"My Way - Chapter Five"

Author: Sydnie
Email: sydniep@hotmail.com

It was now September. Buffy had been gone for four months and was almost seven months pregnant. She was living in LA, working in a small diner as a waitress and going by the name Anne.

Buffy walked into her tiny apartment after a very long shift. Her feet and back were killing her, but she needed every penny she could get for the baby. She was getting all of her prenatal care at a free clinic, but when it came time for the baby to be born, it was going to cost.

She kicked off her shoes, unsnapped her polyester uniform and dropped it onto the chair that sat beside her bed. Standing in her bra and panties, she ran her hands over her large belly.

"Hey Sweetheart. It sure was a busy day today, wasn't it?"

The baby kicked. Tears sprang to her eyes. "I wish your daddy was here to feel you move inside of me. ... I miss him so much."

Buffy awkwardly got onto her bed and pulled the shirt of Angel's that she had brought with her from under her pillow and put it on. She lay down and quickly went to sleep.

Joyce was pacing the living room rug, waiting for Giles to arrive. She'd had a disturbing phone call and needed to know what he knew ... if anything.

Approximately twenty minutes later, he was at her door.

"Mrs. Summers, what's the emergency? Have you heard from Buffy?"

Joyce shook her head. "No, but I did get a phone call from the hospital pharmacy. My daughter's pregnant. I thought ... well, I know how close you are with her ... did she confide in you?"

Giles was shocked. "N...no, she ... she didn't."

"She and Angel probably ran off ... I mean after the argument that we had about him that day, who could blame them right? This is all my fault."

"Sit down Joyce, we need to talk. There is a lot more about your daughter and Angel that you should know."

An hour later, Joyce was shaking her head. "So, Angel is a vampire and Buffy is a vampire slayer."

"Yes." Giles answered.

"But because Angel has his soul, he's not evil."


"And even though vampires can't reproduce, you think that because Buffy is the slayer and Angel has his soul, she got pregnant."


Joyce ran her hand through her hair. "I think I need a drink."

The diner Buffy worked in served all classes of people. The menu was tasty, yet affordable.

She was working the backside of an eight-hour shift when the bell over the door rang. Marjorie, one of the waitresses, put her hand on Buffy's shoulder and sighed.

"Damn! Anne, you've got an Armani at table seven."

Buffy waddled over to the table with a glass of water. She set it down, took out her order pad and put on her cheesiest smile.

"Good afternoon. I'm Anne. Have you decided on anything yet?"

The man behind the menu spoke. "Yeah, I'll have a number three with extra mushrooms."

Buffy's body shuddered. His voice was very familiar. "Any ... Anything to drink?" Her voice was nervous.

"Cherry Coke." He lowered the menu and saw her face. "Buffy?"

Tears filled her eyes. "Hi Daddy."

Joyce walked in the kitchen door. She had gotten in the habit of going home for lunch just in case Buffy came home. But, it hadn't happened yet.

She began to make herself a sandwich when the phone rang. It startled her.

Joyce answered it. "Hello?"

"Joyce, it's Hank. I've found our daughter."

She started to cry. "Oh my God, Hank, where is she? Is she okay?"

"She's in LA. Did you know she's pregnant?" Hank had aggravation in his voice.

"Actually Hank, I found out yesterday when the pharmacy called to say that she hadn't picked up her prenatal vitamins in months. You honestly think I would have kept that from you?!" How dare he, she thought.

"So, do you want her back?"

Joyce was fuming. "What the hell kind of question is that?"

"I don't know Joyce. Maybe if you hadn't kicked her out in the first place..."

Buffy had insisted on finishing her shift even though her father wanted her to go with him right then. She explained that it wasn't 'professional' to leave them in the lurch. As it was, she was giving the diner only a day's notice. The owner was a kind-hearted older woman who told her that she understood and that it was time for her to go home.

Buffy gave her address to Hank and told him that she'd have all her stuff packed and ready to go in the morning. He wanted her to stay at his apartment, but she told him that she needed one more night to herself.

She walked into her apartment and looked around. It wasn't much, but it had been her home for the last four months.

She pulled out her duffel from the closet and packed her clothes and the few belongings that she's acquired.

"Great, it doesn't all fit." She twisted her ring around her finger. "Maybe Dad's got something I can use."

She rubbed her belly. "Looks like we're going back to Sunnydale." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I just hope everyone doesn't hate me."

Buffy packed Angel's shirt and Mr. Gordo in the bag that her father had brought for her.

"You still have that pig?" He asked.

"He goes where I go." She handed him the bag. "That's everything."

"Are you sure you want to go back to Sunnydale? You can always stay with me."

Buffy shook her head. "As much as I appreciate the offer, I think it's time I go back and face ... things."

"Well, the offer stands. ... Do you mind if I ask you about the father?"

Buffy played with the ring on her finger that Angel had given her. Tears fell from her eyes. "He ... um ... he's dead."

Hank put his hand on her arm. "I'm sorry. How'd it happen?"

Buffy thought back to the day that she sent Angel to Hell. "I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

Hank nodded and they headed for Sunnydale.

It took a little longer to go from Los Angeles to Sunnydale than normal. Buffy had to stop about every twenty minutes to use the restroom. So, a two and a half hour trip took an hour longer.

When her father's Jag pulled up in front of the house on Revello Drive, Buffy took a deep breath.

"You want me to go in with you?" Hank offered.

Buffy shook her head. "I need to do this on my own."

"Well, at least let me carry your bags to the porch. They're too heavy for you."

She smiled and nodded. Slowly, she walked down the sidewalk up to the porch."

Her father placed the bags beside her and she hugged him.

"Thank you, Daddy ... for everything. But especially for not freaking out when you saw that I'm pregnant."

"Oh, I'm freaking." He smiled. "But, I know that it's not what you need right now."

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Princess."

Hank hugged her and kissed her on top of her head. "If you need anything, you call me."

"I will, I promise."

Hank left.

Joyce sat on the couch looking at pictures of Buffy when she was a baby.

The doorbell rang and her heart jumped. She got up quickly and ran to the front door.

"Hi Mom."

Joyce didn't hesitate. She embraced her as tightly as her daughter's protruding belly would allow.


The End


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