"My Way - Chapter Ten"

Author: Sydnie
Email: sydniep@hotmail.com

Angel stood in a large white room in front of a panel of some sort.

"What am I doing here?" He inquired.

The woman who sat in the middle spoke. "You wish answers about your new existense."

"Yes, I do."

She nodded. "Ask your questions."

"Why was I sent back?" He thought that was a good first question.

"You proved your selflessness. By giving your life for others and then by the prayers for your love and your child, knowing the pain you would endure. You have a pure soul." She answered.

Angel asked his second question. "What am I?"

"You are similar to as you were before, however, you will be able to live as a human man. The demon will not surface unless called for and even then you will keep your human traits."

Angel swallowed hard. "What is my destiny?"

"You and your love will go through many battles both mentally and physically. Distance shall separate you for a short time, but in the end, you and your family will be together."

Angel sat up quickly. He looked down at Buffy who was sleeping peacefully. The woman's words kept going through his head, 'distance shall separate you'. He could think of nothing that could or would take him from her ever again.

"I love you so much." He stroked her face.

Buffy woke with a yawn. "What time is it?"

He focused on the clock. "A little after four."

"Are you okay?" She pushed herself up to a sitting position.

He kissed her gently. "Yeah, I just had a dream. Let's go back to sleep."

"After I go pee. Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've slept all night?"

Angel laughed and helped her out of bed.

Later that morning, they woke to the sound of the phone ringing.

"Just let it ring." Buffy told her love.

He shook her head. "It could be someone important ... or your mother."

"Angel!" She hit him with a pillow.

He grinned. "I'm kidding." He picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Angel, it's Joyce. May I please speak with my daughter?"

"Sure, Mrs. Summers." He handed the phone to Buffy. "I'm going to shower."

'I'll be there in a minute.' She mouthed. "Hi Mom! Whacha need?"

Joyce liked hearing life in Buffy's voice again. "I wanted to remind you that you have an English test this afternoon."

"Oh crap!" Buffy slapped her hand to her forehead. "I completely forgot."

Buffy was being home schooled because Snyder convinced the school board that a pregnant teen would be a distraction for the rest of the school. So, until the baby was born, she did all of her schooling at home and on-line.

"Okay, I'll be home in an hour." She hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom where she was met by a very gorgeous, naked man.

As Buffy sat in front of the computer, toiling over the English test that she had barely studied for, Angel was alone in the living room with Joyce.

"Have you and Buffy discussed your plans for the baby?"

Angel blushed. "No ma'am. Not yet."

Joyce rolled her eyes. "I realize that you've just returned from Hell and all, but have you even thought how you're going to support your child? You don't exactly have a job."

"After two hundred and forty plus years, one tends to amass quite a bit. Buffy and Meghan will never want for anything."

She was taken aback. "You're rich?"

"Filthy. ... Look, I know Buffy's only seventeen, but with my recent change... I guess what I'm trying to say is..."

"You want to marry my daughter."

The thought of marrying Buffy made him smile. "More than anything. Joyce, I love her ... more than any woman I've ever known."

Joyce was not surprised. "Have you asked Buffy yet?"

He shook his head. "I wanted to talk to you first."

"Well, all I have to say is that you had better make it special and something that she will never forget."

"Not a problem, Joyce."

That evening, Joyce invited Giles to have dinner with her, Buffy and Angel. When the doorbell rang, Buffy was the closest, so she answered it.

"Good evening Buffy. I know this is last minute, but I brought someone with me that you should meet."

A tall, thin brunette entered the house after Giles. She looked around. "Nice digs."

Joyce and Angel joined them in the entryway.

Giles introduced the girl. "I would like you all to meet Faith. She's Kendra's ... uh..."

"Replacement." Buffy finished.


The End


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