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o-o-o-o-o Summary         

Taken from Dusk 'til Dawn

Angelus' voices tell us it's Galway, in 1753. A human Angelus and friend exit a tavern rather drunk. His friend drops to the floor while Angelus sees a young and beautiful girl, it's Darla. They talk and Darla makes him a vampire. Back to present day Sunnydale, Angelus is watching Buffy fight two vampires with Xander. Giles is called to visit Sunnydale Museum to look at an artifact newly found. He asks if they've tried to open it, but asks them not to, until they've deciphered the text. 

London - 1860, Drusilla enters a church and begins her confessions. Angelus had murdered the Priest, and so takes his place listening to Drusilla. She pleads for some instructions, and Angelus does so. She was his next target.

Sunnydale, present day - Angelus hears about this artifact, but he knows exactly what's inside, so he and Drusilla go to steal it. Meanwhile at Sunnydale High Willow is coaching Buffy in chemistry. Buffy drops her pencil and it rolls down the side of Jenny's desk. Buffy had a feeling of deja vu, and repeats what she just did. The second time she found a yellow disk, the same disk with Angel's cure  on it, or the curse. Buffy and Willow look at the disk on the computer and find out what it is.

Romania - -1898, an old lady is chanting. Angelus appears. His soul has been restored, and he feels all the pain of his victims. Back to present day in Sunnydale Willow and Buffy spread the good news. However Xander disagrees and only thinks that Buffy wants her boyfriend back. At the mansion Angelus tells Spike of Acathla, the demon in the stone. A special ritual is needed to free Acathla. Angelus tries but fails. While this was going on Buffy was outside and met up with Kendra who was directed to Sunnydale by her Watcher. She has the sword that can force Acathla back into the demon dimension, if the curse doesn't work. 

Manhattan - 1996, Angel meets Whistler who tells him that his life could be so much more. Whistler and Angel make their way to Los Angeles where Angel sees Buffy at Hemery High for the first time. After some more watching Angel finds out about Buffy's mother and father, and their fights. He wanted to help, so he did. Sunnydale - present day, a female vampire goes into the high school, into one of Buffy's exams. She tells her of the meeting with Angelus that night, and then bursts into flames. 

Buffy goes to battle with Angelus. They duel it out, and then Buffy realises it was a trick. In the library a hoard of vampires had invaded, including Drusilla. Willow was knocked unconscious, Cordelia ran, Xander had his arm broken, Giles was taken by the vamps and Kendra was killed by Drusilla. After Buffy realised she ran back to the school, but was too late, and also bumped into the cops...to be continued...

Buffy manages to evade the cops, and runs through gunfire. Buffy disguises herself and heads to the hospital. She meets up with Xander, and they hug. She finds out about Willow in a coma. But Giles wasn't there, he was kidnapped by Angelus so that he could help him in the ritual. Buffy's investigations starts at Giles' apartment. Here Buffy meets Whistler. He says that things weren't meant to go this way and that Angel was meant to be helping Buffy. Buffy heads for her home, and bumps into some police officers and Spike. Spike gives a hand to Buffy in evading the police officers. Spike admits that he doesn't want the world to end, and he wants Drusilla back, but needs Buffy's help. Buffy reluctantly takes the alliance. Spike and Buffy discuss further in the house. One of Angelus' vamps comes in and Buffy stakes him. 

Willow emerges from her coma with Oz just rushing in. At the Mansion Giles is being tortured for the information that Angelus wants. At the Summers' home Buffy and Spike come to an agreement, when it's over Spike and Drusilla leave and never come back. When Spike leaves Joyce demands an explanation. Buffy tries to give one, but Joyce wants more. Buffy's about to walk out of the door when Joyce says, "If you walk out that door, don't even think of coming back!". Buffy walks out of the door to Joyce's dismay. 

Willow wants to try the curse again in the hospital. Buffy retrieves the sword which Kendra had brought. On leaving the library Buffy's told that she's expelled from school by Principal Snyder. Drusilla is trying her hypnotic skills on Giles. Giles sees Drusilla as Jenny, and tells her everything. Buffy returns to Giles' apartment to know from Whistler how to use the sword. All he said was that only Angel's blood will close the vortex to hell. One blow of the sword will trap Angelus and Acathla in the hell. Buffy heads to the Mansion, on her way she sees Xander. Xander wants to help, and volunteers to get Giles. But he fails to tell her that Willow is trying the curse again. 

At the Mansion, as Angelus is about to pull the sword from Acathla, Spike rises from his wheelchair and hits Angelus over the head. An angry Drusilla attacks Spike for what he just did. In the mean time Angelus ran over to Acathla and pulled the sword out. Xander goes to free Giles, and they escape. 

Willow, Cordelia and Oz try the curse again. This time Willow does some channeling thing and speaks in the same tongue as the old gypsy did. While this is going on Buffy and Angelus are dueling it out. As Willow finishes the spell and Angel's soul is restored, Buffy was about to plunge the sword into him. Angel doesn't remember a thing. Buffy and Angel kiss for the last time, Buffy tells him to close his eyes and the she plunges the sword into him, sealing him and Acathla into hell. Buffy breaks down into tears.

Buffy packs up her things and leaves. Joyce goes into her bedroom only to find a goodbye note. The last we see of Buffy is her leaving Sunnydale on a bus.