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This is where I dissect all of my favourite eviilllll characters on Angel! Obviously there's a lot to pick from so I have a selected few for your reading pleasure. Or something along those lines anyway!

Well Penn isn’t featured in Buffy, but appears in the episode "Somnambulist" of Angel the series. Basically Angel was his sire and he comes to LA and starts doing cop-cat murders of Angelus' in his heyday. Before Angel realises its Penn he thinks it might be him in his sleep blah blah blah etc etc. He finds out its Penn and they have a big fight and Kate gets stuck in the middle. Penn is all angry at Angel for leaving him and looks up to him like a father and has been copying his previous murders for decades. I don't think most people even really remember Penn that much but as usual I remember him because methinks he's sexi! OK OK so he's just trying to be Angelus but still he's so cute in a murderous fiend way! You have to give him credit for being killed in a rather cool way when Kate stakes him and Angel with a very large plank of wood, obviously just going through Angel's stomach but still methinks it was rather cool! Evil wise I wouldn’t say he's too evil, yeah he kills people in a rather brutal way but its not original and just stolen from our lovely Angelus. Plus no leather pants! :( But hey he's still a murdering bastard!

Evil rating : 6/10

Ah Darla... one of my favourite evil characters! That girl is most definitely one of the evil characters in both Buffy and Angel history! Not only is she imaginative and violent but she enjoys causing pain and suffering. She was the first vampire ever to be seen on Buffy in the first episode "Welcome to the Hellmouth". She is one of the few characters to be killed off and then resurrected. She's also very important in my opinion as she's Angelus’ sire and is the one who taught the evil sexi fiend everything he knows! Also highly important... her fashion sense! She looked wicked in those kick ass dress's back in the day and foxy in present day! What can I say... I love leather trousers!!

Evil rating : 9/10

Harmony was turned at graduation by some random vamp when it all kicked off with the mayor. She later appeared in season 4 and 5 of Buffy and she was laughably not evil! I do find her rather amsuing though but not remotely evil. I loved it when they brought her back into angel in season 3 and finally permently in season 5. The poor thing just isn't evil enough but I find her so entertaining!

Evil rating : 1/10

Now the story arc of season 4 always kind of bothered me, I didn't like what they did to Cordy to begin with but after watching it a few hundred times I've grown to like it more and more! Its not my favourite season or big bad but Cordy was actually quite evil at times, letting out Angelus and killing Lilah being her shining moments. Plus sleeping with Connor is just plain perverted!

Evil rating : 6/10

be kind, rewind