
Author: Laure Alexander
Email: laurealexander@hotmail.com

Buffy woke slowly, drifting up from a very pleasant and very erotic dream. Spike had been lapping at one nipple and Angel the other. Flushing slightly, she blinked into the darkness and wondered vaguely why there was no light coming through her always open window.

Rolling onto her side, she found herself pressed against cool, hard flesh, and memories flooded her. Gasping lightly, she sat up, feeling the velvet cover drop to her waist and cool air hit her naked breasts.

Buffy swallowed and carefully reached out to her other side. Her fingers brushed against another body and she jerked her hand back. She could feel herself flushing as the memories sent erotic images through her brain.

The night before had really happened, and she had fallen asleep between two vampire males.

Her two lovers.

Suddenly needing to be anywhere but Angel's huge bed, Buffy quickly and carefully scrambled to the end of the bed and ran unerringly for the bathroom door. Silently slipping inside, she closed the door behind her and turned on the light. As she blinked rapidly, shading her eyes, she heard Angel's soft voice call her name, and her fingers fumbled with the lock on the door.

She needed to be alone, to try to sort a few things out, before she faced him...before she faced *them*. A knock on the door shook her from her revery and she looked up to find herself facing the spot over the sink where a mirror should have been hanging.


"I'm...fine, Angel. I'll be out...soon."


She let out a sigh of relief as she heard his soft footsteps retreat.

"Oh God," she whispered, clenching her hands on the edge of the counter, leaning her weight on shaky arms. "I don't believe this..."

Angel slipped back into the bed, his concern for Buffy written on his face. Spike turned onto his side--he too having awakened at the first movement from the Slayer--facing his sire and propping his head on one hand.

"Think she's freaking out?" Spike asked softly.

"I think that's a given." Angel turned on the bedside lamp and leaned back against the headboard, wrapping his arms loosely around his drawn up knees.

"Sometimes I forget she's barely eighteen years old." Yawning Spike rose to his knees facing Angel.

"I would guess that most mortals aren't prepared for a menage a trois with vampires." Angel flashed a self-deprecating smile, then sighed softly. "I nearly blew it, Will."

"Stop calling me that."

As Spike's reply was spoken lightly, Angel ignored him. "I nearly destroyed us all."

Spike snorted. "Speak for yourself, peaches."

Angel's hand zipped out and caught Spike's wrist in a gentle, yet determined grip. The wounds from the handcuffs were still visible. "You would have killed me to prevent me from hurting her."

Pulling his hand free, Spike didn't bother denying his sire's calmly spoken words, just reached across Angel to dig into the night stand drawer. Sitting back with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, he concentrated on the simple act of lighting tobacco and drawing in nicotine.

"You a closet smoker, Ange?"

"It helps relieve tension."

"Yeah," Spike watched the smoke swirl up to the ceiling. "I gather you've been real tense recently."

"I still don't believe you had the balls to try to take her from me."

Their eyes met, slightly challenging, and Spike smirked. "I *did* take her from you."

Eyes narrowing, Angel plucked the cigarette from Spike's mouth and stubbed it out in an ashtray. "She's not going to tolerate us fighting over her. She's not Dru."

Spike scowled and ran a hand through his hair. "No, you didn't drive this one nuts."

Angel grabbed the hand from the peroxide blonde hair and jerked Spike towards him, growling low in his throat. "A lot of things are different, old friend."

"You still get off on being the top," Spike replied with a smirk, then pressed his mouth to his sire's frowning lips.

Surprised, Angel let his lips part, drawing the younger male's tongue inside. His hands found smooth, muscular biceps and he drew Spike closer, as the kiss deepened.

The sight that met Buffy's eyes when she finally found the nerve to leave the bathroom brought a sharp gasp to her lips and a muttered 'oh God'.

Spike pulled back from Angel and glanced over his shoulder. At the sight of Buffy standing naked in the dim light, her curves in shadows, his half-hard cock reached full erection, and he threw her a grin. "We missed you, luv."

Buffy swallowed convulsively and wondered with mild panic if she could get her legs to move. She had no clue if they should be moving her out of the room or back to the bed.


Her eyes swung to Angel and slid from his liquid brown eyes down his chest to his slightly spread legs which revealed his erection angling over his stomach. She swallowed hard again and felt desire tickle through her.

Realizing she was only a second from bolting, Spike rose gracefully from the bed and walked over to her, one hand held out towards her. "Come back to bed, luv?"

"Uh..." She turned red and ducked her head, saw his erection, blushed more and looked away, fidgeting from foot to foot. Carefully Spike took her shoulders, his fingers massaging her tense muscles.

"It's okay. I know it's all new to you."

Hesitantly Buffy glanced past Spike to see Angel watching them both silently. His face was its usual impassive mask, but his eyes were growing molten. "I don't know what to do?" she whispered helplessly.

"What do you want to do?"

Buffy looked up into Spike's serious, soft yet stormy eyes, then slid her gaze downwards, before whispering, "Take it slow?"

Nodding, Spike lifted her easily into his arms and carried her over to the bed. He lay her next to Angel, settling on the other side of her, but kept her in his arms, turned towards him. Flickering his eyes to his sire, he saw the acknowledgment and understanding, and returned his attention to Buffy.

Angel relaxed back against the headboard, watching them intently.

Lowering his head, Spike ran gentle kisses over Buffy's flushed face before capturing her lips in a tender caress. He had never kissed her so gently, and Buffy found herself responding eagerly, her hands of their own volition finding his shoulders and neck.

His chest brushed her breasts and she moaned softly, sudden desire swirling through her. One of his hands moved caressingly down her body, skimming lightly over her breast and hip before sliding easily between her thighs. Her flesh dampened as he touched her, and she whimpered into his mouth, her fingers sliding into his short curls.

Buffy felt his hands parting her thighs and she spread them eagerly, her scattered mind forgetting that they weren't alone. Spike settled between her legs and kissed his way down her body, lingering at her breasts, his fingers lifting them to his mouth. His teeth scraped her hardening nipples, making her cry out in pleasure, then he planted moist kisses on her stomach, his tongue swirling into her navel.

Buffy's hands caught his shoulders and her head rolled on the pillows as her desire continued to grow. They had never taken their time like this, and his mouth was driving her insane. She found herself urging him lower, her legs rising and wrapping around his back.

Spike ran his tongue from her navel down to the soft brown down between her legs, then lashed her thighs with rough licks until she trembled and her legs tightened. Smiling, he drew in a deep breath, her scent filling his nostrils, before he lowered his mouth. The tip of his tongue touched her swollen clit, and she arched hard against his mouth, moaning loudly.

Her inner moisture was dripping from her and Spike lapped it up, running his mouth up and down her hot cleft, his tongue flicking her clit on each up sweep.

"Spike," Buffy moaned, her head thrashing, perspiration sliding down her face and into her hair, darkening it. As he slid his tongue inside her clenching passage, her eyes flew open.

And instead of seeing Spike, she was mesmerized by the sight of Angel laying on his side facing her, his hand running up and down his straining cock. His eyes were hooded, his body trembling, as he watched the emotions rage across her face as her own climax approached.

Gasping for breath, her hips beginning to rise and fall rhythmically, Buffy reached out and circled the tip of Angel's cock with her own fingers. He groaned and his head fell back, his hand sliding away, as she began to pump, her little fingers barely fitting around the widest part of his cock.

Glancing up, Spike got a glimpse of Buffy caressing his sire's cock, and felt his own balls tighten with lust. Moving up over her, he lifted her hips and slid his cock into her hot, tight passage.

Buffy's eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat, but she didn't look away from Angel as her fingers continued to run up and down his cock, pressing harder against the sensitive underside with every stroke.

Rising to his knees, Spike lifted her with him, his cock plowing into her. Her legs tightened around his hips and she arched against him, her clit rubbing on his pubic bone with every thrust.

"Angel," Buffy called softly, squirming her head closer to him, as her hands tried to pull him towards her.

Eyes widening in surprise, Angel let himself be maneuvered closer, until she was able to bend her head and slide her lips over the tip of his cock. Gripping the headboard with one hand, Angel gritted his teeth and tried desperately not to thrust, knowing that she wasn't ready for his large cock down her throat.

Not yet.

Buffy sucked eagerly, trying to take him as deeply as she could, her tongue lashing the tip and glans. Every groan she rung from him made her clit throb, and she pumped him into her mouth as her hips thrust harder and harder against Spike.

Suddenly, she stiffened, and her mouth fell open, Angel's cock sliding out as she gasped, then keened in pleasure. Her orgasm swamped her and she shook uncontrollably, her legs tightening as her pussy clenched.

Spike growled, then slammed into her, driving her down into the bed. As he came, filling her in hard spurts, he lowered his mouth and sucked Angel's cock between his lips.

"Yes," Angel hissed, his free hand gripping Spike's shoulder as the younger male took his cock down his throat. Caught beneath Spike, Buffy watched in awe, then squirmed closer and ran her tongue along the underside of Angel's cock each time Spike pulled back.

Two mouths, one hot and one cold, were too much for Angel, and with a howl of pleasure he came, his semen spilling into Spike's mouth and dripping into Buffy's.

Sated and exhausted, all three collapsed in a heap of tangled limbs, as the sun rose outside, shielded from them by heavy, dark curtains. Buffy slipped into slumber first, her lower body pinned to the bed beneath Spike, his cock still inside her. Carefully he separated from her and slid down beside her, watching with languid eyes as Angel turned, making himself more comfortable.

Together they wrapped their arms around Buffy's waist, their limbs entwining over their mortal lover. Content, they joined her in sleep.


The End


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