The Chosen :: A Buffy virtual series continuation

What I most remember about this plotting was how much trouble it was for us to get everything ironed out. I think the process by which Oz revealed what he knew of Eddie went through something like five revisions before we got a series of events that worked for me, both in the context of the story and by satisfying the all-important need for logic. What's really funny about the original character-oriented breakdown however, is that you can see we hadn't named the Vortex yet. We knew were were going to have a club, but lacking a name, I settled for calling it by what leapt immediately to mind.

The discussion about Faith and "the girl from last episode" revolves around "Ex Post Facto"'s original Faith storyline, which was rather dramatically changed from the final result. (There will be more on that in a future bonus feature.) Also of note, Toby's original name was Justin ... until I remembered that "Justin" was the name of the vampire in "All the Way". Oops.

Original Episode Notes

    Episode 10

      Basic Plot:
      Oz and his new band come to town.

      Monster o' the Week:

      Overall plot advancement:


      Possible title – "Turn a Corner"?

Original Character-oriented Breakdown

  • Buffy:
    • With Xander at the not-Bronze. They're chatting amiably while waiting for Willow, bopping their heads to the band on stage (Three Moon Tuesday) but not really paying a whole lot of attention to them. She's keeping an eye out on Dawn, who is here with Kennedy, perhaps remarking how the two of them seem to be a bit buddy-buddy now Kennedy moved out. Willow arrives. Soon after, Oz, who was playing in the band, approaches them, much to everyone's surprise.
    • Talks with Oz at the not-Bronze. They find out what he's been up to, why he fell out of contact with Willow, and meet the rest of the band and their traveling companions. Buffy is concerned to find out that many in the group are werewolves, but Oz assures her that they all have things under control.
    • Morning. Talking with Willow about their reactions to Oz being back. They'll be going over to meet the rest of Oz's gang that afternoon. Xander is already there; he's anxious to have a guy friend back in his life whose every waking moment doesn't currently revolve around the Lord of the Rings movies. Buffy shows best friend interest/concern about Oz stirring feelings in Willow.
    • At the non-Bronze. Xander, as mentioned, is already there, chatting with Oz, very much enjoying having the werewolf back around, even if only for a little while. Other members of Oz's band are sitting around, chatting amiably. Dawn is also there, getting very chatty/cozy with a young guy who's part of Oz's group. Buffy instantly goes into protection mode, and goes over, doing her best (and succeeding) at intimidating the guy and ignoring Dawn's very vocal protests.
    • Training with Giles the next morning. It's like old times, and Buffy remarks that she'd missed kicking Giles' ass. Xander interrupts, saying he just heard on the news about an animal attack the night before. Buffy instantly suspects that it's someone in Oz's gang, and she's pissed – this is HER town and she knew there were monsters around, but she didn't do more to make sure they were under control. She storms off to find and confront Oz, telling Giles to let Faith know and get ready to take on werewolves, just in case.
    • Buffy quickly locates Oz (in a hotel room? Working on his van?) and confronts him about the animal attack last night. Oz says that it wasn't any of his people. Buffy isn't sure she believes him. She makes it clear that she's the Slayer and if she finds out he's lying, there'll be hell to pay. Unseen by either, the Girlfriend watches from the shadows, hearing the whole thing.
    • Steps out of the shadows to confront the Boyfriend and Girlfriend. The Girlfriend is scared that the Slayer is after her brother, but Buffy is more interested in the Boyfriend. She says that he's a werewolf, but he denies it and the Girlfriend is confused. She's never seen him wolf out. Buffy taunts the Boyfriend, mocking him about the only way he can get and keep a girlfriend, how much of a loser he is, etc. He's getting angrier and angrier by the moment, but still doesn't wolf out. Oz enters. The Girlfriend says something to Boyfriend that pisses him off, and he yells at her to shut up and backhands her. She falls, and Oz lunges at him. The Boyfriend cracks him over the head with the rifle butt and Oz falls to the ground. The Girlfriend goes to him, and this gesture of affection drives the Boyfriend over the edge. He wolfs. Buffy saves him from killing either Oz or the Girlfriend, and the battle between wolf and Slayer is fierce. He has her pinned and she's in trouble when there's a loud bang. The Boyfriend falls over, dead, and Buffy looks up to see the Girlfriend holding his gun. Faith runs in moments later as Oz regains consciousness, absolutely laden with weapons. She's all excited because she's never fought a werewolf before and just stocked up on a bunch of new stuff from one of her mail-order catalogues, and is extremely disappointed to learn that the bad guy is already dead.
    • At the not-Bronze consoling an upset Dawn. She points out that werewolf boyfriends? Not so much fun.

  • Willow:
    • Arrives late to meet Buffy and Xander at the not-Bronze. She's wearing a parka since it's cold out, reminiscent of the Eskimo outfit from Inca Mummy Girl. She is as surprised as anyone when Oz shows up at their table.
    • Interrogates Oz (in a happy way) about where he's been and why she hasn't heard from him. Oz is surprised to see them there, since last he knew, they were heading to Cleveland. Oz asks if they can have some alone time to talk later, after their set, and Willow agrees.
    • The next morning, talking to Buffy about seeing Oz again. Buffy wonders if the encounter is throwing Will for a loop, but Willow says not so much. She still loves Oz because he's Oz, but doesn't love him like that; she made her choice years ago. She confesses that she's not sure Oz has really moved on, though. The two of them were talking until the wee hours last night, and she feels Oz is still in some kind of holding pattern, although of course he'd never say anything. They're going to meet up with him and his group later that afternoon, before the full moon that night.
    • Goes to the not-Bronze with Buffy. She's happy to see that Oz and Xander are getting along so well. When Buffy runs off to defend Dawn's honour, Willow notices the Girlfriend hanging on the fringes. She goes over to talk to her, noticing how jumpy and agitated the girl is. She finds out that the girl isn't a werewolf, that Dawn is talking to her brother (which seems to be making her especially nervous), and that she's relatively new to the group. She doesn't find out much else, though, including how and why the girl teamed up with them. Willow does, however, notice how the girl seems to fixate on the oblivious Oz.
    • Walking through Slayer Central to her casting room, she encounters Kennedy coming the other way. The meeting is awkward, both realizing they've been avoiding the other. They decide that avoiding time is over, and they should talk.
    • Talking with Kennedy while taking a walk. They wind up in the sanctuary with the new tree, which is growing quite nicely. It's a serene spot, and an appropriate place for reflections and endings. Seeing Oz again has forced Willow to think about her relationships, but she's not sure what conclusions she's drawing. She speaks openly with Kennedy, but is still unable to come to conclusions. Kennedy draws it for her: she's still mourning Tara. At the end of the conversation, Willow feels better, although very lonely.
    • After rescuing the Girlfriend, at the not-Bronze with Oz. Fill in exposition holes: the fact that Justin talked to Oz about how the Boyfriend turned him and why, Oz going to Buffy and having to make the Girlfriend think that they really didn't want her around so that the Boyfriend couldn't smell her lying. (Maybe this freaks Willow out a little bit. "You can smell emotion?" "Yeah." "That's ... really freaky." "Absolutely. That's why I can't go to football games anymore. You don't want to smell despair on a stadium full of grown men wearing cheese hats. It's less pleasant than you might expect.") They discuss how crazed the Boyfriend was, and dance a little bit around their own past. Willow gently suggests that Oz hasn't really moved on, and he agrees somewhat. She says that he, too, has to move on, and that she wants so much for him to be happy. She gestures towards the Girlfriend, who's sitting alone, her world obviously shaken. Willow urges Oz to go talk to her, and after a pause and a kiss on Willow's head, he does. Will watches him go to her, smiling. She sips her drink and looks out to the dance floor, where she sees Kennedy groovin' with some hot chix0rs. She smiles again. <fade to black>

  • Xander:
    • At the non-Bronze with Buffy. They're chatting amiably while waiting for Willow. They talk about the Kennedy/Dawn friendship and other household gossip. Willow arrives, and then Oz joins them shortly thereafter. Xander, like everyone, is surprised to see him.
    • Talks with Oz, still at the club, playing catch-up.
    • At the non-Bronze talking to Oz and his friends when Buffy and Willow arrive. He's delighted to have Oz around; his presence has been sorely missed. Oz asks Xander how he's doing, saying that he was sorry to hear about Anya. Xander replies that it still hurts, and hurts a lot, but he's doing much better these days thanks to his friends. As for how Oz is doing, he's pretty Oz about it – small, non-committal phrases, but the impression is that Oz isn't enjoying life to the fullest, although he does feel good about being able to help other people with his "problem" learn to control it.
    • Xander bursts into Giles and Buffy's training session with news about an animal attack last night. When Buffy rushes out, he follows her.
    • At the not-Bronze with Buffy and Dawn, who is moping about Justin.

  • Giles:
    • Meets with Faith and the Slayer from last episode. Asks another Slayer in to show the girl around. Left with Faith, he discusses his concerns about the girl, genuinely listening to Faith's input about her. He gives voice to his concern that this won't be the last such situation, and the fact that he's not naïve enough to believe they will all end so well. Also makes mention of the continuing investigation into Slayer disappearances. Maybe they're starting to happen with alarming frequency now?
    • Training with Buffy. It's like old times, and both of them are enjoying it – even Giles, who is pretty much bested at every turn. The session is interrupted by Xander's entrance. Giles tries to be the voice of reason for Buffy (although he, too, suspects them), but she dashes off, telling Giles to let Faith know and get ready to stock up on some silver and tranq guns.

  • Dawn:
    • At the not-Bronze with Kennedy. Dawn is trying to pair Kennedy off (she really doesn't want Kennedy getting back with Willow), but Kennedy isn't particularly interested.
    • At the not-Bronze talking to Justin. She's flirting a little and enjoying herself, a mood that is quickly shattered when Buffy storms over all protective and intimidating. Dawn is mortified.
    • At the not-Bronze, moping about Justin being a werewolf. Buffy's words aren't especially helpful.

  • Faith:
    • Meets with Giles and the Slayer from last episode. She introduces them, and tries to help the girl relax in typical Faith fashion, which means it's slightly insulting to Giles. When the girl leaves, she talks with Giles about what she expects from the girl, and they discuss that this is not likely the last time they will be faced with a situation like this.
    • After the Boyfriend has been shot, Faith runs in, absolutely laden with weapons. She's all excited because she's never fought a werewolf before and just stocked up on a bunch of new stuff from one of her mail-order catalogues. ("Man, I just been ITCHIN' to break in this silver dagger.") She's extremely disappointed to learn that the bad guy is already dead, and asks hopefully if anybody else in Oz's group needs taking out.
    • At the not-Bronze dancing away her frustrations.

  • Kennedy:
    • At the not-Bronze with Dawn. Dawn keeps suggesting women around the club, hinting that Kennedy could get with them, but she's not interested. She's coping okay, but still a bit bitter about her recent breakup with Willow.
    • In the training room working out when Hannah enters. She observes quietly for a time, but then pipes up with a comment/critique about Kennedy's form. Kennedy is at first a little defensive, but that quickly gives way to being impressed with the Watcher's knowledge and eye for such things. She begins to really like this new Watcher, and finds her less grating than her current one, much more Kennedy's speed. The two begin to spar. Hannah mentions at some point how she was almost someone on Survivor, but dropped out in the final rounds when she realized that nobody ever actually has to SURVIVE anything. Kennedy appreciates this, and admits that she secretly watches the show in the hopes that some day, some how, somebody will actually have to DO something.
    • Walking through the halls, she encounters Willow on her way to the casting room. The situation is tense and awkward; they've been avoiding each other since the break up. Willow suggests that they go somewhere to talk, and Kennedy agrees.
    • The two walk outside, eventually ending up at the sanctuary. Kennedy confesses that she was really, really angry at Willow for a while, but the anger has dissipated now. Willow admits that she isn't really sure what's going on with her, but Kennedy knows – Willow is still mourning Tara. Kenn admits that maybe she was a little overzealous about pushing Willow past the pain, and that their relationship never really had a chance to settle into itself. She blames Willow for that – if she wasn't so darned hot, the need to bed her wouldn't have overruled everything else. Kennedy says she knows that Willow needs time, so time is what she'll get. Kenn isn't going to live a nun's life while waiting, but she'll be keeping an eye out nevertheless, and makes it clear that she hopes they'll get another chance.
    • At the not-Bronze dancing with one (or two, or five) attractive women while Willow watches on. Kennedy is definitely NOT planning to live like a nun while waiting for Willow.

  • Other:
    • Night after the gang visits Oz and his group to chat and catch up, there is a brutal animal (werewolf) attack.
    • The Girlfriend is confronted by her old Boyfriend. She's surprised (and afraid) to see him again, but he tells her that he was just worried about her and Justin. He plays on her fears that Justin is the guilty party, including telling her exactly what a Slayer is and what Buffy will do when she finds out, as she inevitably will. He tells her that the only thing she can do is to come back with him, where he can control her brother and take care of her. He gives her until sunset to come to him, else he will go to the Slayer and tell her about Justin; he says he has to protect the innocents.
    • The Girlfriend goes to Oz, desperately looking for evidence that Justin wasn't the murderer. Unfortunately she doesn't find any and Oz shows her the destroyed remnants of Justin's cage last night. He says that he hates to do it, but he has to look out for the best interests of the group and tells her that she and Justin must leave; he knows Buffy and knows what will happen if Justin kills again. She runs off.
    • The Girlfriend goes to the Boyfriend, who is decked out with guns, both of the tranq and bullet-wielding variety – just in case. He is pleased that she will go back with him when Buffy appears. [Rest in Buffy's bits]

Final Breakdown

    Episode 10 Breakdown

    • The Vortex. Buffy and Xander sitting. Band playing. Not alone. Also there, Dawn and Kennedy. Buffy keeping eye on Dawn. Willow enters. Oz at end. Dawn's headaches.

    Act One
    • Oz! Let's play catchup. Have him meet Dawn, should be funny.
    • Faith and Hazel scene. Watching movie? "Okay, I want you to be able to do that by next week."
    • Giles working late. Call from Coven about Sunnydale.
    • Willow and Oz talking.
    • Buffy and Xander walking home talking about Oz. Maybe Buffy senses something? But doesn't investigate?
    • Wolf attack

    Act Two
    • Next morning. Buffy and Willow.
    • ?? Kennedy and Hannah scene??
    • Oz and Xander at Vortex. Buffy and Willow join. Dawn's there making goo-goo eyes at Toby. Willow talks to Jemma.
    • Dawn bitching to Kennedy about Buffy. Offer to teach Dawn to fight.
    • Giles and Buffy sparring. Xander enters with news. Buffy runs off.
    • Buffy finds and confronts Oz. Jemma listens in.

    Act Three
    • Jemma alone, thinking. Confronted by Eddie.
    • Willow and Kennedy scene.
    • Giles, Hannah, Wood scene. Plot threads (Sunnydale, Mogari, vanishing Slayers, inventory)
    • Faith and Hazel ... not sure doing what. Finish with Buffy finding Faith and telling her to get ready for wolf hunt.
    • Oz tells Jemma she must leave.

    Act Four
    • Jemma goes to Eddie. Big showdown.
    • Aftermath at Vortex.

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