
"Always Mine"
Uhm...kinda timeless. I promised my beta Angel in leather pants, and I promised Angel and Jenn of TK that I’d do something with Angel going Angelus on Riley. :p Here they are.
B/A & B/R

"Bound Series"
Slayers either die or are bound to Master Vampires that "turn" to good. They make love, and they are bound. The Slayer becomes immortal, and the Vampire spends eternity by her side protecting her.
B/Aus, B/R & S/D, NC17

"Bring On The Night"
Set during an imaginary season two, the day after Buffy killed the judge. CWC? Buffy POV.

Angel gets a wake-up call.
B/A, NC17

"Crash Into Me"
A crash. In more ways than one.

"A Different Perspective"
What if Angelus, instead of killing that woman in the alley when he first took control in "Innocence", went back inside and decided that he loved Buffy, regardless?

"Fears Realized"
Angel's having nightmares about his worst fear, and there's an unkillable demon on the loose. Cordy's making eyes at Xander again, and...Gunn and Faith?
B/A, B/S, F/Gunn & C/X, NC17

Buffy POV after Grave.
No Pairing.

"An Interesting Concept"
Fictional Season Four. B/G Fun, in a street thug kinda way.
B/G, NC17

"A New Situation"
Angel's lurking again...

"*Nothing* Blue"
A "Something Blue" re-write.

Buffy and Angel's six week old child is in danger, so Buffy left and married a nice, normal man. But Jenny's turning 16 now, and her world will soon change.

Some things have changed...and some things never will again.

"Taking Control"
Angel's holding out on Buffy, and she decides not to take it sitting down...
B/A, NC17

"Temple of the Slayer"
Buffy is the Slayer in the Temple of the Slayer an obscure, but ancient religion, where the Slayer is worshipped.
B/Aus, NC17

"Wash My Hair"
Short little PWP. For Salina. This is him washing her hair for her. :p And everyone else is now staring at that sentence saying "huh??" :p But that's why the title. Inside joke, guys. Ignore it.
B/S, NC17


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