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5.21 The Weight Of The World - Il peso del mondo

Prima visione Italia
Prima visione USA

Titolo originale: 5.21 The Weight Of The World

Titolo italiano: Il peso del mondo

Scritto da:
Doug Petrie
Diretto da:
David Salomon

 Transcript season 5

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers 
Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris 
Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg 
Emma Caulfield as Anya 
Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn 
James Marsters as Spike 
Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles 

Guest Stars: 
Amber Benson as Tara 
Clare Kramer as Glory 
Charlie Weber as Ben 
Dean Butler as Hank Summers
Lily Knight as Grodi
Bob Morrisey è as crazy man
Joel Grey as Doc
Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers
Alexandra Lee as little Buffy 

Riassunto dell'episodio

Dopo la cattura di Dawn, Buffy cade in uno stato catatonico e Willow, con un incantesimo, entra nella sua mente per convincere l'amica a reagire. Quando Buffy si risveglia, la gang si riunisce per organizzare un piano. Giles crede che, se Glory riuscirà a dare inizio al rituale, l'unica soluzione per evitare che l'inferno si riversi sulla terra sarà uccidere Dawn, ma Buffy non è disposta a sacrificare sua sorella. 



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Murk: "Quickly! Quickly! Already we are behind schedule. Someone's bound for a beheading; let's make sure it's not me."
Gronx: "Why do we remain when our moment of triumph lies so close at hand?"
Murk: "The Glorious One, having acquired much in this world, does not exactly travel light."
Glory: "Hey! Minions. I can hear you. God-like ears... don't miss much, know what I'm saying?"

Gronx: "'Twas he who blasphemed, your magnificence."
Murk: "Spurred on by treacherous urging!"
Glory: "Guys, I'm not gonna kill you. Not in the mood. What do you think that's about?"
Gronx: "In mercy does your power lie."
Glory: "No, brainless. In torture, death and chaos does my power lie. So tell me. Why am I not popping your head like a zit right now?"

Glory: "I'm just a little tight in this skin, is all. I've been waiting an eternity--well, 25 human years--and it all comes down to tonight."

Spike: "Better part of a century spent in delinquency just paid off. Hot-wired Ben's auto. Who's for getting the hell out of here?"

Willow: "We should move her. Unless we shouldn't. Should we?"
Anya: Couldn't that make it worse? I think I read that somewhere..."
Xander: I am so large with not knowing."

Willow: "Buffy's out. Glory has Dawn. Sometime real soon, she's going to use Dawn to tear down the barrier between every dimension there is. So, if you two want to fight, you do it after the world ends, okay? Alright. First, we head back to Sunnydale. Xander will take Giles to a hospital. Anya's looking after Tara. Spike, you find Glory. Check her apartment, see if she's still there. Try anything stupid, like payback, and I will get very cranky."

Spike: "Better part of a century spent in delinquency just paid off. Hot-wired Ben's auto. Who's for getting the hell out of here?"

Spike: "Uh, Will? Now, uh, don't turn me into a horned toad for asking, but... what if we come across Ben?"
Willow: "Nothing, I don't think a doctor's what Buffy needs right now."

Spike: "Is everyone here very stoned?"

Willow: "Ben and Glory are the same person?"
Xander: "Glory can turn into Ben and Ben turns back into Glory."
Anya: "And anyone who sees it instantly forgets."
Spike: "A kewpie doll for the lady."
Giles: "Now, do we suspect that there may be some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?"

Glory: "You know, you recapture your Godhood and unleash Armageddon? All of a sudden everybody wants to be part of the inner circle."

Glory: "You want a pizza? Pillow? I don't know if this thing gets cable. Doubtful."

Dawn: "Don't call me 'Dawnie.'"
Glory: "Wow. You know, that actually hurt my feelings."
Dawn: "Sorry."
Glory: "Not the point."

Glory: "You know what they're all chanting for out there, 'Dawnie?' Blood. 'Cause we found out, your blood? It's the Key to the Key. All I gotta do is bleed you dry, the Portal opens up, and I go home. So knock yourself out, girlfriend. Make me feel bad as you can, 'cause tomorrow? You bleed, little girl."

Willow: "Wish me luck?"
Anya: (cheerfully) "Good luck!"
Willow: "Thanks."

Young Buffy: "I... I could be the one to look after her sometimes, if you need a helper. Mom? Can I take care of her?"
Joyce: "Yes, Buffy. You can take care of her."

Xander: "How you doing?"
Giles: "Only hurts when I answer pointless questions. Where's Buffy?"

Spike: "Found Ben's room at Glory's. Didn't learn much."

Xander: "Wait...Ben? At Glory's? So you're saying that all this time he was sub-letting from her?"
Spike: "This...is gonna be worth it."
(Spike smacks Xander)
Spike & Xander: "OW!"
Spike: "Last time, from the top..."

Glory: "Help me."
Priest: "This I cannot do. You risk terrible Magicks in opening the Portal. Nothing comes without a price. This is yours."
Glory: "Gods don't pay."

Willow: "Hey. I know you. You're that first original Slayer who tried killing us all in our dreams. How've you been?"

First Slayer: "Death is your gift."
Buffy: "Death is my gift?"
Willow: "Wait. Death is her what?"

Glory: "Funny, 'cause I look around at this world you're so eager to be a part of, and all I see's six billion lunatics looking for the fastest ride out. Who's not crazy? Look around... everyone's drinkin', smokin', shootin' up, shootin' each other or just plain screwing their brains out because they don't want 'em anymore. I'm crazy? Honey, I am the original one-eyed chicklet in the kingdom of the blind 'cause at least I admit the world makes me nuts. Name one person who can take it here. That's all I'm asking. Name one."
Dawn: "Buffy."

Young Buffy: "Do you like dolls?"
Willow: "No. And I think we already deja'd this vu."
Young Buffy: "You talk funny."
Willow: "Yes, as you'll tell me again when we're older, and in chem class. Buffy, what are we doing here?"

Xander: "Ben is Glory!"
Doc: "Who's what?"
Spike: "Look at this. Special Ed remembers."
Xander: "Yeah. I do. Ben's Glory. Glory, Ben. It's like a fog is lifting."
Spike: "Wonderful. But not why we're here.
Doc: "When it comes to Hellgods, my best advice is to get out of the way and stay there."
Spike: "Love to. Can't."
Doc: "Well, other than that...I'd like to help, but I'm just a small town guy. This Glorificus, if it is her - she's Big City."

Dawn: (Hits ben with chain) "I'm sorry."
Glory: "'Sorry'? That actually hurt, you pre-pubescent puke."

Glory: "Okay, first thought, just totally spontaneous, unfiltered, off the top of my head? "Ow!!" You hit Ben in his soft human head. And I remember the pain!"

Glory: "No. NO! Little late in the game to start growing a backbone, Benjamin. Now be good and stay quiet."

Glory: "No *you* don't! Get over yourself, Ben! This is the way things are! I'm strong, you're weak, this is reality. Stop trying to infect me with your..."
Ben: "Do you ever stop talking? I don't know which is worse, waking up in a dress not knowing where I've been, or having to hear all your self-involved ranting."

Glory: "Benjamin. What are you doing?"
Ben: "You need her blood? When I'm through there won't be enough left to fill a bottle cap. Then you, Hellbitch, have nowhere left to go."

Buffy: "This was when I quit, Will."
Willow: "You did?"
Buffy: "Just for a second."

Buffy: "I wanted it over. This is all--all of it--it's too much for me. I just wanted it over. If Glory wins, then Dawn dies. I would grieve and people would feel sorry for me. But it would all be over. And I imagined what a relief that would be."

Buffy: "I killed my sister."
Willow: "I think Spike was right, back at the gas station. Snap out of it!"

Willow: "I'm sorry. But all this... it has a name. It's called guilt. It's a feeling, and it's important, but it's not more than that, Buffy. Buffys. You've carried the weight of the world on your shoulders since high school. I know you didn't ask for this. But you do it. Every day, and so you wanted out for one second, so what?"
Buffy: "I got Dawn killed..."
Willow: "Hello! Your sister... not dead yet! But she will be if you stay locked inside here and never come back to us."

Buffy: "Wait. Where are you going?"
Willow: "Where you're needed."

Giles: "I'm afraid it... Buffy. I've read these very carefully. There's not much margin for error. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
Buffy: "Might help if you actually said it."


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