"Blame It On The Mistletoe"

Author: A. Price
Email: andramichelle@yahoo.com

He stood at the back door with the two gifts in his hands. He started to knock but hesitated when he saw Dawn enter the kitchen. She was smiling and dancing around to the Christmas music playing on the radio. He grinned she looked happy as she started to decorate a batch of cookies sitting on the island countertop.

He decided it best to leave the gifts at the door - when she looked up and noticed him at the door. She smiled at him as she went to the door. "Spike! I wondered if I was ever going to see you again! Thanks for helping me get to the hospital, when you know... "

"Your welcome, Little bit." He walked in to the kitchen cautiously looking around. "So how is everyone now?"

Dawn noticed his caution, "Buffy's in the living room," she sighed then she noticed the gifts, "You brought gifts!!! Is one for me?"

He had to grin at her excitement, "Yeah, one is for you. Since it's Christmas Eve I thought I should deliver it."

"Can I open it now?" Her eyes were bright, "Please?"

"Well, yeah, go ahead." He was suddenly nervous.

Dawn took the offered gift and savagely ripped the bow and paper off of it leaving a small white box, she opened it and found two things the latest BackStreet boys cd and a sparkly blue pager. "Spike thanks!!! I've been wanting this cd but you know with the money sitch I hated to ask Buffy for it. I have to ask why the pager though?"

"Well, your big sis worries about you and you do seem to be able to find trouble, so this way she can track you down." He explained as he stole a cookie from the plate.

"Yeah, but how are you paying for it? Buffy's gonna ask." Dawn sighed as she took a cookie.

"It's okay, bit. It's all legit." Spike assured her as he thought about his recent employment as a collector for Teeth. His reputation made his job easy, very few would argue with him when he came collecting. "Guess, I better go." He lay the other gift on the counter, "Could you give this to Buffy for me?"

Dawn smiled at him, "You can't go yet. I've got something for you and you really should give that to Buffy yourself."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Dawn. " He lowered his eyes and started towards the back door.

"Okay, but you have to wait for me to get your gift." Dawn put her hand on the sleeve of his duster.

"You really got me a gift?" He asked her disbelief shown clearly in his eyes.

"Yes, I did. You wait right here." Dawn handed him another cookie, "I'll be right back."

Spike listened to the singer on the radio sing about a white Christmas as he stared out the kitchen window munching on another cookie. Dawn was taking her time getting his gift he turned when he heard her enter the room. Only it wasn't Dawn, it was Buffy who entered the kitchen.

"Spike, what are you doing here? Besides stealing cookies?" She asked trying to sound angry but it didn't reach the soft smile on her lips.

"Oh... I brought Dawn a gift and she gave me the cookie." He smiled back at her shyly.

"Got something for you too." He said softly as he nodded towards the box on the countertop.

"For me?" She picked up the box, "You really didnt' have to do that."

"It's not that much, Slayer... Buffy."

"So can I open it?" She asked with a mischevious grin.

"You Summer's women just can't wait to open gifts, can you?" He laughed softly, "Go ahead, open it."

He watched as she began to carefully pull off the ribbon and then slowly unwrapped the gift trying not to wrinkle the pretty paper. While Dawn ripped into the package, Buffy savored the unwrapping as a part of the gift. When she finally got to the box she opened it a bit hesitantly, glancing at Spike.

"Won't bite, I promise." He assured her with a smirk.

She lifted the lid and gasped, "Oh, Spike, it's lovely." She lifted the lacey blouse from the box and held it up to her, "I think it's a perfect fit."

"Well its almost like the one you had on that night... the one that got..umm destroyed."

She suddenly got very quiet, "Yes, it does look like it. Uhh... thank you." She suddenly became very interested in the cookies on the counter.

"What's taking Dawn so long?" He wondered out loud.

"Dawn!" Buffy called out.

"I'm coming, I'm comng." Dawn entered the kitchen with a brightly wrapped box, "This is for you!" She handed it proudly to Spike.

Spike stared at the gift in his hands, trying to remember the last time he had been given a Christmas present - he couldn't remember.

"You going to open that or stare at it?" Dawn joked with him.

"Oh, yeah. Gonna open it." He began to unwrap the present slowly until Dawn could no longer stand it.

"Just rip it open! Geez, your as bad as Buffy." Dawn exclaimed as Spike removed the last bit of paper.

He opened the box and lifted out a beautiful sweater done in different shades of blue, " Thank you, Niblet." He cleared his throat, "Its lovely."

"Well I know the crypt gets chilly and hey Buffy even said it would bring out the color of your eyes when we saw it at the store." Dawn smiled brightly at Buffy who was blushing a pretty shade of pink.

"I think I said it would bring out blue eyes, if a person was blue eyed." Buffy tried to cover.

"Yeah you said that then mumbled something about how it would bring out the blue in some annoying vampires eyes, and that could only mean Spike." Dawn clarified for her big sister.

Spike had to grin at Buffy's embarrassment. "Well, I do appreciate it, Niblet. Now I had better go, you don't want Santa to not stop cause your lights are still on." He teased Dawn as he gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Spike. Merry Christmas!" Dawn waved at him as she started out of the room, "I am tired think I will go on up."

Buffy looked uncomfortable as she was left alone with Spike. He picked up on her discomfort and headed for the door. "Merry Christmas, Buffy."

He was halfway out the door when she called to him, "Spike, thanks for the gift."

He turned, "No problem, pet."

"Please stay - I have something for you too." She avoided his eyes as she opened the cabinet door and pulled out a red bag with bright green tissue paper sticking out of the top. She handed it too him wordlessly as he shut the door behind him.

He opened the bag to find a bottle of expensive bourbon. "Thank you, Buffy." his voice full of surprise.

"Well, I didnt' know what you had in your flask and the guy said this was good. I owed it to you for that night with the kittens you know." She sighed.

"This is much better stuff then what was in the flask, luv. Thanks. I guess I really better go now. You've got a busy day tomorrow." He put his hand on the doorknob and was shocked to suddenly find her small body pressed up to his her lips on his, "Buffy?" He asked pulling away from her.

She smiled and looked up over his head at the small kissing ball of mistletoe that Anya had placed there earlier, "Mistletoe." She explained with nod of her head.

He looked up the sprig of leaves and berries and grinned back at her, "Just mistletoe, luv?" He teased her as his lips found hers again.

She pulled back this time, "Yes, you can blame it all on the mistletoe." She kissed him again this time full of passion, soon they were so lost in each other that they didnt' even notice Dawn standing in the doorway with a large grin on her face.

*Finally* Dawn thought as the radio played "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night... "


The End


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