Episode 8: "Refrain"
Buffy, Willow, Xander at the Vortex. We've never seen the club before, so I'm open to suggestions on how it looks. Here's what I have in my head, we can easily add or subtract to it. I may sketch this to make it easier for you to describe ... in fact, I think that'll be easier.
As for décor, think dark, nightclubby, I'm thinking with a swirling galaxy theme. Lights overhead looking and swirling like a nebula, stuff like that. Not enough to make you want to vomit regardless of where you looked, but lots of vertigo inducing spinny stuff around.
We'll need to make mention of the fact that "Three Moon Tuesday" will be appearing soon, but it should be hidden among other stuff. (Maybe a white board, saying what bands are playing in the upcoming weeks for like a month or something?)
At one of the tables by the dance floor, closish to the stage, sit the gang. Xander should be sitting to the side of the table, sitting sideways, so if he turned his head one way, he'd see the girls, and if he turned it the other, he'd see the stage. Doesn't really matter where Buffy and Willow sit, but they should be able to see the stage with minimal effort.
There's already a group playing, some sort of local band. Male lead singer, probably a female on guitar or something, mixed group, playing upbeat alternative, technoish music. None of our guys are paying them much attention, but them seem fairly popular with the crowd – or the crowd simply has little care for taste and would dance to someone banging on an empty soup can so long as they could hold a beat.
(To Willow) Okay, that's it. Either you break off the pouty face or I unleash my secret weapon. (Willow cocks an eyebrow. Buffy raises her hands and wiggles her fingers menacingly at Willow) Tickling Hands of Death!
You wouldn't!
Not only would I, but there'd probably be some sickos in the audience here who'd offer to pay me for it.
Speaking as such a sicko, I'd like to bid one dollar.
Both girls grab a nacho chip from the bowl in the center of the table and fling them at Xander, who raises his arms protectively.
I'm sorry. I'm not meaning to be a big ol' party pooper.
You're doin' The Breakup Mambo, it's understandable.
A couple dance by, doing a sort of "Lambada: The Forbidden Dance" thing. Very sensual. And very silly looking. The Scoobies watch them dance on by.
Please tell me The Breakup Mambo looks nothing like that.
(Still watching the couple, appraising yet disturbed) More broody, less thrusty.
The band finishes to much applause and they begin to clear their set and the next band come out. Xander settles in, anxiously awaiting next group. Neither Buffy nor Willow particularly notice, each sipping their drinks.
I really needed this. Just us, out on the town.
(Agreeing) It's definitely been too long since we've done this. And what better way than to drown in our sorrows! (Frowning) Or wait, is that just 'drown our sorrows'?
The latter, I think. Wouldn't really recommend drowning in ANYthing as a fun pastime. (Peering at her only partially empty glass) And I'm not so much drowning my sorrows. More like wading in the kiddie end of my sorrows. With floaties.
Not necessarily a bad thing. Alcohol and us tend to not mix well.
This is true. Three cheers for not de-evolving.
Buffy and Willow toast. They wait for Xander to join in, but he's fixated on the band, who have started playing.
I envision the band as being very modern. They should fit in well with whatever era's music they're playing. Here, since it's sort of alternative, I see them with obviously dyed hair (bright pink, blue, platinum blonde maybe) and with piercings. But still quite attractive despite this.
Anyway, so they're waiting for Xander to join in the toast, but he's fixated. The girls watch him for a moment, turn to the band (who are starting to draw the attention of just about every male in the place), the shrug at each other and take a drink.
Willow rests her cast on the table. It's now covered with designs, including this elaborate picturesque field ... as elaborate and picturesque as one is likely to get with a box of standard Crayola markers. This includes very green grass, very yellow flowers, and something that looks like a fluffy lamb ... or possibly a hideously malformed spider.
(Motioning to the cast) You look like a walking coloring book.
(Grinning) Leonardo DawnVinci.
My sister is odd.
Well she WAS made from you.
Buffy faux lunges at Willow, who shrieks, laughing, and motions to her cast.
Injured woman! No beating!
Buffy settles for a mock scathing glare and settles down. All of this has been occurring without notice from Xander, who remains fixated on the stage. The dance floor is pretty much packed now, with an overly large number of listeners being males ... who aren't dancing so much as gaping.
In a minute that excuse'll stop working, you know.
(Decisively) Then I better milk it for all it's worth now.
So how's the healing coming?
(Bleah) Slow. Veeeery slow. Turns out that reknitting tiny hand bones, slightly more delicate than just slappin' on new skin.
Also less eww.
The two turn their attention to Xander, who is still utterly transfixed on the stage.
Hel-lo...? Earth to Xander, calling Xander. Please be advised that you are failing miserably at Operation: Best Friend Post Break Up Thing. Over.
Huh? Oh, yeah, they're great, aren't they?
Willow and Buffy share a look, then turn to the stage, observing the band for a while.
Sure, I guess. If you like the five-cent booth skank patrol. (Re: the outfit the lead singer's wearing) I've worn hair ribbons with more material.
Buffy looks around, noticing the huge audience.
Is it just me, or is half the town here tonight?
Yeah, the MALE half.
Think they're gonna go home broken hearted, though. Looks like Ms. Microphone already has a honey.
Sure enough, the lead singer is very intent and focused on one guy in particular, standing right at the foot of the stage. She's really putting on a show for him, very alluring, very enticing, waving her hands around his face, getting close but never touching him.
Had ta mention the broken heart thing, didn'tcha?
D'oh. I'm sorry. Ten points from Team Me.
S'okay, I'm just being grumpy. ...do you think I did the right thing?
(Squeezing Willow's arm) I know you did. If it wasn't there, it wasn't there. You owed it to both of you to end it at soon as you knew. Trust me, whatever hurt Kennedy's feeling right now, it would've only gotten worse the longer you let it drag out.
Yeah. (Smiling) Thanks Buffy.
Do I get my ten points back?
(Eyeing her now empty glass) Plus five more if you finagle me a refill.
Consider it done. (To Xander) Hey, Kevin Spacey! Since you're neglecting your friendly duties, how about breaking out those stale old bartender skills and hooking us up?
(Leaning over, eyes still on the stage) Huh?
Drinks. We were thinking about more of them...?
Hey, sure, thanks. (Attention now fully back on the band)
You do nothing for my fragile feminine ego. (Rising to her feet) I shall return.
Buffy trudges off to the bar, which we see is jam-packed. Willow turns to Xander, concerned.
Hey Xand, you okay?
(Distracted) Oh yeah. Fine. Just fine.
Wow, you're really into this band, aren't you?
(Glancing over) They're the greatest. I've caught their shows the last three nights. They're just ... It feels like they're really touching something deep inside, you know? Something personal.
Don't think I'd let them touch anything TOO personal, y'might catch somethin'.
Surprising everyone, Buffy returns with three drinks in hand.
Hey, check me out! Use number 284 for Slayer strength!
Dawn is at home, sitting on the living room floor surrounded by open books. Directly in front of her is a poster board, half-finished, on moths.
Couldn't have finished this early, ohhh no. Why put off today what you can put off tomorrow? That philosophy only ever seems to work up to the point where you run out of tomorrows.
She scribbles a few notes down.
And moths. I hate moths. They're, like, bleached out butterflies. And the whole flame obsession. What's up with that? Stupid moths.
The sound of the door opening distracts Dawn, and she jerks her head up, sort of grateful for the moment.
She gets to her feet and walks to the entrance, but it's not the gang, it's Giles. He looks pretty tired and is still bundled up in his coat. He's looking around, taking stock of who's here.
She runs forward and hugs him. He hugs her back, smiling, happy to see her.
I see the world didn't fall apart the moment I left US air space.
No, it did, we're just getting pretty good about putting it back together again. So how was your trip? Did you get what you went over for?
At that, a women enters the room, following Giles. She's quite tall, only a few inches shorter than Giles. She looks relatively young, probably 30 or 35 (though she's really Giles' age), and is obviously in great shape. She has short blonde spiky hair and light blue eyes. The way she walks, she takes in all details almost at once, and has a stance that says she knows how to handle herself.
Uhm, yes.
Dawn is raises an eyebrow at this uninvited guest and looks questioningly at Giles. The woman appraises Dawn, giving her the once over as though committing her to memory, then smiles, very charming. Giles is obviously nervous, but it's unclear what about.
Dawn, this is ... er, Hannah. Hannah, this is Dawn.
Hannah smiles and extends her hand to Dawn. Dawn sort of likes that, she's being treated like an adult. Smiling back, Dawn shakes Hannah's hand.
Hannah Giles.
Giles? (Turning to Giles) You never told us you had a sister!
(More flustered) Yes, well you see, it's—
Oh, I'm not his sister. (Beat.) I'm his wife.
Act One
Scoobies' house. Buffy and Willow enter, followed by a trailing, sort of out of it Xander.
Did you see that one guy?
Oh my god! Some people should just say no to leather pants.
I feel bad for the cow. It was probably fed this big line about noble sacrifice and look where it ended up.
Xander slinks by them and all but collapses on the couch. He doesn't look well. The girls notice and start to go to him when Dawn bounces in from the kitchen. Buffy hangs back to talk to Dawn, Willow goes to the couch. She's bubbling with "I have a secret!"ness.
Hey. How was the big night?
Fun. Though extremely disturbing in places.
Cool. (Just dropping it out there) Giles is back.
Giles? Ooo, did he bring me a surprise?
OH yeah.
Buffy looks confused.
You'll have to wait until tomorrow, though. He wants to give it to you himself.
(Very cheerful, like this is a smashing idea) Well why don't you just tell me what it is now, and I'll act surprised tomorrow.
Yeah, no.
Oh c'mon. You know I hate not knowing.
(Chipper) I know.
You are SO evil.
(Rubbing it in) And it's a BIG surprise too.
(Pout) Nyh! Not fair! You shouldn't know things that I don't know.
Well you'll find out tomorrow morning. Giles asked you to go by his office around 10. (Speaking into the living room) You guys too.
Willow nods; she's a little distracted, sitting on the couch next to Xander, her good hand on his forehead.
Xander, you okay?
Xander just sort of grunts noncommittally.
Yeah, he'll be fine. Just caught a- a tummy bug or somethin'.
Dawn frowns for a moment, concerned, but the others don't seem to be reacting heavily, so she accepts it.
Okay. Well, I hope you feel better.
Xander nods.
Heading up to my room. The Wide Wonderful World of Moths has proven itself to be neither wide nor wonderful.
Project's done?
Yup. I now know more about the reproductive cycle of the Io moth than you could ever, EVER want to know.
Okay then. (Buffy kisses Dawn on the cheek) Good night.
Night. (Into the living room) Night guys.
Xander waves a hand half-heartedly.
Night Dawnie.
Dawn starts going upstairs.
(Sing-song) IIIII know a seeeeee-creeeet, IIIII know a seeee-creeeet ...
Buffy shakes her head and goes into the living room.
I bet even the ball of green energy was annoying; I fail to believe she's just picked that up in a couple of years. (To Xander) How y'holding up?
Better now I'm home. Ugh. Think I'm gonna head up too.
Good idea.
Buffy helps Xander to his feet and he drags himself upstairs. The girls watch him go.
Think he'll be okay?
Yeah, doesn't seem to be anything major. He said he was just feeling generally blechy. Probably be right as rain in a day or so.
What does that even mean, anyway? 'Right as rain'. Just how right IS rain?
Good question. I mean, statistically speaking, it's gotta be wrong sometimes.
Buffy nods, puzzling over this, and sits on the couch.
And that guy's SHIRT. What, did he go through some horrific Easter Egg accident?
(Shaking her head ruefully) Makes you wander what gets into people's heads.
Club Guy's house. I see this being pretty cinematic, probably a one-shot handcam as it moves through the house and reveals all the nastiness. We start off in the living room. The TV is on (probably to some sort of sports program) and there are two people on the couch watching it. The room is dark, only lit by the glow of the TV. We move around to the front of the couch to reveal two young men sitting there, both shot through the heart – one shot, very clean, very precise. They were obviously taken by surprise, both just slumped much where they were sitting. One of them was holding a bottle of beer that he's dropped from nerveless fingers and its contents have spilled over the carpet.
To the stairs, we go up them. It's even darker up here, next to no lighting at all. All the doors upstairs are shut, but then we come to one that's open. We enter – all the light we see is coming in from the open windows. There's a woman on one side of the bed, she's clearly been asleep (in modest PJs or something, this isn't a sex crime). She's on her stomach and facing the empty side of the bed, as though waiting for someone to come occupy it. She's also been shot, in the head (let's not make it too graphic though, this would be network TV and all). Next to her on the nightstand we see a picture – her and Club Guy. It's one of those "I love you and you love me and life is good" shots, all sun and hugs and laughter.
Pan over to a hand holding a gun, standing near the far corner of the bed, diagonal from her head. Nothing for a moment, whoever's holding it is just content to stand there and watch. Then the gun begins to raise. We pan up and see that it's Club Guy. His face is completely blank, he doesn't even look like he's really there. The gun continues to raise, the muzzle coming up to his temple.
From outside: Gunshot.
Giles' office. He's standing at his desk, watching Hannah as she moves around the room, curiously inspecting the décor. Giles is nervous, maybe even a little bit short-tempered as a result. Hannah continues to appear very much in control of whatever's going on around her, but there's an air of excitement about her too.
They should be here soon.
Great. I'm really looking forward to meeting them. They're each legends in their own right.
The real thing is considerably less awe-inspiring, I assure you.
Familiarity breeds contempt, hm?
Giles just smirks at that, and Hannah grins – it's an inside joke. She opens up a small box on a shelf, peering inside interestedly. She pulls out what appears to be part of a statue, a broken hand clutching a spear. She frowns at it, puzzled, but then the door opens and she replaces it, turning to the door. Buffy and Faith enter. Giles looks expectantly for the others, but they're alone.
Willow? An-And Xander?
Will's class is letting out, oh, about now. She said she'll be here as soon as she can. As for Xander, he's still feeling kinda out of it, so he stayed in bed. We'll catch him up.
(A little disappointed maybe) Oh. Yes, well, all right then.
But neither Faith nor Buffy are particularly listening. Their attention is 100% on Hannah, who in turn is focused 100% on them.
(To Hannah) Bit old for the Slayer game, ain'tcha?
(Amused) I'm nothing quite so sensational, I assure you. What I am, however, is delighted to meet you both. I've heard so much about you.
I'd like to say the feeling's mutual, but what with the never having seen you before in my life and all ... (Turning to Giles) Care to clarify before I start feeling REALLY uncomfortable?
This is Hannah. She's something of an expert in ... security. I've brought her here to institute and oversee some internal processes in that field.
Faith starts looking at Hannah with a new eye, sort of sizing her up.
I'm for anything that keeps one of us from being the next main event at Caesars Palace.
Hannah looks at Giles expectantly, amused, waiting for the really interesting information to be announced.
She's also, uhm ... My-my ... uh, my wife.
Buffy and Faith's eyes widen at this news.
Whoa, dude.
Your— Your WHAT?
(Not at all phased by their reaction) Wife.
(Mumbling) Well, ex-wife, technically ...
(Not listening) Wife? Wife?? You have a WIFE now? What, was this some sort of twisted new promotion from Brinks? Free matrimony with every new installation?
Sure beats the hell outta steak knives.
That's it, no more going to England for you.
I was afraid you'd take it this way ...
What way did you expect me to take it? Was I supposed to rush out to Tiffany's and pick up something from your registry?
We had a Tiffany's bridal registry? And I was happy to get a stick of gum from the vending machine. I always knew you were holding out on me.
(To Hannah) Don't you start. (To Buffy) If you'd just settle down, we can discuss this rationally—
Willow enters.
Hey guys, here I am. I didn't think that class was EVER gonna end. Don't know if you were aware of his, but rocks? Turns out that no matter how much ya study 'em, they're still just rocks. (Notices Hannah) Oh, hey, you're new..?
Giles' wife.
(To Hannah) Nice to meet— (Spinning around to Faith) Wait, what?
(Very huffy) Wife. His wife. He has a wife.
(Louder this time) EX-wife.
They still ignore him.
Wi— Bu— Wuh— W-When did this happen?
1974, I believe it was.
Great! That's just great! Hey, you're coming up on thirty years. We can get you something! What's a 30th anniversary, Will?
(Totally distracted, gaping at Hannah, who is taking all of this very smoothly) Pearl ...
See? Pearl. Maybe we can get one engraved with something like, oh I don't know, maybe 'Gee, I really should've told everyone about this BEFORE my 30th anniversary'!
Pearl's pretty small, don't think it'd fit.
(Firm voice, breaking through) Hannah is my EX-wife. We've been separated since—
(Still amused) That'd be 1974 too.
Damn, you the mack daddy, Oxford.
Giles looks like he might say thank you, then like he's confused, then like he might ask for clarification, then deciding wisely to leave it in obscurity.
My point being, it was an arrangement that ended some considerable time ago, a-and as it had no bearing on my life today, I saw no need to bring it up.
(Sarcastic, but not angrily so) Stop, you'll make me blush.
Giles looks a touch apologetic. Faith breaks the deadlock first, stepping over to Hannah.
So, what brings you out of the woodwork now, after all these years?
Like Rupert said, for security. He contacted me shortly after your attack (she nods at Willow) and asked me to come here and help. I was getting pretty bored with my current line of work and looking for a change anyway ... And here I am.
What were you doin' before?
(Matter of fact) Bounty hunter.
Oh, like bail jumpers, that sorta thing?
At first. It wasn't really challenging enough, though, so I turned to the supernatural instead, with more emphasis on the 'hunter' than the 'bounty'. Demons, Fey, Metahuman, things like that.
'Metahuman'? Ain't heard that one before, what's that?
Oh, enhanced humans ... witches, warlocks ... Slayers ...
Slayers, huh? Anyone we know?
No, although I did almost accept a contract a while ago. (Slight smirk) On you, actually.
This surprises Faith, but she smirks back.
(Cocky) Came to your senses, huh?
Actually, he couldn't meet my price.
Faith's even more surprised now, and begins to completely re-evaluate Hannah (who for her part, has a very calm, quiet confidence about her). Faith's look says one definite thing: Could I take her? She studies Hannah. Oh yeah, I could take her. Hannah doesn't flinch once during this.
Meanwhile, Buffy is talking in a low voice to Giles, Willow standing nearby, her eyes still riveted mostly to Hannah.
Giles, I don't know about this. Are you sure we can trust her?
Absolutely. I wouldn't have brought her here otherwise. We may have separated years ago, but we've remained in touch. Hannah is one of the trustworthiest people I have ever known. I would stake my life on it.
(A worried look at Hannah) You might be staking our lives, too ... I hope you're right.
I wouldn't endanger any of you, you must know that.
Buffy nods, although she still clearly holds reservations. Willow is still staring.
She doesn't really look like his type, does she? I mean sure she's really, REALLY pretty and all, big duh there, but he always seemed to go for more the dark, exotic types. Well except for Joyce that one time, but there were candy issues, so that probably doesn't count. Still though, she looks like she stepped out of a Swedish porn movie – not that I'd know anything about the Swedish, or their porn, though they do make good chocolate—
Willow suddenly looks around, noticing that she has absolutely everyone's attention.
(Blushing fiercely) IIIII was talkin' out loud again, huh? Yeah, right, see the- the pain medication, good for happies, not so good for judgment, a-and I'm gonna sit in the chair now and see if I can disappear just by thinkin' about it real hard.
She slinks into the chair and tries to look as small as possible.
Giles polishes his glasses, Hannah looks like she's having the time of her life, just slightly more amused than. Buffy's looking at Willow like she's on the train to the scary visual place involving Willow and some naughty Scandinavian videos and she really wants to get off. Conveniently, Andrew enters to break the tension with a pot of tea and the morning paper.
Your morning tea, Mr. Giles. (He puts it on the desk and grabs the paper) I already took the funnies, hope that's okay. LUANN's such a delight.
Buffy glances at the paper and grabs it out of Andrew's hand.
Sure, I'm done looking, Miss Manners!
(Sigh) Thank you, Andrew
(Pointedly, as though demonstrating the concept of social etiquette to Buffy) YOU'RE WELCOME, Mr. Giles.
Buffy ignores him, reading the paper, and Andrew leaves. From her seat in the chair, Willow tries to see the paper, but it's way out of reach. Faith ambles over, Hannah following a discrete distance behind.
What's up?
Buffy shows the front page to the others. It's an article with a sensationalist headline (something like "Four dead in brutal murder/suicide!") with one of those standard "Look at me, aren't I normal?" photographs of Club Guy. Buffy points to the picture.
Look familiar?
(Frowning for a second, then it clicks) Oh! I-It's that guy from the Vortex! The one all swoony over that singer last night!
Yup. Guess music doesn't always soothe the savage beast. (She stares at the picture for a second) There's something funny about this. I'm gonna head to the Vortex, check it out. (To Giles) We're done here, right? No previously unannounced children going to walk through the door in a second? (Giles's frown is his only answer) Just making sure.
Buffy turns to go. Hannah calls out to her, and Buffy stops.
Buffy! I was hoping to get the chance to sit down and talk with you later, find out all I can about Judith's attack, get your opinion on some good preventative measures, things like that.
Throw in some terribly embarrassing story from Giles' past, and I'm all yours.
(Smiling) Deal.
Buffy leaves. Giles sighs heavily.
Well, that could've gone worse.
(Quiet voice from where she's still slinking in the chair) Am I actually invisible yet, or is it just the drugs?
Buffy enters the Vortex. It's pretty empty; this is a nightclub after all. The house lights are up and it's a completely different-looking place without all the swirly light shows. Buffy doesn't seem to find it particularly interesting, however. There are maybe one or two people just sitting at the bar drinking. Buffy goes to the first employee she sees, the bartender.
Hey. (The bartender is sort of distant, not really paying much attention) Hey...?
He blinks slowly, coming back from some place distant, and looks at Buffy with hazy eyes.
Hey. What can I get you?
Just a few answers and I'm good to go. (She offers the morning paper) This guy look familiar?
But the bartender's fuzzed out again and just stares.
The guy. He was here last night? (No response.) Oh come on, I can't be THAT boring.
You'd have better luck gettin' an answer outta the stool than him, honey.
Buffy turns to look and sees one of the Vortex's waitresses. She should probably have some sort of standard outfit that identifies her, not sure what though. The first thing that popped into my head was some sort of shiny silver pants with a black t-shirt and silver lettering, but that's probably kinda gaudy. On the plus side, she'd stand out. But anyway. Buffy sees her and walks over to her, paper in hand.
Too many late nights? It's these lights you guys have, they'd be enough mash anybody's brain if you stared at them long enough.
(Dismissive wave) Y'get used to 'em. (Re: bartender) I dunno what's wrong with him. He's usually a friendly guy, loves to talk ... bit too much for my tastes, honestly, but it's somethin' you come to expect from someone, y'know? Past few days though, he's just been completely out of it.
Personal trouble maybe? Something at home?
You'd think, but here's the weird thing – it's not just him. It's all the guys around here, like their brains have just checked out. Which I guess doesn't sound too unusual, but even for them, it's kinda much.
Huh. So this is new then?
Yeah, I'd say I've really noticed it the past few days.
Buffy offers the paper to the waitress, pointing at the picture of club guy.
How about him? Was he a regular?
The waitress takes the paper, studies it for a moment, frowning.
Yeah ... yeah, he's been around a LOT lately. (She looks at the headline) Wow, dead, huh? (Sort of laugh) I give Parth half an hour into their next set to find a new guy.
Lead singer of current headliner. (She gestures to the fliers hanging up on the walls) Sort of latches onto a boytoy of the moment, guess it gives her some sort of rush on stage or something.
Buffy frowns and takes the paper back.
The article says the guy's girlfriend was killed too. I thought ... (To the waitress) So the singer wasn't his girlfriend?
Honey, I don't think that word's in Parth's vocabulary. And she's DEFINITELY not dead; she stopped by earlier to do some equipment checks.
Buffy considers this, then looks at one of the fliers. She tears it down from the wall and studies it. It's one of those bright green fluorescent things, a photocopy, with the name "Persephone's Tears" on the top, proclaiming them to the hottest new band making the club circuit. There's a photocopied picture of the three girls in the band, and their performance dates (which we don't necessarily have to specify).
Scoobies' house. Willow and Dawn are in the living room, Willow on the couch, Dawn sitting on the floor in front of Willow, who is braiding her hair. Which is quite the achievement since one of her hands is in a cast. Dawn has a bowl of popcorn in her lap and their both facing the TV, which is playing ... something I haven't figured out yet. It's largely unimportant.
It's not too late, y'know. If you want to go to Jackie's.
Dawn kinda tries to look at Willow, but can't fully.
You bored?
No! No, nothin' like that. It's just, I know how it is. Teenager, friend's house, away from all the stodgy adults. Just didn't wantcha to think ya had to stick around here for me.
"Stodgy"? You're 22, Willow, not a HUNDRED and twenty-two. (Thought) Which is just as well, because then you'd probably be evil or something and we've SO been there. Besides (she snuggles back a bit against the couch with a happy smile) you do my hair way better than Jackie.
I've been told I have magic fingers. (Beat, eyes widening at how that sounded) I, uh ...
(Quickly covering) You sound good though. Which is good. Are you? Good, I mean.
I'm good. It's hard sometimes. But I'm okay.
(Angrily) Man, when I think about what Kennedy did to you—
Willow stops working on Dawn's hair and leans around to try and look at Dawn.
Whoa, hold up there. What she—? What did she do?
You know. With her spell and all. And the possessiveness and the bossy and the whatever she did that made you not be happy.
Kennedy didn't make me not happy. I-It was more me making HER not happy.
Dawn pulls away from Willow completely, turning around so they can see each other.
Oh yeah, right. Like this totally wasn't her fault.
It wasn't. Really. Kennedy was fine. Okay, she wasn't perfect, but this was all me, Dawnie.
Dawn frowns, trying to reconcile this new information.
Then I don't get it. If it wasn't her, then why...?
(Deep sigh, this is still a little painful) Cuz I couldn't be what she needed me to be. A-And I didn't realize it until ... (Correcting) I didn't wanna think about it. So I didn't, but then when it was all spit out an' revealy ... I couldn't really keep ignoring it any more. She's a good person, she deserves someone who can love her a-and connect with her ... and right now, that's just not me.
Dawn absorbs this, mulling it over. Willow gently pulls Dawn close, turning her around so she can keep braiding the girl's hair. Silence for a few moments.
But you're okay?
Well, still a little on the raw and sting-y side at the moment, but it's for the best.
And it's really not her fault?
Really very not.
Huh. (Silence) I never liked her.
(Sarcasm) Really? I thought you were bestest buds.
I mean, I guess she's okay as a human being or something, but with you ... I dunno. But ... I'd rather you be with her and happy than not be and sad. Just saying.
Willow smiles and kisses the top of Dawn's head. Dawn laps up the affection.
How about I try bein' alone an' happy instead for a while, sound good?
Not that you're alone.
With you guys around? Pfft. Never.
Good. So long as you know that.
I do. I'm okay, really.
Okay then. (Looking around) Though speaking of alone, I sorta thought Buffy and Xander were gonna be here.
Buffy's got some Slayer stuff cookin', an' Xander's still feelin' all yucky. He's been upstairs sleeping pretty much all day.
I hope it's nothing serious.
Oh no. I'm sure he'll be just fine.
Xander in the Vortex. He's standing next to the stage, looking up adoringly at Perth, the lead singer, who is starting to take a very special interest in him. Xander is enraptured and more than a little vacant.
Act Two
Morning. The Scoobies are in the dining room for breakfast. Dawn's mushing up her scrambled eggs, making them even more scrambled. Willow's on her laptop, drinking coffee, and Buffy's doing the morning crossword puzzle. Xander's got his usual plate of waffles, but they're devoid of syrup and butter and pretty much untouched. He's just sorta staring at them.
Five letter word, 'bring into a line'.
(Not looking up) 'Align'.
(Tilting her head, looking at the paper) Seriously? But that's, like, all punny and stuff. Isn't that cheating? (She puts the paper on the table and writes in the letters, then lifts it and reads again) Five letter word, 'Seragalio'.
(Without having to think) 'Harem'.
Like anyone would know that. (Beat) Anyone but Willow. 'Seragalio', what does that even mean?
(Smirking) Harem.
Buffy sticks out her tongue and lowers the paper to write on it again. Xander's still staring blankly at his waffles. Dawn is looking at Buffy with a teenage look that is pretty hard to read but is obviously not conveying a lot of pleasantries.
Why do you even bother doing those? You ask Willow, like, every question.
Not every question. I figured out 'ass' all by myself.
She beams proudly. Nobody says anything for a moment, seeming to be waiting for something. But nothing happens, and both Buffy and Dawn turn to Xander as Willow peeks over the top of her laptop at him. He still just stares at his waffles. They all exchange concerned looks.
Found the secret of life yet?
Xander doesn't respond. Buffy waves her hand in front of his face and he blinks slowly then looks up.
There's that witty response we were waiting for.
(Frowning, concerned) Are you sure you're okay?
Yeah. Yeah, just ... tired. I'm real tired. (Rubbing his forehead) And my head hurts. Maybe I should just go back to bed.
(Worried) Yeah, o-okay. I'll come up later, bring you some juice or- or somethin'?
He ambles out, leaving his untouched waffles and three worried sets of eyes watching him. The girls turn to each other.
I'm really getting worried.
Willow nods enthusiastically.
If he's not better in a few days, we'll wrangle him in the car and take him to the doctor.
I can't believe you just said 'wrangle'. And you even used it correctly.
If only it were one of the answers in this darned crossword. (Dawn's still worried) He'll be okay. It's probably just a flu thing.
Dawn nods, mushes her eggs one more time, and gets up.
I should get going. That presentation isn't going to give itself.
Eureka! Dawn turns to Willow excitedly.
(Not looking up) Nope.
Dawn's face falls and she trudges out of the room. Buffy makes a few attempts at the crossword, frowns, rubs them out, tries again, then sighs and tosses the paper away from her into the center of the table. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out the flier from yesterday. Willow glances up and looks curiously at the paper.
Whatcha got?
(Handing it to Willow) Flier for this group that's been playing at the Vortex.
(Pointing to Parth) This the one who was making googly eyes at that guy?
One and the same. I figured I'd take this to Giles after all my classes and stuff today, see what he can make of it.
I've got a meeting with him in about half an hour to go over the spell details one more time. I can give it to him if you want.
That'd be great, thanks. I think I'm gonna kinda have my hands full today.
Training room. Buffy's standing in front of about 10 to 15 Slayers, obviously attending her class. Buffy stands at the front, pacing back and forth. Buffy's in full "leader" mode, speaking impassionedly. Her class is engrossed.
This is new. The life you're leading now. None of you could have seen yourselves here, doing what you're doing, knowing what you're knowing. That's not all that's new. By now most of you have heard of me. This job, this duty, this destiny ... whatever you want to call it, it's NOT new ground for me, I've been doing this for eight years now. According to the books, that makes me the longest-lived Slayer in history. I'm here to make sure that's all of you, too.
A Slayer raises her hand, timidly. She looks very young, possibly one of the youngest there, MAYBE 15 at a stretch. Feel free to make up a description, I don't much care what she looks like. Buffy sees the hand and points to the girl.
I, um ... I heard you ... died.
True. But I got better.
(Putting two and two together and not getting four) And ... you're gonna teach us how NOT to die. (It's a statement, not a question.)
What's your name?
Come on up, Shelly.
Shelly looks nervously at her fellow Slayers, but does as Buffy requests. The girl is clearly very anxious.
How long have you been here?
A-About a month.
Okay, so you've already had classes with Kennedy and Faith, you know how this works.
The girl nods, her eyes widening a little and she takes an involuntary step backwards, looking very much like she wants to protect her nose. Buffy sees and takes note of this.
What are you feeling right now?
(Not sure if she heard correctly) What?
Feelings. You know, those pesky little emotion things that rear their ugly heads from time to time? They usually have names. What are yours?
S-Scared. I'm scared.
Scared. Of what, exactly? Getting old? The national debt? Another season of 'Joe Millionaire'? This?
With that, Buffy lashes out with her fist, aimed right for Shelly's nose. The girl squeals and flinches, but does nothing else. Buffy's fist stops just sort of actually touching the other Slayer.
You know you could've stopped me.
Shelly realizes she hasn't been hit and her eyes crack open. Buffy's fist still hovers in front of her nose.
Why didn't you?
Shelly shakes her head, not knowing how to answer, still clearly afraid. Buffy lowers her fist and Shelly breathes a sigh of relief.
Fear can be a powerful motivator or a crippling liability. If you were an accountant and the worst thing you had to be afraid of was a paper cut and mind numbing boredom, then it wouldn't be so bad. But we fight the things that make up other people's nightmares. Fear is important and you should never ignore it, but you can't let it control you. Chances are good the next thing that takes a swing at you isn't planning on stopping.
Another Slayer in the crowd speaks up.
So what do we do? You've seen what's out there. That's some scary shi—Stuff.
What do you want to do?
Run like hell.
This gets some laughs.
Okay, so you want to run. Let's say you do. You've got Slayer speed and strength, you could probably get away, no problem. But then the scary thing's still out there, and now it's gonna find someone else to snack on. Someone who DOESN'T have Slayer speed or strength.
The Slayer #2 hangs her head a little and the others look uncomfortable.
It's easy to want to give in to your instinct, it's tempting. Heck, sometimes it's the only smart thing to do and you won't have any other choice. And that's okay. But when you DO, you've gotta take it, because you might be the only one who can. Only you can decide if you should give in to the temptation or not.
Buffy continues pacing back and forth in front of her class, talking. It looks like she's really getting through to them. Back by the entrance, Hannah lounges in the doorway, watching the scene intently.
She's something. You've done a good job. Rupert.
Giles' office. He's at his desk, looking at the flier for the band. He looks up as he notices Hannah. She's speaking a bit less formally, now it's just him and her.
I'm sorry?
Hannah crosses from the doorway to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
Buffy. Just watched her teach a class.
Oh! How was it? She only started last week, I haven't been able to attend yet.
Quite different. Certainly not the sort of thing you'd expect from a Slayer. I didn't think it was in their nature to talk quite so much, as a general rule.
(Smiling) I've found Buffy to be an exception to most rules. How were her students reacting?
Very well, actually. She seemed to be getting through to them. Are all the classes like that?
Oh no. We worked out sessions that focus on each trainer's strengths. Buffy's classes are sort of a 'philosophy of battle', if you will. Kennedy's deal with precision, form and technical expertise, and Faith's delve more into applied fighting in realistic situations.
So ... tae kwon do, street fighting, and the Zen of the Slayer?
Yes, basically.
(Smirking) Wouldn't exactly be sanctioned by the old Council, would it?
I believe you'll find this is very much NOT the old Council.
No, I'm seeing that. (Looking appraisingly at Giles) It took you a couple of decades, but you finally caught on. (Giles raises an eyebrow, Hannah explains) Last time we spent any great lengths of time together, if memory serves, you were very much in the Council's corner on just about everything. What socks to wear, who to marry ...
(Cheerily, not angry) Observation. (She gets up and moves around to his side of the desk, almost sort of stalking him - not in an overly scary way, but it's intimate as she perches on the desk very close to him) Still, how differently things would've turned out, eh **NICKNAME**?
Giles starts at hearing the name, it's something he hasn't heard in a while.
I mean, we certainly wouldn't be here, for one. And you ... Look at you. Surrogate father to a handful of makeshift twenty-something heroes.
(Considers this) And I wouldn't have it any other way.
(Considers THAT, tilting her head) No. No, I don't think you would. (She smiles and moves back to her side of the desk) You've done well, Rupert.
(Very fondly) I'm extraordinarily lucky. (He glances at his watch) And also extraordinarily late. (Sternly as he rises) I think it's about time we found out who we're dealing with.
Willow's Sanctum. She and Giles are setting out components, getting ready for the spell. Candles, creating a circle, closing the window, lighting incense, whatever. Oh, gotta make sure we work those herbs in there somehow though, since I made such a huge deal out of 'em. And the stained shirt should be somewhere in there too. They chat as they prepare.
Get anywhere with Buffy's latest freak of the week?
Not as such. I'm not entirely certain what she thought I could do with a band flyer. Besides marvel at what passes for music these days. Perhaps you can put it in the computer and ... do whatever you do with it once it's there.
(Smirk) Y'know eventually I'm going to tie you to a chair and make you learn how to surf.
And oh how I long for that day.
So ... you and your missus, huh?
Giles sighs. He knew it was coming eventually.
What's your story?
It's really not that interesting ...
(Gaping at Giles) Please. This mystery woman you married when you were younger than me turns up out of nowhere. That's, like, prime soap opera stuff. Especially if she was in a coma. Oh! Was she in a coma?
There were no comas.
Evil twin?
(Little pouty) Jus' wonderin'.
Can we perhaps discuss my distant past a little bit later? I think it's high time we got this spell done.
You're no fun.
Willow and Giles sit in the circle ... Uhm, from that point forward, go wild with your spell casting imagination. I'll lay down the basic framework for what I want to happen. How we get there is all you.
After a bit of mental preparation, Willow begins to recite the spell. I want it to rhyme, cuz I have that damned "Child of words, heed thy makers" spell in my head now. I'm, like, the world's suckiest poet, but maybe something like this:
Shaded eye and whispered voice
Creatures made, imbued with wrath
With this blood they cast their choice
Guiding, lighting, show the path
Once the spell is cast ... stuff happens. It's interesting. No, really. Okay, that's your job.
I want Willow's hair and eyes to at first be white. She's going along okay, not a lot of problem, but then she hits the first barrier. Things get tougher here. She has to push, but she breaks through. Goes a bit further long, barrier #2. Harder to break.
I'm not sure how many of these she'll have to bust, but they get progressively more difficult as she advances, and it's taking more and more of her power. Slowly, her eyes and hair start going from white to gray, and then start going black. Giles should be watching her, trying to make sure nothing happens to her, and he's probably a little alarmed by the good ol' black-eyed girl's return, but still confident that Willow can control it. One she hits this stage, she maybe makes a BIG punch through the next barrier, but can't go further than that. Maybe not just because the barriers are getting to be too much, but that she can't really control the black magic if she turns it up much more than that, and she doesn't want to risk anything.
(Panting, gritting teeth, intensely concentrating on something only she can see) Too ... much. Can't ... I can't ...
(Soothing voice) Willow, you've done enough. Time to come back now.
Willow closes her eyes and her breathing begins to calm. Black hair goes red. Eventually she opens her eyes again, back to green. She's obviously a bit wiped out. Giles hands her a bottle of fruit juice he had next to him and holds it out for her as she drinks from the straw. When she nods, he pulls it back and sets it next to him again.
Are you all right?
Yeah, that was ... wow. There's some serious blockage goin' on here, custom made for me. I-I couldn't— If I kept using the power, I might've ... You know, too much, unpredictable results, never good when we're on the dark side of me. Sorry.
There's nothing to apologize for, you did remarkably well. We thought this might happen. Simply too much time has elapsed, the- the blood has lost its potency.
Plus whoever summoned it? They knew we were comin'. Those blocks weren't old, they were brand spankin' new. They knew we were gonna try an-and find them, and they REALLY didn't want us to.
How far were you able to get?
Enough to know they're not local. (Apologetic look) That's it, though.
That's quite a lot, actually. Knowing where they aren't is the first step to knowing where they are. In addition, the fact that they had the knowledge you would be casting this spell confirms, for all intents and purposes, that Judith was working for them. And the fact that they are so adamant that we not locate them gives us further insight into their motivations. All in all, very well done. I'm proud of you.
(Beaming) Oh, well ... yay for me!
The Shrouded Circle. Madrigan walks around the mages surrounding the glowing pentagram. He moves casually, seemingly unconcerned, an impressed look on his face. Robespierre is there too, also walking around the mages in the opposite direction of Madrigan. He is NOT casual, not in the least.
Finally, the pentagram stops glowing and all the mages, as one, slump forward, utterly and completely drained. There should be, like eight or ten of them, enough so that the circle of their bodies completely closes in the pentagram (knees touching or something). Seneca's there too, sitting in one of the chairs by the table in the background (probably Madrigan's usual chair) playing with a Slinky. Because I like Slinkies, so he will too. He's doing stuff like wiggling his fingers and making it walk across the table, walk up and down magickal, non-existent steps, stuff like that.
The spell now over, Madrigan's expression of vague interest explodes into one of compete and utter excitement as he stops walking around the mages.
Hot DAMN, did you see that?! Did you s— (To Seneca) HOW COOL WAS THAT?!
Seneca grins and gives Madrigan a thumbs up.
Damn straight! Oh, geez, when she ... I mean, I knew she was good but this ... this was ... WHOO.
Robespierre is not sharing Madrigan's enthusiasm in the slightest.
Rosenberg very nearly broke through your specially constructed defenses, which would have pinpointed our location with unerring accuracy and allowed her and that mockery of the Watcher's Council RIGHT to our bloody doorstep!
Key words here are "very" and "nearly". She wasn't getting through, no way, no how. But she ACTUALLY got all the way up to our 10th level defenses. I figured if she managed to reach the 3rd or 4th she was good, but ... (shaking his head in awe) She's rockin' my world, Robby.
(Gritting his teeth at the nickname) Well the mere fact that Rosenberg far exceeded your expectations tells me she is an even greater risk than we had originally expected.
(Sitting down in a chair next to Seneca) No, she's about as much a risk as I expected.
(Angry) Then we must DO something about it! Your cavalier attitude threatens the Assemblage, Madrigan, and I will not allow that. Remember that this isn't just about you helping us – need I remind you that it is WE who possess the Antediluvian.
Madrigan's entire demeanor changes and his eyes flash, his pinprick pupils expanding to seemingly, for just a moment, envelop his entire eye in the deepest of black ... but it's just that moment, then it's passed and he looks normal again, jovial (though less enthusiastic) and charming. Robespierre for his part took an involuntary step backward at the change, but it, too, was very brief, and now he looks just as angry and unyielding.
Dude, we're cool. You need us, we need you. It's all good. As for Rosenberg, don't worry your starchy little head about it. Thing is, no matter how much power someone's got, there's always that pesky old Achilles heel.
And you know Rosenberg's?
Robby, my friend ... I know everyone's.
Act Three
The Vortex. Faith and Kennedy are on the dance floor, maybe around the middle, dancing away. Or, well, Kennedy's sort of standing there huffily and Faith's dancing up a storm, Faith-style.
I know you got better moves'n this. Or, well, maybe not BETTER. But more fun than you bein' a statue.
I don't even know why I'm here.
Cuz I threatened you with two weeks of orientation once we start takin' newbies again.
This sucks.
Kennedy stomps off the dance floor toward their table, grabbing one of the drinks that are on it and downing it in one gulp. There are six or seven empty glasses already on the table. Still on the dance floor, Faith watches Kennedy go, rolls her eyes, and follows.
Depressed don't look so good on you.
(Grabbing the other drink) Let's try drunk instead. (She downs it too and starts trying to flag down a waitress.)
Feel free, I gotcher back. Not what you need, though.
(Still trying to flag someone) Huh?
The booze. I mean, I guess it could be part of what you need, but really? I think you need somethin' like that.
Faith points out on the dance floor and Kennedy looks, to see a very attractive woman dancing with another. (You can feel free to describe here. She shouldn't look like Willow, though.) Kennedy gapes at Faith.
Are you nuts?
If I had a nickel for every time I'm asked that ... (shrug) Maybe. Don't make me wrong, though.
But Willow—
—dumped you. Right or wrong reasons, she did. You don't owe her nothin' no more. You're hurt, she's ... (watching the dancing girl) enthusiastic. Good night's roll, no strings attached – do you a world'a better.
A waitress walks by Kennedy, drinks on her tray. Kennedy grabs one, throwing $5 on the tray to keep the protesting waitress quiet (waitress glares for a minute but then moves back to the bar), and starts drinking it.
Can't. Will might ... (She shakes her head and drains the glass) Too soon.
Sure? Be cheaper.
Kennedy shakes her head again.
Okay then, next round's on me. If we get enough in you, we can salvage some fun outta tonight.
Kennedy slumps in her chair, looking very despondent.
I just don't understand why.
Faith sits down too.
Yeah you do.
You know why. You know exactly why. She told you.
(Hitting the maudlin stage of drunk here) But ... I love her. So much. Why am I not enough?
Ain't about you. This is all about Red.
(Angrily) She's not mine. I think that makes it plenty about me.
Wasn't that sorta thing part'a the problem in the first place?
Kennedy glares and swipes the air at Faith.
(Slurring) Fancy logic mind tricks. You suck.
(Smirking) An' she unleashes the big guns. Here, you just need more booze. Let's see what we can do about that.
Faith grabs Kennedy by the arm and prepares to head to the bar, then she spots something up by the stage that attracts her attention and she and Kennedy move toward it. As they approach, they see that it's Xander, standing by the stage, quite entranced.
Yo, X-Man, s'up?
Xander doesn't answer, doesn't acknowledge them.
Faith puts her hand on Xander's arm and he turns around, looking first at Faith then Kennedy. Very vacant expression on his face, he looks completely and utterly bored to see them. Then he turns back toward the band without comment. Faith looks confused, Kennedy, on the train to Drunksville, takes it personally.
Oh, oh, I see how it is. Don't matter I lived with you for months. Don't matter I used to listen to your lame ass jokes an' eat that failed biological experiment you call 'dinner'. Don't matter I actually had to wash your underwear sometimes. (Getting really aggressive now) Nooooo, suddenly WILLOW dumps ME an' now I'M the bad guy. Let's just ignore Kennedy, we only barely tolerated her in the first place cuz she and Willow were fu—
Whoa, okay there Sparky, we're five by five. Time for a time out, yeah? Beatin' up on B's little Scoobies don't sit so well with her, trust me.
Faith starts pulling Kennedy away.
(Yelling at Xander; the men in the crowd aren't even blinking) An' you snore so loud I could hear it through my wall!
They go back to their table, Faith sitting Kennedy down.
I hate men.
Yeah, well, that WAS sorta implied.
Xander's such a jerk.
(Looking back to the stage) I dunno. I mean, I known the X-Man for some time now. Not really in him to keep his mouth shut. Ever. Huh. (She frowns, puzzled, then notices that Kennedy's starting to tear up.)
I miss her.
(Agreeing) You're right. More booze.
Next morning. Hannah's wandering around Giles' loft, looking at his decorations and admiring the place. Giles is in the kitchen, holding the bottle and looking to his guest. She nods, smiling, and he pours a second glass, bringing them over and handing her one.
(re: loft) This is nice. Very you.
I'm going to assume you mean in an open and charming way, and not in an overpriced, midlife crisis way.
Wise decision.
Giles moves to the couch. On the table there are folders, papers, note pads ... this is a working meeting. Giles grabs one of the folders and opens it in front of him, putting the glass on the table next to him.
Shall we get started? Now I've sorted through most of the Slayers' backgrounds, but there are a few here who—
Hannah reaches out and closes the folder. Giles looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
When's the last time you had a day off?
What? Oh, uhm ... (thinking) W-Well last week Dawn and I spent a delightful afternoon visiting every single shoe store within a ten-mile radius. Fascinating, really. Did you know that there is some sort of universal law that dictates the exact same pair of shoes are somehow better when purchased for twice the price?
(Smirking) Anything that didn't emasculate you in some way?
(Ah!) Late last month Xander and I went shopping for some power tools. (Proudly) He's becoming quite adept at woodworking, you should see this chair he's been working on—
Okay, rephrased question: When's the last time you took a day off for you. Just you. Not your work, not your kids ... You.
If memory serves, I spent a delightful day reading through some captivating ancient texts in ... Erm, 1999?
Hannah smirks knowingly.
(Grumpily) Oh do get that look off your face, being smug never did suit you.
You need a break.
I can consider taking a day off when we are assured that things are secure and nobody is in any danger.
Rupert, the work you do, you can NEVER know that.
(Harsh, frustrated) Well I'd settle for making sure they can walk through the halls without running the risk of being beaten to death.
He gets off the couch and stomps to the window, glaring out of it. Hannah sets her glass down and walks over to him, standing just behind him. Their reflections are clearly visible in the glass.
(Bitter) We've lost so much.
War is hell, Rupert.
Unfortunately, that offers little comfort.
I know and I wish I could tell you that my coming here will ensure that none of them will ever be hurt again. We both know better, and I won't lie to you. But I promise, I will do whatever it takes to do my job. (He turns to look at her) Whatever it takes. You know I will.
(Resigned) Yes. I know. I just wish you weren't needed.
(Smiling) Hey, a man's dependency? What more validation could I need?
Giles laughs a little.
Now seriously, Rupert, I've only been around a few days and I can see how tightly you're wound. How about you and I just go somewhere. To the beach or the mountains or whatever the hell's in this area. Someplace that's not Council related. I think the wheels can keep turning without you for a few hours.
Giles looks tempted, but he shakes his head.
I can't. There's too much to do. It's too important.
And how much more could you get done after a decent break? You can't keep going like this, Rupert.
Giles simply shakes his head again and goes back to the couch. Hannah watches him go and sighs, studying him. She smiles fondly but assuredly before going to join him.
The front door to the Scoobies' house opens and Kennedy sticks her head inside, looking around. Seeing no one, she enters, box in hand, closing the door behind her. She looks maybe a tiny little bit guilty, though not overly, however she does very much look as though she doesn't want to encounter anyone. She heads for the stairs and takes the first couple when Dawn starts to come down, stopping near the top and blinking at Kennedy in surprise.
Uh ... hi.
(Crossing her arms) God, are you stalking now? That is so totally lame.
(Angry) I'm not STALKING, I'm COLLECTING. (She lifts the box for evidence) I left some of my stuff here, I just wanna get it and go.
You left stuff. Right. That's only SLIGHTLY less lame.
(Sigh) Look, can I go get it or not?
Dawn looks at Kennedy appraisingly, then stands to one side.
Fine, but I'm coming too, and if you touch anything that doesn't look like yours ... (Frowning) Well I guess I can't actually stop you, but I'm telling.
(Rolling her eyes as she starts up the stairs) You do that.
Up the stairs, down the hall, they enter Willow's room. Kennedy looks a little pained at first to see it again, knowing that it's no longer her room too, but with a deep breath, she moves to the dresser and starts opening drawers, sifting through and pulling out the odd article of clothing. Dawn leans in the doorway the whole time, watching Kennedy like a hawk, and after a few moments, she speaks. As they converse, Kennedy should move slowly about the room, gathering up a few things.
I'm not sorry you broke up.
Thanks, that's comforting. Have you considered a career in psychiatry?
(Glare) I'm not sorry you broke up, but I AM sorry if it upset you.
IF it upset me. (Laugh) No, I was dancing in the streets right after I got my heart pulverized. It was a great fun, you should've been there.
I just mean ... Willow kinda explained some stuff, and, well ... It's gotta suck.
(Somber) Not the strongest adjective, but pretty much, yeah.
I could tell you were really into her.
And we see how much that counted for.
Do you think you'll get back together?
Planning on some pre-emptive sabotage?
No-o. I just, you know. Wondered.
Honestly Dawn, right now it's all I can do to keep from screaming or crying or hitting something. Or all three. Not really the right frame of mind for reconciliation.
Dawn nods, understanding.
I think you're okay though. You know, when you're not in the house, always hanging around, being all bossy and irritating and stuff.
Yeah, well, I guess you're okay too when I don't have to listen to you whine 24/7.
A moment. Neither seems inclined to disagree with the other's assessment.
I still don't like you with Willow, though. Which I know is all immature or whatever, but I don't care.
Kennedy looks like she's about to snap something back, but instead shrugs.
Well at least you're honest. I respect that.
Dawn sort of puffs up, pleased.
Guess you kinda know about that, huh? You know, I never told you this, but the way you stand up to Buffy? Very cool. You don't let her push you around.
Buffy knows her stuff, yeah, but god. Was she BORN superior? Drives me freakin' insane.
Oh, and the way she gives you that look? That 'I'm not really listening, I'm just humoring you' look? UGH!
They share a chuckle then look sort of surprised. Common ground.
And they say love brings us together.
Later, it's getting dark out now, Dawn walks into the library. Willow's pouring over her laptop, Giles and Buffy are hovering over her shoulder. All are clearly engrossed in what they see.
Hey Willow, do you own this really slinky red and black thing, looks like something Madonna wouldn't be caught dead in?
All three jerk their head up at Dawn, Willow in particular gaping.
What? Slinky ... Red— What?
Why are you asking and do we have to have a long talk about it?
Kennedy was at the house, she said she left some stuff behind. She was being grabby with this thing that was all red and shiny and looked like it was cut down to— (her hand starts at the top of her chest and is very rapidly plunging ...)
(Blushing furiously) Uhh, no. No, that- that wasn't mine. That was— Not mine. No. So- so, gone, yes, t-that's okay, because, you know, SO not mine.
(To Willow, raising an eyebrow) Maybe I should have a long talk with YOU.
(Furiously cleaning his glasses) I beg of you to wait until I'm in no danger of being haunted by unbidden images for the rest of my life.
(To Dawn, little sad) So you saw her? Is she okay?
Dawn shrugs, moving to look at the computer screen with the others.
Don't think she's ready to start painting the world in rainbows, but she seemed okay. Considering.
Willow looks a bit guilty but nods.
(re: computer) So what's up?
Wonder Willow thinks she's got something on our Shirley Manson wannabes.
Willow's going through old newspapers and such from different areas of the world. It appears as though there may be some sort of correlation between these girls' performances and a series of murder/suicides.
They play really heavy depressing stuff?
No, it was pretty upbeat. And very much NOT worth all the attention they were getting, I add.
Dawn reaches over and picks up the flier, examining it.
'Persephone's Tears'. Catchy name. (Frowning) Rings a bell, though, hm.
(On the computer) I think I found another link.
(Reading over her shoulder) 'Family of five found dead' ... Seems the father simply came home one night and- and ... Oh.
(Trying to see) What? What is it?
Ew. It involves an axe and a whole lot of details not suitable for sisters of me named Dawn.
Dawn glares.
Yeah, but here's the weirdness. Did you guys see the date?
Buffy and Giles lean closer, peering at where Willow's pointing on the screen.
May 12, 19 ... 1938.
A-And that's not all. See here, under local entertainment? Same group name, and that picture looks mighty gosh darned familiar.
(Comparing to the flier in her hand) Less with the piercing.
Okay, so either they're better preserved than Dick Clark or—
—or they don't age.
Immortal beings leaving a trail of dead bodies in their wake ... This bodes well.
Will, how far back can you trace this?
Let's see ... (Starts typing away, mostly one-handed by still going with impressive speed)
(To Giles) I suppose it's pointless to say I don't like this.
Yes, but if it makes you feel better ...
I don't like this.
(Staring at the flier) It's so familiar. And check out these names. (She points, showing it to the others) Parth, Gei, Kosia ... (Amused) And I thought 'Dawn' sucked.
What've you got?
Almost a whole village wiped itself out. Right after this traveling trio of women singers with 'voices like heavenly angels' paid 'em a visit for a harvest festival.
When exactly are we talking about?
Wow. Move over Dick Clark.
Okay, so if we're assuming these are the same girls, the next step is to figure out what we're dealing with, BEFORE Trillium pulls a Jonestown.
Giles takes the flier from Dawn and studies it, then a thought occurs.
I wonder ... (The others look at him, waiting) What do you know of the Sirens?
Unimpressive vehicle for Dana Delaney?
Oh! That's it! In English, we were talking about THE ODYSSEY! That's why this is so familiar! Ligeia, Leukosia, Parthenope ... They're the Sirens!
But the Sirens were defeated, right? By Ulysses?
Well he managed to avoid their allure and some myths say that they then drowned themselves, but ... well, myths. Hardly the most accurate in all details.
Okay, so I'm ... what? Off to battle the mascot for Chicken of the Sea?
They're more birdy than fishy, actually.
That'll work too. It's about time I put in my two-cents on today's music.
Hey, the gang's all here.
Faith enters the library, book in hand.
Almost. X-Man got a late night, huh?
Faith? What are you doing here?
(Indicating the book) Just droppin' this off.
They all stare at her.
What? I CAN read, y'know.
Er, yes, of course. You were saying something about Xander...?
Oh, yeah. Last night, saw him at the Vortex. Way zoned.
At the Vortex. Last night.
B-But last night, he was in bed last night. He- He was all upset with the tummy a-and head and so he stayed home and rested.
Didn't look home or restin' to me. Didn't look much of anything, actually, but it was definitely him.
Didn't Xander say he'd heard the group a few times already...?
And he WAS all absorby ...
Buffy, Willow and Dawn share a look, then run out of the library at top speed.
(Over her shoulder) Giles, keep researching, we need a way to kill these things!
And then they're gone. Faith turns to Giles, holding up her book.
So Anita Blake, pretty wicked. Got any more?
The girls burst into the house, calling out for Xander. No answer. Buffy runs upstairs super fast while Willow and Dawn check the kitchen and living room. No sign. Buffy runs back downstairs.
Okay. Okay, I'm gonna head to the Vortex, see if he's there. Dawn, you try his cell phone. Willow, you—
The front door opens and Xander drags himself in, looking really pretty bad now. The girls hurry to his side and help him in.
You okay? You don't look so good.
Xander nods, groaning and rubbing his head.
Head hurts.
Think it has maybe something to do with the non-stop clubbing?
They help him to the couch.
Don't wanna go. Can't help it. Calls out to me ...
Yeah, I hear that's their thing.
It's funny. Dressed like that, you'd think they could get groupies the old fashioned way.
Okay, we need answers. No platinum record for these ladies.
I think I found— Oh poop. (Dawn and Buffy look at her) We left in such a hurry, I left my laptop in the library.
No problem, I'll run back real quick and get it.
Oh, and can you pick up some books while you're there? I think I remember reading something about separating mythological fact from fiction, might help.
I thought you had homework.
(Grinning at her own humor) Well then you'd be myth-taken. (Buffy glares) Just a little bit. But come on, I wanna help.
You can help, AFTER homework. (Dawn pouts, but says nothing else) I'll be back in a few minutes. (To Xander) Don't worry Xander, we'll get this taken care of. (Xander just nods painfully.) I'll be back in a few.
Buffy runs out. Willow tries to help Xander up.
Let's get you upstairs, nice comfy bed? I can bring you some soup or something?
No. Thanks. Just gonna lay here for a few, try and make the world stop spinning.
Oh, o-okay then. C'mon Dawnie, we both got school stuff that needs finishing.
Willow and Dawn go upstairs and Xander watches them go. Once they're out of sight, his face becomes completely blank, no further traces of pain. He stands and moves to a chest in the corner, opening it and pulling out a giant axe, then looks meaningfully up the stairs.
Act Four
Xander stalking. I'll describe this in NikkiCam!™ to hopefully help you with descriptions.
We start at the bottom of the stairs. Much like with Club Guy, some scenes will be shot 1st person, so we'd make sure to get the sense that these two scenarios are much the same, but not all of them. Though maybe until we get to Dawn. Anyway, we see several times the axe in Xander's hand, glinting off the blade. He holds it tightly with obvious intent. Up the stairs, then turning to take the second part of the stairs (see house floor plan), to the second level. He passes his room (door open, we can see his unmade bed), past Willow's room (door closed), past the guest room (door open, it's relatively small and has some boxes and stuff inside), past Buffy's room (door closed – maybe we wanna put some posters or something on these? Or pictures hanging outside? The spirit from Ep4 didn't destroy anything up here, so it should all still be decorated), past the bathroom, finally coming to Dawn's room. The door's open, and we see Dawn sitting at her desk, fwipping a pencil in the air as she reads (and yes, I just made up that word, so I'll show you what I mean). Her stereo is on, but it's a very tolerable level. She senses someone enter and speaks without looking up.
Oh, hey, Willow, just the brain I needed to pick. So I'm trying not to be a complete idiot here, but inverse functions—
She looks up and over her shoulder, seeing that it's Xander. He's not really hiding it, but she doesn't see the axe.
(Small squeak of alarm) Xander! I-I thought you were downstairs. (Standing and moving toward him) Did you need something? That soup maybe?
Xander says nothing and takes a step into the room. Dawn senses something and stops, frowning.
Still he says nothing, but he moves the axe out and she sees it, very clearly.
What are...? (Eyes widening) Oh. Oh no. (Stepping back) Xander, it's those singers. You don't wanna do this ...
Xander hefts the axe.
Come on! You can't! You're my favorite! You know, cuz you were the only one in the house who hasn't tried to kill me before.
Xander swings and Dawn squeals, jumping back out of the way.
So much for that. Willow!
Another squeal and a near miss. Dawn grabs a cheap snow globe (the kind you'd buy at highway gas stations) from a small collection of them lining her nearby bookcase (no need to go into this necessarily, but they're ones she bought as they made their way across country in the school bus) and hurls it at Xander, bonking him in the head and sending him a little off balance. Dawn tears for the door and into the hallway.
Dawn rounds the corner, heading toward Willow's room when her door open and Willow sticks her head out.
What—? (she spies Xander, swinging the axe in a lethal arc at Dawn, her eyes widening. Willow shoots her hand out at the two of them) Razbraic.
There's a mini-implosion. Xander goes flying into the opposite wall, landing hard with a thud. His axe is thrown out of his hand, imbedding in the opposite wall. Dawn goes flying toward Willow, landing sprawled on her stomach at the witch's feet. Willow helps Dawn up, looking really worried.
I-I can't do a lot of magic. The power— I might really hurt him, my control's not quite—
Xander's already on his feet, tugging the axe out of the wall. His expression remains completely blank.
I suppose you tried the reasoning thing? (Dawn nods enthusiastically, her eyes wide. Willow shrugs, said with almost cheerful resignation) Okay, running then.
Willow shoves Dawn in front of her and the two make for the stairs, Xander on their heels. They tear down the stairs, making a sharp left into the kitchen. Xander swings at Willow's head, and she only just manages to get out of the way. He swings again and she dodges, then swings her cast with all her might into his stomach, trying to wind him. She does, but he seems beyond that at the moment and it does little. Which means Will's now in pretty big pain for no particularly good reason.
(Very pained) Ow, ow, not smart, SUCH ow ...
Xander gets ready to swing again when he gets conked on the head with a broom handle, courtesy of Dawn.
(Slightly shaky voice) Back off! I don't wanna hurt you!
Xander's not phased, and he brings himself up to full height, getting ready to attack again when a hand lashes out, easily disarming him. Another bonks him on the head and he crumples to the ground, unconscious. Willow and Dawn look up and Buffy's standing there, holding Willow's laptop.
Honestly, can't I leave you children alone for five minutes?
Living room. Xander's been laid down on the couch. Willow's sitting on part of it but not looking at him, instead focused on Buffy. Dawn sits in a nearby chair, also watching Buffy. Buffy's pacing back and forth.
At least we know who the next target was.
I'm glad you got here. Not really looking to be tomorrow's headline.
What're we gonna do?
(Shaking her head) I-I'm not really sure. I mean, I can try a spell, something for breaking through mind control. But I don't know if it'll hold, or even work, and if he hears them again ...
But we weren't affected, right? So I can still go and kick their feathery ass and be okay.
Yeah it's gotta be male-specific. Every report I looked at pointed to the guy doin' the hack'n'slash.
Okay, so then I go back to the club. See how good they sing when their heads are ten feet across the room.
But can you kill them? (They look at her) I mean, really kill them? If they're the Sirens from the myths then they've gotta be pretty hard to kill.
(Hefting the axe Xander had) Lucky for me, I've had a whole lotta practice.
Focus on Xander's eyes. They open. He still looks blank and his eyes turn to Willow, sitting right next to him, all of them unaware that he's awake. He reaches a hand out ...
The Vortex, backstage. The Sirens are there (there place is otherwise empty-looking, which is in keeping with the fine Buffy tradition of conveniently vacated Bronzes). Xander enters, dragging himself, very out of it, looking just like he did while attacking earlier. The Sirens notice him and glance up.
He returns.
He still lives.
(To Xander) You, man. We bade you prove your love. We need blood. We need destruction. You cannot defy us. You must heed our call. You must submit.
She moves closer, very seductive-like, singing low to Xander, who remains stock-still and simply staring. Hand gestures are incorporated, tantalizing and sultry but never touching. After a minute of this, Xander blinks and tilts his head.
Sure it SOUNDS pretty, but can you dance to it?
With the (gestures to her outfit) and the (makes clumsy hand motions similar to hers) ... I give you an 'A' for effort. But the overall effect? (Shaking his head) Even Paula wouldn't be impressed, and let's not get started on Simon.
NO. He will not.
All three begin to sing now, stalking closer and closer to Xander, who just sort of takes it all in.
(Tsking, shaking his head) Don't quite the day job, ladies.
What witchery is this? No man can resist us!
Not so much with the witchy woo, just a conk on my noggin. It made me sorta see things more clearly. Take you girls, for instance. VERY nice attempt, with the hair and the piercing and the thing. But now I can see what's really goin' on, and you're lookin' more like giant chickens. Which, by the way – CONSIDERABLY less attractive.
The girls begin to snarl and with a fuzzy magic effect thingie, their façade begins to drop until we do, indeed, see the Sirens revealed in their true form. They're not happy. They attack. I leave fight choreography to you, but it shouldn't last too terribly long (cuz we're already running over). Buffy should make her appropriately dramatic entrance, but she's there in a defendery role – the actual defeat of the Sirens will be done by Xander. After a bit of fighting, Xander says:
See, I've figured it all out, you're just tryin' to tempt me. But I got news for you: I've tempted by stuff that's not good for me my whole life. Pop rocks. Molsons. Vengeance demons. Plus, being one of the only males around several dozen beautiful women? Believe me, my friend, I know temptation. This isn't it. The only thing you're temptin' me to do is go pick up a bucket of original recipe from Colonel Sanders.
The Sirens shriek, twisting, dying, then sort of implode/explode with this shower of sparkly energy. They're gone. Buffy and Xander move next to each other, neither saying anything for a moment.
The disturbing part? Now I'm hungry.
That's it, no more girly music for me.
Scoobies' house, living room. In attendance: Xander, Willow, Buffy, Dawn, Giles and Hannah.
I mean it. You can keep your Liz Phairs and your Sarah Mclachlans and your Tori Amoseses. From this point forward I'm sticking to manly music. Like the Pet Shop Boys and Prince and Men Without Hats, who have all got to be manly cuz of their names.
Willow pats Xander's shoulder comfortingly.
I still don't get it though, they just ... poof? Because you ignored them?
It's sorta like they fed off temptation, you know? Men giving into it. It fueled 'em, keeps 'em grounded on this plane. I-It's like an ongoing spell, and once it's broken ... (She flicks her fingers in the air, poof-like)
So that's it, they won't be back again?
No, they'll return eventually. So long as men are tempted, they'll have a source of power to draw from. It will take some time, but they'll return.
Hooray for fuzzy-lined victories.
Well they're not gettin' any more power from me. I hereby swear off temptation. I sway for nothing and no one.
Think we got some Chunky Monkey in the freezer, want some?
Ooo, Chunky Monkey!
Giles and Hannah watch the others file into the kitchen, both smirking.
So this is what passes for normal around here.
Yes, something like that.
(Examining Giles) Pretty exciting.
I suppose. One rather gets used to it after the first fifty times.
Ahh, so that's why you're so repressed.
I'm sorry?
Come on, Rupert, it's me. In thirty years, you still haven't changed. Only back then you had a good excuse. What are you hiding behind now?
Giles looks flustered, even a little angry.
I have responsibilities, I-I have people who depend on me and-and the new Council and—
And a plague of ulcers in your future. (She takes his hands) You need fun, you need to relax. You need to take me to dinner.
(Very much not in control of this conversation) Dinner?
You know, that meal one has, usually at the end of the day, typically involving some sort of main dish, a couple of sides ... (flirtatious) Maybe dessert.
Giles gets way flustered and Hannah laughs.
Oh good, you still blush. Now – take me to dinner.
(Removing his hands gently) Hannah, for all intents and purposes, you're my employee. I-I-It wouldn't be right, I couldn't—
(Waving her hand) To hell with your improprieties speech, I didn't buy it before, I'm not buying it now. Come on ... Nice juicy steak, grilled onions, baked potato ...
(Amused) You're not helping.
Quite the contrary, I'm helping more than you know.
Giles sighs but nods his head, relenting.
All right.
Hannah smiles too, threading her arm through Giles' and the two head for the door.
This is just what you need. A nice relaxing dinner, good company, engaging conversation, and then afterward: skydiving.
Oh come on. You know you want to.
Giles sighs.