Two Vamps and a Hacker

Author: Laure Alexander


Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy and friends or Buffy the Vampire Slayer; they're owned by Joss Whedon and the WB Network. No copyright infringement intended so please don't sue.

Summary: Spike and Angelus decide to "have some fun" with Our Dear Hacker. Rough stuff, guys.

Warning: Non-consentual.


Willow woke slowly. Her head felt heavy, her shoulders hurt and her mind was full of fog. Prying her eyes open, she blinked once, twice, then tried to scream.

Her mouth was open, wide, but something was in it, blocking any sound, preventing her from closing her lips. Her eyes flashed wildly around the dimly lit room. A few things hit her at once--she was naked and her arms were tied over her head, forcing her onto the balls of her feet.

But the worst, the worst was who lounged in the open doorway across from her.

Spike and Angelus.

As terror roared through her, Willow's mind went blank.

"Oh look, our little toy's awake," Spike said jovially, slapping his sire on the back.

"And she doesn't look very pleased to see us."


Chuckling, Angelus strolled into the room and over to Willow. She cowered back, nearly sending herself off her feet. He grabbed her bound wrists to steady her.

"Willow, Willow," he murmured. "What a predicament you're in. Two of us and one of you..."

Tears leaked from her eyes and she flinched as a cold finger ran down her cheek, tracing the pattern of a tear.

"Don't waste tears, Willow. We haven't done anything yet."

Turning Angelus walked over to a red velvet, Victorian style loveseat and lounged on it. Spike took his place in front of the trembling girl and gave her an evil grin.

"Have you ever been beaten, pet?"

Willow tried to whimper through the gag and her eyes widened.

One cold hand slid down her body, catching a small, trembling breast, before sliding around to caress her bottom. Willow tugged ineffectually at her bonds, wanting to scream in protest and fear.

Still grinning, Spike walked over to a table and picked up a small whip. Made of soft leather, it would cause pain, but wouldn't draw blood.

Willow danced on her toes, trying to twist as Spike walked behind her.

"Stay still," he ordered. "It will only be worse if you fight it."

As he finished speaking, the whip cracked across her back, sending her swaying forward. Screaming around the gag at the pain, Willow began silently to pray.

Spike hit her again, catching her across the upper thighs, making her dance in pain. The next blow found the curve of her bottom, leaving a nasty red mark and sending tears streaming from her frightened eyes.

Angelus watched his protege beat the little redhead and felt his cock begin to swell. Opening his trousers, he took it out and began to caress it, his eyes never leaving the swaying, trembling girl.

At the sight of Angelus' naked penis, Willow moaned and shook her head, denying that this was happening. She was caught off guard by a savage blow across her shoulders and lost her footing.

She dangled in the ropes for only a moment, breasts heaving from exertion and fear, before Spike caught her and set her back on her unsteady legs.

"Don't want you pulling your arms out of the sockets, pet," he whispered in her ear. "At least not yet."

Circling the shaking, crying girl, Spike ran the whip across her breasts, circling the nipples. To his surprise and Willow's shame, they hardened.

"Ooh, Angelus, we have a surprise here." He stepped aside, pointing to her breasts. Willow turned bright red.

Angelus grinned and pumped his cock hard. "So, she gets off on pain...That IS a surprise."

Willow shook her head, but the two men ignored her, looking at each other. Spike dropped the whip and walked over to Angelus, sinking to his knees in front of the older man.

"Don't waste it," he murmured.

Angelus leaned back, taking his hand off his straining erection. Dipping his head, Spike ran his tongue over his sire's cock, licking the weeping tip, then slipping it in his mouth. Bobbing his head, he began to suck, scraping his teeth delicately along the sensitive skin.

Groaning, Angelus, ran his hands over Spike's head, then pushed him down farther, thrusting his cock all the way in. Opening his throat, Spike sucked him in eagerly.

With a growl, Angelus came, flooding his protege's mouth and throat with cold cum.

Pulling back, Spike swallowed and grinned, wiping the dribbles of cum from his chin. Twisting his head, he looked at Willow and saw that she was watching, wide-eyed.

Willow couldn't believe what she had just seen. Rationally, she knew the things two men did together, but she had never thought about it and never imagined she would witness it. And, Angelus--Buffy's Angel...Willow whimpered. She didn't understand any of this, but she really wanted to survive so that she had time to think through all the implications.

"I think she liked it," Spike said as he rose to his feet. His own cock strained against his jeans and he shifted it gently before going back over to their prisoner.

Running his rough fingers over her erect nipples, he slid one hand lower and wormed it between her thighs. Willow reddened even more, knowing what he would find there, and he grinned in triumph.

"She's wet," he proclaimed.

Dropping her eyes, Willow whimpered in shame. The sight of Spike sucking Angelus had made her feel all funny deep inside and she had felt the moisture leaking from her. It was the same moisture and tense feeling that she got after dreaming about Oz.

"I want her on the bed, on her back," Angelus commanded.

Quickly Spike untied the rope from the beam and dragged Willow over to the large bed. Picking her up and tossing her in the middle, he knelt to retie her to the headboard. She squirmed and tried to kick out at him.

Ignoring her, Spike rose and began to strip off his clothes. Angelus joined him, naked, his cock half-hard again.

Willow whimpered and pressed her legs tightly together at the sight of two pale cocks. This wasn't happening!

Tossing his last article of clothing aside, Spike reclined next to Willow as Angelus moved to straddle her trembling thighs. He pumped his cock back to full erection and grinned evilly at her terror.

"Do you want to know what's going to happen next?" he asked cheerfully.

Willow shook her head wildly, terror making her nearly numb inside.

"I'm going to stick my dick up your little virgin quim and fuck you to death." He laughed at the terror in her eyes and how her face went white. "No I'm not....Well, the death part, I'm not."

Willow screamed shrilly against the gag and tried to buck him off her.

Yanking her legs apart, Angelus slid between them on his knees. Grabbing her ass, he lifted her and rubbed his cock head over her wet pussy. "Ooh, you are wet, Willow. Whatever would your friends say?"

Leaning forward, Angelus grunted and jerked her onto his cock, tearing through her innocence and forcing her tight passage open.

Fresh tears ran from Willow's eyes and she thrashed her head, pulling on the bonds and cutting her wrists.

"Nothing better than a virgin pussy," Angelus grunted as he thrust again.

The pain was worse than she ever could have imagined and Willow began to feel faint as he plowed her hard and fast, his fingers digging into her sore bottom. Closing her eyes, she tried to imagine herself anywhere but here, but each thrust sent a new wave of pain through her and kept her rooted in reality.

"Is she tight?" Spike asked casually.

Angelus just groaned and slammed his hips forward, jarring Willow and causing her to bite into the plastic gag stretching her mouth.

She couldn't believe her virginity was gone, taken from her in such a horrible, painful fashion.

"Make her look at me, Spike," Angel growled, punctuating each word with a powerful thrust.

"Oh, Willow?" Spike sang and closed his mouth over one of her nipples. Willow whimpered, then yelled as he bit into her breast. Her eyes flew open and she looked down to see Spike lift his head and move away from her. There was no blood on his lips, no demonic visage. She shuddered in relief and her eyes flew to Angelus, a part of her needing to see her own violation.

She watched as he lifted her higher, his arms wrapping around her thighs and pulling them from the bed as he thrust from his knees. His eyes blazed into hers and she flinched, tugging again on the ropes.

With a savage growl, Angel pulled his hard cock out of her and Willow moaned at her blood smearing the throbbing white flesh. He dropped her legs and they splayed out limply on either side of his hips. Taking his cock in his hand, he pumped it once, twice, then came, squirting cold semen onto Willow's trembling stomach.

Grinning, Angelus slipped from between her quaking thighs and crashed down on the other side of her. Spike rose to his knees and bent his head to lap the viscous cum from her stomach.

"Your turn," Angel said, chuckling.

Lifting his head, Spike gazed up at the face of the shaking girl. "I want her mouth," he said thickly.

Angelus reached over and started to deflate the ball gag. "Should be nice and stretched for your dick." He pulled the gag free.

Willow gasped for air, moaning and whimpering at the burning pain in her facial muscles. Before she could even think of anything to say, she watched in horror as Spike straddled her shoulders, his thick penis thrusting over her face.

"Don't bite," he warned. Willow tried to force her mouth shut, but it was too late.

With a grunt of pleasure, Spike shoved his cock between her lips until the tip butted against the back of her mouth. Leaning forward and grabbing the headboard, he began to pump steadily, listening to her gasp and whimper.

"Suck him, Willow," Angelus ordered in a threatening voice.

Sobbing, Willow tried to obey, moving her lips on Spike's cold flesh as it thrust into her mouth.

"That's right, pet, like a lollypop," Spike groaned, flinging his head back. Angelus reached over and caressed the younger man's balls, making him groan harder. With a yell, Spike came, pumping his seed down Willow's gagging throat.

Choking and spluttering, Willow swallowed helplessly as tears flooded from her sore eyes.

Spike rolled away from Willow and into Angelus' arms. They kissed and cooed over each other.

Willow stared blankly at the ceiling, trying not to focus on anything in particular as her mind skittered around most topics.

She couldn't help but wonder what was coming next...

Angelus chewed gently on his lover's ear and whispered, "I want her to come."

Spike gave him a baffled look, then sighed in pleasure as Angelus hit a sensitive spot. "Why?"

"Because, she'll feel even worse."

Shrugging at Angelus' strange logic, Spike turned and looked down at the girl. She lay very still, eyes staring up, legs once again clenched together. Rising to his knees, he reached over and pried her legs apart and crawled between them. Stretching out, he ran his tongue over one thigh.

Willow quivered and gasped, looking down at Spike's head between her thighs. What was he...he couldn't be...

"She's still wet," he informed his sire.

"Make her wetter."

Grinning, Spike spread her swollen pussy lips with his fingers and began to lap at the moist flesh.

Whimpering, Willow tried to squirm away, but she was pinned by his arms on her thighs.

"Please don't..." she whispered hoarsely.

Angelus leaned over and ran his tongue down her cheek. "No talking, Willow. I can always gag you with my dick."

Her eyes widened in terror and she clamped her mouth shut, then moaned as unwanted desire lashed through her. Spike had found her secret spot, previously known only to her fingers.

Licking the girl's swollen clit, Spike felt his cock growing hard again and squirmed against the bedding. Angelus saw it and reached onto the nightstand for a tube, then moved down to the end of the bed. Positioning himself, he rubbed lube on his cock and leaned over Spike.

"Keep sucking the little bitch," he ordered as the head of his cock thrust into Spike's asshole.

Groaning, Spike sucked and licked harder, running his tongue up and down her weeping pussy.

Willow moaned and her hips arched against his mouth. It felt good--so much better than when she did it to herself. Along with the desire came despair. She shouldn't want this monster's mouth on her.

A strangled cry broke from her as the tension shattered in her pussy, sending her body bucking against Spike's mouth as she came.

He continued to suck her clit as her hot flesh twitched under his mouth.

With a grunt of pleasure, Angelus drove his cock into Spike who groaned and bucked his hips backwards. Angelus thrust hard and fast, picking up speed as he built towards his climax, driving Spike into the mattress and into Willow's pussy.

Willow wept as the pleasure began to build again from Spike's experienced tongue. Her knees rose to pin his head between her legs and her hips bounced on the bed.

"Please," she said in a drawn out moan. Begging for release, begging to be left alone, begging to be fucked? She no longer knew. Thrashing her head, Willow screamed and came in huge shudders of satisfaction.

Yelling, Angelus pumped his cock deep, rubbing against Spike's sensitive inner tissues. Squeezing his ass cheeks, Angelus began to come in quick jerks, filling his lover's ass with cold semen.

Groaning, Spike lifted his head from Willow's twitching, wet pussy and squirmed against his sire, thrusting his hips back to meet Angelus' cock.

Limp from release, Angelus rolled onto his side, then slapped Spike on the ass. "Fuck her, Spike. While she's still hot for it."

Grinning, Spike rose to his knees and wriggled his ass, delighting in the feel of his lover's cum leaking from him. Spreading Willow's legs wide, he impaled her on his marble hard, throbbing cock.

Willow yelled and her legs wrapped around his hips as she bucked against him. It hurt, but she was still caught in the pleasure of her orgasm. As Spike thrust and churned within her tight passage, his mouth caught one of her nipples and he sucked hungrily.

Moaning, Willow's eyes opened and she stared at the blonde head at her breast, then looked down to see his bottom rising and falling at a quick pace beneath her drumming heels.

This wasn't happening to her! He could not possibly be making her feel this good. Hot lava was flowing through her veins and she panted in lust. She caught a glimpse out of the corner of her eye of Angelus scooting up the bed, then his mouth covered hers.

She didn't want to kiss him back, but he didn't give her a choice, plundering her mouth until she could barely breathe. Their tongues clashed and teeth scraped as their mouths battled in mutual lust.

Groaning as Willow's vaginal muscles clamped down on his cock, Spike let himself go, exploding into her greedy pussy. Feeling his cold semen filling her, Willow yelled into Angelus' mouth and came, the shudders of release so intense they left her limp and only semi-aware of anything, her mind dazed.

Slumping, tired, Spike crawled back into Angelus' arms and curled against his chest. "Damn, she's good."

Angelus kissed him gently, then reached up to untie Willow. Warily she brought her arms down, whimpering at the sore muscles in her shoulders and carefully touching the sores around her wrists. Drawing her legs together, she pulled herself into a seated position, moaning at the soreness between her legs.

The two male vampires looked up at her and Willow wrapped her arms around herself, trying not to cry.

Angelus pointed across the room. "Your clothes are over there. Get dressed and get out."

She gaped at him and he laughed deep in his throat. "Tell you friends...if you have the nerve to admit the truth." Reaching up, Angelus caught her chin in his strong hand and the smile left his face. His eyes narrowed and she whimpered. "If you do tell what happened here, tell it all. If I hear you've left anything out...well, I wonder what your little boyfriend would look like with a cock in his mouth and one in his ass."

Laughing, Angelus shoved her away and Willow scrambled off the bed, running for her clothes.

The End
