Blair Provence

"The Abyss Series"
Buffy, Giles, Willow and Xander cope with the events of the Spring Fling and a not-so-happy birthday.
B/G, NC17

"The Alternity Series"
The Ascension has passed, but greater threats are left behind. Buffy and Giles are left to make decisions that no one in their life should have to...
B/G, NC17

"Faith's Consequences"
What really drove Faith to join forces with the Mayor at the end of Consequences? An episode gap-filler.

"The Futures Series"
This is potentally a new series focussing on Buffy and Giles, the year after graduation. In this story, Buffy and Giles begin a new year, confronting both promise and pain.
B/G, NC17


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