Teenceleb Charisma....
by Stephen Lenz

Apparently kicking some major vampire but isn't enough to keep Buffy The Vampires Slayer's 28-year old Charisma Carpenter busy. Teen Celebrity  caught up with the actress, who plays the less-than-cordial Cordelia on the hit WB bloodfest, at a New York City seminar where she was invited to speak about young girls becoming strong women. She should know.

Besides ridding the world of evil bloodsuckers, what makes a young woman strong and indipendent?
Charisma Carpenter: It's all about self-esteem. If you don't feel good about yourself, it's difficult to feel good about anything at all.

You're no shrinking violet. Where do you get all your strength from?
Charisma Carpenter: Courage.

Do you think it's tough being a young woman in Hollywood?
Charisma Carpenter: No way. I never think about it being tougher for a woman. If there's an opportunity out there, I grab it. It's silly to think there's anyone out there who's against me.

Not even vampires?
Charisma Carpenter: "Vampire" is such a harsh word.

Have you ever written a fan letter?
Charisma Carpenter: Oh my God! Of course I have!

To whom?
Charisma Carpenter: The Wallflowers.

When was that?
Charisma Carpenter: Last year! [Giggles]

Are you more charismatic than you are a carpenter?
Charisma Carpenter: That's a good one! No one's ever asked me that before. I'm definitely more charismatic -- I hope.

What would you do if you weren't an actress?
Charisma Carpenter: That's easy. I'd be an English teacher.

What wouldn't you do if you weren't an actress?
Charisma Carpenter: That's even easier -- a waitress. Can you tell I've done that before?

What makes Cordelia such a popular character?
Charisma Carpenter: People love to hate her. She's Buffy's nemesis. I wouldn't say that Buffy hates Cordelia, thought. It's more about competition.

Are the actors on the show competitive?
Charisma Carpenter: No way! We have a lot of fun. There's a real sense of family, and I think that's obvious when you watch the show.

Do you think it's all the strong female characters that make Buffy The Vampire Slayer such a hit?
Charisma Carpenter: That may be part of it. But when you boil it all down, it's the special effects that bring 'em in.

Do I look like a vampire to you?
Charisma Carpenter: No. Should you?