"The Pleasing of an Innocent"

Author: Claudia D. Christian
Email: CHANDRA1C@aol.com

this is how
it begins
push it away but it all comes back again
all the flesh
all the sin
there was a time when it used to mean just about

just like now

breathe, echoing the sound
time starts slowing down
sink until I drown
(please) I don’t ever want to make it stop

and it keeps repeating
will you please complete me?

never be enough
to fill me up

watch the white
turn to red
it fills up the hole but it grows somewhere else
all my life
yeah yeah yeah yeah, but it just left me dead
(well guess what?)
the world is over and I realize it was all in my head

now everything is clear
I erase the fear
I can disapear
(please) I don’t ever want to make it stop

you can never leave me
will you please complete me

never be enough
to fill me up
- "Please" by Nine Inch Nails from their album "The Fragile"

Buffy felt a hand stroke her belly, insistent and teasing. Mumbling sleepily she rolled over to her side and burrowed deeply into the fur. Tiny nipping kisses began to trail along her exposed back, causing her to let out a small sigh of pleasure. She quickly awoke, however, when she felt two sharp nips on the tender flesh of her bottom.

Blinking in the pre-dawn darkness, the candles having sputtered out hours before, she whispered "Angelus?" The night had been an arduous study in passion. He had been insatiable, allowing her no respite until he had left her drained and weak. Taking a measure of pity on her, Angelus had finally allowed her to sleep within the hard circle of his sinewy arms, but not before slaking their passion one last time. Glancing at the bedside clock, Buffy saw that she had only been asleep for perhaps an hour.

Angelus said nothing. Instead he crawled up her body, leaving a trail of searing kisses, before finally laying behind her. Gathering her tiny form in his arms, Angelus began nibbling the soft skin of her neck while slipping a thigh between her own.

Buffy arched when she felt him run his fingertips across the rapidly swelling flesh of her core. Her mind needed sleep yet her body began to waken once more. She slightly flinched when his fingers teasingly plunged inside. The lustful hours of the night had taken a toll on her near-virginal flesh. Softly she protested "I can’t...I’m too sore."

Seductively he whispered hotly against her ear "You’ll want it---I promise baby." Licking the delicate outer rim, his tongue dipped into her ear for the briefest moment. Buffy shuddered and her entire body erupted in goosebumps. "But---" she half-hesitatingly protested.

"Ssh...no buts" he firmly ordered. Pliantly Buffy turned her head towards his mouth. Softly he kissed her passion-swollen lips while placing her slim leg upon his hip. Patiently Angelus caressed her delicate flesh, coaxing her body to release her sweet-smelling moisture. Between his feather-light grazes he sipped from her willing mouth, delighting in her artless enthusiasm.

She was the purest ambrosia. She was alluring. She was innocence revisted. She was untutored passion explored. She was perfection.

She was HIS.

The night had not been long enough. Angelus felt like a man dying of thirst only being offered the merest sip of water. Before tonight, he would have expected to lose his unnatural fascination for Buffy quickly after having her, but the opposite proved true. He needed to have more of her. His hunger would not last forever would it? It never has before. Even a Slayer would eventually lose her damning appeal.

After the passion between them became exhausted then he would finish her. Or perhaps he would rip her heart out and give it to Dru, but either way she would be gone. Whether it was next week, next month, or next year. It would happen. After slaking his lust on her, he would make her his kill and then promptly put her from his mind.

Hearing her tiny cry of need Angelus grimaced, burying his face in her fragrant upswept hair. Now the reality of having her here with him confused him. Knowing that her beauty would be extinguished for eternity dimmed the clarity of his deadly quest. She was so enjoyable, so responsive, so eager to please. So full of exquisite untamped emotion. Should he destroy this purity forever?

Perhaps he could make her his mistress. If he had the Slayer on her knees, literally and figuratively, if he had her total obediance, if he had her love---then who or what force could deny that he would be the most powerful vampire that walked this misbegotten planet?

And all without killing her.

Mentally shaking his head, Angelus decided it was too early to be thinking about the future tomorrows. It just wasn’t like him to think beyond each hedonistic moment. With every other woman he took what he wanted until he felt that the thrill was gone and then he disposed of the situation.

Why should it be any different now just because the girl next to him was his eterenal enemy and a Slayer? Besides, it would be refreshing and enjoyable to corrupt Buffy. Who was to say that she couldn’t be his mistress until he tired of her? Why must she be an immediate kill or a long-term liaison?

Why couldn’t she be both?

Easing the tip of his cock inside her, Angelus gritted his teeth as the incredible velvety heat encased him. Buffy would make an exquisite mistress. The best yet. He would mold her so that the only one she wanted was him. He would fashion her so that her every wish, her every desire would be for his pleasure.

Buffy soon became greedy for more than just the merest bit of him. She began rocking herself against his body in an effort to draw him in deeper. Angelus casually laid one hand on her hip and kept Buffy from taking more than he allowed. Nuzzling the delicate flesh of her throat he drew out the tension between their bodies for endless minutes.

All too soon Buffy was brokenly sobbing from the intensity of his torment. Reaching behind her she entwined her fingers in the rough silk of his hair. When she gave it a sharp tug he immediately responded by biting down the skin between her neck and shoulder. "Play nice Slayer" he sternly admonished.

Her helpless abandon pleased Angelus greatly. She wore her need for him so beautifully. Her every sigh, her every silken glide against him, her every BREATH begged for his tainted caress. A caress that he would withhold because it pleased him to see her in such exquisite agony.

Buffy would be his greatest creation yet. She would be the diamond in his crown of sin. Gently playing with the pebbled flesh of her rosy nipple, Angelus closed his eyes and listened to the symphony that began to play from his simple touch. The music of her hitched breath and wildly beating heart could not have been better orchestrated.

Buffy let her fingers fall from his hair only to splay them on the fur in front of her. Twisting her body forward she panted harshly as every nerve in her screamed for mercy. The discomfort of her swollen flesh was a forgotten memory. The natural need for sleep was an unnatural and unnecessary encumbrance.

Drawing in shallow pants of air, Buffy did not understand why Angelus was denying her. Her chagrin rose as she disjointedly thought of how HE had been the one to awaken her and now he was purposely leaving her wanting. Her demand of "Angelus!" came out as a high-pitched plea instead of a forceful command. Buffy raggedly sighed in bliss when she felt him slide in deeper.

But once more it was just slightly.

"It feels good, doesn’t it?" his hot whisper flicked against her ear.


"Tell me what you’re feeling. Do I make you burn?" Angelus darkly asked while rocking his hips against the smooth flesh of her bottom, giving her enough to make her croon but withholding enough to leave her wanting.

Her eyes fluttered open. "Yes...I feel hot...achy...it feels good...but it..." Not knowing how to describe the unnamed feeling, Buffy twisted and groaned. Instead of soothing her desire, the rhythm of his body tormented her even further.

"It hurts too?"

Nodding her head, she realized that it did hurt. Her passion-enflamed flesh throbbed with a painful ecstasy. Each stroke stretched her, branded her with a prickling possession. Each time the tip of his cock left her, it made her quiver in a mixture of gratitude and regret. The momentary emptiness and relief from his invasion dissipated with the hunger of wanting to feel him all over again.

Each stroke blended the best and worst, combining to leave Buffy as a writhing, aching, maddened thing. She hated feeling so out of control. The entire night had been one of Angelus’ own making. He demanded for her to bend to him completely. He petted and played with her as if she were his own porcelain doll come to life.

Buffy’s hazy rationale recognized this and railed against it. Against him. Why did their battlefield also have to include her bed? If only she would get up and show Angelus that she was not his toy! She felt his body curve against her own, reclaiming every inch of her in silent domination, almost as if he knew her rebellious thoughts.

His long graceful fingers lazily played with the soft curls between her legs. Buffy softly moaned with anticipation of any of his fingers touching the small piece of flesh that jutted boldly. Earlier in the night Angelus had wickedly whispered against her mouth that it was called a clit. She knew she had one, but didn’t know quite where it was (the benefits of not paying attention in sex-ed).

Tensely she waited for him to give one brush, one caress, but all too soon he moved his hand away. Disappointed, she sagged against the bed and ground her teeth in frustration. Was it worth it? No...Yes...he brought her body to life in such an exquisitely powerful way!

"How bad do you want it Slayer? How bad do you NEED it?"

Mutely she shook her head back and forth. She would not beg for him. She would not. His heartless chuckle made shivers run up and down her spine. "If you don’t tell me, I can’t make it better" he temptingly beguiled, willing her to say the words.

Buffy’s body was racked with flashes of searing heat. Futilely she tried to crawl away, but Angelus wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her against his cold chest. "Going somewhere babe?" he insolently asked while still continuing his maddeningly shallow thrusts.

Finally Buffy wearily demanded "What do you want from me?!"

Countering her with a question of his own, he indolently asked "What do you think I want?"

"I don’t know!" she wailed in frustration. She was so hungry, so angry, so lost. She didn’t want to be reduced to begging him, but any more of this...

"I’ve already told you Buff." He hotly kissed her shoulder. "Let me make it better." Avidly he waited for her response while running his lips and tongue on her delicate jawline.

A taut line of tension finally snapped. "I want it soo bad...I can taste it! I’ll go crazy if you keep doing this!" Buffy’s voice sounded so desperate and so distraught all at the same time.

And just the way Angelus wanted her to sound like.

It had already begun. She would learn that her passion was directly tied in with HIS own. She would learn that HE controlled and commanded her body, that HE was the one who dominated. She would find that HE would reward and punish her at will. She would know that he could dole out her pleasure lavishly or miserly dependant on HIS mood.

She would learn that he would worship her body and spoil her like a personage of royalty. She would learn that being the mistress of a vampire was a role unlike any other in existence. She would crave and fight to be his possession. She would adore his gifts and trinkets and feel blessed that she was Angelus' and not Angel's. She would sigh in delighted bliss upon learning that virtually any materialistic want could be hers if he so desired.

She would soon learn that her life was intertwined with him and she would soon be unable to see it any other way. She would soon love him for all that he could make her feel and for all that he could give her.

But that’s not all that she would learn. She would learn about the delicate art of submission. Angelus knew that she would look so tempting at his feet. He knew she would respond to pain so gloriously. In fact, she would learn so well that there would be times when she begged for his heavy hand.

And he would happily oblige his darling.

She would soon learn that he would punish her simply for the joy of seeing her plead and suffer. Angelus looked forward to introducing her bottom to his leather belt. He already knew that her ass would color ripely to a deep cherry hue. Imagining that she would be so beautiful with tears rolling down her face while presenting her backside to his lengthy ministrations hardened Angelus even further.

He could hardly wait to summon her hidden masochism. Tonight though, she was still his little virgin of sorts. He would be merciful and reward her for her capitulation. Tipping her chin with his finger, he covered her soft lips with his own. Pulling away from her clinging mouth, he moved away from her and laid on his back.

Taking ahold of her slim hand he tugged until she lay half on him. Seductively he whispered "Make me hurt lover. Use my body to make yourself feel good. Fuck ME Buff."

Buffy felt him guide her body until she was straddling his hips. Clumsily she tried to impale herself on him, but instead he ended up butting against her other entrance. Jerking away, she held herself up above him. "What? Don’t think that would be fun lover?" Angelus asked with a smirk.

Flushing hotly, she shook her head. Sex was still too new for her to even contemplate what he was suggesting. Besides Angelus wasn’t serious, he was just trying to mock her for her innocence---wasn’t he? Raising up on her knees Buffy tried to lower herself on him again. This time his penis just slid against her and ended up resting against her belly.

Amusement gleamed brightly in his dark eyes. Buffy’s lack of carnal knowledge would be touching if he had a heart. He observed that her face was twisted with a mix of frustration and embarressment. It would appear that he would have to teach his petite darling everything.

Not that he minded though. There was nothing more enjoyable that despoiling virgins. His title shouldn’t have been ‘Angelus---the Scourge of Europe’ but ‘Angelus---the Scourge of Virgins’. Stroking her thigh, Angelus waited until she looked at him.

Buffy bit her lip as she waited for him to mock and ridicule her. She wished she could disappear or melt right into the floor. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t seen this done in the movies, so why was it so hard in real life? Instead of the imagined derisive words, she heard him only say "Grab me."

In silent query she glanced down at his straining cock and then looked back at him. In answer Angelus took her hand and wrapped it firmly around him. The feeling of the Slayer’s small hand touching him caused the vampire to loudly groan. His hand left her thigh and traveled up to pet her damp curls. Parting her with his fingers he huskily instructed "Now just let me slide in."

Biting her lower lip Buffy realized that she would have to bend him back slightly. Correctly reading her hesitation Angelus assured her with "It won’t break off you know. Let me show you" He placed his hand over hers and guided himself into her. When Buffy inhaled sharply from his entrance, he ferally grinned and murmured "That wasn’t so hard, was it?"

She could have cried with joy at the feeling of her lover filling her completely. Once she was resting fully on his hard stomach, Buffy let out a small purr of satisfaction. This was answered with a much deeper purr and a firm pinch to both nipples.

Laying her hands on his chest Buffy began to slowly move on him. At first her motions were hesitant and a bit clumsy but she soon gained confidence and speed. Before long she was slamming herself down on his staff, her only focus being that of release. It never occurred to her to be coy and teasing, or vindictive and petty for the sole purpose of repaying Angelus in kind. Just as in life, Buffy was honest in her passion and her need.

Her demon was not disappointed. Her lack of guile just proved to him that Buffy was truly an innocent despite her world. Women hadn’t really changed that much since the last time he walked the earth---they were just as deceitful and just as dishonorable now as they were then. How many times had a lady gleefully used her body to manipulate in attempt to control him?

However Buffy was truly unique: a priceless gem found amidst the rubbish. Watching her small mouth fall open with desire and her eyes become heavy, Angelus felt a thrill shoot through him. His obsession had been worth it. His patience had been more than worth it. The Slayer was bouncing up and down on his cock---and loving every moment of it.

It had all been worth it.

She would be such a lovely toy. He would love stripping away everything that she felt for Angel and he would love watching the self-hatred eat away at her. But most of all he would love watching her climb into his bed night after night, knowing that she was his whore.

His pet. The mistress of a demon king. His own living, breathing slave of eros. Digging his fingers into her soft hips he felt his fangs lengthen as he watched Buffy’s face contort from orgasm. Without being told she yelled out HIS name several times before collapsing on his chest.

Weakly she still raised herself up and down on him, wanting him to join her in the powerful wash of sensation. A few locks of hair had fallen from their pins, some teasingly tickling her back and others laying on Angelus’ cool chest. Softly she kissed his flesh, vaguely feeling disappointed that the night was going to be over. Soon he would have to leave.

Where exactly did this leave her now?

Somewhere damned between Angelus and Angel she supposed. Wanting to tamp down a stab of guilt she leaned up and kissed him full on the mouth. She felt a sharp prick tear her lip. Blood welled up from the wound and ran into their fused mouths. Buffy tried to pull back but Angelus firmly gripped the back of her head and held her in place.

His hips started arching off the bed and slamming into her, driving himself deeper than ever. The combination of his heady triumph, Buffy’s blood, and her delectable body drove him over the edge. Crushing her to his chest, he hammered into her until he felt the familiar and oh-so-wanted beginnings of release.

His hoarse groan was swallowed by her mouth as he endlessly spasmed from orgasm. Coming down from the tiny death, Angelus could feel Buffy still squirming and arching against him. Apparently his greedy darling wasn’t finished with him.

Damn it felt good to be back!

Angelus, never content with being in a submissive position for long, flipped Buffy over until she lay on her back. For several moments he amused himself with kissing her, savoring each taste of her passion and desire. Finally he pulled away and casually got up from the rumpled bed. Walking towards his pile of clothes he began to dress himself, seemingly oblivious to the aroused girl behind him.

Dazedly Buffy watched him gracefully don his clothes, torn between admiring the rippling of his body and feeling frustrated that he had left her hungered. Again. Was this his method of torture? Not ripping off limbs and decapitating the bodies of family members, but keeping his victim in an endless circle of want and need?

If so, then this was infinitely more difficult for her to deal with than their nightly sparring matches had been. As the flush of passion cooled, Buffy began to feel the prickling of unease and shame. Did she do the right thing? Was it folly to assume that Angelus could keep to a bargain? Was he even now planning on carrying out his earlier threat against her friends?

Buffy’s blood froze as she a new thought took ahold of her. While she was giving herself to him, did he have them killed? That would be the ultimate revenge against her---screwing her while her friends burned to death. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. Angelus would not be Angelus if he didn’t double-cross her.

So why did she even agree to the bargain? Because I wanted him so badly she thought with anger.

Sitting up she lunged for the phone and frantically began dialing Willow’s number. After five rings the muffled, groggy voice of Mrs. Rosenberg could be heard on the other end. Hanging up she quickly dialed Xander’s number. By this time, Angelus was leisurely sitting in a chair fully dressed and quietly watching her with a waitful smirk.

Buffy’s heart fluttered as she waited. If Angelus had them killed, there WOULD be no stopping her from driving a stake in his chest. She knew it with a cold certainty she had never felt before. The passion of the night dissipated as if it had never been. How could she spend the whole night screwing the monster before her with no real assurance to their safety?

Finally on the third ring Xander’s grouchy voice answered with "At five in the morning this better be Ed McMahon with my long-promised check or else buddy!"

"Xander! Oh my god, you’re okay" she breathed with relief. She felt the case of icy fear melt away from her body. Apparently Angelus did keep true to his word. Deep inside Buffy wondered if perhaps she KNEW that even Angelus would not have done such a thing towards her. If not, wouldn’t she have already driven a stake into his heart otherwise?

Helplessly she felt another tiny piece of her drift towards the thought of loving him. She had no doubt that he was dangerous but was he really a danger to all? He could have tried to kill her and he definitely could have had her friends killed but he didn’t.

Could he change for her?

Wondering if her feelings were clearly visible on her face, Buffy stared down at the black fur beneath her. Her quicksilver thoughts then took off in an another direction. He KNEW what she had thought and he just let her think it! Angelus knew that she had thought he had them killed and he had enjoyed it! He let her burn with the fear of his imagined crime!

Jerking her head back up she stared at his mischevious contenance with slitted eyes before once more giving Xander her attention. "Buffy? W-what...whoa...should I not be okay?"

Catching ahold of Angelus’ knowing, smug look she looked away. "No, I’m sorry for calling this early. I was just having a dream---"

At this his sleepy voice perked up and asked "A dream? As in you were dreaming about me?"

Imagining Xander’s crooked grin Buffy shook her head and smiled. "Yeah---I was dreaming about you Xander." Casually glancing back at the vampire sitting across from her she saw that the smirk was completely wiped off his face. In fact, she caught a mean gleam in his eye that seemed to grow harder with each passing second.

Ignoring him she gave Angelus her back and laid back down on her side. Listening to her friend she heard him oh-so-casually ask "So, umm, Buffy what exactly was I doing in your dream?"

Before she could answer she felt a firm grip on her shoulder and voice growl in her ear "Say goodbye Buff." Feeling annoyed with him, she asked Xander to hold on and covered the mouthpiece with her hand. She was not willing to ignore his sadistic trick.

Quietly hissing at Angelus she said "I’m in the middle of talking right now. Why don’t you crawl into a sewer or something? In case you haven’t noticed, the sun is going to be up soon."

"Say goodbye Buff---or else."

"Or else what?"

"You either say goodbye to him on the phone or you say goodbye to him at his funeral. Your choice."

Pulling away from him Buffy angrily glared at his coldly handsome face before spatting "You are so damn repetitive, did you know that? It’s always ‘If you don’t do this or if you don’t do that there’s going to be a funeral’, blah, blah, blah."

Arching a thick brow he inquired "You think so? I’d hate to be repetitive Buff---why don’t I do something to change that?"

Reading the determined cast of his features, Buffy hurriedly removed her hand from the phone and said "Xander, I gotta go. Sorry for waking you up."

Angelus arrogantly took the phone from her hand and hung it up, not even giving her a chance to hear Xander’s reply. He was more than annoyed at her new show of spirit and her bitchiness. Whereas before she was a whining, pitiful girl standing in the rain with blood-caked feet awaiting her fate, a fate that solely rested in his hands, now she pridefully glared as if the previous girl had never existed.

Well that girl did exist and no amount of Slayer pride would erase the fact. Buffy had better learn quickly that her disdainful airs would not work on him! Whether she knew it or not, HE knew that her contrary words were because of thwarted desire. A desire that he had alleviated several times during the long night. So what if he left her unsatisified the last time? Did she think that this was going to be a partnership of equality?

Like HELL it would be!

He dominated here, not her. If he felt like leaving her wet and ready AND unsatisfied then he would! And she damn well better get used to it he blusteringly thought. To his way of thinking Buffy should be glad that he even stalked and blackmailed her into bed, PERIOD, especially since her occupation was somewhat of a hazard to his kind.

The ungrateful bitch! He had already given her ten orgasms tonight, while her dearest Angel had only given her one. What was one compared to ten?! Nothing---that’s what it was! And now she had the nerve to give that annoying fly the impression that she dreamt about him? In front of him, her lover, no less! And then she had the nerve to tell him to crawl into a sewer?

Buffy would learn that he was not some lackey to be dismissed at will. He was not one of those pimply-faced boys that spinelessly flop to a female’s wishes. He was the one in charge here---not her. Damn if he was going to put up with her defiance!

Curtly he ordered "Get dressed."

"What?" she asked with surprise.

Impatiently he barked "Are you deaf as well as stupid? I said get dressed!"

"Excuse me? It’s almost five in the morning and you want me to get dressed?!" Plumping up a pillow Buffy shoved it behind her before resolutely plopping back on it. She then pulled up the fur until it reached her ears and continued with "Look, since we’re done I have to get some sleep. I’m not like you remember? I actually NEED my sleep while YOU do it when you’re bored. So, go away."

Angelus seethed with the urge to throw Buffy against a wall or something equally hard. With a tremendous force of iron-will he ignored her words and walked over to her closet. Opening up the door he rifled through the contents of her wardrobe until he found a matching sapphire-colored skirt and long-sleeved shirt. Coming back to the bed he threw the articles on her body and once again commanded her to get dressed.

Before she could give him a tart reply, Angelus rudely stated as he walked away from her "Go naked or go dressed, it’s up to you, but you WILL go. I’m not going to tell you again."

Sitting up Buffy mutinously yelled "No! Just because we...DID IT...doesn’t mean that you can just tell me what to do without explanation. This is the twentieth century Angelus---not the middle ages." Seeing that he just continued walking away she exasperatedly shouted "Do you hear me? I’m NOT going, so there!"

He didn’t even bother to dignify her heated words with a direct response. Stopping at the open door he blandly threatened "You never know what can happen to young people nowadays. Their lives are so fragile, so easily taken. All it takes is one misunderstanding and poof! they’re gone. There are other nights Buff, remember that" before walking out.

Buffy could hear his heavy steps go down the stairs, each step echoing her unease and distrust. Just when she thought she knew what she felt for him, whether hate, fear, lust, or kinship, he managed to throw her feelings off-balance. Damn him! She wrestled with the urges to do as he ordered or simply ignore him and go to sleep. It wasn’t as if he could drag her out of here if she didn’t want to go.

Playing with the hem of her skirt Buffy sighed deeply. The fact was that she did want to go. She was wildly curious as to where he was going to take her. IF he was taking her somewhere; he never did actually say they were going somewhere. Or did he? She was too busy being irritated with him to actually pay attention to every word. Maybe he was just old-fashioned about certain things, like wearing clothes in the day.

Funny, she never would’ve thought him a prude. Frowning she re-thought that. Maybe he wasn’t being a prude. Maybe that’s just the way things were done. Her musings then shifted. If they did stay here, what would they do? Other than do IT. Not that she minded doing IT with him. It did feel really good. Blushing slightly at the newly made carnal memories Buffy’s mind then flitted towards another series of thoughts. Would he be safe here? Glancing at the blanked-covered window she realized that Angel, no scratch that, Angelus could not stay here.

At least he couldn’t stay here comfortably. Instinctively she knew that he abhorred the brightness of day. While Angel liked to allow as much light as was safely possible, she knew the same did not apply to Angelus. He would hate having to avoid the rays of streaming sunshine that her house let in. He would hate the brightness of the day.

Angelus belonged in the shadows and the darkness. Although, it was his fault that all the windows were broken and the curtains pretty much shredded by broken glass so he deserved to be uncomfortable...

Buffy’s fingers froze as she thought of her mother’s reaction. How would she explain the mass destruction of the windows? While a strong thunderstorm could break a window or two, there was no way she would be able to convince her mother that ALL of them got broken because of the storm.

Angelus suddenly appeared in the doorway. A fierce scowl twisted his features when she saw that Buffy was still naked. Crossing the room in less than three strides he harshly growled "When I tell you to do something you do it. If you want to act like a brat, then I’m going to treat like one."

Before she realized what he was about, Angelus had her thrown across his lap facedown. Bewildered she felt his large hand smack her bottom. A spanking? He was giving her a spanking? Rearing up she was immediately pushed back down. "Do---not---disobey---me---ever!" Each word was punctuated by a hard spank.

Sputtering Buffy indignantly cried "Disobey you? YOU don’t tell me what to---OW!! Stop that Angelus or I’ll---OUCH!!---Stop it you bas---OWWWW!!!" His blows landed so quickly that she would later swear that her ass must have been on fire.

One after another they rained on her until she felt the stinging pain consume her backside. Angelus held both of her wrists in one of his hands, only after she tried to dislocate his shoulder, while the other continued it’s humiliating mission. Whack! Whack! The blows relentlessly fell while Buffy just bucked, wiggled and squirmed in a failed attempt to avoid them. "You---WILL---obey---me!" Whack! Whack! "When---I---tell---you---to---get---dressed---you---DO IT!!"

Several minutes passed with Buffy promising vengeance and Angelus pointedly ignoring her threats. Finally she fell silent and swore to bear this humiliation with dignity---and dislocate BOTH of his shoulders. Time passed while Angelus continued his painful punishment. "I thought you were different Slayer. But you’re not---you’re just like the rest" he said in a disgusted tone of voice.

To her confusion she felt several fat tears roll down her flushed cheeks. Just ignore him.

Whack! Whack! "I pleasure you all night long..."

Whack! "Do you thank me for it? No." Whack! "Instead you act like a little bitch and order me off to a sewer. Buff," he gave a long-suffering sigh, "you don’t talk to me like that baby. I’m not Angel, remember?" Whack! Whack! Whack!

Through gritted teeth she forced out "How can I forget? I like Angel, you I don’t!"

In reply to her barbed statement Angelus let down a torrent of blows that soon had her struggling to keep in her cries. Continuing with his long list of complaints he stated "This entire time since I’ve been back I’ve let you destroy my fledglings..."

Whack! "I let you kick me in the balls..." Whack! Whack! "You get two spanks for that one Buffy and I promise you WILL make it up to me. Now where was I? Oh yes, now I remember..."

Whack! "I let Halburn live---" his hand paused in mid-air. Angelus turned a rigid Buffy over so he could see her face. "You don’t know how much that cost me, lover. I REALLY wanted him dead. But he still lives..."

Turning her back onto her stomach, he resumed the spanking. Whack! "I even spared those clueless companions of yours when I should have put them out of their misery. Why were they even conceived? Especially Xander..."

Whack! Whack! "I spare EVERYONE that matters to you and what small thing do I ask for in return?" Stubbornly Buffy remained silent even though it was obvious that Angelus was not posing a rhetorical question. The embarrassing tears just continued to role down her face. "I’m still waiting Buff..."

Flippantly, if a bit foolishly, she airily said "Angel go fuck yourself."

In a split-second Buffy was flipped over and dealt a slap across her mouth. "I’ve told you not to call me by his name! Why haven’t you FUCKING gotten it yet?!" Enraged he turned her over his lap again and delivered a rain of blows that not only landed on her bottom but her upper thighs as well.

Buffy bit her lips in an effort to keep her cries and tears silent. In terms of pain this was nothing compared to what her body had been dealt in the past, not only from other demons but Angelus in particular. So why did a spanking affect her like this?

Maybe it was the because of the anger and seemingly sincere disappointment she had read in his face. He was so angry with her and this time it really bothered Buffy. It wasn’t like this was the first time he was royally pissed with her, but whereas before she got a kick on making him as upset as he made her, now was different.

"All I ask of you is to do what I say." Whack!

"And it’s not like it was a complicated request." Whack! "Put your clothes on. How hard was that?" Whack! Whack!

"I could have dragged you out bare-assed out on the streets, but I didn’t." Whack!

"I was being considerate. I told you to get dressed. I even picked out your clothes." Whack!

Buffy tightly shut her eyes and stiffled a sob while her tears continued to flow. Why? I don’t understand why I’m crying. I don’t understand why I’m just laying here letting him spank like a child instead of getting up and kicking the crap out of him. It doesn’t make any sense.

Ever since Angel left and Angelus returned, nothing made sense in her life anymore. Maybe it never will.

"All you’ve done since I’ve gotten here is treat me like shit. ME! You’ve pranced, teased and taunted me for weeks. Weeks!" Whack! Whack! Whack!

"Well no more Buff. If you want to act like all the other...ladies...that I’ve had the misfortune to know, then fine. If you want to be just like the rest, fine. But you WILL suffer the consequences!" Whack! Whack! Whack!!!

As much as she wanted to tell him to kiss off or go take a flying leap into the sun, she instead began to let out little choked sobs. I’m not like those other women! I’m not! Angelus continued his merciless punishment without saying another word. In fact, the force of his spanks noticiably grew in intensity after Buffy’s misery became audible. Her legs began to jerk with the last of his blows as they came down rapidly with barely a pause.

Suddenly his heavy hand stopped.

She felt Angelus release her wrists and gather her to his chest. Instead of her cries ceasing, Buffy began to noisily choke and sob with the increasing force of her tears. She twined her arms around his neck while sobbing into his silk-covered shirt. "I’m not like Fiona! I’m not! I’m not like them Angelus..."

When she felt him gently rub her back she began to cry even harder. Even though he was the reason her bottom burned and her pride lay in shreds, that one touch provided the needed comfort she desperately needed.

A malicious, triumphant fire burned brightly in Angelus’ eyes as he comforted his little toy. She clung to his body tightly while her tears annointed the skin over his dead heart. Oh she was so beautifully pliant in his arms! The Slayer was such a emotional creature---she was so eager to please.

Already so, SO desperate to please him.

Unwittingly she exposed another weakness---she did not want him to think badly of her. All he would have to do was even suggest she was like Lady Fiona and he’d have Buffy eating out of his hand. Tilting her chin with one finger he ran his gaze over her red and blotchy face. Even with swollen eyes and a runny nose she was exquisite. Her misery made her even more gloriously beautiful to his eyes and Angelus being what he was---wanted more.

Much, much more.

Regretfully Angelus drew on his reserves of patience. Patience was definitely a virtue that he had mastered over these long years in exile. Looking at his exquisite darling little Buffy, Angelus reined in his need for total, complete domination and humiliation. Submissiveness is an art that must be slowly introduced, otherwise she could be ruined prematurely. It happened with Druscilla.

It must not happen with Buffy. Cradling her to his chest Angelus murmured nonsensical soothing sounds until she finally began to stop her sobbing. Buffy gave out several watery sighs before lifting her head away from the solid strength of his chest. Looking up at him she felt herself compelled to bring her mouth up to his. Docilely she opened her lips and allowed his tongue entrance, moaning softly with a deep pleasure at feeling him thus.

Buffy then felt his hand creep along her thigh, pulling it down until her foot reached the floor. She then felt his fingers teasingly crawl upwards until they were just resting upon the soft fur that covered her. Ever so softly she felt him part her with one finger. Anticipation made her wriggle before his finger laid claim to the most secret part of her.

Buffy’s back tightly arched against his arm. His one finger soon became several and she could only pant and mewl from the pleasure. Helplessly she writhed against Angelus, immersed in the mind-numbing sensations of the ecstacy between her thighs and the prickling pain of her blistered bottom.

She realized that already he had perverted her to his way of sex. Before tonight she thought that a person could not experience pain AND pleasure. She thought it was an impossibility. Now, he was showing her again that not only was it possible, it was wonderful.

What other things would he teach her? What other worlds would he show her?

Languidly opening her eyes she saw the coldness of Angelus’ face as he watched her take the pleasure he gave her. His firm mouth was twisted in a derisive small smile while his eyes watched every nuance of emotion that crossed her face. Inside she recoiled away from him. His every touch was gentle---a perfect imitation of Angel. Yet the calculating avidness of his eyes made her want to turn away from him---Angelus.

Yet her body craved the tainted caress that only he could give her. She could feel her woman’s release beckoning her with sweet elusive fingers. All it would take was one more stroke...one more movement of her hips... Before she could move his fingers stopped their dance. "No! I was so close Angelus" she breathlessly panted. "Why did you stop?"

He just wolfishly smiled. Pulling his fingers away Angelus held them in front of her face. "This is what is between us Slayer---sex. We give each other pleasure and that’s it. I make you feel good...you make me feel good."

Buffy felt him rub her lower lip, leaving it moist from her own body. His tongue darted out and licked her slowly, savoring each taste. "But we do it my way. If you want to play, you play by my rules."

"Meaning?" she asked a bit breathlessly.

Angelus slowly smiled and drew his head closer to hers until his mouth was a hairsbreadth away from her ear. "Meaning," he darkly whispered, "if you want me to make you scream..."

Buffy sat there slightly trembling, anticipation radiating from her, just waiting to hear what her demon lover would promise. The moments dragged by until Buffy let out a soft ragged moan, her body unconsciously following the lines of his hard form. "If you want me to make you scream: you WILL get dressed!"

Standing up Angelus left Buffy sprawled on the bed. Glancing at the clock he said "We only have eleven minutes left. Hurry!" She laid there staring at him for a few seconds before her hand fumbled for the skirt and shirt.

Standing up she walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of panties. Midway through putting them on she heard Angelus say in a bored tone "I don’t know if you’ll feel comfortable in those. Besides I’ll only rip them off later." Firmly she continued pulling them up, silently daring him to say something. He only shrugged as if to say ‘Don’t say I didn’t warn you.’

Unfortunately he was right. As soon as the cotton touched her heated flesh of her ass, Buffy let out a slow hiss of pain. Angelus let out a low chuckle of self-satisfied amusement. Ignoring him she quickly slipped on the top and then stepped into her skirt.

Spying her white Keds by the door she picked them up. Looking at her bandaged feet she said "I think that they’re healed by now. I’ll take this stuff off first---"

"Leave it on. We’ll take care of it later." Not wanting to get into another argument that could have her laying across his kness again, Buffy did as he ordered. Slipping on her shoes, she frowned at the snug fit. Reaching up she felt that several more locks of her hair fell from their pins. In a blatently false subservient tone she drawled "You don’t mind if I do something with my hair, do you?"

"As a matter of fact I do. Let’s go." Pulling Buffy by the hand he walked out the bedroom and headed for the stairs. When they reached the first floor, Buffy saw all the glass scattered on the floor. That and her blood. Remembering her mother she wailed "How am I going to explain this to my Mom? Dammit Angelus! Why did you have to break every window in the house? I mean, couldn’t you have been satisfied with just one? I’m going to be in so much trouble---"

"Relax Buff, I’ll take care of it."

"How? My mom is going to be back in town in three days Angelus. THREE days. And what about if Willow comes by and sees all this---"

Stopping at the front door he turned around and lay one finger on her lips, efffectively stopping her panicked flow of words. "I’ll take care of it. Now be quiet."

Snapping her mouth shut with a click, she shot him an offended glare before deciding that anywhere was better than looking at his face. Opening the door, they both walked out into the lightening night sky. Seeing the flush of dawn Angelus turned around and gave Buffy an irritated scowl. "We could’ve already been in bed by now if it wasn’t for your bad behavior."

"MY bad behavior?! Excuse me, but you were the one who---"

"Be quiet!" Picking her up Angelus began to run. Fast. The world passed by in a blur as he sped towards only he knew where. Clutching his neck, Buffy never knew before how quickly he could move. She then wondered why all the vampires that she had slayed never moved this fast. Even at her fastest she couldn’t move this quickly. Maybe it was because Angelus was so much older than all the ones here.

God Buffy! Why are you even thinking about dusted vamps? You’re in your mortal enemy’s arms! Very nice arms too...attached to a very nice body...which is attached to a very nice head...No Buffy...think of something else...Yes, like how nice it smells out here...and how nice his hair smells...Oh! Could you be any more lame?

The first rays of sunlight touched the earth just as Angelus sped into a building and set her down inside the large elevator. He pushed a button with an ornate "P" before a panel slid open revealing a number pad. Several keys were entered before the panel slid shut and the elevator began its’ ascent.

Wondering where they were Buffy looked up at him, expecting him to say something. Anything. He just stood there silent, staring straight ahead. But that was not all he did: he began playing with the fingers of her hand. She felt the familiar tingle spread through her body at his touch. Still watching him, she saw his mouth lift up in a smirk.

Blushing, Buffy looked away. She knew that he could smell her arousal. Feeling a little defenseless she snatched her hand away. Angelus did not object but instead reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. When he offered her one she just shook her head. Shrugging he lit it and blew out a cloud of smoke. Not knowing what to say in the silence Buffy asked "Penthouse?"

"Of course."

Shrugging she said "I would’ve thought you’d be more of a "B" button guy. You know---basement."

"Well now you know I’m not." The elevator slid open with a quiet hum. Confidently walking out Angelus took several steps before realizing that Buffy remained where she was. Turning around he arched a brow and questioned "Well? Are you coming or what?"

Nodding she stepped out onto the black marble floor. The elevator doors immediately closed behind her, making her jump in surprise. Slightly awed Buffy observed the opulent surroundings that greeted her. She stood in a grand entryway that held few furnishings, but were ones of obvious wealth. Taking several more steps she noted that there was a large doorway to the right of her and a mammoth set of open double-doors just ahead.

Looking at the center of the floor she saw a startling ebony marble image of a griffin in stark relief against a circular crimson tile background. The same symbol that marked Angelus’ shoulder was proudly displayed beneath her feet. That alone clearly suggested that this was his domain.

Angelus waited until she reached him before continuing along. "Thought you were trying to back out there for a second babe" he wryly said.

Buffy just ignored him as she tried to mask her discomfort. From what she had just seen, this place looked like a museum! Casually she held out her hand in gesture for him to proceed. Angelus let out a small laugh at her tiny bit of arrogance but kept any other comments to himself.

Walking down several carpeted steps he made his way through the large living area, tossing over his shoulder "Sit down." He thew his duster on the nearest chair before disappearing through another doorway, leaving Buffy standing in the middle of a room that was bigger than the entire first floor of her house.

Looking upwards she saw that the ceiling soared to, at the very least, thirty or more feet. At the highest point it curved into an intricately painted dome. Buffy let out a small gasp of reverence at the sheer beauty of the structure. Tearing her eyes away, she wondered where she should sit. She wasn’t going to sit on the couch where he left his coat, but she didn’t want to be so far away that she looked scared. He would believe exactly that if she tried to hide herself away.

Seeing an armchair she decided that it would make a good strategical point. From that particular vantage point Buffy would be able to see Angelus come in without facing him directly, therefore avoiding the appearance of being over-eager at his return. Sitting down on the overstuffed black leather she let out a pent up breath of air. Until then, there was no harm in checking out the goods...

Wide-eyed she took in everything around her. The place positively reeked of money. Lots of it. While she was not an antique expert by any means, Buffy could see that the wall tables, artwork, and occasional vase were old and expensive. The decor was a mixture of the modern and of the past.

Just like the vampire who presumably owned it.

The leather sofa and chairs were obviously new, yet the oriental rug it was arranged on seemed a bit faded and frayed. Glancing along the walls she saw several lush, green potted plants standing on ornate brass stands aligned in small groupings. He’ll kill people but not plants? That’s weird. Well maybe I guess it’s because he can’t EAT plants...

At one end of the room there was a gleaming mahogany dining table designed in what looked like a gothic fashion. The high-backed chairs were large enough that even Angelus would have plenty of room, so she could only imagine how dwarfed she would appear. It looked like the tables she had seen in movies where old, rich Europeans ate---only this looked like it seated ten and not fifty. Not surprisingly it too looked incredibly expensive.

Looking at the wall across from her, she noticed that the un-lit fireplace was the largest one she had ever seen. If she wanted to she could easily stand within it and still have plenty of headroom. She could only imagine how large a fire it would be able to contain. The heat would be incredibly intense. Feeling a little chilly, Buffy figured that with all the marble in here only a bonfire would be able to keep this room warm.

Nearby she noticed that there was a deep-red, cherry finish grand piano with a large, black brocade bench. Craning her head to the side, she noticed that there were well-worn sheafs of music resting on top. Buffy got the feeling that they weren’t there just for decoration.

There is so much I don’t know about him. There is so much more to him than I ever thought. He’s not the total monster I thought he was...

Firmly Buffy gathered ahold of her thoughts. Just because he didn’t ravage her like she thought he would and just because he possibly knew how to play the piano didn’t mean that he STILL wasn’t an icky demon from Hell.

But he’s not so icky anymore is he? a voice maddenly mocked her. Deciding she was just tired, Buffy figured that there was no use in wallowing in the confusion that Angelus easily stirred up.

Absently she noticed that there were several paintings above the fireplace ranging in different sizes, with a life-size portrait in the middle. It was a rather pretty painting done in pastels of a dark-haired ballerina. Who would’ve thought Angelus’ interest in art included fluffy paintings?

Her unconscious assessment went on and on. Everywhere she looked all she saw were objects of considerable cost. The prettiest little jeweled eggs were housed in large curio case next to a state of the art sound system. The past blended perfectly with the present in this room. It all looked so beautiful, so unreal. Personal yet impersonal. This room was just an extention of Angelus.

How long before I am too? she sadly thought. Not liking the melancholy that stirred she straightened her back and spunkily answered herself with Yeah, right. How about never?

Her brief show of bravado was just that---brief. She felt ill at ease in the middle of all this. She never knew that Angel had access to such wealth. Maybe Angel didn’t, but Angelus obviously did. Or perhaps he didn’t. Maybe all this was ill-gotten vampire gains.

Not wanting to slobber over any more of the myriad objects anymore, Buffy began to tap her foot impatiently against the floor. Where the was he? Hell, if he was just going to leave her here all alone, she could have been back at home---asleep.

The minutes slowly ticked away as she waited for him to come back. Still there was no Angelus in sight. Tired of just sitting there Buffy got up and curiously approached the enormous lighted wall display at the opposite end of the room. It had caught her eye as soon as she had cleared the gigantic double-doors.

Numerous weapons brightly gleamed against the black silk background. Knives, rapiers, claymores, broadswords, daggers, even a battle-ax proudly hung as deadly wall decoration. Her hand fairly itched to wield one of the beautifully crafted rapiers. While all were in excellent condition, she could tell that some of the weapons were newer than others. The majority of the instruments were just as old, if not older, than their owner.

Suddenly Angelus was behind her. Laying his hands on her shoulders he murmured "Like what you see little girl?"

Buffy's heart started thudding with a potent mixture of distrust and desire. Stepping away from him she breezily answered "Got yourself a nice place here lover. Tell me---how much stolen money does it take to live like this?"

"Stolen?" Angelus derisively chuckled and noticed that for each step he took, she took a step away. Stopping in the middle of the room he watched as she moved by the piano. "You give me too much credit babe. This is all mine Buff." Coming towards his prized musical instrument he amusedly watched her scurry away towards the window.

"Really?" Waving her hand around her she asked "Nothing CONVIENANTLY made its’ way into your hands? C’mon Angelus, you can tell me. It's not like I'm the police..."

Leaning his hip against the highly polished wood he swore "Not a stolen good to be found here, well maybe except for the sword second from the bottom over there, but other than that---it’s completely legit." Angelus strolled over towards Buffy only to stop when she moved to another covered window.

A few moments passed in silence. Idly playing with an emerald curtain tassel Buffy nodded her head while sarcastically saying "Legit? I didn’t know you even knew the word."

Tired of giving chase around the room, Angelus walked away and sprawled himself on the couch. Laying one arm across the leather back, he used the other to begin unbuttoning his shirt. "Lover I don’t really care if you believe it or not. What I do care is for you to get away from that window and come over here."

Feeling an urge to make him wriggle she innocently asked "What window? Oh, you mean this window?" Looking up at the heavy, blue velvet curtains she mused out loud "Gee Angelus, don’t you think it’s kinda dangerous having windows here? I mean all it would take is just one accident and you would be several shades darker."

His face hardened while the ever-present smirk stayed firmly in place. "Buff, come here or I’ll begin to think that you want something bad to happen to me."

Her eyes sparkled with maliciousness as she blithely said "Sure Angelus, I’ll move away." As she moved towards him her hand still gripped the material, causing the window to become uncovered, leaving a certain vampire directly in the path of the morning sunlight.

But instead of writhing in agony or at least scrambling to get away, Angelus just sat there. Leisurely he continued to unbutton his shirt while she stood there with the confusion of someone whose joke backfired, the curtain still clutched in her fist. "Surprised babe?"

Untucking his shirt he laid his other arm across the couch and propped his feet upon the chinese dragon coffee table. "Was this the part where I get that tan or maybe you were hoping for something a little more drastic and lot more messy?"

Looking down at the black marble she saw a bright streak of sunlight shine across its’ surface. Following its’ path she saw it travel across the floor, up the table, over his long legs and end right on his pale chest. The sunlight was not hurting him at all. "How?"

"How what? Oh you mean how come I’m not a crispy critter?" Languidly lifting his hand he pointed at the sunlight portal. "Courtesy of a glass manufacturing company in France---the best money can buy. Not only does it let pesky sunlight in, but it keeps the bothersome U.V. rays out. Don’t you just love technology?" he drawled.

Reaching across the table Angelus picked up a slender remote control. All the while keeping his gaze locked with Buffy’s, he pointed it upwards. A splash of sunlight bathed the entire room. Looking up at the ceiling she saw the previously painted dome now sported blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

With just a click of a button the sunlight abruptly vanished to be replaced by the previous mural of human figures. Just what was it a painting of? Her attention was then drawn to Angelus as he pointed the control towards her. Here too the sunlight disappeared. Looking back at the window she saw that the clear glass was now opaque.

In his private domain he was safe from the deadly sunlight. If he wanted to he could enjoy the priviledge of the sun without suffering any of the consequences. Angel would have loved to have glass like this. Angelus instead chose to leave the room shrouded in darkness and shadows.

"Just in case you ever get any bright ideas about breaking the glass: it’s also bulletproof and earthquake proof---meaning that even a Slayer can’t put a chip in it."

Letting go of the curtain Buffy sauntered over towards the doorway. "Don’t worry Angelus, I’m not like you. I don’t get the urge to destroy other people’s property."

"Where do you think you’re going?"

Looking over her shoulder she assured him with "Relax lover, I’m just taking a look around. That is why you brought me here, right?"

Watching her with hooded eyes he lewdly replied "I can think of ten different reasons as to why you’re here Buff. Want me to show you reason number one?"

Trailing her hand across the surface of an intricately painted vase Buffy looked over her shoulder, pointedly ignoring his question. "No really, that was the point in bringing me here wasn't it? Trying to impress me much Angelus? I guess that sewer comment kinda hurt..."

An enigmatic smile played across his lips for a split-second before disappearing. Leaning his head against the back of the couch he lamented loudly "Buff, Buff, Buff. Why do you have to talk so MUCH?" Looking back at her he shook his head. "Did you know that everytime I make you nervous you blab?"

"Excuse me? I don't think so. In fact I think that you're the one who's nervous right now. I mean this all fits perfectly: you have a demon-complex, not that I blame you by the way, and because of it you're trying to replace...no...displace the blame, that's right---the BLAME---on me."



"You're doing it again."

"I am not!"

Not convinced at all Angelus sagely nodded "Sure you're not Buff. That's not nervousness I smell in the air, nor do I smell anxiety, nor do I smell---" Taking an appreciative sniff he closed his eyes before letting out a masculine sigh of approval. "Nor is that the smell of a girl who's wet between her curls, right now, at the thought of getting fucked by her man, is it?"

Feeling yet another infernal blush Buffy sat down on the thick plush of the stairs. What now? She DID feel a little nervous again. Hell, she got nervous as soon as they left the house! And she did not blab everytime she got nervous!! Oh my God! I'm doing it right now!she internally groaned.

Well, maybe she was a little nervous BUT not because she feared that he would try to hurt her, but because of this new intimacy. Where would they go from now? Why did he bring her here? Sighing she had so many questions and so many confusing emotions.

How did one treat an enemy who was now a lover?

Seeing Angelus crook his finger and beckon her, Buffy had a feeling that she was about to find out.

Getting up on her feet she slowly made her way across the room towards him. Once she reached the couch she attempted to sit down before Angelus curtly said "No." Her eyes began to slit with anger when he reminded her "My rules, remember?"

Huffing impatiently Buffy gave a small curtsy and breathed "Oh yes, my most-magnificient-bully. How could I possibly forget?"

While her sarcasm amused him, Angelus decided that he had had enough of Buffy’s impudence to last him for a month. Grabbing her by the arm he wrenched her out of the mocking curtsy, causing Buffy to fall to her knees. Bringing his face right down to hers, he growled "It seems you’ve already forgotten a lot between now and twenty minutes ago, lover. It'll be my pleasure to remind you."

Not giving Buffy time to respond, Angelus ground his mouth against hers. His cool tongue plunged deeply past her lips, boldy seeking and taking what he wanted. The hand she put to his bare chest did not push him away, as she had originally intended, but instead moved to clutch him to her.

She felt her body become covered in goosebumps when he left her mouth and instead clamped on to her neck, biting and nipping the flesh at will. Buffy moaned with pleasure as Angelus then alternated between the delicate skin of her ear and the smoothness of her shoulder.

His hand gripped the neckline of her shirt and ripped it off, leaving the bare flesh of her breasts exposed to his hungry caresses. Frightened by the barely controlled violence of his actions, Buffy let out a cry and attempted to cover herself. Without hesitation Angelus encircled both of her wrists in one hand. "Mine" was all growled before repeatedly biting the tips of Buffy’s nipples.

His rough kiss made her cry out from the pain. Immediately he gently suckled away the hurt---and made her sigh in bliss. Rapidly he alternated between both extremes, leaving her uncertain yet anxious for more. Soon her entire breast tingled in an excess of sensation, until she could longer differentiate between the sting and the searing kisses.

He felt as if he could completely devour this tempting young morsel, she was that delicious. He had played the considerate lover all night long, restraining himself unnaturally, all in an effort to burn himself into her brain and body. After just this one night, he instinctually knew that it had worked.

Now it was time for her to see another side to him.

Angelus simply did not want to take the time to woo and seduce the Slayer. Before it was all over, he wouldn’t have to. She would crave for him, regardless of his method. He wanted her to feel a demon’s display of passion. She was ready for it and he intended on giving it to Buffy.

He was going to please this innocent girl as only a demon could.

Dragging her body up Angelus rapidly pulled the skirt off her flushed body, leaving the Slayer clad in a pair of cotton panties. Deliberately he looked into her passion-glazed eyes before ripping off the hapless material from her. "I told you I’d rip them off" he thickly murmured before throwing her face-first against the couch.

Buffy could feel the cold leather combat against the heat of her body. Everything was happening so quickly, she barely had time to think about how wrong this might be or how high-handed Angelus was acting. In a moment of honesty Buffy knew she frankly did not care. All she wanted was for this raging need within her to be quenched.

Dimly she heard the quiet hiss of a zipper being lowered before she felt his hands firmly grip her hips. Gripping the armrest of the couch Buffy knew what he was going to do. She knew that he would take her from behind for the first time. Wickedly she anticipated how it would feel.

Angelus growled low in his throat at the sight of Buffy eagerly spreading her legs apart. Even in the dimness of the room he could see the abused flesh of her bottom. Mottled red bruises overlapped much deeper purple ones, presenting a perfect tapestry of his dominance. His cock jumped when he saw the large imprint of his hand on her thigh. She was so beautifully marked. For the Slayer to bear his mark of possession was a heady rush of power indeed. Too bad it wouldn’t last for long.

Oh well. There would be plenty of time for the making of new tapestries.

Reaching out he tightly gripped each cheek in his hand, delighting in the low moan of pain Buffy gave. "It hurts doesn’t it? Remember this pain Buff, always remember who made you feel this." Letting go of her ass, Angelus moved the head of his penis against her moist female flesh.

Rubbing the salty tip against her, he could feel the shudder of pleasure she gave. Leaning over her back he whispered hotly in her ear "Now I want you to remember this babe." Suddenly he drew back and impaled her with one thrust. Buffy let out a shriek and dug her fingers into the armrest. Her insides burned with the invasion and her bottom protested at the feeling of his hips resting against her bruised flesh.

Not giving her time to adjust, Angelus began a pounding rhythm that was punishing to the extreme. He did not allow Buffy’s arousal to dim, despite the dueling agony of being bruised inside and out. Knowing the power of the spoken word, he darkly whispered seductions that made Buffy’s breath hitch. Not yet satisfied, he leaned over and ravenously kissed the damp flesh of her slender back while wrapping his arms around her tiny waist.

Buffy rested her head against the couch, her eyes tightly clenched. Her body shook from the sheer force of Angelus’ thrusts. The pain was almost overwhelming, but the knowledge of knowing that it was HIM within her body saved her from feeling violated. Instead she almost felt liberated; he was taking the choice away from her---and giving her what she secretly wanted.

Didn’t she sometimes wonder what it would be like to be fucked like this? To be fucked by HIM? Do be helpless under his onslaught? Hadn’t she ALWAYS been curious about this beast? All those hours of discreetly reading about Angel’s past, reading about Angelus’ ruthlessness, wasn’t it always for just this one moment?

The soft feel of the leather beneath and behind teased and caressed her trembling body. It was so deliciously erotic to know that while she was completely naked, he was fully clothed. She could only imagine the picture they presented: two creatures unrepentingly fucking. When Angelus’ hand found her clit, Buffy whimpered in her throat. It felt so incredibly good.

The ceaseless thrusts of his hard flesh combined with the demanding caress of his hand to form a growing knot of tension within. Buffy’s body soon began to moving in an effort to meet his thrusts. Angelus’ deep purr rumbled in his throat, making her fling back her head with arousal.

Soon she became increasingly vocal with her pleasure, her cries echoing throughout the cavernous room. "Yes...yes...yes..." she helplessly panted. Everything tightened within, until it seemed as if her heart almost stopped, before Buffy let out a scream of ecstasy. Endlessly she clenched and pulsed from her orgasm, even as his pace doubled in speed, causing her tender flesh to burn.

Angelus felt his face transform, the fangs glinting dangerously in the dim room, while he rode the girl beneath him. His shaft hardened even further, his balls tightened in preparation of release, and the scent of Buffy’s pleasure and her blood beckoned him. Grabbing a fistful of blond hair, he yanked her head back before sinking his fangs into the side of her neck.

The piercing pain shot through Buffy’s body, combining with the after-shocks of her orgasm. Her legs trembled as she felt him greedily drink her blood. Ravenously he slaked his thirst even as she began to feel light-headed and weak. "Stop..." she protested while attempting to move away from Angelus.

Instead he sucked even more strongly, crushing her ribs while pulling her body up against his own. Her struggles only caused the pain to worsen. If she suddenly pulled away from him, she ran the risk of her jugular being torn wide open. Angelus was draining her and there was no one there to stop him.

Just when her world was becoming a vision of night and crimson, Buffy felt him slide out of her body and release his hungry hold. Bonelessly she sank to the couch, her breath exiting as shallow pants. Slowly her hand came up to the side of her neck. Touching the wound with the tips of her finger, she dazedly looked the stained digits, before letting her eyes drift shut.

Her arm dropped to dangle off the couch, her relaxed hand barely grazing the surface of the cold marble. Dazedly she felt the warm liquid trickle from her neck onto the couch. She could feel the sticky semen flow from between her legs while she lay on her belly. Wouldn’t she end up ruining his couch? Maybe he didn’t care. Why should he? Afterall, the couch will not last forever...

...only Angelus would.

Buffy could not focus on any other rational thought; staying awake for this long seemed a momumental task in itself. She wasn’t dying, was she? "No...I’m...not...dying...he can’t...kill...me..." was the last thing she said before slipping away to unconsciousness.


The End


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