Meine Lieblingsbilder von Sarah .
.... . Sarah Michelle Gellar
Vital Statistics Sarah Michelle Gellar
Birthplace New York City
Age 23
Birthdate April 14th, 1977
Height 5 feet 3 inch 
Eyes Color Green
Hair Color Dark Brown (Naturally)

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Color Red
Food Pasta
Least Favorite Food Meatloaf and liver
Movie The Princess Bride
TV Show Party of Five
Actor Tom Cruise
Actress Stockard Channing
Season Summer
Vacation Spot Bermuda
Book Gone With the Wind
Pets Maltese Terrier named Thor
Hobbies Ice Skating, Scuba Diving, Rollerblading
Sports Ice Skating, Football
Sports Team New York Giants
Music Billy Joel
Piece of Clothing Motorcycle Jacket
Sarah also enjoys rollerblading, ice skating, water skiing, and occasionally goes cliff diving. She was a competitive figure skater for 3 years and was ranked 3rd in the New York Sate regional competition. She has taken 5 years of Tae Kwon Do and is active in physical fitness. Sarah is an only child and considers herself a workaholic. She attended high school at Professional Children's School in New York and graduated two years early with a 4.0 .
