Through another's eyes - Series Challenge Review

After catching Anya and Spike together and the confrontation with Buffy over Spike. Somehow, could be magic.... I'll let you decide, Xander temporarily (but not just a day...a reasonable amount of time) becomes a chipped soul, just a chip. Lets see how he deals with his situation whilst a vampire and then again we need to see him dealing once he is human again.

Must have:

Xander drinking blood

Somehow Xander has to find a way of fixing his relationship with Anya. Can be whilst a vampire or after.

Spike and Buffy interaction OF COURSE!

Xander being hunted by: human or vampire or slayer, or for the hell of it...all of the before mentioned.

Can't have:

THE BATHROOM never happens, does not exist.......

Can have:

Angel and or Riley death!!

Faith in Sunnydale

Through another's eyes - Series Challenge Review
All Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel The Series characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN, WB, and others. I am in no way making any money off of these original creations.