The Chosen :: A Buffy virtual series continuation

This scene was the beginning part to Tara's vision, the one where Willow torches Buffy and Xander. When I began to write the scene, this is what poured out, and it's not bad stuff. I realized, though, that it was really unnecessary, and actually hurts the scene. All of this establishing stuff isn't vital – does it make the horror any greater for vision-Willow? Does it increase Tara's pain at having to watch it? The answer to both is, "not really". And going through all of this causes the tension to slack off. We have Madrigan, all evil and threaten-y, but then cut to all this light banter, and it dips at a point where it should be building. So I cut it all out, but saved it, just in case I changed my mind. Obviously I didn't, but hey, we got a nice bonus feature out of it.

It's a graveyard. The Scoobies are out on patrol – Willow, Tara, Buffy, Xander. Willow and Tara are holding hands, obviously together. Despite the patrolling and the probable danger, they're all in apparently good spirits, chatting amiably.

REFLECTION-XANDER I just sucked in my pride – along with any excess gut, drew a little heart on ye olde eye patch for good luck, and asked her out.

There, see? That wasn't so hard was it?

It was quite possibly the single most difficult thing I've done since shoe shopping with Buffy.

Oh, but look! (She proudly displays a new pair of shoes ... I dunno shoes, but they should be Buffy-ish.) Pretty.

(To Xander) What did she say? She said yes, right?

(Hugging Tara's arm) Of course she said yes! When a Scooby turns on the charm and allure, no one can resist!

(Flirtatious, for Willow's ears only:) Mm, I know I'M helpless against it.

(Equally flirtatious:) Slave to my every whim ... I can live with that.

I'm pointedly ignoring the fact that there are members of our audience who can prove that rule to be completely false. (Smiling) But yes, she said yes.

Whoo-hoo! And the Xan-Man is back in the—

The celebrations are cut short as a vampire comes from nowhere and tackles Buffy to the ground. Before the others can react, they're each attacked separately, the number of vampires swelling around each person. We hear the sounds of battle, but we follow Willow, she's using her magicks to fend off attacks as well as she can, though she's almost overwhelmed. Then there's a scream – and it's cut abruptly short. Willow's eyes widen in panic.

Tara? Tara!

With a burst of power, Willow flings the vampires away and scrambles to her feet. She runs over to the cluster of vampires around where Tara should be.

Get away from her!

Another burst of power and those vampires go flying too. Willow rushes over to the body lying there. It's not moving.

(Fearful) Baby?

We see Tara on the ground, her eyes open and glassy. Her throat's been ripped out, blood all over her clothes. There's no mistaking that she's dead.

Willow can only stare and stare, shaking her head slightly back and forth, trying to deny what she already knows to be true. A vampire comes up from behind and grabs her by the shoulder, intent on making her his next victim. His touch snaps Willow out of it, and she turns around in that moment – her eyes and hair already black. She doesn't speak, she simply looks at the vampire – Tara's blood still on his mouth. She glares at him with a hatred that transcends words. The vampire suddenly combusts into flames. He's dust within a second. She turns to look at the other vampires around her and each of them burst into flames as well. All other vampires in the area soon follow, freeing Buffy and Xander. From Xander's place on the ground where he was pinned, he's swatting at his smoldering clothes from where burning ash fell.

Great save, Will, but maybe next time you can NOT nearly immolate the good guys with the bad?

Buffy however has approached Willow slowly, already sensing something's wrong.

(Quietly silencing him) Xander ...

Xander looks up as well and sees Willow standing, staring down at Tara's body.

Oh god.

He scrambles to his feet. Buffy is already there, next to Willow.

Tara ... Will, I—

Shut up.

Buffy immediately falls silent and Willow turns to her. Her eyes are still jet black, no trace of anything in them.

You didn't save her.

Will they came out of nowhere. I didn't ... (Her eyes fall on Tara's body, her eyes welling) God, Tara ...

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  Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all such related things, © Mutant Enemy and many other people with big scary lawyers.
We're borrowing them without permission, but you said you were done with 'em, so we're hoping you won't mind so much.
Stories, images, characters you don't recognize, those are all by 4Paws. Yes, we'll take the blame.