"Tragedy -Buffy/Graham Ending"

Author: A. Price
Email: andramichelle@yahoo.com

The sun shown brightly through the curtains and woke Buffy. It took a moment for her to realize where she was. She peeked at the clock, it read eight thirty. She had not meant to sleep so long. She got up and hurriedly found her robe. Downstairs she was greeted by Graham, the Finn's and a man who could only be Riley's older brother. The resemblance was remarkable.

"I'm Robert." the man introduced himself as he offered her his hand.

"I'm Buffy." She replied grasping his hand.

"You are every bit as pretty as Riley said you were. I'm so glad he had found someone." Robert told her his voice full of raw emotion. "My wife and children will be here later. She used to tease Riley about settling down." His voice broke as he sat back down at the table.

"Come on, sit down." Randall Finn pulled out a chair for Buffy. "Have some breakfast."

Buffy sat down in the offered chair. Soon Rachel sat a plate full of eggs, sausage, gravy and biscuits in front of her. She picked at the food while they solemnly discussed the funeral. Later everyone excused themselves for showers and to get dressed for the service.

Neighbors and family dropped in with food and condolences throughout the morning. Buffy could not remember the last time she had witnessed such an outpouring of love and caring. Graham sweetly stayed by her side and made sure she was okay through the endless introductions.

They arrived at the church shortly before one o'clock. The Finn's insisting that they both sit with the family. Buffy felt slightly awkward, but Graham sat beside her and even took her hand as the service started.

The Pastor had prepared a wonderful eulogy. He had known Riley since birth and helped coach him in little league. He told stories of Riley as a child and praised what a fine man he had become. He explained that losing Riley was a tragedy, but he had died the way he would have wanted to fighting for his beliefs, for his country. There was not a dry eye in the church as the organist began to play and the choir softly sang.

"Tempted and trialed we're oft made to wonder Why it should be thus all the day long? While there are others living about us, never molested though in the wrong.

Farther along, we'll know all about it Farther along, we'll understand why Cheer up my brother, Live in the sunshine We'll understand it, all by and by."

Farther Along was followed by everyone joining in on Amazing Grace and then it was over. The casket remained closed, a framed picture of Riley in full dress uniform adorned the top of the casket.

Mourners filed by the casket, some taking a moment to touch the picture. All remembering a fallen hero in their own special way. The family was left in the church alone then and each took a moment to say goodbye. Amid soft sobs they were led to the waiting limousine and began what Buffy thought was the longest ride she had ever taken, the ride to the cemetary.

A cold wind whipped sharply around them as the mourners stood under the canopy in the cemetary. The Pastor spoke a few more words of comfort and Riley Finn was laid to rest in a grave next to his paternal grandfather.

Buffy and Graham packed their things. Robert had insisted on driving them to the airport. Tearful goodbyes were said and they left the warmth of the Finn home.

Rachel Finn took Graham aside and asked a special favor. "Please take care of Buffy. Riley would have wanted that."

Graham had agreed to keep an eye on Buffy as he hugged Rachel one final time.

Buffy thought she had never been so exhausted in her life. She was too tired to even be afraid as the engines started and the plane began take off. Graham sat beside her submerged in his own thoughts. The funeral had take alot out of both of them. She smiled at him. "Thanks for being there with me." She told him as she closed her eyes.

"Your welcome, thanks for being there for me." He told her as he too leaned back and closed his eyes.

Their rest did not last as turbulence struck the plane. Buffy woke first, her knuckles white as she held tightly to the arms of her seat. "Graham." She called softly.

"Graham" she repeated.

He dreamed that Buffy was calling his name, her sweet voice calling for him. It was a nice dream and he smiled in his sleep although guilt gnawed at him, he shouldn't dream about Riley's girl.

And then it wasn't a dream, a fearful Buffy was gently shaking his shoulder, calling his name. "Graham." She said one more time as he opened his eyes.

"Buffy, what's wrong?" He asked when fully awake. The plane shook one more time and he had his answer. "It's okay, just turbulence." He assured her taking her hand in his.

"I don't like it." Buffy told him, her eyes wide.

"I know, but it really is okay." The plane settled again and the stewardess began to serve the food. "Look yummy airline food." He smiled at her as they put their trays down.

She managed a grin, "I am hungry, even if it is airline food."

They laughed together as they ate their meal and soon prepared to land in Sunnydale. Graham gathered their luggage and hailed a taxi. They stopped at Buffy's house first. He walked her to the door.

"Thank you so much for letting me go with you and holding my hand. I'm not sure I could have done it without you. Riley was very lucky to have you as a friend." Buffy told him as she pulled him into a hug.

He pulled away from her slightly, "It was my pleasure. Riley was lucky to have you too. Keep in touch, okay?"

She nodded "Okay."

That's when it happened, he wasn't sure why, he knew he shouldn't, but he leaned forward and kissed her, a soft, warm kiss.

Shocked Buffy pulled completely away from him. "What was that?" She asked him, confusion heavy in her voice.

Graham wasn't sure what to say, he stuttered a bit. "I don't know... I'm sorry." And then he turned and walked back to the taxi leaving her alone on the front step trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Six months later

Graham avoided places that he might run into Buffy. Although he did manage to keep an eye on her from afar.

He took several missions out of the country. He couldn't face her in person. Yet her face haunted his dreams on a nightly basis. He kept dreaming of the look on her face when he kissed her, shock, repulsion? What exactly did she feel towards him, the man who kissed here when her lover, his best friend was barely dead a week.

He would have probably continued his avoidance of the whole issue if he had not recieved a note from Rachel Finn. She'd written him once before right after the funeral to thank him and tell him what a great friend he had been to her son. If only she knew he had thought to himself.

This note was a brighter note. In it she asked how he was and how Buffy was? Was he still keeping an eye on her? She seemed like such a sweet girl. The Finns had carried on despite the fact that they missed Riley every day. But she knew Riley would want it that way he wouldn't want anyone he left behind to mourn him forever and never go forward. He would want them to think of him often and fondly but to never stop living because he was gone.

Graham's guilt increased as he read the note. Not only had he let Riley down, now he had let down his mother too.

As he read the next paragraph he panicked. She was inviting he and Buffy to Iowa for Independence Day. She went on about how much she would love to see them both. She also told him she had written Buffy with the same invitation.

There was no way he could go back to Iowa. Not alone and most definitely not with Buffy. He picked up the phone and soon Rachel Finn's voice was on the other end.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't come." Graham started.

"Do you have a mission?" She asked pleasantly.

"No, but I... well I don't know that I can come with Buffy." He said lamely.

"Did the two of you have a falling out? What happened?" She asked with concern.

"No, it's just that I... I have a hard time being around her." Graham said softly praying she wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Is is because she reminds you of Riley?" Rachel asked.

"That's it." Graham quickly agreed.

"It hurts to be around her? Or your attracted to her and you feel guilty about Riley?" Rachel asked intuitively.

Graham sighed deeply, there was no sense in denying it now. "How did you know?"

"Well, you are a good man, Graham. But I knew while you were here that you felt for her, even if you weren't sure yourself. It's okay you know, you would have let it pass if Riley had lived. You are a good friend to him. But now he's gone and you are without a best friend and I assume Buffy is also alone?"

"I think she is." Graham answered.

"Then go to her Graham. You don't have to come here, but promise me you will go to her. Riley wouldn't be angry. It would make him happy to have you care for someone who meant so much to him." She sighed.

"You think so?"

"I know so." She assured him, "I'm going now Graham. Good Luck!"

Graham hesitantly knocked on the door on Revello Drive. Buffy's mom answered and sent him up to Buffy's room. He cautiously knocked on her door.

"Come in." The soft voice behind the door called and he almost lost his nerve.

He opened the door and smiled despite his fear when he saw her, she was in sweats, hair up in haphazard pony tail sitting in the middle of her bed. She had open books spread all around her. She jumped from the bed when she saw him and tried to smooth out her wrinkled sweat pants.

"Graham." She said with a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. I needed to talk to you. Have you recieved a note from Mrs. Finn lately. I got one today."

"No, but our mail hasn't come today. Is something wrong with the Finn's?" She asked full of worry.

"No, I spoke to Mrs. Finn today. She wants us to come visit and I tried to explain that we couldnt' because I was pretty sure you didnt' want to be around me after that stupid kiss when we got back from Iowa, and I just want to apologize for that again. And then Rachel told me I had to tell you that I cared for you because you should know and do you think there is anyway you might ever come to care for me?" The words spilled from his mouth in a rush.

Buffy grinned at him, "Whoa, hold on. Did I hear you right, you care for me?"


"Then why haven't you called the last six months?" She demanded.

"I was afraid you hated me after that kiss. You never called either." He said slightly defensive.

"I didn't call because you kissed me and then ran away like I was diseased and you never called." She sat down on the bed.

Graham joined her on the bed, "You didn't answer the rest of the question. Do you think you could ever care for me?" He asked hopefully.

Buffy looked at him and she had to smile. She reached out a gentle hand and touched his cheek. "I loved Riley."

"I know. So did I." Graham answered noticing that she had not removed her hand from his cheek.

"I have a horrible track record with love."

"I know that too."

"I don't know about my feelings for you yet, Graham. You are a kind, decent man though like Riley was. And I think I would like to get to know you better. Is that okay with you?" She asked her voice tender.

"That's okay with me." He answered as she lay his hand on her cheek and they pressed their foreheads together really smiling for the first time in months.

Three years later

"Thank you for inviting us, Rachel." Buffy said as she carried in a baby carrier and diaper bag.

Graham followed with the portacrib smiling as he watched Rachel take the baby from Buffy. "She is beautiful." Rachel cooed at the little girl.

"We think so." Graham said as he sat down the crib and put a loving arm around his wife. Buffy beamed at him.

"Let me see." Randall Finn said as he walked into the room. "She's a beauty. You need to have a houseful of them." He ran a gentle hand over the baby's dark hair she gifted him with a smile.

"Oh, I don't know about that." Buffy said with a grin. "But we don't know what we would would do without Emily. She is our joy."

Later that evening they drank a bottle of wine and offered a toast to a life lost to tragedy - Riley Finn. And then to a new life born of a tragedy - Emily Finn Miller.


The End


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