painfully drab and rather boring with its unadorned walls, painted pristine white.

Hannah wrinkled her nose. "Can't say I think much of their décor."

"I was thinking something in a nice gray dungeon-y brickwork instead of a trip to Sterile World," commented Xander.

But Buffy was all business. "Guys, shut up a minute."

As silence fell, the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard – several pairs of boot heels tapping briskly along a tiled floor. In unison, the company turned toward one of the many hallways leading like a sunburst from the room. Within seconds, six Super Slayers emerged into the area. From the girls' expressions, it was all too apparent that they had been unaware of the breach in security, but the sudden shock was fleeting and without further hesitation, they surged forward. The attack was not unexpected and the group promptly tensed in preparation to meet the charge.

"At least they're not so super, right?" asked Xander hopefully, keeping a tight grip on both his bag and his battleaxe.

The first line of Juniors who met the initial wave of assault were virtually swept aside, as though they were little more than breadcrumbs being brushed from a tablecloth.

Giles was swift to evaluate the state of affairs. "The spell hasn't taken effect yet! Defensive maneuvers!" he commanded with loud authority.

The reaction was instantaneous. No longer did the Slayers seek to engage in open confrontation, each focusing solely on avoiding obliteration. Each that is except Faith, who blindly attempted to land punch after vicious punch on any opponent who crossed her path. The question she snapped in time to every powerful blow was always the same.

"Where's Judith?"

As chaos seemed to assume control, a reverberated voice called out, "Chalmers, get Robespierre!"

In immediate response to the team leader, one of the Super Slayers broke free from the bedlam and sprinted toward the metal staircase. Buffy was acutely aware of the move but could do nothing to halt the girl's departure, embroiled as she was in fending off her own aggressor. She quickly surveyed the room and then shouted, "Kennedy!"

But the brunette was well aware of the action, already rushing in pursuit. It was a valiant but vain attempt. As another of the Super Slayers intercepted, effectively barring the way, Kennedy tried to duck past. But the other girl was by far the more speedy of the two and she easily seized Kennedy about the waist, hurling the brunette back into the scrimmage like a football. With a grin of satisfaction, the retreating Super Slayer took the stairs two-at-a-time and disappeared down a snaking corridor, just as the sound of more footsteps were heard hurrying toward the room. In less than a heartbeat, enemy reinforcements had arrived upon the scene.

Taking in the rapidly escalating situation, Buffy only just managed to evade a blow that very well may have decapitated her on the spot. She gnawed her lower lip, expression worried. "Any time, Will!" she muttered.

The strategically placed candles within Willow's Sanctum sputtered erratically. The flames flickered upward in spurts, tongues of fire licking toward the ceiling. Neither Willow nor Tara paid them any mind, both far too absorbed in the all-important task at hand.

Slumped against the wall in a far corner of the room was Dawn, seemingly unconscious. Hauling herself from the chair, Ruth crouched painfully by the side of the unmoving teenager, gently patting the pale cheek with a gnarled hand, but otherwise seemingly unconcerned at Dawn's loss of sensibility.

"You did well, dear," she crooned softly, even though it was obvious Dawn was unable to process the words.

Hovering nearby, Quinn carefully smoothed the hair away from Dawn's moist and glistening forehead as an expression of vicarious pride crossed his face. He glanced over his shoulder toward the two witches surrounded by a circle of flames and arched a dubious eyebrow.

"I somehow doubt they'll have as good a time of it."

Pandemonium was the descriptive word of choice for the state of the battlefield. Although outnumbered, the Super Slayers clearly had the edge in terms of power and raw fighting prowess – Spartans to the Council's Persian forces. Still though, the defenders seemed to hesitate, not giving ground but not taking any either, as though without a direct order, they were uncertain of how best to proceed.

It was perhaps this alone that saved the Council from devastating losses at the outset, yet still the casualties began to mount. Every few seconds, another Junior’s body would be flung over the heads of her teammates, or a grasped limb would be shattered within a grip that could easily rend the hardest stone into fine powder. Several bodies already littered the ground, sending shockwaves through those in the immediate area and causing still more mistakes and more injuries. The thin but fairly steady trickle of Super Slayers into the room only worsened the odds with every passing moment.

Buffy, Kennedy and Faith had become separated, although if by plan or design it was impossible to say. The former two were now stationed at opposite ends of the arena, doing their best to organize the girls closest to them while simultaneously keeping themselves alive. In overall command were Giles – who was staying as close to Buffy as he could reasonably manage – and Wood, who was helping to direct the battle on Kennedy's side.

Of all the invaders, only Faith seemed without a tingle of anxiety or worry, the rage inside her having swelled to such an extent that there was no room for any other emotion. Indeed, her very aura seemed to give pause to some of the Super Slayers around her, in spite of the obvious differences in power. She waded into the fray with only one purpose in mind, deflecting blows from the defenders and giving them right back without the slightest loss of focus.

"Where is Judith?!"

Faith landed a punch across the jaw of her current opponent, but in her single-mindedness failed to even notice that the girl actually staggered, nor that her glowing eyes and symbol had dimmed somewhat – the first signs that the witches' magick was beginning to assert itself.

Sweeping her eyes across the battlefield, Buffy could see that an equilibrium had finally been achieved, with the Council's forces managing to hold out against the slowly increasing tide of Super Slayers. Buffy realized, however, that attrition was an inevitability, and that there was every possibility the situation would improve no further. A section of the offense to her left had already begun to unravel, though before she could make a move, Kennedy was barking orders to shore it up. The implication was clear, however – now or never.

Buffy whipped around to face her Watcher. "Giles!"

Having reached the same conclusion, he nodded his understanding, freeing Buffy to focus on the conflict at hand while he addressed Xander and Hannah who were anxiously waiting nearby. "We can’t afford to keep waiting," he admitted ruefully. "Go now, but for god’s sake, be careful."

Xander clapped him on the shoulder with what he hoped was a calming smile. "No problem. Being careful in life-threatening situations is one of my favorite things."

Taking advantage of their position of relative safety, Hannah's eyes had been glued to the combat and she had a plan. "Since the girls all seem to be coming from over there—" She pointed to a pair of large entryways at the far end of the lower level, "—I recommend we start up there." Her finger moved to indicate the staircase leading up.

Grabbing the crystal around his neck, Xander peered at it. "Well, it’s not saying ‘no’ so let’s give it a whirl."

Moving quickly and carefully, they headed for the stairs together, Hannah keeping an especially wary eye out. They arrived without incident, scaling the steps without hesitation and disappearing down the adjacent hallway.

Meanwhile, Giles' attention had returned to the legions of Slayers before him, all fighting for their lives.

Through a combination of encouragement, demands and sheer tenacity, Kennedy had strengthened the weak contingent of girls who, moments before, were in danger of being overrun. Opposite them, Buffy was attempting to do the same for another beleaguered section of the defense but, being closest to the Super Slayer entryway, they had a disproportionate number of opponents, and were not faring so well. Additionally, the defenders appeared to be overcoming whatever ennui had gripped them, and were beginning to escalate their efforts. Only occasionally would a Super Slayer stagger, the glow fading from her eyes to leave her confused and, relatively speaking, powerless. The Watcher's expression said it all – it wasn't enough. They were going to lose.

Oblivious to the overall tide of battle, or indeed anything else around her, Faith continued to plow through Super Slayers in her one-woman quest, weaving and bobbing, grabbing and throwing without end. Even now, she was in the process of unloading her anger, one fist bunched with a girl's shirt while another slammed relentlessly into her face. Any possible injury was slight and superficial, however the unbridled ferocity of the attack was enough to keep the other Slayer disoriented and inert.

"Judith!" Faith bellowed at the girl. "Where is she?!"

Lacking the patience to wait for an answer, Faith threw the Slayer to the side as though she were less than nothing and began to reach for the next when a finger casually extended and tapped her on the shoulder. Whirling, Faith responded with a backhanded fist, obviously caring little for who was attempting to garner her attention, but her arm was easily and solidly caught by the wrist.

Judith spared a moment to smile, the expression almost a perversion given the vicious gleam in her eyes. "Ask and ye shall receive," she greeted.

Before Faith could blink, let alone act, Judith's hand lashed out. The flat of her palm landed square in Faith's chest, hurtling her across the room. While the blow might have killed or at least winded most, Faith somehow managed to roll with the momentum and come out of the tumble on her feet. Her body was taut and her face a twisted mask of animalistic rage.

Now with her target in sight, it was as if the Faith of before had been the very embodiment of cool, detached restraint. She launched herself toward Judith at full speed, moving with such power that it seemed anything short of a steel-reinforced slab of concrete would be torn through like tissue paper. But none of that mattered to Judith. With a lack of effort that seemed nearly impossible, Judith simply hoisted Faith into the air as soon as she was within range, and then slung the dark Slayer around in a 180-degree arc. All of the air was violenly expelled from Faith's lungs as she landed with enough force that it seemed to generate its own aftershocks.

Judith peered down at her opponent, her eyes twinkling with glee. "Gulping down little Hazel like a Cherry Slurpee ... That was just business. But this? This is pleasure."

Without further warning, Judith dropped like a stone, her fist a jackhammer prepared to split Faith's head wide open. But Faith had been expecting the attack and was already on the move. The rage that was blazing in the Slayer was still evident, but was now overshadowed by something greater – something crazed. Taking advantage of Judith's momentary shock at missing her attack, she launched her fist at Judith's throat, further stunning the Super Slayer when it connected. As she stumbled back slightly, Faith leapt forward, grabbing Judith’s head and plunging her thumbs into the other woman's eye sockets.

A guttural cry tore its way from Faith's throat, even as Judith yelled in a combination of surprise and pain. Instinctively, Judith shoved her attacker away with both hands and then immediately used them to check her eyes. Whereas a normal person, perhaps even a normal Slayer would have little more than gaping, bloody sockets, Judith suffered only reddening from irritation, and already that was beginning to disappear.

She glared at Faith. "That actually hurt. I don’t know how, but it did. Now, I’m pissed."

Then Judith was there and she lashed out, her fist catching the side of Faith's head even as the Slayer tried to dodge. Faith staggered, and another blow landed in her stomach. She managed to deflect a third strike, but Judith’s other arm was already en route with a fourth, and Faith staggered and fell under the barrage.

"Feeling better already," Judith remarked with a small sigh of contentment.

Pain now making a strong contention for dominance on Faith's face, she valiantly tried to regain her footing. Her limbs remained frustratingly uncooperative, however, and as she stumbled to her knees once more, she could only glare up at Judith – Judith, who peered down at Faith with victory etched into every feature.

Luxuriating in the moment, savoring its every detail, Judith closed in on Faith. But then her expression faltered into one of puzzlement and she stopped short. The blue glow that emanated from her eyes spluttered and flickered like dying candle, and she regarded her hands quizzically before glancing back to Faith with utter confusion.

Within the Sanctum, trailing wisps of candle smoke circled the room like tiny restless specters. Stress had begun to take its inevitable toll on both Willow and Tara, their expressions now growing fatigued with perpetual strain. Nonetheless, neither was prepared to relinquish so much as an ounce of concentration.

With a puff of triumph, Willow whispered, "There."

Tara had no breath to answer with anything but a hushed, "Yes."

Instantly, a magnificent glow suffused their joined hands. The brilliance journeyed up and down the two tense bodies, gaining momentum until, with a glorious rush of speed, it made good its departure and vanished like the final twinkle of an obliterated star.

All across the battlefield, the Super Slayers lurched, whatever magickal glow they possessed being snuffed out, one by one. The impact on the combat was almost instantaneous, but Giles resolved to take no chances. "Buffy!" he yelled. "The spell!"

"I see it!" she shouted back over her shoulder before returning her focus to the Slayers surrounding her. "Press the attack! Now!" she ordered, her voice carrying loud and clear as she gave heed to her own advice and charged into the nearest fighting group.

The Super Slayers, having been progressively gaining ground had now come to a standstill, wavering under the far superior numbers of the Council. They held their line for only a few moments before beginning to fall back under the renewed assault. From her vantage point, Kennedy cupped hands around her mouth like a megaphone. "Attack formation! Pairs, like we practiced!"

Having issued her command, she resumed fighting, moving around to the back of an enemy Slayer who had a Junior pinned in a grip she was struggling vainly to break. Kennedy grabbed the other girl, one hand seizing a shoulder while the other grasped the nearby arm. With the faintest grunt of effort, Kennedy jerked her hands apart and was rewarded with a satisfying snap. The Super Slayer howled in pain and immediately relinquished her hold on the Junior Slayer. The Junior flashed Kennedy a brief but sincere smile of gratitude that Kennedy quickly returned before rushing off to the aid of another Junior nearby.

Across the room, the effect was much the same. With the advantage of numbers, most invading Slayers were able to team up with a partner and strike enemies two-on-one. The home team was suffering even more under the renewed assault, steadily losing ground and sustaining grievous injuries at nearly every turn.

The overall events mattered nothing to either Faith or Judith. Taking full advantage of Judith's momentary confusion, Faith had struggled to her feet and tackled the traitor, raining down a torrent of punches and kicks that left Judith completely disoriented. As the Super Slayer fell, Faith was there, grabbing great fistfuls of the other woman's hair and propelling Judith's head into the ground, then lifting it up and repeating the action, causing tiny spider-web cracks to appear in the concrete.

As Faith released her hold on Judith, the younger Slayer tried to rise, but the effort was weak at best and Faith drove her foot into the girl's elbow, knocking away the support and causing Judith to collapse once more. Unceremoniously, Faith moved to straddle Judith’s stomach, drawing back her arm with a fist clenched so tightly that blood began to seep out between her fingernails.

Judith searched desperately for some shred of mercy in Faith, some sign that her life would be spared.

She found none.

Moving with extreme caution, Xander and Hannah navigated the many hallways. Hannah assumed the lead, a sharply honed sword balanced in her expert hand, poised and ready to be used at the first indication of danger. Lagging behind a little, Xander held out the crystal as far as it would stretch on its silver chain. The clasp dug into the back of his neck, but he ignored the sharp jab as best he could and peered intently into the quartz pendant, searching for the all-important glow. It was now displaying a slight glimmer at its core – not strong enough to be the cause for celebration, but nonetheless noticeable and definitely encouraging.

As the pair reached yet another intersection, Xander stepped forward and held the crystal aloft, first toward the corridor on his left and then toward the one on his right. He quickly checked with Hannah to verify that the gleam intensified when pointing right and with silent nods of agreement, they moved in that direction, talking to each other in low voices.

"Handy," remarked Hannah as Xander stepped aside, allowing the blonde to resume her former position.

"Yeah," agreed the carpenter. "If it had a greater purpose than 'locate evil mojo machine', I'd consider buying 'em in bulk for Christmas." He pulled his head back, craning to get a better view of the pendant. "I wish Mrs. Keeper Lady had put it on a different chain, though. I feel like I just walked off the set of QVC."

"Next time we'll ask for customization," Hannah told him dryly.

"No offense, but I'm hoping there won't be a next time for— Whoa."

His exclamation brought Hannah to an abrupt stop and she whirled swiftly to find Xander blinking at the crystal, which was now emitting a seriously steady and vivid glow.

"I'm gonna hazard a guess and say we're close," he whispered.

"I'll back you up on that one," agreed Hannah. Turning around, she peered into the distance and spied what appeared to be an arched entrance some yards away. She waved a staying hand behind her. "Wait here, let me check it out."

"Nuh-uh," refuted the carpenter firmly. "Have axe, will battle."

For a heartbeat, it seemed as though Hannah was putting her foot down and gearing up to insist that Xander stay behind. But she took one look at his determined posture, at the steely glint in his eye, and she instead grinned and nodded her head in mute acknowledgement. Together, they crept silently toward the opening, each moving to either side of the arch for concealment before peeking into the room beyond. Their surveillance was immediately drawn to the pulsating sphere that dominated center stage, and to the four hooded mages presumably tending to the orb.

Xander and Hannah exchanged glances. The blonde pointed to Xander and then gestured to the two mages standing on the left of the orb. She then indicated herself, and motioned to the pair positioned on the right. Xander sharply bobbed his head in understanding and removed the necklace, stuffing it quickly into his duffel bag to stifle the brilliant glow. Bending down slowly, he pushed the bag against the wall and then focused once more on Hannah. She held up three fingers and began the countdown ... 3 – 2 – 1. As her last finger lowered, they both rushed the room, weapons at the ready.

The attending quartet was taken completely off-guard at the sudden invasion. Xander reached his intended target first. Forcefully swinging the axe like a baseball bat, he caught his quarry squarely on the jaw with the flat of his blade. The mage sailed gracefully through the air for a moment, before smashing into the wall, whereupon he slid down the brickwork and landed in an untidy heap on the floor.

Hannah had no such sympathetic compunction. Seizing her target by the shoulder, she held him steady and then ran him through. Withdrawing her sword, she hurled the nearly lifeless figure into her second victim, who was running toward her. As they tumbled to the ground, she swiftly impaled both bodies without a moment's hesitation.

Sticking with the tried and true methods, Xander zeroed in on his last opponent. As the final mage raised his hands in preparation to cast a spell, Xander drew back his fist and simply punched him out. The mage dropped like a stone.

Looking rather pleased with himself, Xander blew on his knuckles and then turned to Hannah. He blinked to see her kneeling by the two fallen bodies, using the cloak of one to wipe the blood from her blade.

"Was that really necessary?" he asked, his voice tight.

"Yes," clipped Hannah harshly.

"But they—" Xander started to protest, before clamping his mouth shut beneath her unforgiving eyes. "Okay then," he finished quietly.

Hoisting his weapon onto one shoulder, he moved toward the archway to retrieve his bag. Sitting on her haunches, Hannah watched him go and her expression became almost sorrowful.

"I don't take any pleasure in it," she told him quietly.

Xander turned to face her and his rigid expression also softened. He nodded in acceptance of the sincere statement. "No, I get that. It's okay," he assured. "It's actually more okay than I'm entirely comfortable with, but there's a time and place for that, and as it so happens, this is neither." He disappeared into the hall and soon returned with the duffel.

Skirting the dead mages, he dropped to his knees beside Hannah and began to sift through the contents of the bag. The blonde still seemed a little perturbed, but she shook off the threatening mood and got to her feet, striding closer to the sphere. Her eyes narrowed as they lit upon a series of strange and indecipherable carvings near the base.

"Interesting," she murmured.

Xander glanced in her direction. "What's that?"

"These markings," she informed him, brushing her finger across the alien symbols. "It looks like a language of some sort, but none that I'm familiar with. I don't recognize these characters at all."

Xander's curiosity was immediately peaked and he made his way to the plinth. "Oo, is it Klingon?" he wondered aloud, then his eye widened in panic. "Not that I'd know what Klingon looks like!" he hastened to assure. "Where is it?"

The blonde gestured toward the markings and Xander moved in for a closer look. He considered the string of characters carefully, then frowned at Hannah.

"Looks readable to me," he stated with confusion. "Not that it makes any more sense, mind you. 'The Baani'." He shrugged as Hannah's brow furrowed and she stared with even more intensity at the indecipherable hieroglyphics before her eyes. Slowly shaking her head, her attention returned to Xander.

The carpenter repeated the inscription thoughtfully to himself a couple of times, employing a different emphasis with each recitation as he fingers drifted toward the sphere. "What do you suppose that—"

The moment his flesh made contact with the orb, a bolt of concentrated power slammed directly into Xander's chest. The force was so massive that he was lifted off of his feet and flung backward until he impacted against the wall with a sickening thud. Bonelessly, he dropped to the floor and lay there, unmoving.

Hannah's eyes widened with alarm as she hurried to his side. "Xander!"

Within the Sanctum, both Willow and Tara recoiled as though a bolt of lightning had just struck them. Their bodies stiffened and their fingers twitched uncontrollably, threatening to break contact. Somehow, they managed to hold on, but their eyes snapped open. The unyielding strain was now taking a marked effect and they regarded each other with serious concern.

"It's ... It's too much ..." Tara panted desperately. "We're slipping ..."

Willow's tone was more firm, but no less breathless. "We can't. We can't."

Beads of sweat coursed unchecked down their ashen faces from the exertion. They snatched for oxygen in short, despairing gasps. It had turned into a battle of wills – one that the two witches were obviously losing.

Once more, the tide of the battle was beginning to shift. The defending Slayers, depowered and outnumbered, were regrouping as their stolen essences once more began to return. Girls who, mere moments ago were floundering under the concentrated, coordinated attacks of two, three or even four of the Council Slayers, found themselves rejuvenated, and only too eager to dish out the punishment they had been taking.

Kennedy weaved to one side, narrowly avoiding the punch that was designed to crush her skull, but was unable to adjust in time to dodge the second Super Slayer who had joined in the fight. A well-aimed kick sent Kennedy's knee buckling beneath her, and she collapsed, buried under a barrage of unerringly accurate strikes.

Every ounce of Giles' attention was focused on orchestrating his Slayers, attempting to stave off the inevitable. "Defensive positions!" he yelled. "Hold the line!"

He was so intent on the battle before him that he failed to notice the Super Slayer approaching from behind, her arms extended as though she planned to rip the Watcher apart with her bare hands. Something she may very well have managed to accomplish, had it not been for Buffy. The Super Slayer was almost upon Giles when the blonde tackled her, sending them both to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs. As good as Buffy might be, however, the Super Slayer was better. After the briefest of scuffles, she came out on top, and wasted no time in unleashing her fury. Buffy's head rocked from side-to-side as she was assaulted with blow after blow.

The situation was rapidly deteriorating. Even Super Slayers previously knocked unconscious or crippled were recovering, healing with a speed that only accelerated the invaders’ downfall.

In the middle of it all, Faith and Judith also felt the change in the balance of power. Where Judith was caught in a steady stream of punishment before, her eyes and symbol began to glow again and her skin hardened to the density of tempered steel. An arm shot up to block Faith’s incoming fist, and with one leg, she kicked Faith off and away.

Although Judith was obviously filled again with power, Faith either didn’t notice the change or didn’t care. In spite of the odds against her, she came back after Judith, who had easily surged to her feet. The struggle between them began anew, with each Slayer both taking and receiving punishment. Amazingly, Faith continued to stand, but she could make no headway. What was more, Judith had clearly reached the limits of her patience.

Throwing a flat palm into the air, she grabbed Faith’s fist in mid-strike and held it immobile in a crushing grip. The dark Slayer gritted her teeth in pain as Judith jerked Faith forward and latched her remaining hand around her victim’s neck, squeezing.

"Now. Where were we?"

"Tara," murmured Willow urgently.

Both witches were now flagging badly. It was all too clear that neither could withstand this type of pressure for very much longer and they were both acutely aware of the fact.

At the sound of her name, Tara's eyes sought out Willow through a veil of misery. The blonde's pale face was drawn and her shoulders slumped in utter exhaustion. The redhead appeared no less spent and depleted, but her expression also reflected something else – a look of determination.

"Tara, do you trust me?"

Tara blinked in confusion. "What?"

"We need more," stated Willow with authority.

"More power ..." whispered Tara as realization began to penetrate.

"Yes," confirmed Willow. "And I can get it." She affixed Tara with a piercing gaze, searching frantically for the affirmation she needed so badly.

"Do you trust me?"

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all such related things, © Mutant Enemy and many other people with big scary lawyers.
We're borrowing them without permission, but you said you were done with 'em, so we're hoping you won't mind so much.
Stories, images, characters you don't recognize, those are all by 4Paws. Yes, we'll take the blame.