"With Friends Like These..."
May 2003

I am sure that for anyone who has visited this site for any amount of time, it will come as no surprise that the episode, "Empty Places," left me a little irritated. No, it was not the fact that they finally showed Spike on his motorcycle again, but without Buffy on it with him. I was a little miffed by the scene where Buffy's "friends" turned on her, not only overthrowing her and not giving her the respect she has *earned*, but kicking her out of her own home.

First of all, as Buffy pointed out, she has led them for seven years. At times, it seemed as though death was certain. But they had faith in her, followed even when it seemed like the sane thing would be to run, and she never failed them. She always saved the world. Not everyone has survived… but for what they all have gone through, for as many of them to be alive as there are, I'd say Buffy does her job pretty well. And now, all of a sudden, things look dark and Buffy's plan doesn't seem like a safe one so they bail on her? You know, it reminded me of a scene in "Superstar" when Riley gave a little speech after Buffy tried to convince all of them that Jonathan was not this amazing human being to be worshipped and all of them, including Riley, had major doubts. But Riley pointed out that Buffy sees things differently than other people. She has instincts that have proven to be very helpful, time and again, but all of this is forgotten.

Even if you want to side with Buffy's friends, say it's totally fair that they don't want to go with her plan, to kick her out of her own home is completely outrageous. If they want to follow Faith, that is their choice. But then they should have followed Faith right out the door. They should let her put a roof over their heads, let her put food in their whiny mouths. That's what Buffy has been doing. She's been running herself ragged, making a living to support all these people, teaching them how to fight, trying to fight the demons and vampires in Sunnydale… and they give her no respect. They had absolutely no right to force her to leave. I get furious, just thinking about it. I was especially angry when Dawn had the nerve to claim it was her house too, so because of that, Buffy had to leave. Like Dawn got to decide that everyone else could stay, and Buffy had to go. That's ludicrous. I am pretty sure from a legal standpoint, that wouldn't hold up - Buffy is probably the one with her name on the deed and she's the one who has been making mortgage payments. I know there is the matter of birthright… but we all know that Dawn really wasn't born to Joyce Summers. So as far as what is just and fair, Dawn has no rights to that house whatsoever. Furthermore, what the hell is Dawn doing, turning her back on Buffy? Buffy has given up her life for her - both literally in "The Gift" and figuratively by not going back to school and working crap jobs to support Dawn's lazy ass.

And another thing: Buffy's friends have to be the biggest hypocrites that have ever lived. Buffy made a bad decision and some people died. Dawn made a wish and inadvertently trapped them all in the house with a demon. Xander purposely summoned a demon that killed people. Willow, the worst of them all, went on a killing spree and tried to off all of them, plus end the world. And Buffy forgave all of them, no hesitation. Buffy's offense was arguably the most innocent of all of theirs. She made a bad call and led them into battle, something everyone was aware could get them killed. Time and again, she has said that most likely, not all of them would survive this. They went into it with eyes open. Yet Buffy is the one ostracized. Screwy much?

Oh, and can I take a minute to wonder what Anya's deal is? Her little speech about Buffy being lucky was the stupidest thing I ever heard. Buffy's lucky because she is the Slayer? What planet has Anya been living on? I can't believe she had the nerve to say Buffy thinks she is better than them because she was born stronger. 'Cause Buffy hasn't earned her stripes by making huge sacrifices like killing her lover, dying, missing out on tons of normal life moments that the rest of us take for granted. What has Anya given up? She's been a total bitch all season, I guess because she is totally bitter after Xander left her at the aisle, and I am sick of it. It's not Buffy's fault. If she's pissed, she should stop sleeping with Xander and be pissed at him!

And while I am at it, what has happened to Giles? 'Cause this is not the man I used to adore. There used to be this wonderful dynamic between Buffy and Giles, this father/daughter connection that I imagine most of us envied and wished we could have with our own parents. But all season, it's been gone. I honestly still wonder if it's really Giles and not The First Evil impersonating him. Could Spike be right, as he said in "Touched," that Giles is upset because he used to be the one that Buffy came to with every important decision and then he left so she could be more independent and now she is… and Giles doesn't like the fact that she doesn't need him now? I never thought Giles would be like that, but it does make sense. You know, if Giles really is Giles.

As for Faith, she was actually fairly respectful to Buffy, as far as Faith goes, anyway - and isn't it sad when Faith is more respectful to you than your alleged loved ones? I honestly believe she didn't intend to get Buffy kicked out. I do think she did have it in mind that if she took the girls out for fun while Buffy made them be responsible, she would be the more popular one. However, with that said… this is exactly what she has always wanted. And as we saw in "Touched," she is more than happy to take over and try out being the leader. And you know what? I hope she leads them to their deaths. Both because I hate all the SITs and want them dead, and because I want the show to be true to Buffy, as it so often is *not* and show that there is a reason these guys have survived for seven years.

I know it won't happen, but when all is said and done, I would love for Buffy to ditch all of them. The going got tough and they bailed on her. What kind of friends are they? Buffy should make her life easier, make Willow live with her parents, make Xander go act like he is someone else's father so he can judge them and send Anya off to go get the stick removed from her ass. And Dawn? Let her go live with her dad. Hell, turn her over to social services. The bitch deserves the worst she can get! Yet as I said, I know it won't happen. Buffy will forgive them and they will probably act like they need no forgiving. And I will be pissed for the rest of my life.

One more thing I would like to say is that I have considered and do acknowledge that this could all not be as it appears. The First could be fucking with someone's mind. Buffy's friends could have some plan and this was all staged. I did think about the episode (can't remember which, but it happened this season) where Buffy, Willow and Xander conversed in their heads… and I wonder if something like that has happened here, though I seriously doubt Buffy is in on it.

In a way, I hope this was an act, 'cause I doubt I will get my satisfactory resolution… but then I'll probably have some dumbass bitching me out about this rant in three months. If so, here is a message in advance: kiss my ass!


I completly agree with all of this, dawn is a spoiled brat and if I was Buffy I would have pused her off that damn tower instead of dying herself, are Xander and Willow forgetting how many times she has saved their lives or forgiven them for stupid mistakes, like oh Killing people (Giles) and trying to end the world. Spike is the one Buffy has beaten up the most and he's the only one who supported Buffy. I used to love Willow and Xander when they were in high school but now their both stuck up fools.

Well I just have to say that I don't like how things are going on in Buffy world.. and since it's ending, it makes me even more sad. How could they turn her out of her OWN FREAKING HOUSE!?? I admit, Buffy was a little egotistical with her "my way goes," but she didn't choose to be their leader and take on all their stupid little responsibilties!! How can they do that to her? Because of this, I am a SPIKE LOVER. He through it in their faces when he talked to Willow and "Giles" (don't get me started on him!)! His true love for her and respect was beautiful but sad at the same time that it came down to that. Who would have thought at the end of it all, the only person she could trust was herself and Spike!? (and angel.. grr). I am so mad though that she has this weird relationship with Spike! She is selfish in this way, not Loving him back, and taking his prescene and flattery for granted. And then she goes and showers Angel with kisses without a single, "What are you doing here?" or "You decide to come now!?" I mean, for goodness sake, this is the freaking Hellmouth Buffy- use a little sense!!! It might not have been Angel.. Angel might not have been good even!!! But she doesn't ask any questions. Why does she get this fantasy part in her life??? Spike is the one that really loves her, and has to earn her trust.. after everything she's been through- and Angel gets off scot free. "Im here- Kiss me and love me!!" WHY!!!??? Angel doesn't deserve her uncontional love, no matter what they had in the past. Buffy has changed since then, and he has not been there with her like Spike has.. Can you tell this upsets me!? All I know is (sorry Angel fans) but if he's not killed by Spike, then let me do it! Buffy is too dumb not to recognize that she should be with Spike. Let Angel get his own girl on his own freaking show. That is all!

I COMPLETELY agree with everything you've just said. I am in england and this ep just recently aired, I was completely outraged, I wanted to cry. I think I did. I mean for christ's sake how believable is this storyline? I hate the slayer wannabees what the hell do they know? They really should shut up and listen or they're going to end up killed. oh well. If I were buffy, in that room, after that bullshit, I would have told them to all burn in hell for all I cared, they were not behaving like friends, and dawn claims to be a sister. When she stood up I thought she was going to say 'I trust you' but no, my severe hatred of dawn just reared it's ugly head. I was impressed with Faith in this ep though, but Faith will always be Faith. I was so angry that nobody stuck up for Buffy, and I feel if Spike had been there he would've (hell, even Andrew would have) I would have for sure. Kennedy can kiss my ass too. I seriously hope I am pleasantly suprised by the next ep, and that they were all posessed. yes, and I will be pissed if Buffy forgives them, I think she's strong enough to stand alone. Oh! The tension!

Right on! I completely agreed, and thought myself, everything you said in this rant. I didn't think any of Buffy's friends showed a very good side of their selves this season. Anya has always been one of my favorites but at so many points this year I wanted to smack her. I too was wishing the writers would have taken the season in a different direction - with Buffy fighting the First on her own and defeating it, while everyone else just stood there and watched with their mouths gaping open. I gues the resoultion comes with the fact that Buffy found that weapon, but I wanted more than that. They all should have been kissing her feet and begging for forgiveness after what they did here.

I agree with you again. I was so pissed when the scoobs kicked Buffy out of her own house, I wanted to kill Dawn when she said "This is my house too". Send a legion of vengence demons after her. Buffy is in charge you brat. And Willow... ARGHHH

If there is one thing that irritates me about Buffy's character, it's the fact that she seems to have no backbone when it comes to her friends, and it keeps getting her hurt - the disapproval over Angel, then Spike, the fact that in season 4 they abused her the most over the distance between them when they were all responsible for it, the fact that despite her own suffering she still endeavours to protect tehm by not telling they had ripped her out of heaven, and finally this last blow where she lets them drive them out of her own house! Her MOTHER'S home, when it was her that as you have ranted yourself, that fed, trained and provided a roof over all of them...it bugged me in Season 6 when Willow was mooching off her, and Buff had to take that awful job to provide for all of them...
I used to love the Scoobies that seemed such a tightknit group you had to envy the bonds formed, but I can't even remember the last time I liked the group as a whole...early season 2 maybe? Definately before Angelus made an appearance thats for sure...
Since then there has been making her guilt-trip over creating Angelus and not being able to kill him, and Xander's betrayal when he didn't tell her of the re-ensoulment spell in Becoming II, the completelty intolerant reception she received on returning, all the way through to them ripping her out of heaven and then doing nothing to help her deal!
Wow this has turned really long so I'll cut it short and just say that I totally agree with what you said that if they wanted a mutiny they should have damn well left her house not kick her out!

FINALLY! I've found people who have the same views as me! Everyone else I've talked to says, "yeah, but look at what happened because she decided to lead them into that fight in 'Dirty Girls'. I think it was fair."
Um, I'm sorry, NO! As many people have pointed out, Buffy isn't the only one in the group that's made a decision that's hurt people. And the results of her decision weren't intentional. I think it's pretty safe to say that she would've gladly rather had her eye punched out, if it meant that Xander would've not been hurt. Why? Because she's his FRIEND! But when something happens to one of them rather than her, she gets thrown out of her own house.
And DAWN! Little Miss 'Buffy-died-for-me-and-takes-craptastic-jobs-just-so-that-I-can-have-food-on-my-plate-every-night' seems to have no problem throwing the only family member she has left out of the house, even when there's a psycho woman-hating walking weapon of mass destruction lurking after her. ::scoffs:: Grr.
And now I've realized that I typed a lot, so I'm gonna leave my rant at that.

I don't agree with most of your rants, but this one, I totally agree. I was sobbing with frustration as I watched Buffy's friends and family (and those wimpy potentials) force her out of the house SHE owns!!! I loved Spike in this episode (as I do in every one) and I desperately wanted him to give Faith the ass-kicking she deserved. I can just picture the immense feeling of betrayal Buffy would feel. This episode truly showcases SMG's amazing acting ability.

I agree with your rants. Not only were their reactions totally and completely disrespectful, they were asking her to give up the one thing that she had left of her mother's, the thing that she had been conneected to ever since she moved to Sunnydale. I was literally pounding the floor in frustration over what they were doing. In response to the 2nd rant, I do agree with you on some level with the whole Angel thing. It could;ve been a trick, yes, it could've been some elaborate hoax that the first evil pulled on her but at the same time I do belive that when it comes to Spike and Angel, that she just doesn't feel that Spike measures up to Angel. She loves Angel and she's said it a couple of times this season. I just think that in the end, it might come down to those to. And to him not deserving of her, they've both done fairly stupid things, let me remind you of Spike literally taking advantage of her in the bathroom and telling her that he belongs with him b/c she's dark and tainted. No one deserves her on this level-it's just about who she chooses in the end that matters- not who has the most strikes against his card b/c believe me when I say they both have a lot.

I usually agree with your rants, but I'm going to have to disagree with this one.
The reason why Buffy was thrown out was because Buffy refuses to follow someone else's orders, even when that someone else is just as strong as her. Her problem is that she doesn't see Faith as an equal, but as someone who is beneath her, because Faith has killed a man, Faith has turned her back on buffy and all that jazz.
Now as for Buffy providing for the potentials...yes, she did give them a roof over their heads anf food, but she expects them to follow her while keeping them at an arm's length. How are they supposed to follow someone whow on't trust them and that they don't trust in return?
The reason they chose Faith to lead them is because Faith isn't as uptight as Buffy, and she isn't as "stuck up" (for lack of a better term) as Buffy either.
And actually Buffy does believe she is better than everyone. Because she is the Slayer, she believes that she is the one who automatically gives the orders and is automatically right, and she isn't. Because she has been the leader for so long, Buffy finds herself superior to her friends, and admits this in "Conversations With Dead People".
As for Buffy's friends being hypocrites...Buffy is just as much of a hypocrite as they are. You say that Willow went crazy and tried to "off" her friends, but Buffy did the same exact thing in the ep. "Normal Again". She was under the same if not less stress that Willow was under, and made the same decisions. Which causes this arguement to lack credibility because Willow was under that amount of stress, and you're trying to use this to your advantage while totally ignoring the fact that buffy has exhibited the same behavior. Dawn on the other hand, she was tricked into making that wish to Hally. And although I do not like Dawn, I don't think you can really blame her for talking to someone who was supposed to be her Guidance Counselor. And when it comes to Xander...well, he was just trying to have a good time because that's who Xander is.
Now for the Faith arguement. I admit to being as big a Faith fan as you are a Buffy fan. But what i always hated about Buffy when it came down to Faith was that Buffy always thought she was better than Faith because of how Faith grew up and how she acted. What really got to me is that buffy is still holding grudges. I can see why, but Faith has been in prison for 3 years trying to redeem herself and to show Buffy that she can be a good person. She stayed in that prison for 3 years under her own will and only broke out when she found out that buffy and Angel needed her. And when you say that Faith finally got what she wanted, to play leader and to have Buffy's life...you're wrong again. Faith doesn't want any of that anymore and she admits this in the ep. "End of Days". And this causes another one of your arguements to lack credibility. Buffy was being reckless, trying to send a bunch of unexperienced girls into the vineyard when she knew that they couldn't win because they had tried in the previous ep "Dirty Girls" and failed. Faith was only trying to talk her out of it, but it spun way out of control.
In conclusion...I think that your love for Buffy distorts your judgement in some of the things she does. But that is only from what I'm reading here. Then again, it's your opinion and everyone is entitled to one, so for now I'll just have to quote Xander in "Empty Places":
"I'm trying to see your point here Buff, but it must be a little to my left, because I just don't."

I can totally see your point. Not necessarily agreeing with all of it, but I see it. Buffy worked her ass off for these people, and has done for seven years! And they kick her out of her own house?! I def agree with you over that, and her friends treatments of her. She didn't deserve it. It was her house - they had no right. But she did have something coming to her. Not because she made a mistake - like you said, a lot of them have made worse ones - at least buffy never tried to end the world! But she put herself above the rest of them, and refused to accept that she needed them. Buffy has done this time and time again - she gets afraid, and distances herself from her loved ones. Its her weakness. And maybe she needed someone to finally bring it to her attention, they just did it the wrong way. Also, Faith. I'm a big Faith fan (not in a she's a killer way, but I just think she was an excellent character). And truthfully, I thought Faith was the only beliveable character there. I think she really didn't intend for that to happen - I think all Faith wanted was for Buffy to treat her like an equal instead of acting as if she was better than Faith. She just knew that if Buffy wasn't there, she was the only person who had a chance in hell of possibly beating the First. But, these are your rants. I love them, by the way! I get the urge to rant a LOT. Its good to see it happen!

I so totally agree with everything you are saying. Personally she should have kicked all of them to the curve. Buffy has been there to save their butts plenty of times, but oh no she makes one mistake and they throw her to the wolves. I just wanted to jump through the screen and pimp slap them one time. And don't get me started on the potentials mainly Kennedy, but that is a different rant.

i agree. what the hell were they thinking about' but i don't belive they were at all. when i watched this episode i wanted to kick them all.

I agree. Except for the Faith thing. Faith has grown up a lot by then, so she doesn't want what Buffy has anymore. She wants Buffy to think of her as an equal. But anyway-I digress. It's hard for me to watch this episode without saying 'yay for Faith!'. I don't feel any anger toward Faith at all, I don't blame her. I loved how she infact wasn't trying to get Buffy kicked out, it made me love her more--okay, that's a lie. I wish she would poke her tongue out, say 'na na na na' and do the happy dance, but that's just me. I truly believe that all of her friends really made a screwed up choice, yeah Buffy messed up ONCE but look at all the times Faith messed up? True, she hasn't got a single person killed after coming back, but My God people. I wanted to reach into the screen and strangle the living suckiness out of Dawn. Dawn SUCKS so BAD in my opinion. I think the writers were rushing the end of the season a long too fast, so they had everything happen without a real reason. Giles makes me angry. I see him in a Faith point of view. IN the beginning, season three, season four, Faith saw Giles as the really good man, the good father and she envied his relationship with Buffy, and vice-versa. Coming to Sunnydale, she arrives to a hell-storm of drama, and ontop of this she learns about the Giles trying to kill Spike thing, also knowing about the Spike/Buffy thing. She didn't have as much respect for Giles as she use to, and I'm sure as shinin' that she didn't envy him and Buffy's relationship as much. I really don't get Giles during this season. Also, in my opinion, Slayers ARE better than humans. Not lucky that the weight of the world was automatically given to them. So anya's speech was a bunch of bullcrap.

hya i totally agree with it all. dawn is a selfish brat, buffy gave up eberything for her, her life and her education and wot does she get in return, a tab in the back. willow isnt nat much of a good friend, she was the first 3 seasons but afterwards she just tried getting buffy to do as she wanted. she didnt even let buffy grieve for angel after he left, she pushed toward slimball parker then after that she still didnt learn her leason and pushed her towards riley (yeah sure riley is a lot better than parker but she didnt no that), in season six hello why who buffy go to hell she save the world many times, and death was the only peace any slayer gets. and steph in normal again buffy was piosened plus buffy was under so much more stress than willow. i mean buffy was still getting over her mothers death, her death, being ripped out of heaven, looking after dawn, trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on their table, sucky minimum wage jobs and saving the world what did willow have to stress about kepping of magic cuz she was addicted which was her own fault, everyone warned her but no did she listen noooo. and yeah sure tara died but really trying to end the world bit overboard dont ya reackon. and xander he lied to buffy about wot willow said in season 2, was completely jealous cuz buffy didnt love him. and yeah maybe he was only trying to cheer things up with summoning sweets but hello hellmouth he should no better messing with stuff like that. and gile how many people died becuz of eygon, plus he tells buffy to lead so she does then hes not happy about it, plus he left her when she needed him the most. n they all knew that it was war and that in war people die, it cant be helped. and she didnt think she was better than them all, u could tell she had low self esteem and anybody with low self esteem does not think their better than everyone, but worst she had no cofident in her swelf becuz all her so called friends.

I agree with you 100 percent on this one. Buffy's "friends" acted like a bunch of jerks and I  secretly wished that she would come back when they slept and killed them all. Better yet she could have called the police and have them kicked out for trespassing.  The fact that she did so much for them and made so many sacrifices again and again didn't seem to enter their puny  little minds. That episode is without a doubt in the only one that I truly despise.


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