Dru's Home Brew

Author: Laure Alexander

E-Mail: lwilson@sunflower.com

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy and friends or Buffy the Vampire Slayer; they're owned by Joss Whedon and the WB Network. No copyright infringement intended so please don't sue.

Summary: Dru gets bored and has some fun at her sire and Willow's expense.


Angelus woke with a splitting headache and a nasty taste in his mouth. Blinking his eyes he found himself on a concrete floor facing floor to ceiling bars--a cell. Groaning, he forced himself to his knees, trying to figure out what had happened and where he was.

The last thing he remembered was drinking a goblet of blood...that Drusilla had given him.

"DRUSILLA," he howled.

A whimper came from behind him and he looked over his shoulder, then grinned evilly. A disheveled and pale Willow lay on a narrow bunk.

A waft of rose perfume came from outside the cell and he turned back to see Drusilla lounging in a chair outside the cell.

"Where the fuck are we, Dru?" Angelus growled, rising to his feet.

Drusilla gave him a sly smile. "Old Sunnydale, the jail. Isn't it nice and cozy?"

"Not particularly." He walked over to the cell door, holding his head. "What did you put in my drink, you loopy bitch?"

A pout formed on her lips and she fiddled with something in her lap. "You said you wanted the little redhead. I want her too, so you can't kill her."

"What do you mean you want her?" he demanded.

"As a friend. I'll dress her in pretty dresses and brush her hair and put big bows in it."

"I'll rip her to shreds."

Drusilla raised a tranquilizer gun and aimed it at him, grinning. "Not with this." Pulling the trigger, she sent a dart unerringly into Angelus' shoulder.

Grunting, Angelus staggered back and pulled the dart free. "What the fuck?"

"Oh, just something to make you lusty, daddy, not that you ever need that, but I want her in one piece. This'll make you do it nice."

Angelus grabbed the bars and then jerked back, howling, his palms smoking. "HOLY WATER?"

Drusilla shrugged and smiled. "Can't have you trying to escape, not till you've had sexy fun."

"Drusilla, you will pay for this," he promised.

Ignoring him, Drusilla reloaded the gun and shot a dart into Willow, who had pulled herself, still half-asleep, to a sitting position.

"Wha...?" Blinking her heavy eyelids, Willow slowly focused on the dart in her shoulder. Wincing, she pulled it out and dropped it on the floor, then glanced up.

Screeching, she pressed herself against the rough wall behind her.

Angelus turned and glared at her. "Shut up."

Willow's mouth clapped shut and she stopped breathing.

"How long until this takes effect, Dru?"

"Hmm? Oh, very quickly. Probably already feeling all squidgy."

I do not get squidgy," he proclaimed right before his cock surged into erection, pressing against the tight leather of his pants.

Drusilla clapped her hands and bounced on her chair.

"What's going on?" Willow whimpered.

Turning fully away from Drusilla, Angelus gave up on the loon and faced Willow. Her eyes were huge in her pale face.

Lust roared through him and he groaned. "Dru drugged us- -homemade aphrodisiac. We're going to fuck each other insensible."

"Nghhh." Willow began to gasp, nearly hyper-ventilating in terror. As Angelus pulled his shirt off, her terror got worse and was joined by a hot feeling sweeping her body. Her breathing changed and she sucked in air as her eyes fixed on his naked chest.

Hearing her heart rate pick up, Angelus kicked off his shoes and reached for the fastening of his pants. "Get undressed."

"Huh?" came out of her slack mouth. Willow didn't understand the shivers that were running through her body, but they seemed to get worse the more buttons he unbuttoned on his form-fitting leather pants.

Wriggling his hips, Angelus pulled the pants down his legs, then stepped out of them, his pale body nude and hard.

Willow's breath caught in her throat and she stared at his erection. It was huge and pale, with engorged veins standing out. The sight of it made her so hot. Before she knew what she was doing, she began to tug off her clothes, flinging them around the cell.

Her mind blanked, all thought driven away by a pounding need. The secret spot between her legs was throbbing and moisture was leaking from deep inside her. Squirming, Willow pulled off her panties, leaving her naked, her body gleaming with perspiration.

Running his eyes over her slender nude form, Angelus groaned as his erect cock leapt towards her. Stumbling, he quickly crossed the cell and knelt on the cot, jerking Willow into his arms.

Her mouth met his, open, wet, her tongue searching for his. They kissed with intense hunger, pressing their bodies against each other.

Laying Willow back on the cot, Angelus leaned over her, pressing his cock against her thigh, rubbing the tip along her feverish skin and groaning as his tongue plundered her mouth. His hand slid down her body and between her splayed legs.

Willow moaned and arched her hips as his fingers found and rubbed her swollen flesh. Her breath caught in her throat and she flung her head back, whimpering in pleasure as the tension inside her snapped under his persistent fingers.

Feeling her moisture coating his hand, Angelus moved between her legs and began to thrust his cock between her legs, running it through her wet cleft. Fastening his mouth on her throat, he growled and came, splashing his cum on her thighs.

A tiny, rational bit of his mind wondered how many times and how quickly they would climax under the influence of Drusilla's drug, then all thought flew away as his cock stayed hard and started to throb again.

All thought long gone from Willow's mind, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and began to place nipping kisses on his neck and chest. The pleasure was growing again between her legs and she squirmed against him, revelling in his hardness pressing into her thigh.

Arching her back, she rubbed the sensitive tips of her breasts against his muscular chest and moaned.

Sliding off the cot onto his knees, Angelus grabbed Willow's hips and swung her around. "Wrap your legs around my shoulders," he growled.

Slumped against the wall, Willow obeyed him, then yelled as his mouth plunged into her wet pussy, his tongue running desperately over her pulsing clit.

"Please," she begged hoarsely. "Suck..."

As Angelus began to suck her clit, her hips bounced on the cot and her eyes fell shut. Hands digging into the bare mattress, she thrust against his mouth, her body shaking with need.

Panting, she reached for her heaving breasts and twisted the erect nipples, moaning and whimpering as he laved her hot flesh with his cold tongue. Suddenly, her legs tightened around him and she came for a second time, her body spasming against his mouth as she yelped and shook.

Pulling back from her, Angelus licked his lips, then stumbled to his feet, his cock painfully hungry. Reaching for Willow's shoulder, he saw her eyes open and focus on his cock. She licked her lips and he nearly came.

Panting from release, but still full of lust, Willow let him pull her forward until she sat on the edge of the cot, her legs on either side of his. Swallowing hard, she looked up at him and saw the lust in his dark eyes.

"Open you mouth," he ordered thickly.

Obediently, Willow opened her mouth and found it full of cock. Instinctively she sucked and licked, running her tongue up and down the sides as he thrust hard and fast. Gasping for breath, she grabbed his hips, trying to slow him down, but it was impossible. His body was on overdrive.

Angelus wrapped his hands in her hair and he flung his head back, staring blankly at the ceiling, groaning at the feel of her hot mouth sucking his pained cock. With no desire to drag it out, Angelus thrust hard, driving his cock into her throat, and came, roaring in satisfaction.

Gagging, Willow swallowed as much as she could. Finally he pulled back and she gasped for breath, cum dribbling down her chin.

Panting, her fingers fell between her legs and she pressed them against her swollen clit, unable to believe that she had become so aroused from his cock in her mouth. Pulling on her pleasure button, she keened as her body jerked in release, leaving her limp, but not sated.

As Willow tumbled onto her back, Angelus hissed as his cock surged once again. Spreading her legs wide, he slid between them, rubbing his cold body against her sweat- slicked one. She whimpered and clutched at his shoulders, digging her short nails into his hard muscles.

"Time to fuck," Angelus growled.

"Yessss," Willow answered, raising her knees and bucking her pelvis against him, pressing into his cock.

Closing his eyes briefly as he nearly lost control, Angelus forced back his desire to come. Gritting his teeth, he rubbed the tip of his cock over her inflamed pussy, then slammed it home.

As pain flashed through her, Willow shrieked and squirmed, sending his cock deeper.

His balls smacking against her ass, Angelus reveled in how tight her no longer virginal passage was, then winced as she clamped down on his sore dick.

Unable to hold back any longer, Angelus pulled back and thrust again, driving Willow into the cot and forcing a whimper from lips torn by her teeth. The pain on her face was enough to send him over the edge.

With a yell of pleasure, Angelus spilled himself inside her sore, hot channel, forcing her to open farther with each jerk of his cock.

Willow sobbed, both at the pain and out of frustration. She hurt deep inside, but her sore clit throbbed with need and she found herself thrusting against him, trying to get friction on her itchy flesh.

Feeling her twist in need beneath him, Angelus pulled out and raised up to his knees. Sliding backwards, he leaned down and ran his tongue over her twitching pussy, tasting the hymeneal blood leaking from inside her. Stiffening his tongue, he plunged it inside, lapping her blood.

Willow shrieked and arched against him, her knees clenching his head into her pussy. She babbled the word 'please' over and over again as he cleaned her with his tongue.

Pulling free, he moved his mouth over her inner thighs and along the edge of the sweat-soaked hair framing her inflamed pussy, before flicking his tongue out and touching her clit.

Grunting, Willow thrust against his mouth and he sucked her pearl between his lips, biting gently and making her scream in pleasure as she came again, sending great shudders rolling through her.

Nearly insensible, Willow reached for Angelus' shoulders and drew him over her. Finding his cock hard and ready once again, Angelus took advantage of her obvious need and thrust inside her, this time eliciting a moan of pleasure from between her slack lips.

She lay sprawled and open beneath him, whimpering in pleasure at each hard thrust of his cock inside her sore, yet grasping pussy. Staring blindly at his chest, she panted harshly, feeling the tension building again.

Suddenly overwhelmed with lust, Willow smacked her pelvis against him, squirming and digging her hands into his arms that were braced on either side of her shoulders.

Grunting, Angelus pulled out of her and flipped her onto her stomach. Grabbing her around the waist, he yanked her onto her knees and thrust deeply.

Burying her face in the mattress, Willow yelled and bucked backwards, forcing him deeper.

Raising to his knees, Angelus squeezed her ass and plunged faster, his eyes nearly crossing at the pleasurable pain in his cock. Willow keened beneath him and shoved her white, trembling ass against him with each thrust.

Sliding one hand around her stomach, he found her slimy clit and fingered it, making her yell again. Gritting his teeth, Angelus let his own pleasure explode, filling her with cold semen. Twisting his fingers, he felt her spasm around his cock and heard her cry of release as she collapsed into a sodden, shaking heap.

Turning Willow again onto her back, he looked down at her trembling body, her closed eyes, her panting mouth, her heaving breasts, and winced at another throb from his cock.

Driven by drug-induced lust, he knelt between her legs and wrapped his fingers around the head of his cock, hissing at the pain.

"Open your eyes," he begged.

Limp and sated, Willow forced her eyes open and stared at him, dazed. She saw his erect cock, but couldn't process it.

Wincing, Angelus jerked his cock gently, then harder as he felt the come building. Roaring, he spasmed, his cock sending streams of cum over Willow's pale stomach.

Nearly sobbing at the final release, Angelus collapsed half on top of her, groaning into her breasts. Willow let her eyes fall shut again as her sore, relaxed body continued to twitch in ecstasy.

"Oooh," she moaned happily, refusing to let herself think of the implications of the mind numbing sex.

Slowly Angelus became aware of the sound of clapping and giggling coming from outside the cell.

"Oooh, lovely daddy. Me next."

Angelus groaned and closed his eyes.

The End
