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dancin queen

Why do I love faith? This is a very good question. I have to say I do love most of the bad guys. Maybe it's that excessive use of leather or just the fact that they can do whatever they want, that is until Buffy comes charging in and ruining their fun. Faith is a typical bad girl, messed up childhood, rebellious teens, all she really wants is loving!!! Faith has got to be one of my fav bad characters, up there with Angelus and Drusilla. What can I say...I admire the way she can wear all those slutty outfits and make them look good!! The one thing that makes faith one of the best characters is the fact that she can dance. I mean really dance. When we first meet faith what is she doing? Dancing! In Cordy's words: 'Check out slutorama and disco Dave!" Faith and Buffy are just wicked dancers! The classic Buffy and faith dance scene is of course from the episode 'Bad girls'. I just loved seeing them shake their booty (in a non-kinky way! LOL). Without a care in the world, they were in a world away from demons and vampires; they were in a world of dancing. Another of my favourite faith dancing scenes has to be from the episode '5 by 5' in Angel. I love the outfit and I love the song. Its typical faith behaviour, to start a fight and carrying on dancing while kicking various amounts of male butt!! That girl knows how to dance! All I can say is that when she comes out of prison I just hope she starts a dance class, I know her first students will of course have to be Angel and Wesley!!

be kind, rewind