The Chosen :: A Buffy virtual series continuation

The two alternate posters for "The Name of the Game" ... or, as you see it referred to in the first image there, its original title of "Full House". I actually do like the idea of having Super!Sexy!Buffy! with Dawn looking on all jealous, but I ultimately decided to go with butt-kicking Buffy instead. That'd be the second deleted poster. I wasn't sure if I wanted the "Scooby House" background or the "Roaring Flames of Hell" background, but both Nova and Ultrace cast their vote for the latter, so that's what we got.

I do still sort like the first one, though.

8x04 Alternate Poster #1

8x04 Alternate Poster #2

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  Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all such related things, © Mutant Enemy and many other people with big scary lawyers.
We're borrowing them without permission, but you said you were done with 'em, so we're hoping you won't mind so much.
Stories, images, characters you don't recognize, those are all by 4Paws. Yes, we'll take the blame.