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Summary: Set in the early 1900’s not present day. Elizabeth (Buffy) is from a very well off family and William is her stable boy. They grow up together as friends only to fall in love. Their happiness is short lived, as William knows it can never be. Her father finds out and sends William away. They meet again years later bitter and hurt only to fall in love again…
Date Added: May 2004
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Chapter 1

And all of your ways, all you dream, Falls on me………

Elizabeth or Buffy as her family affectionately called her raced through the grassy floor of the forest. Her long blond hair was flying behind her, her green eyes sparkling with laughter.

William’s deep laughter carried behind her as she ran. He caught up with her grabbing her around the waist and falling among the clovers and flowers.

“Caught ya,” he said laughing.

“Only because I let you,” Buffy replied becoming all too aware of his body pressed against hers.

“Uh huh sure,” William said his heart pounding in his throat.

He too was becoming very aware of her body. The smiles faded off their faces as their eyes locked. William felt her sweet breath on his face. Slowly he lifted his hand to pull her blond locks off her face. Buffy’s breath caught as he tilted his head and touched his mouth to hers.  He kissed her innocently his lips merely brushing against her. Buffy thought she was on fire. The feel of his lips on hers was exquisite.

If Buffy thought she was on fire then William thought he was going to die. Never before had he felt such passion and love surge through him. He felt her hands creep up his neck and wind themselves in his wavy sun-bleached locks. Her lips responded to his and parted slowly to allow his tongue to slide along hers. She moaned against his mouth her lower regions flooding with warmth and longing.

She could feel his passion hard and throbbing against her leg. Instinctively she pressed her leg against his member eliciting a moan from him. William felt his self-control fading fast.

“Buffy,” he moaned against her mouth.

Buffy opened her eyes to see William with his eyes tightly shut and panting hard.

“We’ve got to stop.”

“No Will, I don’t want to stop,” she whined trying to pull his mouth back to hers.

“Buffy please! I’m losing my control now as we speak. If I do not stop right now…….” He didn’t finish.

He reluctantly tore himself away from her body and sat up. Buffy followed suit and sat up too. William had one leg up and was resting his head against it, shielding his eyes from her.

Buffy lifted her hand to his neck and rubbed it. 

“We should go back,” he said finally lifting his cerulean blue eyes to look right at her.

Buffy nodded as William stood up. Silently he held out his hand to her. She smiled and grabbed onto it allowing him to help her up.

She didn’t let go of his hand right away instead relishing in the feel of his touch. William didn’t let go he wasn’t too anxious to leave her either.

“We can meet here again later,” he said his thumb rubbing circles into her palm.

“Ok,” she smiled as they started their trek back to the house.


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