"My Way - Chapter Sixteen"

Author: Sydnie
Email: sydniep@hotmail.com

Willow's eyes opened. She was completely unaware of her surroundings. "Where am I?"

"You're at my mom's house. You passed out when you and Oz went to check out the house for me." Buffy told her.

"The house?" The red head was confused.

Buffy nodded. "The one on Martin Road. The one Angel and I are buying. The two of you went to make sure there were no unwanted 'guests' there."

Willow shook her head. "Martin Road? The only house on Martin Road is mine." She sat up.

"You guys, I don't think that's Willow." Oz told them.

Buffy looked at Angel. "This is my fault. I asked will to go there."

Angel put his arm around his love. "You couldn't have known." He looked at the red head. "What's your name?"

"Adelle. Adelle Martin."

"That's familiar. I know that name." Buffy went over to the coffee table, picked up her folder and began flipping through the pages and began to read silently. "You designed the house."

Willow's head nodded. "Yes, I did."

"Why are you here?" Oz asked.

She looked at them. "I put my heart and soul into that house and every person who has lived in it has destroyed it in one way or another."

"I love that house. I want to raise my family there." Buffy said calmly.

"But not before you make it the way YOU want it, right?"

"The house is in quite a state of disrepair." Angel pointed out.

Tears fell from Willow's eyes. "That's why I'm here. I will never allow ANYONE to live in MY house again until they can prove that they will have the respect for it that its beauty deserves.

Buffy had tears forming in her eyes. "Would you like to see what I have planned?"

"If I must." She took the folder from Buffy. She flipped through it. A smile grew on her face. "The master bath is a dream." She continued looking at Buffy's ideas. When she finished, she closed the folder.

"You really do want the house to be perfect."

Buffy put her arms around Angel's waist. "Yes, we do."

Willow stood. "I need you to take me back to my house."

The next day, Buffy and Angel visited Sunnydale Realty. The agent that they had to deal with was a bit snooty.

"Pardon me for saying this, but I really feel that a house like this is a little out of your league." She told the couple.

Buffy was getting annoyed with the woman. "And you say that because..."

"Well, don't you think you're a bit young?"

Angel cleared his throat and pulled out his checkbook. "Right now I will write you a check for a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. I believe that is two thousand over the asking price?"

"Oh and I'm so sure it would clear." She snipped.

Buffy glared at the woman. "Call it in."

By that afternoon, Buffy and Angel had signed the papers to their new house.

"Was she a good girl?" Buffy asked her mother when she got home.

Joyce smiled as she cradled Meghan in her arms. "She was an absolute angel."

Buffy took the baby from Joyce. "Hey Babygirl. Daddy bought us a house today."

"Oh Sweetheart, that's wonderful!"

"Yeah. Angel's meeting with a contractor right now to get the repairs started.

Joyce's tone turned serious. "What about Adelle Martin?"

"I guess if she causes any trouble, I'll get Giles to excise her. But I honestly think she knows that I have nothing but good intentions when it comes to the house."

"Let's hope so." Joyce emphasized.

Meghan began to cry. "What's wrong, my baby?"

"She's probably hungry." Her mother informed her. "I fed her about two hours ago, but she didn't like the bottle very much."

This made Buffy smile. "Well, Meghan, I guess you like it fresh, huh?" They headed upstairs.

Tuesday morning, Buffy had bundled her baby up and she and Angel were headed out the door.

Joyce stopped them. "Sweetheart, don't you think it's a little chilly outside for her?"

"Mother, she'll be fine. We're just running over to the house to meet the contractor."

"Can't Angel do that by himself?" Her mother asked.

"Joyce, not to sound incredibly rude, but Meghan's our baby and we think she'll be fine." Angel told her.

She put her hands up. "Alright, I surrender. I'll stop being the over protective (gulp) grandmother. We're going to have to find another name for me.

Buffy smiled and kissed her mother's cheek. "Bye Mother."

When they arrived at their new home, they were greeted by the contractor. Angel introduced him to his future wife.

"Mr. Matthews, this is my fiancée, Buffy Summers and our daughter, Meghan."

He nodded his head. "Miss Summers, it's a pleasure."

Buffy smiled. "Have you had a chance to look around?"

"Yes ma'am, I have and I'm a little confused."

"What about?" Angel asked.

Mr. Matthews scratched his head. "Well, last night, when we spoke, you told me that the house was in bad shape. But when we got here this morning, it looked brand new."

Buffy snuggled Meghan close to her chest and walked into the house. It did, indeed, look new. Buffy smiled. "Thank you Adelle."


The End


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