"My Way - Chapter Forty-Three"

Author: Sydnie

Buffy sat in her old bedroom at her mother's house and watched her little sister sleep. Dawn had been home for eight hours and had konked out an hour ago.

When the plane landed at the Sunnydale Air Strip, Dawn ran off it and straight into her sister's arms. Well, the best she could. Buffy kept running her fingers through Dawn's hair. Just making sure that it was really real. That Dawn was real.

They had lunch and talked about everything imaginable. Meghan was fastinated by her aunt. She kinda looked like her mommy ... but not really.

Not a single word was mentioned about Virginia Summers.

Buffy ran her hands over her rounded belly. "You ready to go home, sweet boy?"

Liam responded with a kick.

She got up from the bed and kissed Dawns forehead. That's when Angel appeared at the door.

"You ready to go?" He asked his wife.

She nodded. "So is your son. Where's Megg?"

"Asleep in Joyce's bed. She's gonna stay here tonight. If that's okay with you."

Buffy waddled over to her husband and grabbed his hand. "Works for me. We're coming back over for lunch tomorrow anyway." She looked back at her sister. "I can't believe she's here."

As Dawn's plane was landing...

Arthur Summers couldn't believe the Psychiatrist's report.

"What's your recommendation?" The judge asked.

The doctor shook his head. "Jail time isn't going to do anything for her. Even though she's a sociopath, she's not a danger to anyone outside her immediate family. My recommedation is confinement in a psychiatric hospital for an extensive amount of time."

The judge nodded. "I'm ready to sentence. Mrs. Summers, you kidnapped your granddaughter, took her out a loving environment and kept her in isolation. Yet, you feel you've done nothing wrong. It is this court's judgement that you are not mentally competent to make decisions for yourself. It is the order of this court to have you housed in a mental health facility for a minimum of eight years. At that time you will be re-evaluated. If you are deemed competent, then you shall be released. If not ... well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

Virginia glared at Arthur the entire time the judge was addressing her. She couldn't believe that her husband was letting this happen to her. She had done everything for him and this is how he repaid her. It was his fault that she was losing her Ginny. The next thing she knew she was being led from the room.

The next day, Buffy and Dawn sat at the dining room in complete confusion.

"What do you mean she's been sentenced? Doesn't there have to be like a trial or something like that?" Dawn asked her father.

"They held a compentency hearing yesterday. Needless to say, your grandmother will be spending at least the next eight years in a mental institution." Hank told his daughters.

Buffy grabbed Dawn's hand. "Are you okay?"

Dawn nodded. "Relieved actually. I really wasn't looking forward to having to face her."

"Me wayde." Meghan pouted out her lip.

"Huh?" Dawn looked at her sister for a translation.

"Mean lady. The first and last time Megg met her, she ripped a leather purse strap out of her little teething mouth and cut her gums. Then she demanded that everyone leave my baby in the middle of the floor crying. Real nice person we're related to, huh?"

Dawn nodded and picked Meghan up. "How can anyone be so mean to an adorable little girl like you?"

Megg actually shrugged.

"Have we mentioned that your niece knows how cute she is?" Angel laughed.

"Me tute." The little girl smiled as she took a french fry off of Dawn's plate.

"And you're also a french fry thief." She sighed. "God, I was alone for so long and now I have parents and a sister, a hunky brother-in-law, a niece and a nephew on the way. When I used to dream about what my family was like, it never came close to this. Grandmother wouldn't tell me much about my parents. She'd tell me that they were dead and not to dwell. I remember asking for a picture and she told me that she didn't keep any around because it was too painful for her to remember the tragic death of her beloved only son." Tears filled her eyes. "And the whole time I had a mom and a dad and a sister and grandparents and a whole other life that she stole from me." Tears fell freely.

Meghan put her little hands to her aunts face and wiped away the tears as best as she could. "No twy." She pouted out her lip and became teary-eyed herself.

Dawned hugged her tightly and looked at her parents. "I want to confront her. I want to tell her how much she hurt me by trying to 'save' me. I want to know why."

Hank and Joyce looked at each other and Hank nodded to his former wife.

Joyce took her youngest daughter's hand. "If that's what you want to do, then we'll make the arrangements. Maybe it will help you get some closure."

Dawn nodded.

Buffy sat naked on her bed, rubbing lotion over her large belly.

Angel entered their bedroom wrapped in a towel and his hair wet. "How's my boy doin'?"

She smiled. "He likes it when the cold lotion hits my stomach. ... Come sit by me."

He did as he was told, kissing her softly and placing his hand on her belly. "You are definitely the sexiest pregnant woman I've ever seen." He kissed her again.

"Yes, well, since you made me this way and plan on doing it several more times, you'd better think that."

He grinned. "Several huh?"

"You know you want a house full. And you LOVE getting me pregnant."

Angel chuckled. "The practicing isn't so bad either."

Buffy pulled the towel from her husband and pushed him to his back. Straddling him, she wiggled her eyebrows. "I like practicing. Practicing is good."

He put his hands on the large, round ball of flesh that was sitting on his chest. "Isn't that kinda like that whole horse and cart thing?"

"Just consider it rehearsal for the next time. Besides, I'm having a craving. I'm horny and it can only be satisfied by you."

"I can definitely help you with that."

Dawn opened the window of her bedroom and crawled out. Climbing down the lattace, she looked around to make sure no one had seen her. When she was sure the coast was clear, she headed toward the nearest graveyard.


The End


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