"Singing The Blues In Memphis"

Author: A. Price
Email: andramichelle@yahoo.com

"Now tell me once more why Peaches is coming to visit?" Spike asked grumpily as Buffy put fresh linens on the bed in the guest room.

"He has some research to do here, some demon or something. Giles gave him a source here in Memphis. It's just for a few days." She told him the exasperation showing in her voice.

"Memphis has several very nice hotels, famous ones...The Peabody, he could stay there and he could watch the ducks. That sounds like something Brood Boy would enjoy." Spike told her as she smoothed out the quilt on the iron bedstead. It was one of her newest antique aquisitions, it looked lovely with the simple white bed ruffle and the logcabin quilt on it. She gave the quilt a satisfactory pat and turned to Spike.

"Angel is our friend, he's staying here. This discussion is over." She took him by the hand and led him to the living room.

"But, pet..." Spike tried to argue but was quickly silenced when his wifes soft lips found his. He soon gave into the kiss forgetting what he was wanting to say.

Buffy broke the kiss "Discussion over...you need to get to the airport, it's almost time for his flight to arrive. Poor guy having to take such a late flight."

"I wasn't planning on it, unless you want me there." She asked teasing him.

"No, you can stay."

"Okay then, I got a bottle of wine chilling. We'll have some when you get back. And Spike..."

"Yes, love?"

"Be good." With that said she blew him a kiss.

He rolled his eyes at her "I'm always good." He said wickedly and he left for the airport.

Angel was surprised to see Spike waiting at the gate for him. "Hello, Spike" Angel said as he looked around for Buffy.

"She's waiting at home for us, mate. She's kind of tired. But she has a bottle of wine chilling and we need to get there, pretend to enjoy each others company and get this visit over with." Spike explained with a smile.

Angel gave a slight laugh "Okay, Spike. I can pretend if you can. How is she?"

"She's bloody perfect but you know that already." Spike told him with a smug smile, he would have liked to add "and shes mine, mine, mine." But thought better of it. He was trying to be mature.

Angel shook his head and smiled to himself. Spike would never change, well, not where Buffy was concerned. He had accepted the marriage only because he knew that when Spike was in love he was totally devoted to that person, and he knew Buffy was in good hands. And because of that damn curse he would never be able to have her.

The three sat down in the living after a few minutes Buffy went to get the wine. "She looks happy." Angel said softly.

"Of course she's happy." snapped Spike. "What did you think? Did you think you'd find her miserable?"

Angel sighed, "No, Spike. You don't have to be so defensive. I know she's happy."

Buffy entered the room with the wine bottle and three glasses. Angel was looking at her depression glass collection. Buffy handed Spike a glass of wine, then took another glass to Angel. "Your collection has really grown, Buffy. You found that green cloverleaf pattern, I see."

"I told Spike you would like that one." Buffy said with enthusiasm as she picked up a cup and showed it to Angel. Spike looked on making a mental note to read that book, Buffy had on depression glass, if the poof could learn it, he bloody well could.

They sat down and talked about Sunnydale. "Giles says hello. He is seeing a very nice teacher and he seems happy. Willow and Oz are doing well, I didn't see Xander while I was there. And Cordelia of course sends her best wishes. She is also in a new relationship, but that's a monthly occurence with her." Angel laughed as he spoke. They spoke of the past and times shared.

Buffy joined in his laughter. "I miss them, I miss Sunnydale sometimes. But I really like it here." She said as she leaned back against Spike, he smiled as she settled against him.

Buffy yawned, "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to go to bed. I was up early this morning and I'm worn out. Spike will show you the guest room. Goodnight, Angel, it's good to have you here." She gave him a small hug and went to the bedroom.

Angel shook his head wearily "Goodnight, Spike."

Buffy was already under the covers when Spike joined he in the bed. "Hello, love. How tired are you?" He asked with a seductive grin on his face.

Irritably Spike asked her "Do you not want to because your tired or because Peaches is in the other room?"

"First, I *am* tired. Second, maybe the real reason you want to... is because Angel is in the other room. Spike, you don't have to prove anything...I'm your wife, not his." She told him aggravation showing in her soft voice.

"I'm sorry, baby. I know your're tired. I didn't mean to push. I know you love me. He just brings that out in me." He pulled her closer whispering in her hair.

"I know and I'm sorry. I don't know what to do to make it better. I do love *you*. Okay? Let's get some sleep." She pulled his head down to lie on her chest, running her fingers through his hair she repeated "I love you."

He whispered softly "I know you do." They soon fell asleep.

Buffy was up early the next morning. Angel joined her in the kitchen while Spike slept. She was planning a suprise vacation for Spike, she planned on driving up to Chattanooga and going to Lookout Mountain and all of the Great Smokey Mountain vacation spots. She was showing Angel the brochures as Spike walked towards the kitchen. He could hear Angel and Buffy laughing, quietly he snuck up trying to hear their conversation. He heard Angel's voice "Are you sure Spike doesn't suspect anything?"

The next thing he heard was Buffy - "No, he doesn't have a clue."

Spike wasn't sure what to think. Buffy loved him, he was sure of that. But what were they talking about? He stumbled as he went into the kitchen, making sure they heard him. Buffy smiled when he came in the kitchen. "Morning,Sweetie." She told him as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Morning" He replied still trying to figure out what was going on.

Angel spoke "Spike, Giles source is having some research material over. Could you help me do some research, it's a chaos demon. And I believe you know something about them" Angel said sweetly, he couldn't resist.

Spike snarled at him "Of course I'll help. I'm sure *my* wife, Buffy would also love to help"

Buffy listened to the banter between the two men. She smiled to herself and went on to wash the breakfast dishes. < Those two will never grow up. But if Angel keeps Spike busy, I can do some packing for our trip.> Out loud, she said lightly "Spike, Angel knows I've never been good at the book part of research. I'm going out for a little while and then do some stuff around here. You two catch up."

The courier arrived with the books later that afternoon and Angel and Spike spread them all over the living room. Soon they were engrossed in their research. Buffy went into the bedroom and started packing. Spike got up to stretch his legs, Buffy had returned form her errands he noticed she was putting the suitcase under the bed. < Why is she packing?> He suddenly panicked.

Spike went back into the living room and tried to act normally. The more he thought about things the more worried he became. Putting the pieces of Angel and Buffy's earlier conversation together and the suitcase. It dawned on him - Buffy was going to leave him for Angel. His heart fell to his feet. But he could be a man about this if that's what made Buffy happy. As soon as the sun set he made a decision.

"Angel, I'm going out." Spike told him and without even a goodbye he left.

Buffy had heard the door and went to the living room. "Did Spike leave?" She asked Angel, "Where did he go?"

"All he said was that he was leaving. He's been kind of quiet every since you got home." Angel explained.

"That's odd, he usually tells me where he's going, so I won't worry." Buffy told him biting her bottom lip.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon." Angel assured her as he picked up another book.

Buffy sat down in a chair and picked up a book also, she absentmindedly skimmed through it. After a few hours she began to pace, she was now getting worried, where was Spike?

Angel noticed Buffy's nervousness, "Buffy, tell me where you think he might have gone, I'll go looking for him."

"Well, he likes to go to the clubs down on Beale Street they play music that he enjoys and he can have a drink and listen. But I don't know why he would be doing that now." She sounded confused and apprehensive.

"I'll check there, don't worry." Angel patted her shoulder as he left.

Spike took another long sip of the amber colored fluid that sat in front of him. The barkeep had finally given up and sat the whole bottle of Jack Daniels in front of him. He was doing an exceptional job of drowning in his sorrows and tonight Jack was his chosen companion.

He listened to the singer on the small makeshift stage. He was singing the blues, his woman had done left him... Spike seemed to be enjoying the song, he was cursing Angel silently to himself. Odd he wasn't as angry at Buffy, just had an unbearable ache in the spot where his heart was when he thought about her. On the other hand thoughts of Angel made him angrier and thirstier - he raised the bottle one more time.

After looking in several clubs, Angel finally spotted the blond vampire sitting alone at the bar. He looked like hell and Angel couldn't figure out what brought on the drunken binge.

"Spike." He said sternly as he approached the drunk vampire.

Spike turned around quickly almost falling off of the barstool. He smiled a big very fake smile "Brood boy, it's you. Come to say goodbye before you steal my wife away?" He asked his speech slurred.

Angel stared at him as if he had sprouted another head. "What are you talking about? Your're drunk!"

"I know I'm drunk, Peaches. And you know what I'm talking about, I heard you in the kitchen this morning, askin' my Buffy if I suspected anything. Then I saw my Buffy packing a suitcase and hidin' it under the bed. You always wanted her, and now you've found a way to have 'er" Spike sighed and slammed down the bottle.

"Spike, I've always known you were as looney as Dru, but this ridiculous. *Your* Buffy is at home right now, worried sick about you. I came to find you and make sure you were okay. I do love Buffy, I always will, but we can never be, and I want her happy. I thought you made her that way, but if you really believe she would just leave like this, then maybe you really don't know what you have. Maybe you don't realize just how damn lucky you are!" Angel shouted in his face.

Spike looked in Angel's dark eyes and then asked softly "She's not leavin' with you?"

Angel shook his head no "No, you idiot. She's been planning a surprise vacation for you. She's at home and upset because she doesn't know where you are."

"Vacation? For us?" Spike asked as a smile crept up on his face and he regained some of his cocky composure. "I should have known she would never leave me for you! Let's go home, she needn't worry anymore."

Angel shook his head and helped Spike down from the stool, paid the bartender and helped the vampire into a cab.

"What happened?" She directed the question to Angel.

Spike stood up and clumsily put his arms around Buffy, "My Buffy" he whispered in her ear. She turned and pushed him back down on the couch, glaring at him. He sat very still and studied the sofa pillow guiltily.

"Spike obviously overheard parts of our conversation this morning. And then he saw you sliding a suitcase under your bed so he assumed, that you were going to run off with me." Angel explained sitting in the armchair next to the couch.

"You what?" Buffy said as she sat down beside Spike.

Spike looked up at her, at a loss for words, he shamefully nodded his head.

"You truly believed I was going to leave you, just like that? Out of the blue, for no reason? I haven't even seen Angel in over a year and a half. I thought you trusted me." She said the hurt obvious in her voice.

Spike finally found his voice "I'm sorry, Love. Things just seemed to add up that way. I know you love me, I do trust you. Please forgive me." He said softly.

Angel had to smile, < The idiot does love her > "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." He said as he stood and went to the guestroom.

Buffy looked at Spike and stood up. Taking his arm she helped him up. "You need to get cleaned up and in the bed. Let's go."

He followed her into the bedroom, and lie on the bed while she ran a bath for him. She stuck her head out of the bathroom and waved him in. Helping him out of his clothes he climbed into the hot, soothing water, she wet a washcloth and gently cleaned his face. He took her wrist in his hand, staring into her hazel eyes he spoke "I truly am sorry, baby. I don't know what came over me."

"I know. Next time, just ask me, don't make assumptions. Please." She said gently as she got a clean towel from under the cabinet. "It hurts to think that you would believe tht I would leave."

"I never meant to hurt you. I will never assume again. By the way, where are we going on vacation?" He smiled broadly at her now.

Buffy laughingly thumped his shoulder with the towel. "Well, I thought maybe Chattanooga, the mountains. What do you think?"

"Sounds wonderful." He told her as rose from the tub and took the offered towel.

"I'm going to bed now. I'll be waiting for you." She told him with a gentle smile as she left him to dry off.

Spike dried off, reflecting on the evening, Angel had spoken the truth, maybe he didn't realize how lucky he was. Before he left the bathroom he made a promise to himself to never forget again.

Buffy was curled up under the covers, waiting for him - like she had said. He looked at her blond hair flowing on the pillow and her bright eyes smiling up at him.

"Feel better?" She asked him reaching her hand out to him.

"Much." He told her as he took her hand and gently kissed the back of it.

He lie beside her, basking in her warmth. "Will you let me show you how sorry I am?" He asked mischieviously as he trailed kisses down her neck.

Buffy thought for a moment then replied "Well, you really do owe me an apology. How can I refuse?" She giggled and soon they were completely lost in each other.


The End


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