
Author: A. Price
Email: andramichelle@yahoo.com

The little boy turned and grinned at him, all the exuberance of being six years old on his face. His dark hair blew into his eyes and he wrinkled his nose as he pushed the unruly curls off of his forehead. He sat down indian style on the rocks and and started to intently search the little indentions filled with water, he was on a mission, he soon found what he was looking for, shells, pretty shells. Mama would like them, maybe they would make her smile again.

Angel soon joined his son on the rocks, he sat down beside him and patted his dark head. "What did you find, Liam?"

The child held out his box for his Daddy to see, tiny pearlescent shells glimmered in the sunlight. He smiled at him, "For your Mama?"

Liam nodded his head and grinned a lopsided grin, made more endearing because he was missing a front tooth. Angel's heart nearly broke all over again when he looked at him, suddenly he pulled the boy to him in a bear hug. "Liam you know Mama still loves you right?" He whispered into the dark curls.

The little boy pulled away and looked at him with surprise, love filling his eyes, "Of course, she loves me, Daddy. She's just sad because Kerry went to heaven."

Angel fought back the tears as he shook his head and took the boy's hand in his, "Yes, she's still very sad about baby Kerry. But these shells will make her happy, let's go give them to her." The little boy walked quickly to keep up with the pace set by his Daddy's long legs.

Angel thought about the most recent tragedy in he and Buffy's lives as they made the walk back to the cottage. He had thought some time at the beach might help Buffy back into her routine. She was still hurting, they all were, but she had taken it worse then anyone.

Angel had become human 10 years earlier fullfilling the prophecy. It had taken two years for he and Buffy to work things out, both unsure and Buffy had been involved with Riley and had a certain amount of guilt. But the former military man was a decent man and he knew in his heart who Buffy belonged with, he had made the move to let her go.

A year later Buffy and Angel finally had the wedding that Angel had once dreamed of, but this time with a happy ending. Life was good and it even got better.

Almost two years later, Liam had been born. Angel smiled to himself at the memory of Buffy round with his child, thier child, a miracle. He had been a beautiful baby, pregnancy and labor had come off without a hitch. He was soon the center of their universe, parenting agreed with them. They decided they wanted lots of babies, there was plenty of love in their lives to share. Unfortunately it was not to be, the miscarriages started when Liam was two years old, Buffy bounced back after the first and second one, but the third took it's toll, so when she had become pregnant this last time, she had been extra careful. Unfortunately she went in to premature labor due to a detached placenta. She delivered a beautiful but very tiny baby girl, who was christened Kerry Anne. Little Kerry struggled for two weeks before she gave in and died in her mother's arms, her daddy's big hand wrapped around her tiny one.

The funeral arrangements had been made quickly, it was like a dream, Angel didn't remember sitting down and doing any planning, yet he remembered the tiny casket, and the kind, compassionate words of the Minister. And despite his own pain, he tried his best to hold up for Buffy and little Liam.

Buffy had withdrawn after the funeral, barely speaking to anyone except Angel and Liam. It had only gotten worse, she tried, he could tell especially for Liam, but she just didn't have the heart to go back to normal. He was incredibly worried about her so to get away he had brought her to this beach cottage.

Liam let go of his daddy's hand as he ran up the walk to the cottage, he threw the door open calling "Mama." He held the box of shell's tightly in his small hands as if they were gold.

Angel followed him into the cottage and watched as Buffy came out of the kitchen, she had flour on her hands and a smile, an actual smile on her face. He smiled back, she looked like the old Buffy, she was ruffling Liam's hair and asking "What's in the box, sweetie?"

Liam had delighted in showing her the shells, "These are for you." He told her proudly.

Buffy had wiped her hands on her jeans and taken the shells out of the box, she ohhed and ahhed over them. "They are beautiful, Liam. Thank you so much." She looked at Angel over the top of Liam's head and gave him a genuine smile. Her eyes twinkled at him.

Angel's heart beat faster, he returned the smile, afraid that this good mood wouldn't last. Maybe though, just maybe she was coming back to them.

"So, what have you been up to?" He asked cheerfully.

"Follow me and I'll show you." She motioned towards the kitchen.

"Umm, smells good." Liam exclaimed as Buffy gave him a still warm cookie from the counter.

"We didn't have chocolate chips, but we did have everything for snickerdoodles. I know it's kind of warm to be baking, but it's been a long time since I've baked for you two." She said sweetly as she handed Angel a cookie.

"It has been a long time." Liam agreed as he ate his cookie and eyed the plate for another. Buffy nodded at him and he took another. "I'm going to watch some tv now, okay?"

"That's fine, sweetie, and thanks again for the shells." She told him as she watched him leave the kitchen. She then turned to Angel, "It's okay, Angel." She spoke softly and held her arms out to him.

He held her tightly and murmured into her hair, "I'm glad. I missed you."

"I'm so sorry for what I put you through and Liam and well, everyone. But I had to deal with this, I was so angry about losing Kerry, that I forgot to appreciate what I have. That we are together in itself is a miracle and Liam is another. I loved that little girl, but I have a wonderful life and it's time to get back to it." She pulled away from him and placed one hand on his cheek. "Thanks for giving me time, for always being there."

He looked at her lovingly, "We can try again." In the past Buffy had been anxious to get pregnant again as quickly as possible.

She shook her head, "Maybe, maybe not. It would be great if it happened but my happiness doesn't depend on it. I have enough happiness with you and Liam."

He kissed her tenderly and murmured, "Me, too, Buffy. Me, too."


The End


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