"Walking In Memphis"

Author: A. Price
Email: andramichelle@yahoo.com

Buffy closed the door to her classroom. It had been a long day. She had taken her art appreciation class to the Dixon Art Gallery for a field trip. Buffy enjoyed her job, it combined her love of teaching with her love of art. It turned out that she had inherited something from her Mom.

She headed home to the condo she shared with her husband. It overlooked the Mississippi river. They both loved the view, and would sit on the terrace watching the huge barges loaded with huge white bales of cotton float down the river.

It had not taken long to learn to love Memphis, which was so very different from California. But that was exactly why she had taken the job here, to start over. She was still close to her friends and heard from them often. Willow and Oz had visited last Summer. And of course, Giles was still like a second father to her. She had come to Memphis five years ago - alone.

She had stayed alone for two years, then she was reunited with the man who was to become her husband. It's funny how life works, you are sure you'll never be with someone, and then things in both of your lives change and you do end up together. They had dated a year, gotten reaquainted with each other and then married two years later. Giles still had a slight problem with it, but he hid it well, as long as Buffy was happy, that was what mattered.

Buffy gently nudged the sleeping figure in the bed. "Get up, sleepyhead, we have to get ready for the banquet."

"I'm getting up, Miss Teacher of the year." he teased her, but you could here the pride in his voice as he went to the shower.

Buffy began to dress for the banquet, it was being held at the Peabody downtown. She had been voted "Teacher of the Year". It had been an unexpected honor, she was very happy to accept. She had an excellent rapport with her students and the faculty loved her. The principal thought she sometimes rushed too quickly to the defense of her students, and he usually wasn't fond of married women who kept their maiden names,but he had to admit he like Ms. Summers, she was an excellent teacher.

Buffy smiled at the man coming out of the shower. "You look wonderful," he said as he put his arms around her waist. "Do we have time for a quick lesson, before we go?" he asked suggestively.

She giggled. "No, not now. But it you're good, I'll give you an interesting homework assignment tonight."

"What kind of assignment?" He asked curiously. She whispered something in his ear. He smiled broadly and raised in his eyebrows in mock surprise. "Why, Ms. Summers. That's the kind of homework I like."

They got to the Peabody and went to the banquet room. Buffy looked wonderful as she accepted her award. He still couldn't believe she was his wife. After all they had been through, she was really his.

After the banquet they decided to walk around downtown. There was the hustle and bustle of a Friday night and music coming from the clubs on Beale Street. She window shopped in the antique stores. Buffy had developed a fondness for antiques, she teased her husband, that it was because she had married one.

They enjoyed the lights on Mud Island and could see the Pyramid looming above them. This was a great place to live, a lot of history, and Graceland, too!

They walked hand in hand down the sidewalk. People they met, often commented on what a striking couple they were, the petite blond and the taller man. He held her hand protectively. Something in his body language announced that she was his, to all that saw them.

They stopped at the light to cross the street. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply. She stopped the kiss, saying "Hey, we better take this home. What if one of my students sees us? What would they think?" She smiled innocently at him.

"Listen, Luv. You have to know that at least half of those bloody students of yours dream about you nightly. I wish I had a teacher that looked like you." He told her as he kissed her again.

"Spike, are you jealous of high school boys, now?" She laughed softly.

"Me, jealous? Never. But let's hurry home, so you can give me that private lesson, teacher." He said with a smile as he took her hand again and they walked back through the streets of Memphis.


The End


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