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love story

There's a very funny scene is the season 3 episode "Fredless" of Angel in which Wesley and Cordelia act out their version of the Buffy/Angel love story. It pretty much sums up their history in a short very funny scene which I really think everyone should see! If you can't see it then here ya go... a beginers guide to Buffy and Angel love story!

Cordelia: Oh angel, i know that i am a slayer and you're a vampire and it would be impoosible for us to be together but...
Wesley: But... My gypsy curse sometimes prevent me from seeing the truth... oh Buffy
Cordelia: Yes angel
Wesley: Oh i love u so much i almost forgot to brood
Cordelia: And just because I sent you to hell that one time doesnt mean that we can't just be friends...
Wesley: Or possibly more
Cordelia: Yes, no, we mustnt
Wesley: Kiss me
Cordelia: Bite me

be kind, rewind