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I'll Never Not
Need You
Summary: After Spike's rejection Buffy swears to get him and gets Willow to help her.
Date Added: March 25, 2005
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I'll Never Not Need You

Chapter 2

By the time Buffy had made it home her throat was hurting from the stubbornness of holding back the tears that threatened to fall. Xander and Willow had rushed over with the support as Spike practically ran from the room but it was to no avail. The hurt was already set firmly inside her. Buffy entered her home and walked up the flight of stairs to her room. She dropped her book bag on the floor before flopping onto her bed. She reached for Mr. Gordo, her stuffed pig and cried into his soft pink fur.

It was hard not to be hurt as he pointedly tried not to look at her, not even when she tried to get his attention. She couldn’t explain it, she felt this pull to him, this force that wanted to touch him, to explore the sharp planes of his cheeks, feel the softness and the taste of his lips.

“Why am I crying?” she asked herself and Mr. Gordo. “I’m Buffy Summers, one of the most popular girls at Sunnydale High. I can have any guy I want.”

Buffy sat up and grabbed the phone. She pressed the speed dial and took a deep breath of air as the other end was answered.

“Wills I have a plan. Will you help me?”


“It’s now or never,” Buffy said aloud as she glanced at her reflection in the school bathroom mirror. She smoothed the imaginary wrinkles from her pink flowery skirt and adjusted her white button down shirt making sure the tiny bows at the elbows were tied. She fluffed her golden locks slightly and pinched her cheeks.

“Do you think this is gonna work?” Willow asked as she met Buffy’s eyes in her reflection.

“Of course it’s gonna work,” Buffy said even though inside she was shaking.

It has to, she thought determined.

“Did you bring everything?”

“Yup. Everything is all here, we just need your bubbly personality to go along with it,” Willow answered handing her the basket.

Buffy smiled and gripped Willow’s shoulder.

“Thank you Wills, pray this works,” Buffy whispered as she went to the door of the bathroom. With one last look at her reflection she gulped in some air and opened the door.


Spike arrived ten minutes before class started. He didn’t sleep well last night, his dreams filled with images of Emma and of Buffy. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and put his head against the steering wheel. It was rough moving all the way across the world to the United States. So many things he left behind, he was sad but knew he needed a fresh start. London was death to him; sadness and melancholy had invaded his entire being after Emma’s death. It was better he was here, living with his uncle.

He sighed and lifted his head. It was time for a fresh start, to have a new beginning and he was determined to have it here in Sunnydale. He opened the heavy metal door and exited his car, the sun blinding him before he slipped his dark sunglasses on. He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed his books. He took a deep breath and exhaled as he walked into the school, hoping he wouldn’t run into Buffy today.

All hope of not seeing Buffy vanished as she headed straight for him in the hallway, a glowing smile plastered firmly on her face. Spike put his head down and tried to avoid her as she stopped in front of him, blocking his way.

“Hi Spike. Remember me?”

“I’m sorry. I have to go,” He mumbled trying to pass her.

“Wait,” she said putting a hand on his arm. “I’m president of the Welcoming Committee and I just wanted to welcome you to Sunnydale.”

“Please, I have to go,” He mumbled again not meeting her eyes as he brushed past her.

Buffy stood there stunned and blinked back the tears that welled in her eyes. She didn’t even notice Willow standing next to her as she bolted down the hallway and into the bright sunshine, not breaking her stride until she was home.


Spike knew he hurt her. He could feel it; he could sense it even though he hadn’t looked at her. He shook his head and walked into his Computer Graphics class, taking his seat near the window. A blur of blond hair whipped by and he watched as Buffy ran away from the school.

He felt bad, he really felt bad but what could he do? It was hard enough to look at her, let alone hear that voice coming from her lips. Spike groaned and put his head in his hands.

“Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?” A voice asked him, breaking through is reverie.

Spike looked up to see Xander Harris standing in front of him.

“Do you always go around hurting pretty girls who try to make you feel welcome? Or is that some Motherland way?” Xander’s voice was hard and if the fire coming his eyes was any indication then he was also very pissed off.

“Look Harris, I didn’t mean to hurt her. You don’t understand,” he replied quietly.

“I don’t understand? Let’s get something straight. That girl that just ran from here crying is my best friend. She hurts and your ass gets kicked. Need I say more?”

“Is that right?” Spike asked standing up. He only had Xander by two inches but the clip in his voice and the smirk on his face had the smaller boy step back a step.

“Yeah that right,” Xander said bravely, not dropping his guard. He would be damned if he was going to let some British piece of shit hurt Buffy; he loved that girl too damn much.

Spike sighed and closed his eyes. He took his seat again and looked at Xander.

“I didn’t mean to hurt her. I really didn’t,” he said softly watching the expressions change on Xander’s face.

“Then what’s the problem cuz hey if some gorgeous girl like that came up to me and wanted to welcome me, I’d be open arms.”

“It’s complicated. I will apologize.”

Xander sat down next to Spike and turned towards him.

“So…what’s your story?”

“My story?”

“Yeah. Besides being from England what else is there to know about you?”

Spike looked at him quizzically.

“Hey man from the looks of it you don’t have a friend here besides the swooning girls. Just thought you would want a companion.”

“Swooning girls?” Spike smiled.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed Cordelia and Harmony practically falling over themselves to get to you.”

“Um…actually…hadn’t noticed.”

“Dude you got some major problems,” Xander laughed. “Harmony is a total idiot but Cordelia, well that girl is a nice piece, major bitch but definitely nice to look at.”

Spike laughed with him, his cool mask slipping away. He liked this Xander.

Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad.


“Buffy?” Willow called as she opened the large wooden door on Revello Drive. Willow stood in the entryway for a minute and listened. There was a faint sound coming from the upstairs. Slowly she made her way to Buffy’s bedroom. But what she found she didn’t expect.


Buffy spun around and faced Willow.

“Hey Will,” she said before returning to the computer at her desk.

Buffy looked at though nothing was wrong, she was sitting nicely at her desk typing away like nothing had happened.

“You ok?”

“Yeah. I’m fine,” she replied throwing a smile Willow’s way.

“You know you don’t have to pretend with me.”

“Who’s pretending?”

“Buffy, I don’t know what you’re feeling but this whole controlled whatever the hell you got going on is really freaking me out. I think I’d rather have you crying and getting hysterical,” Willow said honestly taking a seat on Buffy’s bed.

“Willow, I’m fine. I really am.”


“But nothing. I’m fine. So today didn’t work, that’s fine. Tomorrow will work,” she said turning towards Willow and turning the computer monitor as well.

There on the screen was a list titled, ‘Ways to win that British hunk of ass’.

“I will get this boy Willow. If it’s the last thing I do.”


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