"Really Living"

Author: Gileswench
Email: gileswench@yahoo.com
Summary: Buffy has made a few decisions that she wants to share with Giles.
This one comes to you courtesy of the allthejellies LJ smut-a-thon. My assignment was from Lawyergirl115, and reads as follows:
Season: Season 5 or Post-Chosen
3 Requests: Buffy or Giles having a tattoo that the other finds sexy (his Eghyon tattoo doesn't count); a thunderstorm; one of them sucking the other's toes.
1 Restriction: Not one speck of angst
Dedication: To Lawyergirl15 for the challenge (and you'll never know what a challenge the toes were for me! LOL!), and to aka_elle for running the smut-a-thon. I hope this is smutty enough for you both, and angst-free enough for Lawyergirl15.

Giles opened his door. He stood stunned for a long moment.

"Buffy...? Is it really you?"

"Hey Giles. Long time no see. How're you doing?"

He continued staring at her for a long time.

"Giles? Hey, Giles! Person carrying heavy things standing on your doorstep," Buffy reminded him. "The polite thing is to let her in and let her put them down."

"Oh! Yes! Sorry!" He shook his head to clear it, then stepped aside and gestured her in. She took the silent invitation. "I'm sorry. It's just...I wasn't expecting you until next month."

"Yeah, I know, but...let's just say breakups change plans and leave it at that." She set down her luggage. "Rome wasn't where I wanted to be right now."

"I thought you and The Immortal were happy."

"So did I, for a while. But you know, I've come to a decision about dating guys who don't have an expiration date: I'm not doing it anymore. Their sense of timing is way off of mine."

"What happened?"

He led her to the sofa and they both sat down.

"Nothing. Not one thing. That was sort of the problem."

"I don't understand," Giles said.

"Neither did he," Buffy said cheerfully. "See...when I was the only Slayer, guys who aren't in the here and now worked for me. I knew I couldn't expect to get married or have kids or even find a career outside the

Slaying, so guys who weren't worried about schools and mortgages and making sure the dog gets fed were sort of comforting. Fellow freaks. Now...I don't know. Now I can think about those normal things, and I think

I want to. The Immortal was never gonna do the daddy thing. Or the husband thing. Or even the let's shack up and get a dog thing. I could have wasted a lot of time waiting for him to act like a normal guy, but it would never have worked. So, I said it's been nice, but it's time for me to go. And I went. And I came here early. I hope that was okay."

"Of course it was," Giles smiled. "I'm glad you're here. Though with a little warning, I could have picked you up at the station. I could even have driven into London and picked you up at Heathrow."

"I know. I just decided to take care of the transport on my own. When I left, I just wanted to get away. I wanted to go see someone who's...really living."

"Buffy, The Immortal will never die."

"And that's why he doesn't really live. He doesn't have to. There's always tomorrow. And another tomorrow. What I need is to find a guy who knows he's gonna run out of tomorrows someday."

"Well," Giles said, "in lieu of a man who's going to die to romance you, would you settle for a cup of tea?"

"Right here and now? I so would. And that is such a nice thing. Guys who aren't mortal don't need to eat, so I keep having to remind them that I do."

"I suppose that's a hint you'd like some muffins, as well?"

"It's like you read my mind," she sighed happily. "Have I mentioned how much I love that about you?"

"No, but please feel free to express your adoration on a frequent and regular basis," he grinned. "What about Dawn? Is she joining us?"

"She stayed in Rome. College girl, remember? Plus there was something about some guy called Enrico. I could almost hear the sappy love songs every time she said his name. Trust me, we're on our own."

"Not that I wouldn't like to see Dawn, but I have to admit I'm glad to spend some...alone time with you."

"Same here. I've missed you." She smiled at him. "It's taken a while to rebuild the fences. I wanted to come test them out. Build up some good memories to share and enjoy."

"Just keep the compliments coming, and I'll be in ecstasy."

Over the next few weeks, Giles discovered that Buffy was good at following that particular instruction. She told him how much she loved his house, his cooking, the sheets in the guest room, his singing, his new burgundy red shirt, his voice when he read the latest prophecies to her, his smile, his giggle, his whimsical sense of humor, and his way of making her feel as though she had roots despite the fact she had no parents, no hometown, and no man in her life.

"Somehow, when I'm with you, I'm really living," she mused one day as they cooked dinner together.

"I'm not certain I understand that," he said with a frown.

"It's like...when I was in Rome, I felt like someone had pressed the hold button on my life," she said. "I was there, and I was breathing, and eating, and sleeping, and...well...all the stuff I was doing with The

Immortal. But I wasn't really living. I wasn't making plans or thinking about next week, because I knew it would be the same as this week. There was no real point. Now, I haven't come up with too many plans, but

I'm thinking about where I want to be and what I want to be doing."

"And have you come to any decisions at all?"

"Yeah. I want to be here."

"And what do you want to be doing?"

She looked him straight in the eye.


His mouth worked for a long time. His brain refused to give it instructions.

"Ah," he managed at last.

"Breathe, Giles," she giggled. "I'm not gonna try anything unless you give me a very green light. I just thought, since you asked, you should know I've been looking at you a lot lately, and I like what I see."

"Well...I, um...I like you, too."

"Hoo boy, now things are gonna get weird, aren't they? I shouldn't have said anything. Just forget I opened my big mouth."

"No!" At her startled look, he tried to marshal his thoughts into something more coherent. "What I'm trying to say is...I'm glad you told me. I just...I wasn't expecting...you never let me think I had any chance...but if you're sure - if you want me - well, I'm certainly mortal. I might even be persuaded eventually to get a dog, if that's what you'd like."

"Giles," Buffy said evenly, "put down the knife."


"Because I'm about to leap into your arms and I'd rather not get stabbed doing it."

He put down the knife, and caught an armful of Buffy.

Dinner was forgotten. Instead, they spent the rest of the evening cuddling on the sofa and making plans for a shared future. That night, she still went to her own bed, but she knew eventually she would test out the sheets in the master bedroom.

As the days and nights wore on, Buffy could think of no reason to regret her decision to come carpe Giles. He was warm and strong and considerate of her needs and desires. His hands were callused from hard work, but gentle when he touched her.

They had decided to take the physical aspect of their relationship slowly, but the makeout sessions had been getting heavier and heavier. She shivered happily at the thought of what actual sex would be like with a lover who took so much time and care over each part of her body.

The more she thought about it, the happier and more fulfilled she felt.

One afternoon, they went for a long walk over his property. Despite the greenness of the day, they both bubbled over with optimism. Giles wanted to share his plans for a new outbuilding - a Slayer hostel.

"That way, when we find new girls, they have somewhere to go immediately for assistance and training," he said. "Willow and Xander are both interested in coming here to work on it. And of course Dawn is welcome

should the charms of Rome and Enrico ever pale. Would you like that?"

"The whole gang together again, here in Old Blighty? Definitely of the good. In fact, it sounds like a plan."

"Yes, I suppose it is at that," Giles agreed affably. "And I have another plan, if you'd like to hear it."

"Is it a plan I'm gonna like?"

"I hope so, since it won't happen without your consent."

"And what would this plan consist of?"

"You. A dog. Perhaps even a child." He punctuated each statement with a kiss. "Maybe two, if you'd like that."

"Like it? I'd love it."

She drew his head down for a passionate kiss. Neither paid any attention to the rumble in the distance. Again and again they kissed.

"I can't get enough of you," he whispered softly in her ear. "Don't ever leave me again."

"No chance of that. You're stuck with me from now on." She kissed him deeply.

"I want to take you to bed tonight. I want to make love to you."

"Why wait for tonight? It's not like there's anywhere we need to be right now, is there?"

Giles lifted Buffy in his arms and kissed her almost desperately. Their tongues slipped and slid across one another. She could feel his erection growing, his breathing becoming ragged with hunger for her. She moved her kisses to his throat.

"I want to get my hands on that incredible butt of yours," she teased him, all the while nipping softly at the sensitive skin below his jawline. "I need you inside me."

"God, I could take you here and now," he said.

"Yes, you really, really could," she moaned.

He lowered her to the ground, kissing her all the time. Wet, open-mouthed kisses that set her entire body and soul aflame. One hand cradled her head gently while the other traveled over her shoulder, her throat, the area just above the neckline of her blouse, teasing her.

"You're so beautiful," he told her. "So sweet. I can't wait to fill you, be surrounded by you."

Buffy just groaned and pulled him closer so he could nuzzle her throat.

Neither felt the first raindrops that drizzled on the ground. Moments later, however, the full force of the rainstorm hit. Thunder rolled in the distance. Buffy shrieked as the heavens opened and drenched her. Giles yelped, then began to laugh.

"It's not funny!" Buffy huffed.

"Yes, it bloody is," he giggled. "But we can't stay out here in this. Let's go in and get you dried off."

"You, too, before you catch cold and can't give me a happy for another three days while you sneeze."

He stood and pulled her to her feet. Together, they ran hand-in-hand for the house. By the time they got there, both were soaked to the skin and shivering with the cold. The thunder grew louder, though it was still far away.

"God, I'm freezing!" Buffy said through chattering teeth.

"As am I." Giles pulled her into his arms, but he couldn't warm her much. "What would you say to sharing a bath?"

"I would say: 'bath, let's get sharing'!"

He smiled and took her hand. Together, they moved to the bathroom. As soon as they were inside, Giles started the water in the tub. He added some fragrant salts - a soft, herbal scent.

Buffy still stood shivering in her wet clothes.

"Don't you want to get undressed?" he asked mildly.

"Yes, but I want you to do it," she said softly. "And I want to undress you. It's the first time. We should do it right."

"That's very...romantic of you," he chuckled. "And terribly silly." His expression grew more serious. "And so very, very Buffy."

His kiss was slow and sweet. When he finished it, he took a step back and began to unbutton her blouse. She stood very still as his fingers worked to expose her to his appreciative gaze. He slipped the blouse off her shoulders, then knelt before her to remove her shoes and socks. She giggled and jumped when he ran his fingers over her toes.

"Ticklish?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Way ticklish."

"A pity. Feet can be a great deal of fun."

Still, he stood and moved to shut off the water pouring into the tub before it could overflow and spill on the floor.

By this time, Buffy was growing impatient with her passive role in the proceedings. She yanked his sweater and tee shirt over his head and tossed them with a wet plop on the floor.

"Nice," she said, running her hand through his chest hair. "But it'll be better when that's a goose-pimple-free zone."

"Then hurry up before we both freeze to death." His teasing tone let her know he was just being Giles. "I think we'll both be more attractive when we're warmer."

With that, he knelt again and undid the button and zipper on her jeans. He slipped them down off her hips, but stopped suddenly when they reached her knees. His fingers moved involuntarily to her left hip.

"When did you do this?" he asked.

"About six months ago," she said uncomfortably. "Is it...does it bother you?"

He tugged her panties down a bit and kissed each hieroglyphic symbol inked into her skin.

"No, it doesn't bother me at all," he murmured against her hip. "In fact, it's beautiful. Hope."

"I - I sort of wanted a reminder...after everything...that, well, hope's always there. I figured if it was a permanent thing on my body, even I couldn't forget it. It's in Egyptian."

"Yes, I did recognize it. Why? Why in hieroglyphs?"

"Because they remind me of you. 'Cause it's an ancient language, and ancient languages make me think of you. And because you're the one who always reminds me about the whole hope thing. That way, even when you're not with me...you are."

Again, he kissed his way down the column of symbols.

"I'm glad," he said. "It's what I've always wanted for you. Hope. More than anything, that's what I wanted you to find." His eyes took on a devilish twinkle. "Besides, it's damnably sexy. I must admit, I've always found tattoos on a woman terribly erotic."

"Toes and tats," Buffy giggled. "Who'd have guessed you were so kinky?"

"That's your definition of kinky?" He shook his head. "Clearly, we need to expand your range of sexual experience. I'll be more than happy to help you with that."

He tugged her jeans down her legs and off, then did the same with her panties. He kissed each of her thighs in turn, pleased to note that he could already see moisture seeping between them. He buried his nose in

her pubic mound and inhaled deeply. Buffy trembled and made a tiny whimpering sound. With a soft kiss, he stood and divested her of her bra - the final barrier she wore.

"So lovely," he whispered. "Though it's clear I need to keep feeding you."

"What's wrong? You don't want me to be fat, do you?"

"Not necessarily, but you're too thin. If you want children, you're going to need a bit more flesh on those bones. If it will help, I'm willing to cover my entire body in clotted cream." He kissed her to take away any sting his words may have held. "I would do anything for you, Buffy."

"Right back at you, babe," she smiled.

In a flash, she had unbuckled his belt and began working the buttons that held his jeans closed. When she had them undone, she got to her knees and tugged off his boots and socks.

"Y'know, the toes are kinda cute," she observed with a giggle.

Then she pulled down his jeans only to discover there was nothing underneath to remove.

"Commando?" She quirked an eyebrow at him. "How did you know that was one of my fantasies?"

"Really? Maybe there's hope for you, yet."

She laughed when his cock twitched slightly, growing partially erect.

He pulled her to her feet and picked her up, placing her carefully in the bathtub.

"Let's warm up," he said.

"About time."

They settled themselves with his back against the wall, and her back against him. Buffy luxuriated in the feel of the warm water lapping over her skin, Giles' body touching hers, the gentle, soothing scent of herbs. She groaned in delight.

All the time they lay in the water, Giles kept running his hands over Buffy's body, exploring, teasing,delighting her with his touch. He gloried in her responsiveness, her passion. He watched her eyelids grow heavy and her lips part with desire. Desire for him. For his love, his body. He turned her in the water to sit in his lap so he could kiss her.

"Now, how are those feet doing," he purred.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Shhh, just relax. If you're too ticklish, I'll stop immediately."

He moved his hand to her instep. Buffy took a deep breath and did her best to relax. She was surprised when she found her foot didn't even try to twitch.

"Hey, no itch!" she exclaimed happily. "How do you do that?"

"I'm not sure. Something to do with the heat from the water, perhaps? May I continue?"

"As long as it doesn't tickle too much or hurt at all, you can do whatever you like."

"I get enough pain with my work, thank you," he said. "I've always felt if sex hurts, you're doing something wrong."

He kissed her softly, his fingers trailing over her feet. Suddenly, Buffy found herself lying back, her elbows braced against the sides of the tub. Giles was kissing his way down her ankle, along her heel, until he could take a toe between his lips.

One by one, he suckled at all ten of them. Buffy gasped at the unexpected pleasure of the sensation.

"Starting to get the toe thing," she panted, "though I'm not sure I'm ready to return the favor."

"That's not why I'm doing it," he smiled. "If you want to, I'd be delighted, but if you don't, well, I'm doing this for you because I enjoy it - not because I expect quid pro quo." With that, he kissed her instep one last time and pulled her close. "I'm doing it because I want to make you feel better than you ever have before. It's good for my ego."

"Well it isn't exactly hurting mine, either," she giggled. "Is there anything nobody's ever done for you...that you think you'd like?"

"Is that an offer or a challenge?"

"Bit of both."

"Come on, the water's cooling. Let's move this to the bedroom, shall we?"

He helped Buffy out of the tub, then followed. By the time he was standing on the tile, Buffy had pulled a fluffy towel off the rack. She immediately used it to dry him off.

"What about you?" he asked.

"You can do me after," she said. She blushed. "Dry me off, I mean."

"I plan to take that invitation in both senses," he teased. He stood still as Buffy ran the towel over his back and down his legs. "It's been a long time since someone has spoilt me this much. In fact, I'm not sure I can remember the last time."

"Then it's been too long." She ruffled the towel through his hair. "But spoiling commences now, and will keep on with the commencement for as long as you want."

"I can be very greedy, you know." He deftly took the towel from her, tossed it aside and took up another to dry her off. "Especially with someone I've wanted to be with for so long."

"How long is that, exactly?"

"Doesn't matter. You're mine now." He kissed the tip of her nose, then rubbed the towel vigorously over her hair. "And I've every intention of keeping you so happy you never think of being with anyone else."

"Think? Me? You've got to be kidding." She snuggled against his chest. "You know I think thinking is only for people who aren't me."

With a laugh, Giles took his robe off the hook and helped Buffy into it. She reached up on tiptoe for another kiss.

"Come on, then," he said. "Let's go to bed."

Outside, the storm continued, the thunder rolling ever closer, the rain pouring down in torrents. Inside, the house was snug and warm. When they got to the bedroom, Giles pulled out some candles, placed them strategically around the room, and lit them, one by one as Buffy stretched lazily on the bed, following him with her eyes. In the flickering candlelight, he looked almost feline. Graceful, in a way Buffy never expected in a man of Giles' size, deliberate, possessed of a deceptive softness that hid a passion and strength it was far too easy to forget, but was not to be toyed with. She had to admit to herself that part of the reason she'd run from him for so long was the fear that in Giles, she might have met her match - the one she couldn't lie to, who wouldn't let her slide, wouldn't take a pale excuse for love. The one who would see into her very soul if she allowed him to.

The one man who had seen it without fear, without awe, without compromise.

And he expected her to do the same for him.

He stalked the bed, fire in his eyes. When he sat beside her and slowly removed his oversized robe from her slight frame, she met those eyes.

There was so much in them, so many things she couldn't put a name to, but knew as well as she knew her own name. Darkness and light intertwined, fear and courage, duty and rebellion, willing sacrifice, refusal to bend knee to anyone or anything demanding it, willingness to bend to the one before him. She reached up to touch his cheek, her eyes soft and curious.

"What is it?" he asked. "What do you see?"

"You. I think...I think I really see you."

"Do you like what you see?"

"Not always. But I love it. I love you."

"I know the feeling," he smiled.

Somehow, Buffy knew she would never ask what he meant by that, and he would never tell her, just as she would never explain herself further. But she also knew in that moment that all old scores were now laid entirely to rest. The past was truly and finally the past. The future opened out before them, a path to be explored together.

Giles lowered his head to hers and kissed her. He'd always held a little of himself back before, but now he was ready to simply be with Buffy. He could read acceptance, as well as ardor, in her expression. Taste her hunger on her lips, not only for his body, but his inner self as well.

She wanted it, she would have it; that piece of his soul he'd never shared with anyone in his life. It was hers for the taking.

"Mine," she breathed, "you're all mine."


From that point on, their words became whispers, inarticulate sounds of pleasure. Nothing more needed saying for now.

Actions replaced speech - a language Buffy spoke fluently and Giles was surprisingly well-versed in. Fingers, tongues, lips, explored, and teased. Buffy nuzzled Giles' nipples while he stroked his fingertips along her shoulders. He nipped softly, painlessly, at her throat as she traced the folds of his ear with her tongue. She sucked each one of his fingers into her mouth while his free hand slid over her buttocks.

"So," she said softly, "you never did answer my question earlier."

"What question was that?" He pulled her down and kissed his way along her breastbone.

"About what you've always wanted that nobody's ever done for you. I mean, in bed. I don't guarantee I'll do it, but I'd like to know."

He made a muffled sound against her belly, kissed it one more time, and stretched out beside her.

"The only thing I care about right now, is making you happy," he said. "I want you to laugh, and I want you to sleep beside me, and I want you to keep looking at me precisely the way you've been doing today."

"Come on, there's got to be something," she persisted. She mouthed kisses down his chest as she spoke. "Some...naughty little fantasy you've never told anyone else? A kink you've never had the chance to play with? Come on, you can tell me. Does it involve props?"

"You might be surprised."

"So what's new? Surprise me. It's what you've been doing since the day we met. Why should I expect that to change now? What would you like? Ask and ye shall receive...as long as it's not totally gross or something." Her hand slid down to the coarser thatch of hair surrounding his erect cock. "I want to do something special for you. Something you'll never forget."

"You're certain about this?"

"Way certain."

"Alright, I'll tell you." He settled on his back, holding her close. "Of course, if it's too strange for you, I won't hold you to anything. But yes, there is one thing I've always wanted that no woman has ever done for me."

"And that would be...?"

"No woman has ever called my name during her climax." He mumbled a bit, half hoping he wouldn't be understood.

"You're kidding," Buffy said blankly. "That's the big kinky thing you want? To hear me scream?"

"Not just scream. I want to hear my name. No one's ever done that before. I know it's a cliché of the worst possible sort, but you asked what my fantasy was, and that's it. Usually, women just sort of...yell. Or say something terribly crude. It's gratifying at the time, but then I begin to wonder if it was me or just that they enjoyed sex. And now I say it, it sounds impossibly ridiculous."

"It sounds pretty mushy, actually, but sort of sweet." She kissed him on the cheek. "I don't know how much control I'll have at that point, but I'll do my best," she promised. "Just so I know, do you want to hear 'Ripper' or will 'Giles' do?"

"Either, I suppose," he said without conviction.

"Which, I take it means 'neither'. Okay."

"No, either is perfectly fine. Really. Or neither."

"Okay," she said. "I'll let it drop for now. Heck, it's making you drop." She turned her attention to his flagging erection. "Can't allow that, can we?"

Giles gave a strangled moan as she took him into her mouth. In moments, he was hard as steel again, but Buffy wasn't through spoiling him. She licked her way up and down his hard length, then further down over his scrotum. One at a time, she sucked his balls into her warm mouth. He groaned louder. His hips began to move involuntarily.

Suddenly, Buffy pulled back. She ran her hands gently over his thighs and belly to soothe him.

"Not yet, Giles," she said. "Soon. I'm not done playing yet."

"Come here," he ordered, holding his arms wide for her. "I want to kiss you."

She happily complied. While they kissed, he kneaded her breasts, petted her belly, and finally brought one finger between her legs. She sighed into his mouth and moved against his insistent touch. She gasped when he stroked deliberately at her clitoris. Her hips jerked involuntarily.

"Oh God," she cried.

"Wrong name," he teased.

"I dunno," she said. "Seems pretty accurate about now. You found my happy button faster than most guys."

"It's not as if it's a mystery. After all, it's hardly migratory," he laughed, still touching the tiny spot.

"Nice to find a man who knows that." Her breathing grew more ragged with every stroke of his finger. "Oh, it's so good."

He watched in fascination as she worked up to a second orgasm. Her skin was flushed pink even in the candlelight. She was completely open to him now, utterly his. He slid down and replaced his finger with his tongue.

With an inarticulate yell, Buffy went over the edge again. He kept up his efforts, though, until she gave his forehead a gentle nudge.

"Still thinking I got it right the first time," she gasped. "Talk about majorly incredible!"

"And you taste wonderful. So sweet."

She looked up at him, his features both illuminated and obscured by the dim lighting in the room. Thunder still rolled, but it was moving further off.

"We're not finished yet, y'know," she said. "I want you, Giles. I want you right now."

"Of course, dearest, just as soon as I -"

She stopped his hand as he reached for the nightstand drawer.

"No, Giles."

"But I thought you wanted..."

"And I do. But you were talking earlier about home, hearth, dog and...and kids. That's what I want, too."

"Right away, though? Are you sure?"

"We've spent so much time throwing up barriers. Tonight is a barrier-free zone. And since kids are agreed on anyway, how important is it whether they happen tonight or later? I have no doubts, and I'm not ashamed of wanting your baby. It's sort of a symbolic thing, but if it ends up with us moving to parenthood, then that's what happens."

"If that's the way you want it," he grinned, "I have no objection, whatsoever. I'll admit, I'd rather there were no barriers, myself."

He lay down in her arms, positioned himself at her entrance, and slid slowly home. He held himself very still for a long moment.

"Okay?" she asked.

"Amazing," he breathed.

Slowly, torturously, he pulled back, then plunged back into Buffy. She closed her eyes and cried out in ecstasy. It didn't take them long to find a rhythm to their lovemaking. As he moved within her, Buffy's hands moved restlessly over Giles' shoulders, smoothed his hair, caressed his cheek. Over and over again, he kissed her hungrily. Her soft whimpers of passion drove him wild with desire.

"So close...oh, it's so good," she moaned. "So good."

"That's it, that's right," he murmured. "Come for me, darling. Don't hold back."

A keening wail rose in Buffy's throat. Her hips moved frantically. Her tight channel gripped Giles' cock, pulling him deeper, demanding his release.

"Oh...oh...God...Gi- oh...oh...Rupert!"

"Oh God, Buffy!"

He held her tightly as he moved even more desperately. With a hoarse shout, he joined her in bliss.

Later, as they recovered themselves, they lay entwined. The storm had moved on, the candles had guttered out, and it was almost nightfall. They kissed, they smiled, they caressed one another softly.

"Thank you," he said.

"What for?"

"Making my fantasy come true." He brushed a strand of hair back from her face. "You called my name."

"Silly Rupert. It's not a fantasy. Not with us." She traced a scar on his abdomen with one finger. "Can I help it if the good stuff seems a little mythical for us sometimes? But I've decided I like it. Your name.

Rupert." She blushed slightly saying his given name for the first time.

"I always used to think it was kinda funky, but...I dunno, now it seems sort of cozy. And way sexier than I would ever have believed."

"My name has changed that much?" he laughed. "Or has the power of good sex triumphed over your hopelessly American attitude toward a name with a great and noble past?"

She smacked him with a pillow.

"Don't diss my country, Commonwealth guy. Just for that, I'm gonna make you have sex with me again."

"That's punishment?"

"Who said anything about punishment? I just want that hot bod of yours again."

Despite their giggles, the kisses began to deepen again.

"This time," she half-laughed, half-gasped, "I have a fantasy."

"What's that?" he purred against her breast.

"I want you to sing to me while we do it."

"Do I get to choose the song?"

"Uh - oh! Oh, that's good! Right there! Yes!" She drew her legs up and pulled him to her. "Now. Please. I want you so much."

To her surprise, he dragged her up to her knees and positioned himself behind her, thrusting powerfully into her. He leaned over, both so he could take hold of one of her breasts, and so he could whisper in her ear.

"I can't sing in that position," he told her breathlessly. "Not sure I can carry a tune like this, either. But I'll try. For you, I'll try."

"Ooh, that's good," she moaned. "Just for that, you get - oh! - to pick the song."

"Really? Are you sure you want that?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Do it!"

"Big bottom

Big bottom

Talk about mudflaps,

My girl's got 'em..."


"Big bottom drive me out of my mind

How can I leave this behind?"

"You total, total - ohmigod, that's good - creep!" The sentence came out as an odd combination of giggle, protest, and lustful sigh.

Giles just laughed and pushed into her harder.

"I - ooh - mean it!" Buffy added. "You're so dead for that...just as soon as you lose the magic touch. Harder!"

He did his best to comply through his giggles.

"I love you," he laughed.

"The feeling's mutual," she snickered. "Keep going. I'm close. You feel so good."

"You feel good. You feel wonderful. Can't last much longer."

A few short strokes later, Buffy gave a high-pitched squeal. Her knees gave out with the force of her orgasm. She lay there, begging Giles to continue. His own cries had grown in both force and pitch. One more push, he let out an inarticulate yell, and collapsed on top of Buffy.

With Herculean effort, he rolled off her to his back and pulled her close.

"That's it," he gasped. "I'm done for tonight."

"So am I," she chuckled. "In fact, I might even be walking funny."

They kissed lazily.

"I've got an idea," Buffy murmured a moment later.

"What's that?" he replied sleepily.

"Breakfast in bed."

"Sounds lovely. I'll have fried eggs and bacon, please. And toast. Lots of toast."

"You want me to make it? Shut up!"

"It was your idea."

"Or, if we can pry Dawn off Enrico, we could bring her here and make her cook for us. She could be our galley slave."

"Froot Loops and yogurt jammers for breakfast? No thank you." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "I wonder if Enrico knows how to cook."

"Now that's a fantasy," Buffy giggled. "A sexy Italian guy who'll do the cooking. I like reality better, though."

"Oh? Which reality is that?"

"My handsome, sexy, majorly studly English guy who really will share kitchen duty."

"But I don't do windows."


"Yes, my dear?"

"Shut up and go to sleep. We have a lot of plans to make in the morning."

"Yes, we do." He kissed her temple. "A great many plans."


The End


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