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4.15 This Year's Girl - La ragazza dell'anno

Prima visione Italia 19/04/01
Prima visione USA 22/02/00

Titolo originale: 4.15 This Year's Girl

Titolo italiano: La ragazza dell'anno

Scritto da:
Douglas Petrie
Diretto da:
Michael Gershman

 Transcript season 4

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers 
Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris 
Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg 
Marc Blucas as Riley Finn 
James Marsters as Spike 
Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles 

Guest Stars: 
Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers 
Eliza Dushku as Faith 
Harry Groener as Mayor Richard Wilkins III 
Amber Benson as Tara 
Leonard Roberts as Forrest Gates 
Bailey Chase as Graham Miller 
Chet Grissom as Detective 
Alastair Duncan as Collins 

Jeff Ricketts as Weatherby 
Kevin Owers as Smith 
Mark Gantt as Demon 
Kimberly McRae as Visitor 
Sara Van Horn as Older Nurse 
Brian Hawley as Orderly 
Jack Esformes as Doctor 

Riassunto dell'episodio

Faith, risvegliatasi dal coma, avendo saputo della morte del sindaco e del fallimento dell'Ascensione è decisa a vendicarsi: rapisce Joyce e aspetta che Buffy si presenti per liberarla. Mentre lei e Buffy lottano Faith, attraverso un regalo lasciatole dal sindaco, fa un incantesimo che scambia i loro corpi. 



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Buffy: "Oh, God, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"
Riley: "No, a giant skewer through the rib cage hurt me. That was just a reminder."

Willow: "You two crazy kids take down an unstoppable killer cyber-demon-hybrid thingy and we'll call it all even."

Xander (to Riley): "There's no way to politely ask you this, but did they put a chip in your brain?"

Riley: "All I had in there was this one little part of you."
Buffy: "It's just a scarf part of me, really."

Riley: "What are you doing?"
Buffy: "I am looking for brain-washy chips in your head."

Xander (regarding Faith's escape): "I'd say this qualifies for a worst-timing ever award."

Xander (regarding Adam and Faith): "I'd hate to see the pursuit of a homicidal lunatic get in the way of pursuing a homicidal lunatic."

Willow (regarding Faith): "I have an idea — beat the crap out of her!"

Willow: "That was the funnest coma ever."

Giles: "Perhaps there's some form of rehabilitation we just haven't thought about."
Willow: "And if not, ass-kicking makes a solid Plan B."

Willow (about Riley): "What did you tell him?"
Buffy: "The truth. That she's my wacky identical cousin from England, and whenever she visits, hijinks ensue."
Willow: "It's good that you two have such an honest relationship."

Buffy: "Faith, these are innocent people."
Faith: "No such animal."

Faith: "You took my life, B. Payback's a bitch."
Willow: "Look who's talking."

Willow: "Hunting for a psychopathic superbitch is definitely in the above-and-beyond category."

Willow (regarding Faith): "I'd be lucky to bruise her fist with my face."

Willow: "She's like this cleavagey slutbomb walking around going 'Ooh. Check me out, I'm wicked cool. I'm five by five.'"
Tara: "Five by five? Five what by five what?"
Willow: "See, that's the thing. No one knows."

Spike: "Can't any one of your damned little Scooby club at least try to remember that I hate you all?"

Faith: "You've got a pair on you, Joyce. I like seeing that in a woman your age."

Joyce: "Are you going to slit my throat anytime soon?"



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