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1.12 Prophecy Girl / 

Prima visione Italia 16/07/00
Prima visione USA 

Titolo originale: 1.12 Prophecy Girl

Traduzione letterale: La ragazza della profezia

Titolo italiano: La profezia

Scritto da:
Joss Whedon
Diretto da:
Joss Whedon

 Transcript season 1


Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers 
Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris 
Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg 
Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase 
Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles 

Guest Stars: 
Mark Metcalf as The Master 
David Boreanaz as Angel 
Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers 
Robia LaMorte as Ms. Calendar 
Andrew J. Ferchland as The Anointed One 

Scott Gurney as Kevin 


Canzoni tratte dall'episodio

Si sente quando Xander non risponde al telefono dopo il rifiuto di Buffy

Patsy cline

I fall to pieces

Si sente mentre Buffy guarda le foto

Jonatha Brooke



Video tratti dall'episodio

Buffy scopre la profezia sul maestro sentendo parlare Angel e Giles

(episodio 1.12 The Prophecy Girl)

885 Kb 

.:: Download ::.


Riassunto dell'episodio

Al Bronze, Xander prova con Willow il discorso che farà a Buffy per chiederle di andare al ballo con lui. Nel frattempo Buffy, al cimitero, ha più difficoltà del solito ad eliminare i vampiri. Giles legge dal Codex una profezia sul Maestro e la Cacciatrice, e un terremoto colpisce Sunnydale. 

La mattina, Buffy racconta a Giles che la notte prima ha dovuto uccidere ben tre vampiri. 

Quando Xander ha finalmente il coraggio di chiedere a Buffy di andare al ballo con lui, la cacciatrice rifiuta dicendo che non pensa a lui in quel modo, e non vuole rovinare la loro amicizia. In biblioteca, 

Giles e Miss Calendar discutono: il terremoto, eventi strani accaduti in tutta Sunnydale, sembrano confermare che l'apocalisse sia vicina.

Jenny Un gatto ieri ha partorito una nidiata di serpi. Una famiglia nuotava nel lago quando all'improvviso l'acqua si è messa a bollire. Al Mercy Hospital stanotte è nato un bambino con gli occhi rivolti all'indietro. Non sono stupida, sono le storie dell'Apocalisse. Aggiunga il terremoto di ieri e ammetterà che abbiamo un problema. Voglio dire che la fine potrebbe essere adesso. 

Buffy, non vista dai due, sente per caso una conversazione tra Giles ed Angel. Giles dice ad Angel che il giorno dopo la cacciatrice avrebbe affrontato il Maestro e sarebbe morta. Buffy è terrorizzata e dice a Giles che non vuole più essere una cacciatrice. 

Si manifestano altri segni dell'apocalisse: alcuni studenti, compreso il ragazzo di Cordelia, vengono trovati morti. Willow scopre i loro corpi e ne rimane molto turbata.

Buffy decide che, anche se ha paura, soltanto lei può provare a salvare il mondo affrontando il Maestro. Impedisce a Giles di affrontare il Maestro al suo posto, esce dalla biblioteca con una balestra, e il Consacrato la guida fino al luogo in cui si trova il Maestro.

 Xander, dopo una lite con Giles, chiede l'aiuto di Angel per trovare e proteggere Buffy. 

Xander Perché l'ha lasciata andare?!
Giles Dal colore violetto della mia mandibola, si può evincere che non sono stato io a lasciarla andare.
Willow Dobbiamo andare a trovarla!
Jenny Non so se vi interessa, ma ci sarebbe anche l'Apocalisse all'ordine del giorno.

Il Maestro morde Buffy, e la cacciatrice, debolissima, cade a terra. Si scopre che, secondo la profezia, Buffy non sarebbe stata condotta dal Maestro per fermarlo, ma per permettergli di tornare sulla terra attraverso il suo sangue. 
Xander ed Angel trovano Buffy.

 La cacciatrice è morta veramente per circa due minuti, ma Xander riesce a rianimarla attraverso la CPR. 
Nel frattempo Cordelia, Willow e Miss Calendar scappano dai vampiri che circondano la loro auto. Cercano rifugio in biblioteca, ma i vampiri le seguono. Mentre provano a impedire che entrino, assieme a Giles, un mostro esce dal pavimento della biblioteca e le attacca.  

Buffy torna a scuola, combatte e sconfigge il Maestro. Nonostante sia stato impalettato, il suo scheletro non si riduce in polvere. I mostri e i vampiri, comunque, scompaiono insieme a lui. 


Quotes originali

Cliccando sulle quotes su fondo grigio potrai scaricarle e ascoltarle in originale

Buffy: "How you doing there, Giles? Get much sleep last night?"
Giles: "I've been working."
Buffy: "Me, too. I went hunting last night, and it is awfully sweet of you to ask."

Buffy: "Giles, care. I'm putting my life on the line battling the undead. Look, I broke a nail, okay? I'm wearing a press-on. The least you could is exhibit some casual interest. You could go, 'hmm?'"
Giles: "Hmm?"

Buffy: "I can't put it off any longer. I have to meet my terrible fate."
Giles: "What?"
Buffy: "Biology."

Buffy: "Wow, that was boring."
Xander: I don't feel that boring covers it.
Buffy: No, boring falls short.
Willow: Even I was bored. And I'm a science nerd.
Buffy: Don't say that.
Willow: I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?
Xander: "Willow, don't you have a thing?"
Willow: "A thing? The thing...that I have...which is a thing...that I have to go to. See you later!"
Buffy: "What on Earth is her deal?"
Xander: "Oh, she's Willow."

Xander: "Buffy, I want you to go to the dance with me. You and me. On a date."
Buffy: "I don't know what to say."
Xander: "Well, you're not laughing. That's a good start."

Xander: Buffy , I like you. A lot. And I know we're friends, and we've had experiences... We've fought some bloodsucking fiends, and that's all been a good time. But I want more. I want to dance with you. 

Xander: Nah. Forget it. I'm not him. I mean, I guess a guy's gotta be undead to make time with you.
Buffy: That's really harsh.
Xander: Look, I'm sorry. I don't handle rejection well. Funny! Considering all the practice I've had, huh?

Xander: That's okay. I don't wanna go. I'm just gonna go home, lie down and listen to country music. The music of pain.

Ms. Calendar: The part that gets me, though, is where Buffy is the Vampire Slayer. She's so little.

Angel: Well, there's gotta be some way around it.
Giles: Listen. Some prophecies are, are a bit dodgy. They're, they're mutable. Buffy herself has, has thwarted them time and time again, but this is the Codex. There is nothing in it that does not come to pass.
Angel: Then you're reading it wrong.
Giles: I wish to God I were! But it's very plain! Tomorrow night Buffy will face the Master, and she will die.

Buffy: They say how he's gonna kill me? Do you think it'll hurt? Don't touch me! Were you even gonna tell me?
Giles: I was hoping that I wouldn't have to. That there was... some way around it. I...
Buffy: I've got a way around it. I quit!
Angel: It's not that simple.
Buffy: I'm making it that simple! I quit! I resign, I-I'm fired, you can find someone else to stop the Master from taking over!

Giles: I'm not sure that anyone else can. All the... the signs indicate...
Giles: No, I don't suppose I am.

Angel: I know this is hard.
Buffy: What do you know about this? You're never gonna die!
Angel: You think I want anything to happen to you? Do you think I could stand it? We just gotta figure out a way...
Buffy: I already did. I quit, remember? Pay attention!
Giles: Buffy, if the Master rises...

Buffy: I don't care! I don't care. Giles, I'm sixteen years old. I don't wanna die.

Cordelia: "Willow, I really like your outfit."
Willow: "No, you don't."
Cordelia: "No, I really don't, but I need a favor."

Willow: "How'd it go?"
Xander: "On a scale of one to ten, it sucked."
Willow: "Oh."
Xander: "Well, I guess it could be worse. I could have gangrene on my face."

Buffy: "You and me, a mother/daughter thing. We could talk about all the embarrassing things you love to bring up."

Buffy: "Then what happened?"
Joyce: "I met your father."
Buffy: "He didn't have a date either?"
Joyce: "He did, and that's a much funnier story that you will not get to hear."

Giles: "I've made up my mind."
Buffy: "So have I."
Giles: "I made up mine first!"

Buffy: When he wakes up tell him.. I don't know. Think of something cool, tell him I said it

Giles: "We stay calm, first thing."
Xander: "Calm?!"
Willow: "I think he's right."
Xander: "I'm sorry. Calm may work for Locutus of the Borg here, but I'm freaked out and I intend to stay that way."

Xander: How could you let her go?
Giles: As the soon-to-be-purple area of my jaw will attest, I did not let her go!

Master: "Oh, by the way, I like your dress."

Xander: How can I say this clearly? I don't like you. At the end of the day, I pretty much think you're a vampire. But Buffy's got this big old yen for you. She thinks you're a real person. And right now I need you to prove her right.
Angel: You're in love with her.
Xander: Aren't you?

Xander: You were looking at my neck.
Angel: What?
Xander: You were checking out my neck! I saw that!
Angel: No, I wasn't!
Xander: Just keep your distance, pal.
Angel: I wasn't looking at your neck!
Xander: I told you to eat before we left.

Master: "Come forth, my child. Come into my world."
Buffy: "I don't think it's yours just yet."
Master: You're dead!

Buffy: I may be dead, but I'm still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you.

Master: You were destined to die! It was written!
Buffy: What can I say? I flunked the written.

Willow: "We've got to get to the library."
Cordelia: "The library. Great."
Willow: "Of course, we generally walk there."

Angel: By the way, I really like your dress.
Buffy: Yeah, yeah. Big hit with everyone

Giles: "Buffy?"
Buffy: "Oh, sorry. It's just...been a really weird day."
Xander: "Yeah, Buffy died and everything."
Willow: "Wow. Harsh."
: "I should have known that wouldn't stop you."
Miss Calendar: "Well, what do we do now?"
Giles: "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like to get out of this place. I don't like the library very much anymore."
Xander: "Hey, I hear there's a dance at the Bronze tonight. Could be fun."
Cordelia: "Yeah!"
Willow: "Buffy?"

Buffy: "Sure. We saved the world, I say we party. I mean, I got all pretty."

Miss Calendar: "What about him?"
Buffy: "He's not going anywhere. Loser!"

Willow: You can come with us, Angel.
Buffy: I'm hungry.
Xander: So what's the story with the car?
Cordelia: Oh, that was me, saving the day!
Willow: (to Angel) Get something to drink.
Buffy: Is anybody else hungry?
Willow: (to Angel) Well, no, don't do that. Just hang.
Buffy: I'm really, really hungry.



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