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Broken Dreams

Summary: Buffy and Angel meet in the cemetary, Spike watches their interaction.

NC-17 with lots of Smut...

Date Added: 28-Jan-2005
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Blvd of Broken Dreams

Chapter 4

"What do you want Angel?” Buffy asked as she stood up.

Angel looked at her skeptically, the tone in her voice puzzling but that didn’t compare to the scent around her.

“I wanted…I wanted to apologize. What I said earlier was un-called for. I shouldn’t have said it. I’m sorry Buffy.”

Buffy tilted her head to the side, her hands on her hips.

“You’re apologizing?”

“Why do you look so shocked?”

“I guess its ‘cuz I didn’t expect to see you crawling back with your tail between your legs so soon,” Buffy said sarcastically, her green eyes boring into his.

“Well this isn’t how I saw this conversation going,” Angel remarked, turning around and staring into the midnight black of the graveyard.

“I don’t know how you expected me to feel or even what to say. You know what? Forget it. I do NOT have time for this,” Buffy spun on her heel and started to walk away when Angel’s cool hand grabbed her arm.

“Buffy…don’t…I really am so…” Angel stopped, the expression on his face changing when he recognized the scent on the slayer.

Buffy wrenched her arm free and took a step back.

“Why do you smell like that?”

“Like what?” She asked, rubbing her arm where his hand had been.


Angel’s eyes darkened as he closed the distance between them. He grabbed her arm again and moved her hair off her neck exposing her mark.

“What the fuck Buffy?”

“What do you care Angel? I’m just an adolescent girl. What rights do you have to me?” Buffy spat at him, pulling her arm from his grasp again.

“What rights? I love you Buffy. You’re mine damn it!”

Buffy laughed low in her throat as her forest green eyes clouded over in anger.

“Let’s get something straight here Angel. I haven’t been yours for a very, very long time. Those kisses we shared and the handholding were nothing. You cannot give me what I need,” Buffy said turning away.

“Oh but Spike can?”

“I didn’t say anything about Spike Angel.”

“No you didn’t. But I can gather from his mark and the smell of his sex that he’s what you need. Or is it just for the sex? Didn’t know you’d act like a shameless slut when it comes to fucking.”

Buffy whipped around and marched up to him. She was so angry she was gritting her teeth to the point of pain.

“How…dare…you! Stay away from me Angel or so help me god make another statement like that and I will stake you, no questions asked,” Buffy snarled, venom dripping from every word.

The fire in Angel’s eyes melted and he relented.

“God Buffy what is wrong with me? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that,” he said raking a hand through his brunette locks.

“Too late Angel,” Buffy yelled over her shoulder as she strode away from him, her steps purposeful and angry.

“Damn it!” Angel swore as he kicked the nearest headstone. He swore again as pain shot through his foot and into his calf.

Spike chuckled under his breath as he watched his sire hop around on one leg in pain. His eyes swung over in the slayer’s direction as she exited the graveyard. He could smell her anger from a mile away. He glanced back at Angel who sat down on the bench Buffy had occupied earlier.

“You can come out Spike.”

“S’ok. Kind of like the view of you making an ass out of yourself from back here.”

Angel glared at Spike as he came out from behind the crypt.

“Whoa there sire. That’s some glare. Trying to kill me with your eyes now?” Spike laughed as he reached into his black duster for his smokes.

“I wouldn’t be so flippant Spike. You are in my town messing with my slayer.”

“Is that so?” Spike cocked his head to the side and fished one of his cigarettes out of the pack.

“Yeah it is.”

“Well that’s not what she thinks. I just heard her say that she hasn’t been yours for awhile now so…looks like she’s available.”

Angel’s eyes hardened as he stood up. He approached Spike who just looked back at him, his eyes portraying amusement.

“Listen here childe because this is the only time I am going to say it. Buffy belongs to me. She is the one, my one not yours. So whatever you have cooking in that feeble brain of yours, turn off the fire and walk away. Leave here before I have to show you who’s boss,” Angel growled.

“Funny. Your little speech sounded like a bloody threat Peaches. And oddly I’m still here.” Spike smirked and lifted an eyebrow.

“I mean it Spike. I can still kick your ass.”

“Oh is that right? Well let’s get it on then. Wouldn’t want you to stew any longer. Besides I’m feeling as though my body is filled with bloody super strength. Slayer blood is damn powerful,” Spike commented, egging Angel on.

It worked as Angel charged him. Angel went after Spike like a lineman in a football game. He went straight for Spike’s stomach, knocking him down. Spike growled and threw Angel off of him.

“My god Peaches. Still using that attack? Gotta teach you some new tricks,” Spike taunted as Angel stood.

Angel growled, his face changing into his vamp guise. Spike shrugged and vamped out as well, this whole fight was very amusing to him. But whatever let the ponce fight for a bit.

Spike answered with a growl of his own as they flew at one another, fists cocked back, striking each other’s faces with sharp precision. Both whipped back, blood staining their mouths. Angel growled again, his eyes glowing amber as he cocked his hand back and connected with Spike’s jaw.

Spike’s head whipped back, blood pooling in the corner of his mouth where Angel had hit him. Spike turned back to look at Angel, his thumb wiping at the blood that began to trickle from his lips.

“You always were a stupid git. Do you even realize what I am now?”

“The only thing that’s different about you is your soul Spike. You’ll always be bad; you’ll always be a killer. Just now you’ll feel bad about it.”

Spike laughed in Angel’s face as he approached him.

“Maybe you should do your research before seeking out a Master vampire like myself. You are not the strong one anymore.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I was not only rewarded with my soul but I was given a few little attributes as well. It’s quite funny actually. I can have as many blissful moments of happiness and I will NEVER be in danger of losing my soul, unlike the great ponce in front of me,” Spike snorted as Angel’s anger welled up fiercer then before.

“Yeah like that matters. You’re still a killer.”

“You’re right I am a killer but don’t forget who made me this way. Who taught me every trick in the trade, who made sure I was molded exactly the same as my maker. I’m just like you Angel; actually…I was just like you. I’m not anymore.”

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