"Take Me Away"

Author: Elizabeth
Email: absolut_tonic@hotmail.com

She knew that his arms weren't Angel's arms, and his skin wasn't Angel's skin. Nothing she could do or say would change the fact that it wasn't *him* she was with.

And all she wanted to do was forget. To leave the last three years behind her like a waking dream- something for the conscious to be quickly gotten rid of.

Her mouth made the words, her throat made the sounds.

"I love you," she whispered. Her heart screamed for her to shut up. Her brain urged her on. "I'm so glad you're here." Her heart started to cry. Her brain started to cheer. "Make love to me," she breathed huskily.

"Of course, Buffy." He sounded flattered, surprised even. That this beautiful girl had chosen *him* to be close to her, to share herself in the fullest sense, made him almost bashful again. The thought brought a slight grin to his mouth; it had been a while since 'bashfulness' had entered their conversations.

His strong arms curved lovingly around her back and pulled towards him even more tightly, pressing her slight form against his. They began to kiss tenderly, tongues snaking out to meet each other, and for a moment, she was able to forget. Just enough tingle in the pit of her belly to make it feel alright.

They made love slowly, with careful touches and long drawn out sighs. For seconds at a time she was able to lock the traitorous memories away in the back of her mind, to drown them in the rising tides of pleasure. They escaped though, taking form in the hot tears that streaked down her cheeks, no matter how hard she tried to stem them.

Riley saw the tears and understood. His comforting murmurs never ceased and he held her body to his own with all the love he possessed. He knew the feeling of old pain, and he recognized it in the girl-woman in front of him. And he realized that the best thing he could do for her was to just be there. To be her wailing wall, if necessary, or to be the friend that listened with a sympathetic ear. His job was simply to provide comfort, love, and security.

"I love you, Buffy," he whispered into her hair, smelling the floral shampoo she'd used that morning and the peculiar smell that was Buffy herself. She pulled back, making it so she could see his face. Her wet lashes framed lush green eyes, full to brimming with tears that simply wouldn't go away. He could read her expression at a glance.

"I know." He paused, tried to explain. "I mean, I understand. Everyone has issues." His words were followed by a broad, fleshy thumb that cleared away the tear tracks from her reddened cheeks. The lush green eyes closed and a quiet shudder ran through her slender body. She turned on her side, nestling herself into the curve of his warm, living flesh.

The bed was just large enough for two, and she fell asleep quickly, his muscular arm wrapped securely around her deceptively fragile waist, as if to protect her from the creatures they both hunted. And even as he smiled gently down at her, dropping a kiss on her brow, a sinking feeling was in his chest, because Riley knew that the only real threat to the Slayer... was herself. And even he couldn't save her from that.


The End


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