Buffy has been resurrected from the grave and although she’s a bit shaken from her return trip from a hell dimension, everything would appear to be falling back into place. Or is it? After re-associating Buffy (who we find out has been dead for one-hundred and forty-seven days) with her once familiar surroundings and friends, strange things begin happening. Did the gang bring back a tortured and evil Buffy from the grave? Or, did something else come with her? Why is Spike suddenly returning to his romantic days? Our two fave mega-witches, Willow and Tara, start hitting the books to find out why several demonic possessions are taking place within the click. What they find out is almost as shocking as Buffy’s death and resurrection. Are you ready for the first real mono-a-mono death duel since her return. As Spike puts it, "The thing about magic? There’s always consequences. Always."

Written by: Jane Epenson
Directed by: David Solomon
Original Airdate: October 9, 2001

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