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4.03 The Harsh Light Of Day - L'accecante luce del giorno

Prima visione Italia 30/03/01
Prima visione USA 19/10/99

Titolo originale: 4.03 The Harsh Light Of Day

Titolo italiano: L'accecante luce del giorno

Scritto da:
Jane Espenson
Diretto da:
James A. Contner

 Transcript season 4

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers 
Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris 
Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg 
Seth Green as Oz 
Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles 

Guest Stars: 
James Marsters as Spike 
Emma Caulfield as Anya 
Mercedes McNab as Harmony 
Adam Kaufman as Parker 

Jason Hall as Devon 
Melix as Bryan 

Canzoni tratte dagli episodi

I Dingoes Ate My Baby la suonano al Bronze all'inizio dell'episodio

Four Star Mary

E' la prima canzone di Bif Naked che sentiamo su Buffy. Viene suonata al pary della confraternita

Bif Naked 

Moment of Weakness
Bif canta questa canzone quando Buffy torna al party per cercare Parker

Bif Naked 

Si sente quando Buffy e Parker ballano

 Bif Naked 

Si sente quando Buffy cerca Spike e Harmony


It's Over, It's Under
Si sente quando Harmony e Spike sono a letto insieme

Devil Doll

Faith in Love
Viene suonata al Bronze dopo che i Dingoes Ate My Baby lasciano il palco

Psychic Rain 

Take Me Down


Riassunto dell'episodio

Spike ritorna a Sunnydale con la sua nuova compagna, Harmony. La vampira si lascia sfuggire che Spike è in cerca della gemma di Amara, un anello in grado di rendere i vampiri invulnerabili. Trovato l'anello Spike affronta Buffy alla luce del sole. Nel frattempo la cacciatrice è delusa per il comportamento di Parker che dopo aver passato la notte con lei l'abbandona. Buffy si impossessa dell'anello e lo fa recapitare ad Angel.



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Willow: "Hey, look, Parker's here."
Buffy: "Yeah."
Willow: "You're not looking? He looks really cute in green."
Buffy: "Teal. He's reflected in the mirror."
Willow: "You know, when you spend all week with a guy, you're allowed to look at him directly."

Willow: "Buffy's looking at Parker, who, it turns out, has a reflection, so big plus there. Buffy's having lusty wrong feelings."
Buffy: "No, I'm not."
Willow: "No, you're not."
Buffy: "Oh, I so am."

Harmony: "You were always funny, Willow. You haven't changed a bit."
Willow: "No, you neither."
Harmony: "Oh, maybe a little. (growl)"

Willow: "Back off, Harmony."
Harmony: "Okay, fine. Hide behind your boyfriend. But guess what? I have a boyfriend, too, and he's gonna be mad that you were mean to me."

Parker: "I'm not doing the deep 'get sympathy' routine. I mean, don't you just hate guys who are all, 'I'm dark and brooding, so give me love.'"
Buffy: "I don't think I've ever met that type."

Anya: "You should lock your door."
Giles: "Believe me, I am kicking myself."
Xander: "Anya? The last time I saw you fleeing in terror. How'd that work out for you?"

Anya: "So, where's our relationship?"
Xander: "Our what? Our who?"

Xander: "And there's the whole you used to be a man-killing demon thing. Which, to be fair, is as much my issue as it is yours."

Oz: "Remember Harmony?"
Willow: "She's back from her summer vacation. And she's a little different."
Buffy: "Different?"
Willow: "Paler."
Parker: "Is your neck okay?"
Buffy: "Neck. Paler. Puppy! The angry puppy."
Oz: "Yeah, we came to warn you about the... angry puppy."

Buffy: "Harmony's a vampire? She must be dying without a reflection."

Harmony: "How's my little blondie bear?"
Spike: "Harm, does this look like a good time to talk?"
Harmony: "Are you going to kill Willow today? 'Cause I want you to say, 'This is for messing with my sweet girl.'"

Harmony: "You almost killed her last year. Suddenly it's a big deal?"

Harmony: "This one tastes funny. Take me out to eat."
Spike: "He's perfectly fresh."
Harmony: "I think I had a math class with him last year, and I didn't like him that much then, either."

Spike: "I like him. He's got... um, what's the word? Vulnerability."
Buffy: "And you're with Harmony. What, did you lose a bet?"
Harmony: "Hey!"

Buffy: "What's the matter, Spike? Dru dump you again?"
Spike: "Maybe I dumped her!"
Harmony: "She left him for a fungus demon. That's all he talks about most days."
Spike: "Harm!"

Harmony: "Is Antonio Banderas a vampire?"
Spike: "No."
Harmony: "Oh. Can I make him a vampire?"
Spike: "No. Wait. On second thought, yeah. Go do that. Take your time. Do Melanie and the kids as well."

Harmony: "Hey, I don't have a pulse. Cool! Can we eat a doctor so I can get a stethoscope and hear my heart not beating?"

Parker: "You think I could get a dance with the prettiest girl at the party?"
Buffy: "And what do I do, just stand here and watch?"

Harmony: "You love that tunnel more than me."
Spike: "I love syphilis more than you."

Buffy: "You know what? I'm an adult and it's none of your business where I was."
Giles: "I'm sincerely relieved to hear it. Now, can we discuss the impending disaster?"

Oz: "Okay, either I'm borrowing all your albums, or I'm moving in."
Giles: "Oz, there are more important things than records right now."
Oz: "More important than this one?"
Giles: "Um, I suppose an argument could be made for..."
Xander: "Whoa, Giles has a TV. Everybody, Giles has a TV! He's shallow like us."
Oz: "I got to admit, I'm a little disappointed."
Giles: "I-I-I..."
Willow: "Well, maybe it doesn't work. It's like art."
Giles: "Uh... public television!"

Parker: "Didn't you have fun? Watch out how you answer that, my ego is fragile."



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