"No Myth"

Author: Sandra
Email: sandravm@ameritech.net
Notes: Although I'm writing this in the 3rd person, I'll be going back and forth between Riley and Buffy POV. Thoughts are in < >.
Dedication: To all my beta readers, Anne Marie, Maya, Minako, you guys are wonderful. Special Thanks to Cerise, Gaffergirl and Carey for helping me expand on my original ideas. And Mucho Thanks to Jen who came up with the title. You folks are awesome.

Riley crept through the quad on his final patrol of the campus before turning in. Keeping his eyes on the lookout for the person or thing that had taken him down last night while he'd been pursuing a hostile, Riley thought back to the previous night's events. <I've never had anyone just take me clean off my feet like that. I wish I'd had a better look at it. > Shaking himself back to the present, he continued his sweep. Finding nothing, except a few students hurrying home from the library, he decided to call it a night.

Riley returned to Initiative headquarters to check in before heading upstairs to his room at Lowell House. He made his way past the pit to the Control Room where Professor Walsh awaited his report, "Hey Professor, I just completed my routine sweep of the campus. Everything checks out fine."

Walsh looked up from studying the latest demon test results, "I take it from your tone of voice that you didn't find what you were looking for, Agent Finn."

Riley sighed heavily and dropped into the chair across from her, "No, I didn't. It doesn't help that I don't know what I'm looking for. Plus after that all nighter from last night, I wasn't at the top of my game. I probably could have walked right past it and not noticed. I'm completely exhausted."

"Then head to bed Agent Finn. You have a lot of papers to grade tomorrow and I'll need you at your best," Walsh replied with a smirk on her face, "Dismissed Agent."

Riley only smiled in response, then got up and left the control room, heading straight for the elevator. As the elevator carried him up to the main floor of Lowell House, he thought about all the work awaiting him in the morning and groaned. <Sometimes this double life just sucks. There's always something. Patrolling, class, that's all there is anymore. If it wasn't for Psych 105, the day would drag. I don't know why but that class is always something I look forward to. >

The Elevator reached the main level of the House and Riley pushed himself up from where he'd been leaning against the sidewall and slowly trudged up the stairs to his room.

Buffy finished patrolling early, eager to get back to the dorm and Willow. She'd never seen Willow this upset, not even right after Oz had found out about her and Xander. <Poor Willow is taking this so hard. I don't know what to do to help her. >

Buffy knew from personal experience that it would be a long time before Willow felt anywhere near like a normal person again <I have to be there for her. She was so great after Angel left. I don't know what I would have done without her and her ice cream runs. > She thought back to a few days ago when Willow had almost been hit by that car, <god, if it hadn't been for Riley, I might have lost her. He has great reflexes and he was so concerned about her. He seems like such a nice guy> Buffy slowed almost to a stop, <Where did that come from? >

Completely lost in thought, Buffy never saw the two camouflaged and armed men enter the cemetery. Her slayer senses however, alerted her to the three vamps she otherwise would have missed. She looked up as they surrounded her; "You guys didn't really seek me out, did you?" She began sarcastically.

Not waiting for an answer, she withdrew a stake from her pocket, "So what are you waiting for? Make the first move, or in your case, your last."

The one nearest her forestalled the others with a wave of his hand, "She's mine, boys, all mine."

Buffy snickered as he came closer and the others backed off, "Let me guess, you're the leader of this rag tag group right? Okay, slick, give me your best shot." The leader snarled and attacked. She easily blocked the right cross and punched him in the face. As he staggered back, she landed a swift kick to his stomach sending him into a nearby crypt. Turning to face the others, she gave them a sly smile and asked cheerfully, "Next?"

They both attacked at once, but they were no match for her. She kicked the second one in the face and using his disorientation, took the opportunity to stake the third. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the first vampire emerging from the crypt and quickly moved to the second vamp. He tried in vain to defend himself but ended up dust. That left only the leader, fast approaching her from behind.

"Lucky shot, little girl," He said as he came up, "You won't get a chance like that again. My minions were young and stupid. I'm not."

"So your first attack wasn't your best shot, eh slick?" Buffy grinned, looking him up and down. Fighting always had this affect on her. She loved the adrenaline rush slaying gave her.

Forrest and Graham watched as Buffy and the Lead Vampire circled each other, "Can you believe this girl?" Forrest whispered, looking across at Graham. Graham said nothing, looking intently at the pair about to battle again a few feet in front of them.

Buffy watched, slowly turning with him as the leader circled her looking for a place to attack, "What are you waiting for, slick? A little too unsure of yourself maybe? Want me to make the first move?" She taunted, hoping to goad him into a mistake.

She succeeded as he snarled again, lunging at her. Sidestepping him easily, she watched as he fell to the ground. Moving over him, she tried to plunge the stake into his back, but he dodged her. Rolling to his feet, he attacked again, knocking her on her back. She flipped up easily, blocking his attempt to kick her in the face and attacked him. They traded vicious blows for a few seconds until he made a critical error. He attempted to land the knockout blow to Buffy's face and missed, nearly falling from the momentum. Buffy took the opportunity and planted the stake dead in his back, watching him explode into dust. "Yuck, can't wait to get back home and wash this guy off me."

Sighing, she turned for the campus and Stevenson Hall, unaware of the two shocked commandos creeping ever closer to her. Now, in range, Forrest signaled to Graham, who nodded and raised his stun gun, stunning Buffy into unconsciousness Forrest and Graham walked to the limp body and looked down at the young blond. "My god, she's a student!" Graham breathed, bending down and checking for a pulse, "She's got a good strong pulse. Definitely human."

Forrest nodded, "I've seen her around. In fact, I saw her just today at the commons. She's a pretty great fighter, taking out three vamps like that. Hard to believe she's all human though. I mean look at her. She's so small."

Graham thought about this for a moment then shrugged his shoulders and bent down, gathering the unconscious girl into his arms, "Let's get her underground and let Walsh and the others take a look. Maybe they can figure out how to classify her."

Forrest nodded, making a final sweep of the cemetery with the night vision goggles he always carried. Motioning Graham to take the lead, he followed behind, meticulously scanning each area the small group moved through as it made its way back to Initiative Headquarters.

Riley stepped inside his room and closed the door, leaning back against it for just a moment and taking several deep breaths. He was more tired than he wanted to admit. But looking back on the day just spent, he knew why. After pulling an all night patrol the previous evening due to a nasty hostile that had finally been bagged and tagged at 5:00 am and a full day of classes, all he really wanted was a quick shower and a nice warm bed. <I should have begged off that routine patrol tonight> He decided as he headed to the bathroom, <I'm sure the mysterious hostile will still be out there tomorrow. >

In the bathroom, he stepped into the shower and turned on the water, standing under the spray for a few moments as he felt his muscles begin to relax under the pulse of the hot water. He straightened and reached for the soap, washing himself quickly. He rinsed the soap, dirt and sweat from his body and turned off the shower, stepping out and taking a towel off the rack and drying himself off thoroughly.

He returned to the bedroom, donning fresh boxers and a clean red T-shirt then moved to the bed, preparing to climb in as a knock came at the door. "Oh no," he whispered, "Not tonight." He kept quiet for a few seconds, hoping against hope that whoever it was would just think he wasn't there and go away. All hope vanished as the knock came again, this time louder, more of a pounding, "Hey Riley, you in there man? It's important."

<Forrest> Riley thought to himself as he crossed to the door, <He'd better not be bothering me this late about a girl>. He stood at the door for a few seconds, as if debating whether or not he should open it. The pounding began again and taking a deep breath, he opened the door. Forrest was standing on the other side still dressed in his patrol uniform, "What is it? I was just about to go to sleep for the first time in 36 hours?"

Forrest looked back at him, sympathy showing in his face as he offered a small smile, "I'm sorry man, but you're needed downstairs. Graham and I brought in a possible hostile."

Riley shook his head in disbelief. Yawning, he ran his hand through his hair, "Can't this wait until morning? I'm exhausted. . . ." Then he finally realized what Forrest had actually said and he perked up, "Wait a minute, what do you mean, 'possible' hostile?"

Forrest sighed in relief, realizing he was finally getting through, "That's why you're needed. I'll explain on the way."

Riley dressed quickly and the two headed down to the Initiative base. Riley stifled another yawn as he listened to Forrest explain excitedly, "You should've seen this girl, man. Graham and I were making a final sweep in one of the cemeteries when we spotted her. We decided to bag her, figuring she was a hostile. I mean, it's so odd to find a young girl out on her own that late at night. All of the sudden three vamps came up on her and I swear to you, she pulled a Karate Kid on them and had them all staked in less than a minute."

"What is she? Have they classified her yet?" Riley questioned, beginning to get a second wind, as they passed the pit. Riley glanced down, seeing the doctors hard at work on the myriad of hostiles strapped to medical tables. He turned away, focusing his attention back on Forrest just in time to hear his answer.

"I don't know. Graham felt for a pulse and there was one, so she's at least partly human. Walsh is thinking she's something called a slayer. What does she mean by that?" Forrest replied with a confused look on his face.

Riley stopped Forrest with a hand on the other man's chest, "The Slayer?  Walsh thinks we have the Slayer?"

"Hey man, what's this all about?" Forrest asked, turning to see the gleam in Riley's eye, "You've got the same excited look in your eye that Walsh did when we gave our report. Come on, fill me in I'm confused."

Riley totally forgot about his exhaustion as he filled Forrest in on the prophecy, "According to the legends we've been researching the Slayer is a human girl empowered with vampire speed, agility and healing abilities without the demon aspect. She's chosen to battle the demons and forces of darkness."

Riley began walking again and Forrest fell in to step beside him, still confused, "Wait a minute. Chosen? How is she chosen and how does she get the vampire strengths and not the weaknesses?"

Riley sighed and shrugged his shoulders; "It's all very vague and mythical. Until we set up here, no one even really believed there was such a person, but with the vampires talking about her, we had reason to think the myth might actually be a reality. Congratulations, Forrest, you and Graham may have actually captured a legend. Where is Graham by the way?"

Forrest chuckled, "He got lucky. Walsh released him and told him to get some sleep. I get to go to bed too, once I deliver you to her office."

As Forrest finished, the two men entered the Initiative Control room and were met by Maggie Walsh. Motioning for them to sit at the conference table, she said, "I assume that you have been brought up to date, Agent Finn?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hostile 28 should be regaining consciousness any moment." Walsh rose from her chair, addressing Forrest, "You're dismissed Agent Gates. Get some rest." Forrest smirked at Riley and got up, leaving Walsh and Riley alone.

"Let's go introduce ourselves, shall we?" She headed for the door as Riley got to his feet, walking beside her out of the control room and down a corridor, leading into the containment center, "Forrest says you think she may actually be the slayer?"

"Yes," Walsh admitted, "I've examined her and she's undergone several tests. She's definitely human, but the strength and agility Agents Gates and Miller described make me believe she's more than that. I've decided against implantation for now. I'm sorry I had to bring you back down here tonight but I wanted you involved in the interview.

Riley nodded, "It's okay Professor. If she really is the Slayer, I'd want to be involved. Even if she isn't, it's too interesting a case to pass up.

"Walsh smiled, nodding her head in understanding, "That's exactly what I figured. She's jus up here on our right, but I want to warn you, she's one of the Psych 105 students."

Riley turned a bit towards Walsh, surprised, "Really? Who?"

Before Walsh could answer, they stopped in front of one of the cells.  Riley's eyes widened when he saw the unconscious form of Buffy lying on the floor.

Buffy regained consciousness in stages. Long before she opened her eyes, her senses reached out to tell her about where she was.

She felt the hard floor beneath her stomach and chest. She also sensed that she was being watched. Apparently she had spectators waiting for her to awaken. She thought about continuing to feign unconsciousness but she admitted to herself that she was curious about who was behind her near electrocution.

Buffy opened her eyes and slowly got to her feet. Looking around her, she noticed the only other thing in the cell with her was a wooden chair. She turned to face her captors and was shocked to find herself looking into the faces of Professor Walsh and Riley.

The shock must have shown in her face, but she decided to try and be calm. Doing her best not to give anything away, she stepped up to the glass and folded her arms across her chest. Eyeing first Walsh and then Riley, she cleared her throat, "What is this all about? Why have you brought me here?"

"Miss Summers, take a seat and I'll be happy to explain everything," Walsh replied.

Buffy stood her ground and gave a short, humorless chuckle, "I sure hope so. Like why you electrocuted me on my way home for example? Or maybe where I am? Oh, or how about this one? Why are my psychology professor and her T.A. holding me prisoner? Is this some sort of new psychology experiment?"

Walsh regarded her new prisoner steadily, "Miss Summers, I will answer all of your questions, but first, I'd like you to answer a couple of mine. Once again, please take a seat."

"I'm not telling you anything." Buffy replied defiantly, moving to lean against the back wall.

Walsh sighed and decided on a different tactic, "Fine, I'll start. We did extensive tests and took x-rays and tissue samples while you were unconscious."

Buffy's eyes widened in surprise. She looked down at herself and saw the healing scars. She could feel her control slipping, but she beat down her anger and continued to look directly at her captors, "You cut me? Who the hell do you think you are!"

"We needed to make sure you weren't a demon." Riley replied. He could see how scared she was and how hard she was trying to remain calm. He admired her for it; most hostiles they captured were banging on the glass by now.

"A demon?" Buffy looked at Riley for a moment, then moved away from the back wall and paced the room for several moments before turning back and focusing on Walsh, "So, what did you decide? Am I a demon? And if so, a good demon or a bad demon?"

Walsh looked back without blinking, "We're hoping that's what you can tell us. Up until tonight, I would have said there's no such thing as a good demon. However, two of my agents saw you take out three vampires on your own, in less than a minute."

Buffy shrugged dramatically, "And what would that tell you? After all, I'm not a demon."

"Ah and we make progress," Walsh decided, offering Buffy a small smile, "which leads me back to these results. They showed that you are definitely human although I'm a little confused about your agility and strength. Agent Miller reported that you kicked one vampire and sent him sailing into a crypt forty feet away."

Buffy said nothing, continuing to look at Walsh and Riley, preferring not to give either of them any more information than she had already volunteered. She listened as Walsh spoke again.

"Why don't you weigh your options for a few minutes, then we'll begin again. Agent Finn?" Walsh moved away from the cell as Riley stepped closer to the glass.

"I'll catch up with you Professor." Riley stated, then turned to face Buffy. He could only imagine how scared she must feel. He had the irresistible urge to try and comfort her, "Buffy, I know this is all pretty scary for you, but now that we know you're not a demon, you have nothing to fear." He said gently.

Buffy looked at him for a moment and then shook her head. He just didn't get it. "As long as I'm in here, I'll be afraid. I can't stand being cooped up like this. It makes me feel like a caged animal"

Riley nodded grimly, "I'm sorry Buffy. Most hostiles are nothing more than animals. These cells are designed for subterrestrials, not humans. Give us a chance. Talk to us. We don't want to hurt you."

Buffy swallowed, feeling the tears gather in her throat, "You don't want to hurt me, but you're more than willing to nearly electrocute me and then cut me and experiment on me while I'm unconscious and helpless. Don't take this the wrong way Riley but it doesn't make me feel all warm and cozy.  You have no right to keep me here. What do you think people are going to say when I don't show up for class on Monday? I have family. I have friends. They're going to wonder where I am."

Riley moistened his lips, continuing to stare at her for a moment. Not knowing what to say, he just turned and walked away, leaving Buffy alone with her thoughts. She watched him until he disappeared, and once he was gone, all the bravado left her and she sank to her knees in despair, putting her face in her hands.

"Options, Agent Finn?" Walsh said, as soon as Riley caught up to her and they were out of earshot.

Riley looked back towards Buffy's cell. He'd listened to her when she said she felt like a caged animal. He couldn't stand the thought that he was partly responsible for that. He took a deep breath and turned back towards Walsh, "She has friends, close ones from what I've been able to tell. That girlfriend/boyfriend from Psych 105, Rosenberg and Osbourne for example, they'll be looking for her. I don't think we can risk keeping her locked up here, especially if they know what she does in her off time. On the other hand, if we just let her go, we'll be putting the entire Initiative at risk."

Walsh nodded, "Recommendation?"

Riley didn't want to say it but he realized he had no choice, "Recruitment, if that's an option, Professor. I think it's our only real choice."

Walsh considered it for a moment, "I agree. Have her brought to the conference room immediately. I'll talk to her there."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Walsh turned and walked into the conference room as Riley headed back to the prisoner.

After a couple of moments, Buffy's mind began working again. She had to come up with some options. Going catatonic now would solve nothing. If she could just get out of the cell, she knew she could escape. Pulling herself together, she got back to her feet.

She was still formulating a plan when Riley appeared back in front of her. Disguising her surprise at his quick return, she looked at him coldly as he spoke, "Walsh wants to talk to you."

She snorted, "Been there, done that. I've said all I'm going to say," she paused for a moment, then continued, "However if she wants to talk about letting me go....."

Riley understood her reluctance, "Just come hear her out," he said, swiping his security card, causing the door to open and motioning her out.

Buffy saw her opportunity and seized it.

The End


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