"Sinking Into Ecstasy 6: Oblivion"

Author: Mistress Angel
Email: angelsslayer@yahoo.com

Buffy sat watching TV and lazily eating a bag of Twizzlers. She was happy to get this moment to herself, especially since the past two weeks had been filled with nothing but slaying, reports to Giles, schoolwork and more slaying. The cemetery seemed to be vamp happy lately and Buffy was glad to have it toned down enough that she could come home early and actually catch some downtime before she had to haul herself off to bed.

Mom was in Chicago at a convention at the Art Institute so she had the house to herself for the next two days. Of course, thoughts of Angel taking advantage of that emptiness crossed her mind about a billion times, but she never found the opportunity for him to come by. He stopped by school a couple of times, catching surprised glances from the group. She had actually told them--several weeks ago-- that they were no longer seeing each other romantically, that sometimes he showed up and helped if she was in a rather hectic battle and that's all. She didn't know if they believed her or not, but she couldn't help but feel guilty every time she thought of them together.

Buffy smiled around a Twizzler stick and almost made herself blush with her thoughts. She couldn't help but be affected by what her friends thought, but hell, it was Angel.. He was so gorgeous, and sexy and smooth and sensual and just so yummy that she couldn't be blamed for wanting him--could she?

Actually, she was proud that she had concentrated fully when needed on her school work and slaying. To be honest, she hadn't had time to pine for him, which, in itself, was a good thing.

After about an hour she tunred off the TV and thought she'd blast some music while it was still early, her mom was gone and her neighbors were still awake.

In her room Buffy sat on her bed wanting a piece of gum. She opened her drawer and found a few pieces there--right next to the hot pink dildo she and Willow had jokingly bought online. Buffy smirked as she pulled it out. She had gotten a plain pink one, but Willow had bought one called smooth silk; complete with a power adjuster. They had gotten a laugh out of it when they had bought it, not really divulging if they would actually used them. Buffy thought hers was pretty, and yes, she admitted to herself, she had used it twice. Once in bed and once in the tub. She didn't know if Willow had used hers but she was pretty sure she hadn't, and she know she would never have the nerve to tell her if she had.

Buffy popped in her PJ Harvey CD and put it on medium volume. Leaning back on a bunch of pillows she stroked the smooth texture of the dildo while the eclectic sounds wafted from her radio. Her attention to it kept her from noticing Angel at her window, and, as usual he always showed up at an embarrassing time.

Letting out a small gasp, Buffy dropped her penis where it fell off the side of her bed and landed with a soft thud on the floor. Angel, happy to catch her at such an inopportune time, glided smoothly across the room and stooped, picking it up. He kneeled by her bed and held it up looking at it in mock shock. Buffy turned down her radio and faced him. "I thought you were using the door now." He smiled and shrugged. "I thought about it, but I would only end up in your room anyway so why waste the effort?"

Buffy lifted a finely tweezed eyebrow at him and smirked. "So, Don Juan, you think every time you come over here I'm just going to fall down and let you ravish me?" He silently handing her the penis which she playfully snatched from him.

Buffy was going to put it back in its package, but he stopped her. "Wait," he said. "What are you doing with something like that anyway?" Buffy laughed stiffly and didn't know why she was embarrassed in front of him of all people. "Uh, well, Willow and I---"

"--Willow?" His sudden interjection and wide eyed expression caused a barking laugh to erupt from Buffy. "Hey, you don't know everything about Willow."

Angel chuckled lightly. "I guess I don't."

"So, go on," he urged, getting back to the conversation at hand.

"Well, nothing," Buffy protested. "We found this site online and decided to order them, hers is neon purple and vibrates, mine is pink and plain and simple, so I'm not a kink freak so you can stop thinking it."

Angel raised his eyebrow that time. "Kink Freak?"

Buffy pursed her lips at him. "Listen, it's just a toy. What? are you...intimated? Jealous?"

Angel seemed to actually get a little upset. He took the dildo from her and stood up, crossing the room. "Intimated by this?" He held it up and looked at it. "It doesn't even look like a penis, since when have you ever seen a hot pink penis? or a neon purple one for that matter?"

Buffy shrugged. "Hey, I deal with Demons everyday, you never know what kind of anatomy is floating around."

Angel didn't look humored. He stared at it and suddenly thought of Buffy using it, getting herself off. It made him more angry than he wanted to admit. He walked back over and handed it to her. "Here, if you prefer that to the real thing then I guess I can't help you there."

Buffy looked at him in surprise and tried to keep from bursting out laughing. "You are jealous? Aww, that's so cute in a Vampire."

Angel's scowl returned. "I don't like the fact that you have one of those. There is only one purpose for that and you don't need it if you have a boyfriend."

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Well, I'll excuse you since you come from a time where sex was deemed blasphemous before marriage and women wore yards of fabric and corsets to hide any feminine traits." Angel opened his mouth to say something else in anger but she continued.

"I bought this out of curiosity, it doesn't matter if I use it or not. It doesn't mean I don't want to make love with you anymore, it just means I have a dildo. In case you don't know Angel, people masturbate all the time, it doesn't make them hate sex any less...if anything, they like it even more."

Angel shrugged, seeming to brush off her statement. "Then let me ask you, have you used it?"

Buffy sighed inwardly and wondered if she should tell the truth. He was making such a big deal about her just having it he might actually implode hearing she actually used it.

"No, I haven't," Buffy lied. He seemed relieved. More relieved than Buffy liked.

"What if I had said yes?" Buffy asked. He just looked at her and didn't have an answer.

"Well?" she prodded again.

"I don't know, I guess I'd want to know why."

Buffy stood up with it and stroked it as she walked toward him. "If you're that curious or at least that upset, then why don't we use it together and you can see which I like better."

Angel inched from around her where she had trapped him between her chest and the wall. "No,"he said emphatically. "I refuse to watch you use that."

"Why? You watched me masturbate before," Buffy replied, actually getting warm with the thought. Angel's eyes darkened with the reminder image and looked at her up and down. "I know, with your hand, and I was instructing you. I don't want anything else inside you but me.

"Fine," Buffy sighed flopping on her bed. "Be mad at a piece of... rubber, see if I care. But if I do decide to use it you're going to miss out on a hell of a show."

Angel wondered if he had heard right. "What?" Buffy looked over at him. "I'm not going to tell you if I use it or have used it because you're making to much of a big deal out of this. We could have fun with this and you won't even give it a chance."

"Fun?" Angel choked out. "How?"

She smiled wickedly. "Want me to show you?" she whispered.

Angel didn't move. Maybe it was his own Freudian issues that were holding him back, or maybe it was the fact that he wasn't used to those kinds of sex toys and didn't want Buffy used to them either. Or better still, maybe he didn't want her thinking that a piece of rubber could give her better orgasms than he could. She was right, he was jealous. And he was proving it and his typical male ignorance by not wanting to participate.

Angel glanced over at Buffy. She was sitting on her bed in a light blue tank top and matching panties; bare feet revealed perfectly painted toenails and smooth feet. Her face was beautiful and framed by a head of satiny blond hair; irresistible to the touch, not to mention those wonderfully sinful lips and mouth and those hypnotic hazel eyes. To top it all off she was holding a pink vibrator and was willing to show him how she used it. What fool wouldn't take advantage of this situation?

Still, Angel continued to stand rooted to his spot, not wanting to get involved with her and that.

Buffy, on the other hand had other ideas and really seemed bent on getting Angel to submit. "C'mon Angel," she cooed. "What? You don' t want to play with me?"

Angel watched her as she splayed herself on her bed. He could see her nipples had gotten hard as they pushed against the soft cotton of her top. She squeezed one breast, mouth open, tongue running over her perfect lower lip. She looked delicious. It only reminded Angel that he hadn't touched her, really touched her, in a couple of weeks--which seemed like two months in their time.

"Buffy.." Angel began, not really having anything to say to her. The way she was looking at him, the way she was touching herself, her name just seemed to come out of his mouth on it's own accord.

"Yes," she purred, smiling at him, giving him that wet pout that she had discovered he loved. Angel swallowed, still not moving. Actually, he didn't know if he could move.

Buffy sat crossed legged on the bed and reached under her shirt massaging her breast, playing close attention to her hardened nipple. She rolled it around with her fingers, pinching it and brushing it lightly with the palm of her hand. His dark gaze was making her hot and breathy, she could already feel wetness seeping out of her. It was incredible what that man could do to her with just a look. She propped herself up with one hand and bent her knees and spread her legs. The position was perfect, he could look right in between her legs, right where she was rubbing the length of the vibrator; her panties were wet and were rubbing over her clit.

Angel couldn't help but stare. He kept his piercing gaze un-wavered as he looked from the slow movements of the tool to her half opened, pouty mouth. She looked so hot, Angel didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to keep himself upright. She was driving him slowly insane and she was doing it with the very thing he loathed. Uncanny.

Buffy quickly raised the front of her tankini, seemingly needing to free her imprisoned nipples. Her breast bounced up freely and settled back down in warm, soft mounds on her chest, her nipples pink and hard and obviously aching to be touched. She closed her eyes as she scooted back and leaned against her headboard. She teased her nipple again, every time she grazed the sensitive tip she would jerk a little, raise herself into the touch but then she would stop, almost punishing herself, keeping it from having what it wanted.

Her other hand was still busy with the dildo, rubbing and stroking it in all the right places. Buffy found her clit and pressed the length of it onto her, rubbing hard and slow. It felt delicious, even better than the other two times she tried it. Then again, she didn't have Angel watching her.

She slowly ground herself against it, moving her hips slowly in time with the hard movement of her fake cock. She opened her eyes to see Angel had removed his jacket and sweater was all out gaping at her. Buffy gripped the sides of her panties and pulled them off her body, tossing them over the side of the bed. With an unhindered view of her wet feminine lips; glistening, swollen and throbbing, he thought he would surely die of happiness before he even touched her. He could see the smaller version of the tattoo he has on his back on her right inner thigh that she surprised him with a few months ago. For some reason that excited him too, everything about her at that moment was arousing, he couldn't believe the way this girl could make him feel.

Buffy touched herself with her fingers. She felt how wet she was and how swollen her lips were. Her clit was supersensitive now and she hadn't even orgasmed yet. She could barely touch it without heaving off the bed in a wave of sensations. Biting her lip, she inserted two fingers inside herself. Deep inside where her strong inner walls instinctively clamped down on them. She looked at him and saw his heated stare as he starting to walk toward the bed. Buffy moved her fingers inside her as she looked at him, imagining it was him, imaging he was deep inside her, filling her to her core. Unfortunately, fingers weren't enough to fill that void. At that moment she had no idea how Angel could be angered by a dildo. Hell, the biggest dildo in the world didn't compare to this man touching her or making love to her; kissing her or talking to her. God, he had no idea how she ached for him.

Buffy pulled her fingers out and positioned the vibrator to slide inside her, her eyes never leaving his. She saw him look toward her hands while she held it at her entrance, then glance back up to her face to watch her reaction. Buffy spread her legs further, her breath coming in short, deep pants. She scooted down on the bed, her skin flushed, her eyes dilated, her bottom lip swollen form her biting it. Her hair was mussed and he could feel the heat radiating off her.

Angel stood by her bed, his erection practically tearing through his pants. He was so hard he didn't think he could get any harder. But sure enough, when she inserted the head of that piece of rubber inside herself and bit down on a moan he felt himself grow a little more.

He refused to just pull it out and start whacking on it right there, it would defeat his purpose of burying himself inside her and coming into her perfect little writhing body. He removed his shirt and focused back on her.

"Buffy, you're killing me," Angel sighed, stepping closer to the bed.

She looked over at him and noticed the bulge in his pants. With her free hand she reached out and grabbed him, easily causing him to push his lower body toward her in acquiescence. "Buffy!" he hissed, grabbing her wrist. "Please, I'm holding on by a thread."

"Touch me," Buffy panted, stroking him, trying to goad him into doing what she wanted. His eyes closed and opened lazily. "If I touch you I won't be able to stop," he whispered.

"Then don't stop," she breathed. Angel glanced down at her other hand and saw she had manage to get half the thing inside her, her legs getting a bit wider with each push. He stared, wanting to touch her there, anywhere, but was unable to move with her hand massaging his dick the way it was.

"Buffy, please stop." He forced himself to remove her hand and then let out a sigh of relief. He refused to look at her pouty face, instead he kneeled on the bed and positioned himself in between her legs.

He felt his mouth water at the sight of her. She was beautiful, all pink and engorged and wet. He knew she was hot and tight and would tingle and spasm when touched. She lifted her hips off the bed not only from his heavy gaze but from the penis going deeper and deeper.

"How does it feel?" Angel asked, a small hint of hostility in his voice. Buffy couldn't help but stroke his ego. "Nothing like you, it could never feel like you baby."

Angel was practically drooling as she sighed and whimpered, her body raising up to him. Quickly, he stood and removed his socks, shoes, and pants, happy to free his excited member. It bobbed tall, thick and hard as he re-positioned himself in front of her. He wanted to rip that thing from inside her, toss it across the room and plant himself there. To be honest, he wasn't thrilled with the passionate look she had at the moment. However, it didn't fail to make him hot. He reached down and opened her up, right at the top where her lovely clit was hiding. Buffy's eyes shot open and her body jerked in response. "Angel, oh god..." she whispered and panted his name which had him dripping from the head of his cock like a faucet.

He licked his lips and put two fingers on her, finding her slick, swollen clit. She quickly grabbed a pillow and muffled the excited screams threatening to escape from her throat as he began to rub in deep, hard, slow circles. Her hand stilled on the vibrator, shaking as his movements took over everything else at the moment.

"You like that?" he whispered to her, his fingers coated with her wetness. He wanted to lick it off; taste her honey flavored dew but didn't dare stop touching her. She tensed and gripped the dildo tighter as he kept up his ministrations, she fought between emotions of wanting him to stop and wanting him to keep going. His pressured fingers worshiped her clit, teasing and loving it, turning its owner quickly into a quaking mass of flesh ready to submit to anything just to keep him going. Suddenly, her body began to react intensely, shuddering out of her control. Buffy sat up and looked at him, unable to keep her hips from moving in time to his magic fingers.

He was staring up at her, watching her licking her suddenly dry lips and eating up every whimper and moan she emitted. Gritting her teeth and keening in unended strings, she pushed the dildo inside herself, watching the neon pink start to disappear as it went inside. Her body instinctively clenched around it enjoying having something to hold on to.

"You're so fucking beautiful Buffy," Angel rasped, wondering where his voice had gone to. He was surprised he was able to speak at all. Buffy smiled at him and glanced down at his beautiful erection. She remembered the last time she held it in her hand, she could practically feel it throbbing; slick and hard in her hand, thrumming like a heartbeat. He loved it when she stroked it, teasing him just enough before she let him bury it inside her waiting depths. She wanted to do that now, she wanted to wrap her hand around it and be in awe of how small it made her hand look. She wanted to tease him and watch him quiver as she ran her finger around the tip, dragging that guttural moan out of him that only she could create; that he reserved only for her.

However, at the moment all she could do was go with the sensations he was creating in her right now. She shoved the vibrator in and out of herself faster as her climax built. Angel watched her, wanting this to last a long time. He slowed his movements and saw her follow his lead, calming her jerky, powerful thrusts and slowly pushing it in and out.

"Oh yes, oh Angel that feels soooo good." Her breathy moan was starting to be to much. He should have been commended on the incredible self restraint he harvested, refusing to jack off during the whole ordeal. He was pretty close to exploding himself, but he really wanted to do inside her. He didn't know if he would last that long though.

Buffy kept up her paced movements with her pink friend, sliding it in and out of her. She stared frankly at Angel's penis, almost ready to forgo that damn dildo and yell for him to just fuck her already. But then he started with his fingers again, dancing on her clit and her concentration went elsewhere.

"Does it feel better than I do?" he asked her, using one finger to flick across the sensitive tip.

Buffy clenched her teeth and pushed her hip forward for more. "No," she managed. "Nothing feels better than you--oh GOD!" Her scream interupted her speech pattern as she continued to slide it in and out of her, closing her eyes while she began to imagine it was him.

"Do you wish it was me inside you right now?" he whispered, his voice pouring over her like warm milk.

Buffy felt her climax building again and began pumping a little faster. "God yes! Oh god, I wish you were fucking me right now Angel."

Angel leaned forward and gripped one of her jiggling breast, squeezing and flicking his thumb over the taught nipple. "Just say it sweetie and I'll do it. If you want me to fuck you say it, say 'fuck me Angel'...just say it."

Buffy tensed around the penis, milking it like she would Angel. Panting, she moved her hips in time to the pushing of her little friend in and out of her.

"I'm almost there Angel, don't stop, please...don't stop," she pleaded.

Angel left her breast and concentrated back on her clit, using his other hand to spread the top of her vagina wide so he could see the little bud. He rubbed it hard and fast; ruthless and punishable, until Buffy couldn't take anymore. She jerked back, falling backward on the bed, raising her hips clear off the mattress. Angel stayed with her though, never leaving her dripping center. Buffy kept her hand on her dildo thrusting it all the way inside her and then back out again. Her other hand grabbed fist fulls of sheet and comforter, bracing herself for the oncoming orgasm she was waiting for.

"Come on Buffy, come for me," Angel instructed.

Buffy's body tensed as she came, her eyes shut tight as it seemed like a blinding light struck her behind her lids. She let out a piercing scream while her body shuddered and quivered. Panting like a sheepdog in 100 degree weather, she felt another right on the heels of the last one, this time it sent her bolting upright dragging her hips up and down the bed in a mad frenzy.

"Shit! Ohmygod!" she screamed, the shivers raking her body one after another. Angel didn't stop until she fell back on the bed, sweaty and sated. A crumpled, helpless heap of the former strong slayer.

Her hand lay limp on the pink phallic symbol, which Angel eyed with envy. He slid it out of her causing a little moan from his lover.

"Don't worry, I'll replace it with something else." His lovely promise reached her ears and made a smile cross her lips, which didn't go unnoticed by Angel.

He was glad to toss it to the side, forgetting about it. Buffy opened her eyes and looked down at him as he mounted her, bracing his arms on either side of her shoulders. "Angel," she moaned. "I can't..."

He completely ignored her as he positioned himself on top of her. He'd be damned if he had to wait another second to connect with her, he'd be lucky if he could get half way inside before coming.

"I can't wait anymore."

Buffy's half opened eyes grew wider when she heard the unmistakable raw lust in his voice. It was gruff and strained and extremely sexy. Still, her body was worn and, believe it or not, she was a little sore down there. It all meant nothing to Angel as he raised her legs, widening them and putting them where he needed them in order to enter her as deep as possible.

"Angel.." Buffy started, trying to protest again. "I'm sore," she repeated. "And my clit, it's so sensitive, I really can't--"

"--You can and you will," he replied, and thoroughly enjoyed when her eyes flickered in surprise. He didn't give her another chance to reply before he thrust himself inside her, fast and deep.

She clenched her eyes shut and gripped his upper arms. "Ahhhhh!" she gasped, her body quickly tightened around him. His low groan was in sync with her surprised gasp. He kept still, knowing if he moved, even half an inch he wouldn't be any good. He wanted to give her something to remember tonight, and his petty mind didn't want it to include that damn dildo.

"Fuck!" Buffy grunted in a breathy hush as she drew her legs up high to accommodate all of him. She blessed every inch of him, but at the moment, he was hard to handle--literally.

Nevertheless, he still felt good, and the moment of impact was soon over. "Yes, yes, yes," she moaned, enjoying just laying there with him inside her. If felt good, it felt like this was where she meant to be.

Angel opened his eyes and looked down at her. What he saw almost made his heart start beating again. She looked exactly like a goddess. Her hair was wonderfully golden blond, it was sweeping around her face on the pillow like it had been positioned there. Her eyes were closed and her perfect eyelashes rested against her porcelain cheeks. Her skin was smooth and glowing with a light sheen of sweat. Her lips were parted slightly and they were supple and moist.

He could stay there forever, staring at her just like that. It felt good, it felt like this was where he was meant to be.

She opened her eyes and caught him staring at her. She diverted her eyes for a second but then focused them back on him. She licked her lips and saw him immediately follow her tongue. When he looked he caught her full attention she saw how deep he was staring at her, it almost made her want to cry. He looked into her eyes, it was like he was looking into his own soul because that was where it was, inside her. She was the reason he existed, without her he would have died long ago from loneliness. She had no idea how she saved him, how she continues to save him. Never, in all his years alive, had he known true happiness until the day he met Buffy Anne Summers.

"I love you," he said simply. She opened her mouth to respond, but he stopped her, placing a finger over her lips. She smiled, then he leaned down and kissed her. A heavy, passionate kiss that she felt over her entire body. He tasted her, reveling in the softness of her lips; the warmth of her mouth. He suckled her bottom lip, licking and sucking it. He let her suckle his tongue into her mouth where she enjoyed the warm salty taste of him. He was usually sort of cool to the touch, but now he was warm, mostly from her own body heat. She loved that, it was fascinating as well as enticing.

Angel pulled back and smiled at her, noticing her eyes looked sort of blue/green with a hint of hazel. He raised up on his arms again and Buffy felt him stir inside her. She let out a whimper when she felt him move. He thought about going nice and easy, but didn't have the patience. Sure, he wanted to savor the moment but he had also waited long enough to feel her clench around him. He couldn't wait anymore.

He pulled out slowly and watched Buffy closely as she eased her eyes closed. He stared down at her lovely face while he let out his own low moan of pleasure. Then he pushed back inside her, hard and fast where it was dark and warm. Buffy cried out and continued to do so as he kept up the assault. He braced himself as he rode her like a Harley. Her face contorted beautifully as she gripped his arms strongly, that slayer strength coming into play. Her legs were almost pulled up to her shoulders as she made sure she took him all in.

He pumped into her like a jackhammer, his lower body moving with brute force.

"Oh! Ah! Ah! Angel!" Buffy screamed, she could feel him hitting her cervix and yet he continued.

"Tell me how it feels," Angel breathed down to her. Buffy wasn't able to form a coherent thought, let alone a sentence, but she managed to answer him.

"Good...Love it....Don't...Stop."

He had no intention of doing so, he wanted to be inside her when she came, he wanted her to feel the difference, he wanted her to remember it. He grabbed her legs and raised them up, holding them together with the back of her thighs pressed against her chest. She was practically curled upward as he began again, fucking her senseless in a new position.

"You're so...uhhh, yeah Buffy, God! Oh! You feel so good!" Angel pumped inside her faster, gripping her thighs, occasionally giving her a slap to each one. She gripped the headboard above her head, making her look even more delicious to Angel. It made her look helpless, like she was a slave to his actions, like she was his concubine, someone there for his own sadistic sexual pleasures. The thought of that made him harder if that was possible. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, listening to her groan and squeal with pleasure.

Suddenly, she clenched hard and felt an orgasm rack through her like a gunshot. She came quietly, grunting and tensing. She threw her head back and reached down to twist her nipples which heightened the sensation even more. Angel continued to bang inside her, she could feel the wetness and hear it between them as he slapped against her thighs.

Angel reached down around her and found her clit, stroking it just as hard and fast as he as fucking her. This contorted her face even more and made her tighten around him harder. Finally, it became too much and he started to come. His orgasm came quick and while it didn't last as long as hers it felt just as big and wonderful. Angel emptied himself inside her with a low, loud grunt and plenty of expletives. Buffy loved hearing him say those words which only intensified her orgasm even more. While he was still deep inside her Buffy continued to come, wondering where she got the energy.

She was sweating and shaking and every muscle in her body was aching and tired. Angel released her legs, letting them rest limply on either side of him. Leaning down he kissed her, deep and soft, soaking in her scent and taste.

"So, tell me, was it better?" he asked.

Buffy glanced at him and smirked. "There was never a question if one was better than the other, but if you must know, yes. Yes, you were better. A million times better, but you knew that already."

Angel shrugged and looked sheepish. Buffy was glad to stroke his ego a moment, even if they both knew it wasn't necessary. Angel's eyes seemed to twinkle and he got that naughty little boy smirk she was so used to seeing. He moved down her body, stroking her thighs and parting her legs.

"Angel, oh you have got to be kidding." Buffy looked down at him in astonishment, raising up on her elbows. Where was he getting the stamina? "Angel I really can't anymore! I'm so tired and sore, please, give me a break," Buffy pleaded.

Angel only continued to concentrate on kissing the inside of her thighs and moving them apart, feasting his eyes on what was in between them. Buffy watched as his raven eyes turned even darker. He lightly ran his fingertips over her thighs, barely touching her, raising goose bumps on her flesh.

Gasping, Buffy parted her legs, quickly becoming the wanton Slayer he wanted. As her breathing picked up speed Angel raised up slightly and looked at her, their eyes catching the others and speaking a silent lovers language. He kissed her lightly on her abdomen, just above her secret. Buffy giggled childishly and rolled her pelvis his way, wanting more and more.

Angel sat up a little and pushed her legs higher by her thighs then pulled her body toward him, causing her to be able to raise her legs even higher. The move made her breast jiggle in a delicious way which seemed to call Angel to them. Quickly he dove for one, practically pulling the entire mound into his mouth. He teased the erect nipple into an even harder pebble, suckling and biting.

Buffy threw her head back, holding onto his hair, gripping him tightly to her chest. "Ohh, Angel you make me feel so good. I love you," she gushed. Angel smiled around her breast, enjoying the fact that she was enjoying herself. He raised his head and moved over the other nipple, receiving a satisfied moan from his girlfriend as she arched her back, pushing herself more into his mouth. Her body heat warmed kept her warm despite his cool lips, initially, though, his lips are always cool on her. It was a fantastic contrast to the moment because she was always so oven hot right before he touched her. Right now she could melt an ice cube three feet away.

"What do you want?" Angel asked. Buffy opened her eyes and saw him looking down at her. His lovely mouth had abandoned her breast but in it's place one of his hands was playing with her right nipple, having fun with the taught little bud.

"Umm," Buffy said, moaning and laughing in between words. "I want..oooh, I want you inside me..now--again."

Angel's lazy gaze raked over her body. She was squirming like a person in pain and raising her pelvis up to his where his penis stood hard and waiting. He noticed her hand sliding down her body, impatiently touching herself and then finding her center, right where he wanted to be. He didn't know whether to be transfixed or--again--jealous. Yeah, jealous that she was even touching herself. She whimpered and cooed as she rubbed, widening her legs and stroking her throbbing core. He noticed her fingers becoming wet as they glistening from in between her soft, short blond curls.

Now, Angel was all about romance. Sure, he wanted to run her a scented bubble bath and place her in it. He wanted to tuck her in a nice soft bed and sit with her until she fell asleep. He liked holding her hand and just leaving it at that; accepting her company and that's it. But a darker, more ruthless side didn't want to entertain that idea at the moment. He just wanted to pound into her until neither of them could take it anymore. He wanted her to scream for him to make her come, and he wanted her to tell him exactly what she wanted. If she wanted him to fuck her senseless, then that was what he wanted to hear, to hell with being proper.

For a short, pornographic moment he wanted to jack himself off onto her flat, muscular stomach while she continued to stroke herself, but thought that would be a bit much for both of them. There were a few dark corners of his mind that he would like to bring her into, but didn't really want to show her yet. After all, they weren't even supposed to be seeing each other like this anymore.

To hell with that.

Angel couldn't help it anymore and removed her hand. Just as quickly he shoved the two fingers she was using into his mouth and sucked happily, licking off all the wetness he found there. Buffy's eyes grew wide and her mouth opened in shock and excitement. Before she could say anything he let her fingers slide out of her mouth then he lowered his head and kissed her hot center. She was moist and slippery and highly sensitive. As soon as his mouth grazed her she was raising off the bed and reaching down to grab his hair. Angel smiled in self-praise as he placed his mouth directly over her and let loose with his tongue. Buffy shut her eyes tight as he ravished her clit. It was almost too sensitive for her, she didn't know if she would be able to take much more and he had just gotten down there.

Breathing hard and tightening her body against his onslaught she flung her hands behind her and gripped the headboard. "Oh God! Angel, please--p-please, oh yes, YES!"

Angel continued, parting her as wide as he could, licking her straight from top to bottom then doing it over and over. He suckled her clit hard and long making her raise her hips clear off the bed. She was jerking and moaning all over the place. Angel had never seen a more beautiful sight.

He felt his cock get harder if that was possible, and the fact that it was sliding back and forth on soft, smooth sheets wasn't helping his control any. When Buffy finally came in a hail of explosive screaming, squirming and tensing on the bed, he knew it was a vision he wanted to see again.

Raising up on his knees he grabbed her left leg and flung it around so she was on her stomach on the bed, then he grabbed her hips, raising her up on her hands and knees. Startled, Buffy tried to stop and look at him but he held her in place, roughly parting her knees.

"Angel...what are you doing?" She asked, even though she knew. They had never done the anal thing before, it was new to her, but it didn't seem like it was new to him. For a split second she wondered how many women he'd had like this.

Angel placed himself in position, spreading her checks and lightly stroking her anus, which was swollen and incredibly wet--thank goodness. Angel didn't want to hurt her, lubricant would be a good thing right about now, but my god, looking at her in this position--he just didn't have the time to fully prepare her. He wanted her now.

Right now.

She looked over her shoulder at him, those hazel eyes filled with hesitance, but confidence and trust in him. Her blond hair falling away from her beautiful face. The muscles in her back and uppers shoulders defined how strong and healthy she was; her skin smooth and soft. Before he fainted from the sight he gripped her hips, stroking over her butt a moment, then pushed hard.

Buffy grunted loudly and he saw her grip the sheets. Angel was panting as he stared down between them. His tip was inside her, but he was nowhere near fully embedded. He pushed again and spread her legs further apart. She sighed and then grunted, trying to concentrate. She relaxed and felt him enter her a lot more. Biting her lips she couldn't help but realize it felt like she was hugely constipated and just couldn't go. It wasn't a good feeling but it had to get better, she thought.

Angel made himself sturdier on his knees and pulled out a bit, then pushed back in. Buffy yelled and threw her head back, letting out little high pitched yelps.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked, not wanting to stop, but he would.

"No," Buffy panted. "I like it." Angel wasn't sure if he believed her. He had a strong feeling she wouldn't stop for his sake. He was going to do his best to make this good for her too.

As he watched his penis disappeared inside her, he felt her tight, hot body envelope him in Buffy-goodness. He couldn't help but sigh and close his eyes.

"Goddamn! You feel good sweetheart. Buffy, you feel so fucking good." He let the sensation ride over him a moment, her gripping him like a vise, her lovely ass bent over in front of him. He wanted to stay there for the rest of the day. He listened as she breathed ragged breaths, moaning and saying incoherent things.

"How does it feel Buffy?" he asked her, rubbing her back with his hand.

"You feel good baby," she replied through panting breaths. She gripped him tighter and Angel thought he might explode right there. He prided himself on his sexual restraint. He refused to come in her just yet, but the thought of pulling out and sinking back in that haven of pure bliss made him want to shoot right then. He figured he wouldn't pull all they way out, just a tiny inch or two then push back in. That way it wouldn't hurt her either. He leaned over her and reached around to find her clit. It was slick and protruded from it's silky barrier, even better accessed because of how wide her legs were spread. Buffy arched her back when he grabbed a hold of her bundle of nerves and started rubbing it in between his forefinger and thumb.

She couldn't take it anymore and she came again, tightening herself around him Angel yelled along with her. She shook and jerked as Angel watched in total awe. She looked beautiful; sweaty and tired. A naughty thought occured to him that he should have taped this.

"Oh god Angel," Buffy puffed from in front of him. "That was intense." Buffy's body was so responsive now she knew the slightest touch would send her reeling once again.

Angel was looking forward to it. He pushed up inside her, closing his eyes at the feel of it. Pulling out a little bit he pushed back in to realize she was pushing back. Smiling, he continued to work her clit as he pulled out even more and pushed back in. Buffy's grunt of pleasure edged him on until he was pulling almost all the way out and sinking back in.

"More," he heard her plead. Angel gripped both hips and pulled out, ramming back into her so hard her body jerked forward. Buffy's mouth hung open in an O as words escaped her. Angel did it again and watched her close her eyes tightly, just accepting her pleasure and pain. Angel loved it, quickly getting off on her submissiveness.

He thrust into her hard and furious, occasionally slapping her perfect ass as an added bonus. She seemed to enjoy that, letting out a little "Mmm" each time a blow landed.

"Do you want me to stop?" He teased. Buffy shook her head no, unable to speak. Her body was being pushed backward and forward in a blur as Angel kept up his rampage. He smiled and landed another blow to her left cheek. She was at his mercy and he was loving every minute of it. He grabbed her cheeks and spread them open, watching as he slid in and out of her. He seemed to be working her raw, however, her puckered entrance was accommodating every bit of him. Oh, yeah, life was good.

Buffy gritted her teeth as she came again. She felt her wetness running down her inner thighs, dripping out of her. For the most part all she could do was close her eyes and go with it, just let the sensations take her over. She was so hot and her body was so taut that she didn't know how much more she could take. She remembered the few times she and Angel had watched some porn and it didn't slip past her how he became aroused over the anal scenes. It was quite obvious that he wanted to try that with her. When he first started she didn't want to stop him because she knew he really wanted it--and deep inside she did too, but she didn't know if she would be able to handle it. Well, she was finding out how well she could take it right now, and actually it felt really good.

Angel slowed almost to a stop and held her tightly against him. He had his eyes closed while he just enjoyed feeling her tightness around him. She was soft and warm and he never wanted to leave. A deep, primal moan grew from deep in his chest and bellowed out of him when Buffy pushed back slightly and contracted her muscles to clench him. She opened her legs wider and started rotating her hips up and down. Angel looked down at her, watching her move around him.

"Buffy," he moaned softly, stroking her lower back and hips. Buffy rested her forehead on her hands in front of her on the bed, pushing her butt and hips higher in the air. Angel slid out slowly and slammed back in. He repeated that over and over until neither he nor she could take anymore. Both came together in a mass of trembles, shaking and grunting their pleasure. Angel emptied himself inside her, exhilarated and happy.

He loved Buffy, more than anything. The deep heartfelt emotion he had for her surpassed anything he had ever felt in his life. She brought out all emotions in him and he loved it. He loved how she could arouse so much in him when he literally had only one feeling since being cursed---dread. She had brought out fifty different types of sentiments alone the first day he met her. From the moment she knocked him on his ass in that alley he knew there something about her he could definitely get used to. Her power, her fearlessness, the way she had taken him in and taken care of him like a lost puppy. He would never forget it. Never.

An hour later Buffy and Angel were still laying in bed. He was lazily stroking her shoulder as she lay curled up next to him. She had fallen asleep a short while after they had made love, and not only was it a good chance for him to let her rest, it was a chance for him to watch her uninterrupted. He gazed down at her in bliss, completely taken by her--again. This wasn't the first time he had watched her sleep, after all he is a Vampire and he had all access to her room. He would never disclose the nights he had crept in, watched her sleep for a long while, then crept out. He actually hated having to sneak like that, which is why this time it was different. She was here with him and knew that he was watching her. It made a huge difference.

Buffy stirred and Angel lifted his hand from her soft upper arm. She stretched, her eyes still closed, her eyelashes fluttering. However, she didn't open her eyes, instead she took the edge of her sheet and bunched it in her hand as she cuddled deeper into the bed. Angel chuckled as he realized she may not be ready to wake up for another two or three hours.

Well, he couldn't have that.

As much as he wanted her to get her sleep, he wanted to touch her again, talk to her, laugh with her. But he didn't just want to shake her awake, that just seemed impolite somehow.

Smirking, Angel stared down at her solemn features and watched her small body contract and relax with her breathing. He got an idea.

Moving off the bed carefully and quietly, he moved to the end and kneeled at the end of it. She didn't move, her perfect body lay outlined beneath the thin sheet. Angel watched for a moment, noticing the way it plastered to her curves and lines. Her body really was perfect. The curve of her hips, the way her lower back molded to make perfect buttocks. The smoothness and shape of her calf muscles, the arch of her foot, the curve of her breasts; the soft sensitive underside. Angel bit his lips as he continued to survey the intricacies that made up a woman--actually this woman in particular. Yet again, he couldn't believe how blessed he was to be loved by such a lovely person.

Angel reached up and took the end of the sheet and pulled slowly. It began to slid down her body but unfortunately snagged because she was gripped the end of it. Not planning on being diffused by this Angel pulled harder and managed to pulled it out of her hand. This caused her to roll over on her back, one hand draped lightly over her stomach the other bent upward by her head. This movement also caused the sheet to settle right over her breast where her nipples were very erect at this point and outlined under the material.

Gaping at this newly erotic picture, Angel pulled the sheet some more, revealing pert mounds and lusciously hard nipples. He continued to pull as the sheet sensually slid down her body unsheathing skin upon skin and delicious body parts.

Her stomach.

Her hips.

Her precious womanhood.

Her thighs.

Her smooth knees.

Her strong legs.

Her ankles.

Her beautiful toes and perfect feet.

Angel balled up the sheet and left it forgotten on the floor.

Standing, he looked down at her, she looked like a goddess, a fairy, something, anything that was precious and delicate and beautiful. Her stomach raised and lowered with her breathing. Her lips had now fallen apart as it seemed like she was in a deeper sleep. Angel stared at her face, she wasn't moving. If she was pretending to be asleep he doubted she would have stayed still through that. Besides, he didn't want her to be awake yet, that would ruin his plan.

He kneeled down again at the end of her bed, realizing that what he wanted to do wouldn't work unless he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. He knew that if he grabbed her hips and yanked her down she would wake up for sure. Annoyed, but not going to be defeated, he just decided to do it another way.

Angel stood and leaned over her. Her scent assailed him quickly and he immediately got a hard-on. Angel looked into her face, studying her. What was she thinking? Was she getting aroused in her sleep?

Angel had to steady himself or he might have gushed all over her before he was ready. He carefully touched her right thigh and the heat from her skin seared right through him. He pushed it aside, opening her body to him. He balanced himself with his right hand and pushed her left thigh apart. He could now see her secret and see that her lips were wet and swollen. Angel licked his lips and seriously fought to hold on to his control. Another glance at her sleeping face, then he bent his head to her. The smell became stronger as he neared, the scent heady and dominating as it assaulted him. He closed his eyes and bent lower to her body using his hands to open her wider. He touched his tongue to her lightly and then looked up at her.

She didn't move.

Bending back down he touched her again softly, touching her lips and enjoying how swollen and wet she was. He slipped his hand between her thighs and opened her up while his tongue was still down there and dipped inside her. The more he touched her the more he wanted. He carefully avoided her clit at the moment, he just wanted to tease her mercilessly for a while--at least enough to wake her up.

Angel licked up one side of her where she was slick and engorged. He nipped her slightly and then flattened his tongue to lick her fully from the bottom to the top of her opening, right where her clit was hiding. He didn't touch it, but he was dangerously close to it.

He felt himself grow harder and harder and and felt himself dripping from his head. Angel soon lost his light touch the more he stayed down there. He dipped in as far as his tongue would let him and stroked inside her. When her thighs moved and he heard a soft moan he realized she was awake, so he opened her wider with the help of his other hand.

Once she was completely revealed to him he took over, holding her open as he ate her like she was the sweetest nectar there was. A loud gasp and more vigorous body movements let Angel know she was wide awake.

His name caught in her throat as she began to make short choked gasps. Her lower body jerked upward as the direct stimulation over-heated her body and heightened her senses.

She widened her legs in acquiescence and groaned. Angel smiled while he continued, she was getting wetter and wetter and yet he wanted her wetter still.

A low grunt and another hard upward jerk caused Angel to look up at her. Dark brown eyes met hazel ones when he raised his head from in between her thighs. Her eyes were wet and cloudy; hazy and dilated. She was panting and sweating; strands of blond hair stuck to her forehead. She was taking in huge amounts of air and squirming her lower body around on the bed.

That look she gave him, it was pure and raw lust. Angel knew it the moment their eyes met. It was unleashed and uninhibited and he loved it.

With his fingers he touched her lightly and watched her respond frantically. She gave a little mewing sound and bit her lip. She pushed hard toward his hand and fingers wanting and needing more.

"Mouth," she said in a cute caveman style. It was all Angel needed to hear. He knew what it meant and what she wanted. He lowered his head and grasped her clit between his lips and sucked hard.

The sound she made was somewhere between a scream and a groan. She made a series of them as she threw herself back on the bed and thrashed her head around in raw abondon. She spred her legs even more and reached down gripping his hair. Angel sucked hard all the while stroking in and out of her with his fingers. Occasionally, he reached further under her and stroking her anus then dipped back into her waiting heat.

Buffy rode his lips wild and passionatly, dying with the need for release. "God, don't stop.." she hissed. Angel had no intention of stopping, he wanted her to come long and hard--along with him. Buffy's hips were moving quickly in a back and forth motion with his tongue massaging ever crevice, every silky texture. "Angel, oh god..." Her throaty voice egged him on as he parted her more. She hoisted herself into a sitting position, on hand holding her up while the other held handfulls of his hair tightly in her fist. Angel didn't seem to notice the death grip she had on him as she continuously gushed into his mouth, more of her self-made juices flowing from her nethers. She was beautiful and he loved every part of her. He never wanted to stop touching her, tasting her, feeling her, hearing her, he just wanted to die in a world of Buffy.

Her body began to jerk sporadically and he felt her inner muscles tense even more. "AngelAngel..." she began, warning him she was close, very close, that he shouldn't stop. Angel raised his head up and watched her as she continued to move her hips against his wonderful fingers. Her body was sweaty and tight, her mouth was open and she panted steadily with her eyes closed, concentrating solely on his ministrations.

"You like it?" Angel whispered up to her. She simply nodded and crinkled her forehead when a really good spot was hit. Her body jerked off the bed a few times; her whimpers getting louder and louder. She released his hair and held herself up with both hands behind her now so that she could raise and push her hips into his fingers with deeper thrusts. Angel watched with avid fascination as she threw her head back, her blond hair cascading down her back, clinging to the dampness there.

His thumb rubbing her clit finally got the best of her and she twitched violently, raising clear off the bed. "Oh God! Yes, yes! Ahhhh...Mmm..." It was music to his ears to hear her do that because of him, he literally felt like a God. Her lower body slid up and down the bed as another orgasm ripped through her whipping her eyes open and tensing her body like a taut cord. Seconds later her eyes shut tight as the twitches came and more whimpers and mews passed over her lips.

Angel didn't want to come but the sight before him told his body otherwise. He was only a millisecond away from decorating her sheets, something he would rather not do. However, the vision of golden beauty in front his his eyes belied any self-control his body had. As she worked through her third orgasm and looked down at his hand and fingers and how they were frantically thrusting in and out of her. Her inner thighs were glistening from her wetness, moistening her folds and delivering a heavenly sight--and smell. Her scent assailed him tremendously because of his Vampirism, he felt like a dog in heat. Her smooth thighs clenched and released; quivered and jiggled. The smooth skin was tight and soft, supple and inviting. Angel watched her as she began to come down finally, loosening up and sighing contently. He, on the other hand, was ready to burst.

Her smells, her sounds, her touches, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Angel?" Her soft and sexy voice wafting down above him was the last straw. He pulled his fingers out, eliciting a small gasp from her. Thrusting them in his mouth he sucked them like a baby on a pacifier, indulging himself in her. His body reacted and he came, bursting forth on her sheets and his belly. Buffy watched with vivid passion, practically drooling as he continued to come and suckle his fingers.

Instinctively, she reached down and touched herself; massaging her clit. Angel followed her every move while three of his fingers still remained in his warming mouth. She slid her finger over her lips, fascinated by her smell and her taste. Their eyes connected and no words needed to be spoken.

Angel's eyes glanced down at her thighs again as he finished grunting through his orgasm; his body thrusting and jerking. He pulled his fingers out of his mouth and grabbed her legs, ripping them apart. Buffy surprised and excited, smiled, a crazy and lustful look in her eyes. Before Buffy finally put two and two together he had vamped out and opened his mouth baring his fangs. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open in shock and excitment. He sunk his teeth into her soft inner thigh, pirecing the flesh and dazzling in the rich blood that spilled.

"Angel," she yelped, bitting her lip and tensing her thigh mucles. His teeth seemed to sink even further as he fed. Angel squeezed her around the area causing more blood to ooze through the tiny holes, his sucking motion pulling the thick red liqued into his mouth. He listened to her sexual sighs and knew she was enjoying this as much as he was. The blood was warm and slightly salty, he could taste the power of it and wanted as much as he could.

Buffy whimpered above him as he drank hard and long, but he ignored her unspoken pleas as he groaned and murmured with the pleasure of it. The more he drank the more he began to loose control. Her blood was like a drug to him, drinking it overwhelmed him to the point of delirium. He ripped his fangs from her flesh and looked up at her, ridges present, bloody fangs bared.

"Angel, are you okay?" Buffy asked. Angel said nothing as he stood, hovering over her, blood around his mouth and dripping from his sharp teeth. He looked feral and untamed--and extremely sexy.

"More," he said simply, charged and wild with the hunger for blood.

Buffy understood. Fear mixed with excitement caused her to bare her neck to him. He quickly climbed on top of her, the gentle, affectionate Angel barely there. He grabbed her around her waist and pulled her toward him, pushing her hair out of the way and roughly grabbing her neck with his other hand. She hardly had time to prepare herself before he embedded his fangs into her soft skin, sinking right into and vein spurting blood directly into his mouth.

Buffy gasped and grabbed his shoulders, quickly remembering the last time he drank from her. She was sure he didn't remember with the state he had been in, but she sure did. He had hugged her toward him sucking and grunting like an animal. All she could do was hold on to him and let him drink. It wasn't like he needed to drink from her just to get blood, he got plenty of blood elsewhere, but they both knew the added bonus--for both of them--in letting him drink from her.

Every time she thought she wouldn't be able to take anymore, that if he took one more drop she'd die--he'd stop. This time was no exception as he pulled away from her. Suddenly embarrased, he held his hand up to his hand up to his mouth and quickly moved to sit on the edge of the bed. He wiped his mouth hurriedly, licking the blood off his hand before Buffy saw him. Buffy pulled herself into an upright positon, wincing when she felt the pain in both her neck and her inner thigh. When Angel glanced down at the wound on her leg a wash of guilt swept over him. She looked at him and knew what he was thinking.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out, trying to make it better. She aslways suffered the brunt of his needs, it wasn't fair.

"Shh, it's okay," she soothed, stroking his cheek. "I'm fine." Angel knew she was probably lying for his sake, another reason he loved this woman to death. He glanced at her neck and saw that the wounds had already begun to heal. As long as he gave the area ample time to heal itself it wouldn't leave a scar.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he whispered, gently running a finger around the bitten area on her neck. "Yes," she assured him. "We've done this before, it's no biggie."

Angel nodded but he still felt terrible. Buffy slid over to him and crawled in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck she began kissing him on his neck. "When you feed off me it excites me, I come so hard from it," she whispered. Angel closed his eyes. She felt wonderful, so soft and smooth. He could still smell the both of them together on her, the scent was overpowering. "When I taste you Buffy it's like tasting a part of your soul. I can't get enough."

Buffy giggled lightly, "I can't get enough of you." She gently turned his face toward her and kissed him slowly, rubbing her lips along his. She was setting the pace, but if it were up to Angel he would grab her, throw her back on the bed and fuck her into the ground. Instead, he had to calm himself and let Buffy work her way to that point. She flicked out her tongue and ran it over his bottom lip, then tugged on it gently; sucking it into her mouth. After a moment she let it slip away and then kissed him a bit harder, mashing their lips together. Buffy's breathing changed, growing more erratic as Angel held her tightly as he ravished her mouth. She could feel his erection growing against her hip and imagined it once again embedded inside her.

"I want you," Angel whispered, then pulled away for a moment. "You're driving me crazy."

Buffy smiled, glad to be so tempting. Sliding off his lap, she walked back over to her radio and put on another CD. After a moment an old song from Eurythmics began to play. The sensuous chords from This City Never Sleeps floated around them and and put a smile on Buffy's face as she kneeled on the floor in front of him. Amazed, Angel just stared at her as she positioned herself in front of his growing erection.

"Buffy..." he began, not beliving what she looked like she was about to do. It wasn't often that oral sex--him recieving it that is--came into play when they made love. It's not that Buffy didn't mind doing it, but she had to be in the mood. He certainly wasn't going to ask her to do it, but he certainly wasn't going to turn it down. However, he wanted her to want to do it and not just do it because she knew he wanted her too.

"Shhh," she whispered and took his throbbing member in her small hand. Angel grunted loudly and tried not to thrust forward. "You don't have to--"

He forgot what he was going to say next when she began to slowly stroke up and down. He gripped the edge of the mattress praying he wouldn't come in her face. She had barely gotten started and he was about to hyperventilate.

As she continued to stroke with her right hand, she took her first two fingers on her left hand and began to circle his tip. She could feel his penis jumping slightly as she massaged him. She could feel his body shaking slightly. Smiling, she watched his face as it contorted with pleasure. He bit his lower lip and made little whimpering sounds. Buffy smiled wickedly, if he was enjoying himself now, wait until I put my mouth on him, she thought.

He opened his eyes to face Buffy watching him intently. "Baby happy?" she whispered.

Angel nodded. "Baby happy."

Putting more pressure on his shaft, she moved her other hand to his heavy sac, squeezing it and massaging it with the same heavy strokes. This time Angel couldn't help himself and lifted his hips into her movements. "God, Buffy, please..." He was panting and gripping the bed with all his might.

Inching forward a little, she bent her head and touched his tip with the tip of her tongue, all while he watched with wild abandonment in his eyes. "Oh please Buffy," he pleaded. This was all music to Buffy's ears as she continued and wrapped her lips around his engorged head. It was slick and hard and she could taste him already. Sucking hard, just on the tip, she swirled her tongue back and forth, back and forth over and over all while she pumped him harder and faster in her fist.

Angel was trying to think with a clear head, but she was making it extremely difficult. He watched with rapt attention as the love of his life had her glistening perfect lips attached to his dick. It was heaven on earth, and if he died from this he wouldn't be surprised. As far as he was concerned, what she was doing was enough to kill even a vampire.

"Oh god, don't stop," he keened, wanting to pump her head up and down, but knew better. Buffy continued to tease him, listening to his grunts and groans to gauge when he'd had enough. Just when he sounded like he couldn't take anymore, she kept it going for a little while longer. Finally, she engulfed more of him in her mouth, sliding more of him inside as she sucked. She stroked just under his balls, tickling him and teasing him as she slipped her mouth over more of his tight erection.

Glancing up at him she saw his eyes and saw how dark and primal they looked. He was subtly moving his hips back and forth, pumping inside her mouth.

"Oh, baby, that feels...yessss," he hissed, jerking slightly when she hit one of his better spots. Buffy sucked harder and faster as his moans and the sexy melody of the song spurned him on. She was dripping her own juices down her thighs and was quite aware that she was just as aroused. She could feel how swollen she was and consciously pressed her thighs together wanting to sate herself, but also wanting Angel to do it for her.

Closing her eyes, she sucked hard and roughly, squeezing his sac in the same fashion. When he began a low, steady growl--more like a purr, Buffy looked up at him again and noticed he had changed. Surprised, she almost stopped, but was held steady by his hand coming to rest on the back of her head.

A shot of resistance spilled through her and she was going to protest, but suddenly realized the Demon had now taken over and that was the part of him that was infuriatingly holding her head to him. He seemed ready to come and so was she, this fact fueled her on, actually causing her to touch herself in the process. She rubbed her clit a few times, trying to ease some of the sexual discomfort, but of course, it only made her want more.

"Don't fucking stop, I'm gonna come," he growled. He let her head go, to Buffy's happiness, and leaned back slightly. She reached back up and grabbed his balls again and stroked him as she continued to suck. It wasn't long before he started to come, spurting into her mouth. Before, Buffy would have found this disgusting, but with Angel it took on a whole new meaning. It was like she was taking a part of him inside her, figuratively and not just literally. It made the process seem more than what it was, and to her that wasn't disgusting.

She milked him for everything he had, always surprised by the coolness of his sperm. She let his erection slip out from between her lips and glanced up at him. He was still in game face and looking at her with this heady passion that made her heart race. For a moment she thought he was going to want to drink again, but instead he stared at her for another long moment then morphed back into his human face.

"I-I didn't know you changed when we did that," Buffy said curiously. "I've never seen you do that."

Exasperated and totally spent, he stroked the side of her face lovingly. "Sometimes, when the feelings get really intense, too intense for me to control, it happens. It's like it's the real part of me showing itself."

Buffy stood and sat back on his lap, dimly aware that he still had an erection. "That's not the real part of you, the Demon isn't all there is to you Angel."

He chuckled and slid a finger down the center of her face, over her nose to the tip of her chin, tapping her a couple of times. "You, of all people should know Buffy. When I was changed, the human side left; the demon is what took over."

"So what you're saying is that there is no part of you that's human anymore?"

Angel began stroking her bare shoulder. "There is, because of my soul, but the Demon is just using my body as a vessel, that's all."

Buffy shivered slightly. "When you put it like that it sounds horrible. I refuse to believe that the real Angel is not in there somewhere. He has to be."

Angel sighed slightly. "I know, it's hard to explain--and even harder to accept."

Buffy felt confused. After all this time she couldn't believe she could be ignorant of all this. "We can kill the Demon though, and you'd be human again, right?"

"That will never happen."

"But it could happen, right?"

Angel looked closely into her eyes. "Buffy, don't start any endless searches for me okay?"

"Why not?" she pouted. "Willow's getting much better with her wicca and she's got Tara, I know they will find something, they already found a way to bind your soul."

Angel brushed her hair from her shoulders and kissed her cheek. Buffy, his little freedom fighter. He knew she would do anything to have him human, to have him be what she needed him to be. God, didn't she know how much he wanted to be that for her? How much he wanted to be normal and love her like a normal man?

"Let's not discuss it anymore, okay?" He really didn't want to get into it.

Buffy continued to pout. "Do you know what would kill the Demon?"

Angel just looked at her, giving her a silent stare.

"Do you?" she pressed.

"Redemption," he said quietly.

Buffy was quiet finally, knowing how hard it had to be for him to say that to her. He had a lot to make up for and it wouldn't be easy.

"I want to hel--" she began again.

He interrupted quickly. "I have to do it alone Buffy. I caused pain alone, and alone I have to rectify it."

Buffy frowned, wanting to protest again, but knew it would be fruitless.

He wasn't just her boyfriend and lover, he was her friend. Nevertheless, she knew where he was coming from and didn't want to ruin their night arguing.

"Okay," she smiled, giving in, even though she really didn't want to. "Case closed."

Angel pulled her toward him and kissed her softly, a soft kiss that heated up the more they touched. Soon their kisses were feverish and wild and had Angel more turned on than he had been a moment ago.

He had a urge to taste her, to really knock down her inhibitions and make her bare her soul to him, more than she did already.

"Get up," he rasped, passion clouding his voice. Panting, and shaking with desire Buffy stood, awaiting more instructions.

Angel stood next and pulled her to a wall, pushing her against it. He kissed her face, placing light pecks all over her cheeks, and forehead; chin and eyelids. She tasted like fruit, mango to be exact. It was lovely.

Moving to her neck, he kissed her softly, teasing her and licking an especially sensitive area that housed a throbbing vein. Temptation to bite into it was overwhelming, but it wasn't what he had intended to do right now.

He kneaded her breasts as he kissed her neck, getting more turned by her moans and whimpers. Pulling and playing with her nipples, he drew them into harder, sensitive peaks than they already were. "Yes," she whispered, eyes closed, sensations taking her over.

Angel moved down to her upper chest, leaving a trail of kisses before he reached her right nipple. Holding her breast captive, he licked up each side of her nipple and playfully tugged it gently. When she was panting and moaning, he moved to the left one, needling the right one with his fingers.

"Mmm," she sighed, pushing her chest into his mouth. Angel looked up at her, a light sheen of sweat was on her face and her body. She was enjoying herself, but he wanted her wild, uncontrollable; insatiable with need for him.

"You're so fucking incredible," he whispered, causing her to open her eyes. Smiling, she tried to lean in to kiss him but he moved away, moving to pull her desk chair over to them. Sitting in it, he told her to just stand there, pressed against the wall. A slight look of confusion played across her features as she stood there, naked and aroused in front of her lover. He sat in the chair, leaning back, admiring her, his eyes dark and feral.

"Angel--" she began. "Shh," he said, quieting her. "You're so...I just want to look at you. I want to see if I can make you come by staring at you, like I did before."

Highly embarrassed, Buffy began to turn pink. "What?" she croaked, squirming and avoiding his penatrating stare. "Angel, I can't co--"

"Yes you can," he said quietly. "Look at me."

Buffy bit her lip and felt tears of arousal pool in her eyes. She looked at him as he watched her with fierce desire. His eyes raked over every inch of her, pimpling her flesh and heightening her arousal ten fold.

She closed her eyes and thought of him touching her, the thought only made her want to touch herself. "Open your eyes," he quietly demanded.

She did and saw he was slowly stroking himself, his erection so hard and tall she wondered how he stood it. He saw that she noticed it and didn't mind her unabashed staring.

"You want it?" he asked, causing her to look him in the face then. She nodded and licked her lips, which almost made him fall out of the chair.

"What are you doing to me?" he whispered, more to himself than to her.

"Come here," he growled, unable to withstand not touching her anymore. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her between his legs, kissing her stomach. She held his head and threw her own back in abandoned. Her center was throbbing and aching for him, it was calling out to be sated, she was going to go crazy if she didn't get him now.

He pushed her back slightly, and took hold of her thigh, raising her leg so that her instep rested on the back of the chair. Buffy was taking in deep breaths as she watched Angel stare at her wet opening, so obvious to him now. He glanced up at her briefly before he gave her an order.

"I want you to come in my mouth--hard."

Buffy swallowed and looked down at him, her eyes wide and lustful. Buffy was already dripping, and she knew one touch from him would send her reeling. She didn't have to wait long. After he gave his instructions he lowered his head, turning it slightly to the side so he could plant his mouth directly over her center. He scooted to the end of the chair and spread her wide, inserting his tongue in as far as he could.

Everything was overwhelming to Buffy. This new position was extremely exposing and she didn't know how long she was going to be able to stand up on one leg. She only had the dresser next to her for support, and she was using it frantically. Gripping the edge of the bureau, she raised up on tiptoe; closing her eyes, releasing shuddering, deep breaths. He was licking wildly inside her, around her lips and in every crease and fold of sensitive, exposed flesh he could find.

"Oh God!" Buffy shrieked, feeling herself on the verge of another orgasm. Tugging his hair she rode his tongue, feeling him place kisses down there, and use his fingers to massage her clit and anus.

"Angel..I--I", speech was pretty much for the sane, at this point, and Buffy could hardly manage two syllable words. Removing his mouth and inserting two fingers to in work her clit, he looked up at Buffy who's head was thrown back in ecstasy.

"Come on baby," he whispered up to her. At his words, Buffy opened her eyes and looked down at him. His mouth was glistening; his lips and chin wet with her nectar. Buffy wanted to kiss him desperately, she wanted to taste her and him all mixed in together, but he wasn't allowing her to move, not until he got what he wanted.

"I want you to squirt on me," he rasped to her. "I want to taste you running over my tongue."

It would have sounded disgusting if Buffy had heard it from anyone else, but from Angel it was a turn-on, it was foreplay, and it was just what she needed to hear to come. Closing her eyes, she tensed and gasped, grabbing the dresser for dear life.

"Yes, oh, yes," she moaned, the feelings taut inside her. She could feel her body twitch; her insides contract and release; her body hum. Angel quickly replaced his mouth and delved inside her once again, stroking and licking to his hearts content. It only took another second of this before she exploded.

Coming in angry bursts, Buffy jerked and bucked, holding his head to her. Screaming his name, she pushed against his wanton mouth, leaving her inhibitions behind. If he wanted to taste her, he would. She'd make sure every drop landed in her mouth.

She didn't come like he wanted, however, and Angel was not going to give up. He looked up at her, a smile on his lips, desire in his eyes. "That was good baby," he praised, winking at her. "Real good. But you know what I want, you can do it." Buffy was almost out of breath--and out of energy.

Spent, she felt her leg begin to cramp. As he watched her he rubbed inside her, stroking three fingers in and out. Buffy clutched his fingers, only wanting to replace them with something else. She noticed with his free hand he was rubbing himself. He was hard, harder than he was earlier. If she didn't know better, she'd think that it had grown. She relished his hand while she stared at his throbbing dick.

"You know what I want Buffy." He grinned at her, pushing his fingers in deeper, curling them, searching out her G-spot.

"Please, Angel, oh, oh..." She knew what he was doing and quickly her eyes shut. "I c-can't take anym--." Her words were cut off when begin to rub her clit with his thumb. Sensitive and way past excited, that one touch sent her spiraling into another body quaking orgasm.

Gasping and groaning, her body shuddered and twitched while she came again, dripping uncontrollable, but not what Angel wanted. He watched with fascination as the honey liquid spilled from her center and ran over her luscious thighs to continue down her beautiful legs. Buffy watched him narrow his eyes as she watched him continue to stroke her, pumping her for everything she had. She and he both knew that what he was asking for was a skill. A skill that she had only done once. It was messy and embarrassing and Buffy wasn't thrilled about doing it again.

Angel was happy though, very happy. He came within seconds of her, splashing all over her; long, hard and loud. He was thrilled with her ability to do it and couldn't get enough of it. He wanted her to be completely unrestrained, rampant, wild. He wanted her to show him a side of herself that only he alone would ever see. This was the perfect thing.

He released himself and replaced his mouth on her, opening her wide, exposing her sensitive flesh to his uncurbed insatiability. She was extremely wet, her smell a combination of a faint musk and rose petals. His need for her was practically unstoppable, he couldn't get enough of her. He wanted to crawl inside and stay there, warm and cuddled by her inner walls. A disturbing thought, and a pretty unattractive image, but that was how he felt. He wanted to be that close to Buffy Summers.

Angel tried again, stroking her with ruthless abandon. Licking and teasing with his tongue unmercifully. Buffy panted and writhed; squirmed and bucked. She was tired and felt empty, but the minute he doubled his actions she felt it. She felt a fire deep inside that was calling to be put out.

It started low in her stomach, rising from her special place; the core of her. Soon, it began to spread throughout her body, through her arms, legs, fingers, toes. She felt dizzy and her skin began to buzz. She was slick with sweat, and sticky from her own juices. Her hair was clamped to her forehead and the back of her neck, and her leg was going numb. She was flushed and hot and going insane with need and desire. She didn't care anymore though. She was loved by an Angel who loved her through all this and more. She'd do anything for him, deny him nothing. This was the last thing of her she had to give.

The pressure built inside her, pressing down and building, building, building. She clawed at the dresser, and raised up on tip toe.

"Angel...." she moaned warningly. Angel eagerly ate at her, refusing to move his mouth for even a second. Buffy closed her eyes, already feeling herself dripping more and more. She bucked and tensed and a second later she came.

Her sacred juices rushed out of her, gushing from her body and in and around his mouth. She heard him moan with pleasure, and ram his fingers harder up in her. He drank and drank from her, pulling every drop into his body.

He removed his mouth and the second he did she heard a growling roar. Quickly she looked down at him just in time to see his yellow eyes close and him came all over her leg and inner thighs. She was still releasing fluids but she didn't care. She placed both feet on the floor and immediately reached down, grabbing his cock. Straddling his lap, she slid it inside her and grunted with excitment. She began to ride him slowly, but he had another idea. Wrapping his arm around her, her stood, her linking her legs around his waist, and turned toward the bed. Within seconds he was on the bed, on top of her, her grabbing the headboard and him thrusting hard inside her.

Nothing was said as they just enjoyed the moment, engulfing the sensations and emotions they invoked in each other. After a long while, Angel felt the urge again and bared his fangs. Buffy, eyes closed, was unaware and he didn't warn her. Growling slightly, he seized her neck, sinking his fangs into her throbbing carotid. Buffy opened her eyes and released the headboard, raking her fingernails across his back. This made him bite harder, the slight pain reinforcing his enjoyment. Sucking hard, he listened to himself drink and heard her faint moans of desire. He smiled around her broken skin, happy to give her pleasure.

He pulled back, yanking a gasp from her. He looked down at her and she smiled. She placed her hand on the back of his head and pulled him down to her. They kissed. She ran her tongue over his incisors, tickling her vulnerable flesh with their pointy ends. The kiss was long and heated and he let her play with him as long as she wanted.

After a while he pulled back and morphed back into his human face. They stared at each other for a long time silently, their eyes doing all the talking.

Buffy reached up and traced his lips with her finger.

"You know I'll do anything for you," she whispered, her eyes serious, honest.

He nodded, to in awe of the moment to speak. He lay down on her, his head on her chest, his arms wrapped around her waist. She cradled him, loving how she was protective of him for once. He sighed, content to just be with her, for however long it lasted.

He wouldn't break the mood with the fact that they couldn't do this again. His sins were weighing on him too much. It was time for him to go, to search for a peace inside.

He closed his eyes and tightened his hold on her. He would leave after this, but he wouldn't tell her yet. Not now, not tonight. He would tell her later, that he was leaving for L.A. then he would just go, he would try and make it as painless as possible.

She was purring under him, he could hear it. She was so blissful, so satisfied. He snuggled in. He was just as happy. She was his life and soul, she made him whole.

"I love you Angel, I'll be yours forever." Her voice was soft, tired, she was drifting off to sleep.

Angel smiled and closed his eyes. Forever wasn't a long time anymore. For him maybe, but for them...

He heard her steady breathing and knew she was asleep. It didn't matter. He answered her anyway.

"I love you too. Forever."


The End


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