The Chosen :: A Buffy virtual series continuation

As I've mentioned several times, when I began The Chosen, I'd never really done anything like it before. Outlines were, in fact, a new thing for me. At first, I wasn't planning on bothering with them, but then I quickly learned that in order to maintain a structure similar to Buffy, they were a necessity. Even outlining was a learning process, however.

My first document file contains one page for each episode, with very basic information. Everything created in these files was done before writing began on any episode, and as you can see from the examples below, these are the barest bones ideas, and things changed – particularly note the absence of the scene idea in the finalé, and the lack of names for the groups that would become the Assemblage of Merodach and the Shrouded Circle.

Episode 1

Basic Plot:

Monster o’ the Week:
Begins at the beginning with vampires. Local fang gang?

Overall plot advancement:
Establishes what happened between "Chosen" and the beginning of the new season. Sets season theme of "choices".


  • Buffy is in Europe backpacking.
  • Faith bringing recruit to Giles.
  • Xander in depression, Willow trying to help him out of it.
  • Dawn getting ready for school/domestic bliss
  • Kennedy and her Watcher.
  • Kennedy and a Slay buddy patrolling (possible double agent?)
  • Episode 22

    Basic Plot:
    Good Slayers vs. Super Slayers when launching an assault on the Dark Council. Willow/Tara/other witches are working on a magical attack on the Super Slayers to make them lose their mental cohesion. When the Dark Coven realizes the Council will lose, they bring about its destruction to prevent the good guys from finding out what they’re really wanting.

    Monster o’ the Week:
    Super Slayers, Dark Coven, Dark Council

    Overall plot advancement:
    The bad guys lose. The good guys get the tiniest of tiny hints about what the Coven are really after.


  • Primitive leading the spirits of the fallen Slayers away.
  • With these few notes in-hand, the next thing to learn was how best to lay out the episode. Rebelling naturally against a formalized structure, it took me a long time find a format that worked for me. The below was mostly not it. My earliest attempts were to allocate scenes by character actions – I would follow the path of each character throughout the episode, match up actions, and then create scenes from there. Very clunky, very roundabout, highly inefficient way of doing things. Yet ironically, I moved to that method after trying the act/scene breakdowns, which would later become my process. For whatever reason, at first it just didn't work for me and I gave it up until I was about a third into the season.

    First attempt at act/scene breakdown

    Episode 1: Breakdown

    • Teaser:
      • Dawn dreaming. Woken up by Willow or Xander calling for her to get ready for school. She groans and says that Buffy’s lucky she’s away and not having to deal with all this.
      • Cut to Buffy, having to deal with all this, just in another country.
    • Act 1:
      • Morning scene. Willow and Xander playing mother and father to Dawn. Through the conversation, they set up where people are and what’s going on – Buffy in Europe, helping Giles with the new Council, finding all the Slayers, etc. There’s some sadness and perhaps even a little bit of resentment that Buffy’s not there with them, but understanding as well that she’d finally able to live a life outside of Slaying.
      • Giles speaks to a new recruit and offers her the opportunity to stay and train with them. Show Andrew as a secretary of sorts to Giles, perhaps.
      • Faith arriving in new town to find new recruit.
      • Kennedy doing morning training with other Slayers. She’s still a drill sergeant.
      • Giles comes over to the house to see Willow and Xander. They talk about Buffy. Giles talks to Willow about magic, perhaps scheduling a time to work with her to continue her training/meditation. Giles makes a passing comment about something that breaks the thin façade Xander has. Giles leaves at the end of the scene to do official Council stuff.
        • Act Break: Willow talking to a depressed Xander. He tells her that he’s planning on leaving.
    • Act 2:
      • Willow talking to Xander, trying to find out why he wants to leave.
      • Dawn talking to her friends at school.
      • ...
        • Act Break: Faith’s recruit meets her first vampire.

    Character action breakdown

    • Buffy:
      • Wakes up in a hostel, irritated by all the other people there.

    • Willow:
      • Plays mother to Dawn, sees her off to school.
      • Talks with Giles when he comes over. Makes arrangements for magic training at some point in the future.
      • Discovers and talks about Xander’s depression.
      • Convinces Xander not to leave (right now).
      • Talks with Kennedy about what’s troubling Xander and becomes upset over an off-the-cuff remark by Kennedy. Things are smoothed over quickly, and they then try to decide what to do with their night, unable to find anything in common save snuggles.

    • Xander:
      • Plays father to Dawn, sees her off to school.
      • Talks with Giles when he comes over, but is detached and quickly becomes visibly depressed.
      • Broods silently, but is confronted by Willow. Announces that he is seriously considering leaving.
      • Tells Willow that he won’t leave right now, but can make no promises about the future.
      • Greets Dawn after school. Something she says makes him perk up a bit, but he is still conflicted, his guilt outweighing any happiness.
      • Seen alone, outside, drinking quietly.

    • Giles:
      • Talks with new Slayer, offering the girl the opportunity to stay and train with them. Demonstrates via Andrew that he is the focal point for the new Council.
      • Heads to Willow & Xander’s house, where the three of them discuss how the new Council is coming along. Anxious to ensure Willow continue her regular training/meetings with him about her magic. Somewhat absorbed in what he’s doing, and doesn’t entirely pick up on Xander’s well-disguised depression. Excuses himself, saying he has an important meeting.
      • Meets up with installation people at his new loft. They’re installing a state-of-the-art sound system. Giles complains about having to use CDs now (he lost his prized record collection), but grudgingly agrees the sound is ... nice. (Velvet Underground, "Sweet Jane"?)
      • Meets up with Wood for dinner and the two discuss some more about what’s going on. Giles will express fears to Wood about the dangers of awakening all the Slayers, including the fact that their group is surely not alone in noticing how much power for good is out there now.

    • Dawn:
      • Has a dream, and is awakened by the clattering downstairs and general hubbub from Willow and Xander getting her up for school. She grouses about the noise and comments that Buffy’s lucky because she doesn’t have to deal with this sort of thing.
      • Gets ready for school, bantering with Willow and Xander about a variety of topics. Rushes out the door to catch the bus (complaining about being a big loser and catching the bus in the meantime).
      • Interacts with some friends at school, maybe trying a little too hard to appear cool. Makes some off-hand comments about some of her family, which her friends think sounds really awesome (like, say, her sister backpacking across Europe, or some neat-looking protection charm she carries that Willow made for her – innocent, but cool stuff).
      • Comes home and talks to Xander about her day at school, maybe letting it drop that she’s frustrated at how much more interesting everyone else seems but her. Makes some sort of comment to Xander about how much she loves him and is glad he’s there.

    • Faith:
      • Arrives in a town somewhere, seeking out a new recruit. She has directions as provided by Willow and Giles.
      • Finally finds the girl, and talks to her about her new destiny. The girl doesn’t believe a word Faith is saying, even after admitting that she does seem stronger, faster, etc. Faith isn’t surprised – she’s faced this disbelief a dozen times by now.
      • Trying to convince the girl, Faith drags her off to a nearby cemetery, where the girl encounters her first vampire. Faith dusts it, fairly nonchalantly. The girl is pretty wigged out by what she’s seen, which is something else Faith has encountered a dozen times now. She leaves the girl with a business card and tells her to call them when she decides what she wants to do, but leaves the girl with a serious caution about her powers. Nobody knows better than Faith what power can do to you.

    • Kennedy:
      • Training a small squad of new Slayers. She’s still the drill sergeant.
      • Interacts with her new Watcher. The two have an uneasy, tense relationship. The Watcher is fairly new to his/her job, and Kennedy was never one to take well to authority. She bristles at the fact that she has to have a Watcher while Faith and Buffy don’t. The fact that they’ve been Slayers for years makes little difference.
      • Meets up with the recruit Giles was talking to, and takes an instant liking to the girl. Offers to show her around and introduce her to everybody.
      • That night, she and Willow are talking. She’s enthusiastic about the Slaying thing, and somewhat oblivious to Willow’s concerns about Xander. She makes a comment that really upsets Will, but it was entirely unintentional and the hurt is easily soothed. They then try to figure out what to do with the rest of their night, but are unable to agree on anything, except snuggles.

      Obviously, by the time I hit the 22nd episode, I had the breakdown process well in hand, as you can see here. Very streamlined as compared to the above, and with a few possible details (including one major one as you'll see in Act 4), is very much like the final version of the episode. Now I've found the groove that works for me, I find it difficult to imagine anything else ever having worked.

      Episode 22 Breakdown – "Win, Lose or Draw"

      NOTE: End each act with a question: a or b?

      • Teaser
        • Madrigan talking. Set up theme for episode: paths chosen. Too late to alter them now.

      • Act One
        • Everyone comes together again. Willow and Tara emerge, Buffy and Faith return. Discuss plans. Everyone has assignments.
        • Buffy and Kennedy go to talk to Faith. She wants nothing to do with them.
        • Show Xander in his workshop, getting ready. Joined by Hannah.
        • Willow, Tara and Giles discuss the results of their spell, how to work it for the big picture, and limitations and timing needs.
        • Faith in Hazel's room. Flashback to a conversation we've not heard before. End on question from Hazel to Faith.

      • Act Two
        • Ruth and Dawn (and Quinn?). Dawn disgruntled that she finally is officially a Scooby, but there doesn’t seem to be any way she can help. Ruth knows better. Dawn addressing some stuff about Ruth (title, cryptic, etc. She's not cryptic, sunshine, she's senile.)
        • W/B/X/G scene. Willow not happy she won't be going with them. Cute Core 4 moment, affirming mission statement completion. Buffy using her katana for first time. Xander gets crystal so he can track down the Magickal Thingie.
        • Robespierre looking for Madrigan. Can only find a few of Mads' flunkies around the Magickal Thingie. We discover that it's a relatively new addition, discuss what it does in terms of the Super Slayers, and how it has Madrigan's power signature.
        • Getting ready to go. All Juniors there. W/T have trouble opening portal due to energy issues (needing enough left over to cast and maintain the spell to keep the SS's apart). Dawn jumps in, probably unseen. Portal opens. Buffy poses question at end.

      • Act Three
        • Assault begins. Only few SS's at first as W/T are trying to break the spell. Xander goes off with Hannah. Giles helping oversee. Faith demanding Judith. More SS's rush in. Uh-oh.
        • Xander and Hannah looking. They're surprised (and suspicious) of the lack of things in the way.
        • SS swarming in. W/T break through. It's an immediate strain on them to keep it going – the Thingie needs smashing soon.
        • Fighting. Wood helping Kennedy's side of the room oversee, Giles helping Buffy's side. Faith locks onto Judith and goes into berserker mode.
        • X/H find mages. Hannah kills them. Find Thingie nearby. Thingie blasts Xander.
        • Montage of trouble: Kennedy being overwhelmed, Buffy saving Giles barely and going down, Faith apeshit on Judith, Willow and Tara losing the spell – W: Do you trust me?

      • Act Four
        • Where we left off: Do you trust me? The spell recovers, reprieve against the SS's. Kennedy coordinates attacks of several Juniors around her, helping them overcome their obstacles. Buffy comes out on top against her opponents. Faith versus Judith – Faith obviously winning when Robespierre shoots her with a crossbow from behind. Giles sees him and tackles Robby, attacking him. Robby runs.
        • X/H. Xander okay. Hannah kills another mage that comes by. X: Remind me never to make you angry.
        • Robespierre on the run. He hides somewhere and tries to contact Madrigan. Madrigan entirely doesn't care. Robby realizes he's been set up. "See here's the thing: good guys, they need a bad guy to fight. To have their big battles and their big victories. They just don't feel complete without it. They can't move on. It's really, really important they move on, Robby. Closure's important. That's where you come in." Mads sets Robby alight, just as Giles comes in. Robby tries to warn Giles ("Don't let him get it") but then Bye Robby. Across the complex, papers and such burn, Mads destroying the paper trail as well.
        • Faith about to die at Judith's hands. Buffy saves her. SS fight interlaced with Xander destroying Thingie. Power surge when he does, causing all SS's to stagger. Reflects back on W/T, knocking them out. Fight is about over now, but Judith forces Buffy to kill her. Faith/Buffy confrontation in wake of this, but it's all over.
        • Madrigan and the Antediluvian.
        • End of episode/season. The gang leave the complex, wondering where they are. Turns out it's London, ironically only a few blocks from the new Council headquarters – who knew? Hope W/T fix up the transporter spell since none of us thought to bring passports. Wrap up loose ends that need to be wrapped up. Phone call from Willow, they're all okay too, can we come visit when I'm not exhausted? End on positive note. Maybe they're wondering which way to go. Buffy says – Dunno about you guys, but I’m going this way. They all follow.

      Back to Season 8 Bonus Features | Back to Disc One or Disc Six

        Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all such related things, © Mutant Enemy and many other people with big scary lawyers.
      We're borrowing them without permission, but you said you were done with 'em, so we're hoping you won't mind so much.
      Stories, images, characters you don't recognize, those are all by 4Paws. Yes, we'll take the blame.