...You had a Branding Iron

Author: Laure Alexander

E-Mail: lwilson@sunflower.com

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy and friends or Buffy the Vampire Slayer; they're owned by Joss Whedon and the WB Network. No copyright infringement intended so please don't sue.

Summary: Angelus decides to teach his "daughter" a lesson. Helloooo, Evil Willow.


Willow woke slowly, yawning and stretching like a cat. As she sat up, she disturbed her current human toy. Harmony woke with a start and scampered naked off the bed as far as her chain would take her. She cowered in the corner, wrapping her arms around herself. Several small wounds still oozed blood from the previous night's play.

Hungry and horny, Willow rose from the bed and reached for her clothes of the night before--black leather mini-skirt, emerald green halter top, black boots. Dressed, she ran a brush through her hair, then strolled out of her room.

The main room of the mansion held the Master's current favorites, including Xander who was pressed all over Amy. Personally, Willow thought Amy was way too mousy and boring to be a favorite, but her witchcraft did come in handy sometimes.

Although, what Xander saw in her...

Tsking, Willow continued down the hall towards the kitchen. The windows were boarded up against the daylight and a thick chain and padlock kept the back door closed. Hanging from hooks in the ceiling were several live humans. A few of them had bite marks on them, but Willow bypassed them.

She refused to feed after someone else and there was always plenty of food. Choosing a young, teenage girl, Willow dragged her off the hook and flung her onto the table on her stomach. With a growl, she dived for the girl's neck, drinking quickly.

Smacking her lips, she rubbed her stomach, then tossed the corpse in the empty dumpster, before strolling back to the main room.

Some of the vampires had left, going out to hunt or run errands for the Master. Willow's eyes quickly spotted someone she hadn't seen for several nights. Putting a smile on her face, she wended her way over to the fireplace.

Setting his empty goblet down on the mantel, Angelus watched her approach through narrowed eyes. She licked her lips and gave him a sultry look as she stopped in front of him.

Willow raised one hand and ran her fingers over the flesh bared by the open collar of his shirt.

Angelus growled low in his throat at his fledgling. Even though she was a year old and technically not a fledgling, she still belonged to him. She was getting too damn cocky.

"Ooh, growly bear," she drawled, her fingernails scraping at his neck, leaving a mark.

Growling loudly now, Angelus swung his arm and hit her across the face, knocking her onto her ass.

Willow just purred and wiped the blood from her lip before looking up at him. "Daddy wants to play rough?"

"Go to your room...now," he ordered in an icy voice, furious at her for playing games here in the Master's domain. He should never have allowed her to move in here away from him; she was becoming too independent.

It was time to show her to whom she belonged.

Rising to her feet, Willow gave him a flip of her skirt before walking nonchalantly out of the room. Her body was tingling in anticipation. Since the Master had invited her to live in his home a month before, she had only seen her sire a couple times a week, and never for social reasons.

There was no social reason better than the need for a good fuck.

Entering her room, Willow quickly stripped off her clothes, then lounged on her bed, leaning against the padded headboard.

When Angel entered the room, he snarled and barked an order. "Assume the position, bitch."

Languidly, Willow rolled onto her stomach and raised herself on her knees, pillowing her head on her hands. She wriggled her ass in the air and smacked her lips lasciviously.

Angel yanked off his belt and doubled it, his fury increasing at her attitude. Oh, it was definitely time for some adjustment. He could smell her arousal. If she thought he planned to satisfy her anytime soon...

Grabbing her hips, he yanked her down to the end of the bed, then brought the belt down hard on her ass, leaving a lovely red stripe. She obviously had just fed.

Willow moaned in a combination of pleasure and pain and wriggled again.

Seeing that she was planning to enjoy the beating, at least at first, Angelus walked over to the fire in the brazier and stoked it up, then selected a brand and jammed it into the hot coals. Returning to Willow, he began to beat her hard and fast, leaving ugly marks over her back, ass and thighs.

"Spread your legs, bitch."

Willow obeyed extremely slowly, her body shuddering at the delicious pain.

Dropping the belt, Angelus moved to the dresser and began to search through the drawers. Finding two sets of handcuffs, he returned to her side and grabbed one ankle, quickly attaching one cuff and hooking her to the bedpost, then repeated the action with her other foot.

Willow was spread wide open on her knees, in a very painful position. Her legs began to tremble as they stretched unnaturally. She whined and Angel picked up his belt and beat her again, viciously.

"Hurts, daddy."

"Keep your fucking mouth shut or I'll rip out your tongue and we'll see how fast it grows back."

Dropping the belt again, Angelus removed all his clothes while he watched her body quiver in pain. Stroking his hard cock, he positioned himself behind her and grabbed her ass, delighting in her yelp at the pain. Kneeling on the bed, he spread her anus open and forced his cock inside.

Willow whimpered and bit her lip as he entered dry. As soon as the head was past the tight ring of muscles, Angelus slammed his cock into her to the hilt.

As he began to saw in and out of her at a fast, tearing pace, one of his hands grabbed her hair and he yanked her head up. "We could have done this nicely, bitch. A good, hard fuck with pleasure all around. Instead I find I have to teach you a lesson you should have learned a long time ago."

Digging her fingers into the bedding, Willow hung on, biting her lip to hold in her cries. She felt her inner tissues begin to tear and a burning pain flood her ass. She could smell her blood begin to seep from her, heard the sound his cock made inside her change to a wet, smacking noise. She could feel her arousal pulsing in her damp cleft.

Finally, Angelus pulled out and grinned down at her shuddering body, watching the blood leak from her torn rectum. His cock still hard, he walked over to the brazier and took out the red-hot branding iron. It was an 'A'-- convenient.

Returning to the bed, he saw that Willow had pulled herself up so that she lay flat, her legs, stretched wide open. Angelus again climbed on the bed between those beautifully quivering legs and lifted the brand. "Who do you belong to, bitch?"

"...Angelus," Willow whimpered.

Smiling maliciously, Angelus brought the red-hot end of the brand down onto her right buttock. Willow screeched at the searing pain and he chuckled. "Yes, you certainly do." As she sobbed and writhed, he returned the brand to the brazier. If she didn't start behaving the way he wanted, she'd find his brand on her tits and face before the night was over.

Instead of returning to the bed, Angelus walked over to the corner where Harmony huddled, her hands pressed over her ears to tune out the sounds of violence and pain. He reached down and pulled her to her feet, noting with satisfaction how she went limp and kept her eyes downcast.

"Well, you were once a pretty thing. Does your mistress let you come?"

"No, master," she whispered, her voice full of fear.

Making a tsking noise, Angelus carried the slave over to the bed and dumped her on a pillow. She immediately resumed her cowering position. Whistling a cheery tune, Angelus moved to unchain Willow's ankles, then shoved her over on the bed.

Willow glanced up at her sire uncertain of what was going to happen next. Well, she certainly wasn't bored, although the brand on her already sore ass had been a little much in her estimation.

She watched as Angelus chained Harmony on her back, her legs spread wide, then stepped back.

"Make her come, bitch."

The order was directed to Willow and she gave him a baffled look. "Why?"

Angelus shrugged his shoulders and crossed his arms over his chest. "Some female in the room should get an orgasm."

A pout formed on Willow's lips, but she moved to obey him, settling between Harmony's spread legs. Using her fingers, she parted the soft folds and found the girl dry from fear. Lowering her head, Willow began to lap at the trembling flesh, circling her tongue around her clit and down to her vaginal entrance.

After a few minutes of licking, Harmony's flesh began to swell and dampen with her own moisture. A soft moan broke from the girl. Willow sucked the hardening clit into her mouth and rubbed it with her tongue as the girl began to lift her hips and pant.

Willow's own arousal was growing and she squirmed on her knees, pressing them together, trying to find some friction on her own clit.

A hard smack across the burning brand made her shriek in pain and she stopped squirming, forcing herself to concentrate on bringing Harmony off. She could tell the girl was close and sucked harder. A shudder went through the blonde and she whimpered and sobbed in pleasure as her body exploded in great tremors.

Lifting her head, Willow licked her lips, then rose on unsteady legs. She turned towards Angelus and found him casually stroking his still erect cock. Walking towards him, she felt her juices oozing down her inner thighs and sighed softly, wondering if he really would refuse to grant her release.

Sinking to her knees in front of him, she winced at the delicious pain as her ass settled on her heels, then opened her mouth and lowered it over the head of his cock. She began a quick pace of sucking, knowing he had to be close to climax. Her skilled fingers found his heavy balls and rubbed them gently as she took his cock all the way inside.

Angelus groaned in pleasure and stared down at her, the red hair flying as she bobbed her head up and down, sending his long cock into her throat. Bracing his feet, he flung his head back and exploded into her mouth, coming in great jerks.

She sucked him eagerly, swallowing his cum and milking his balls with her fingers.

As his cock slipped from her mouth, Willow looked up at him, smiling her cat smile. "Was I good, daddy?"

"You have a talented mouth."

Willow gave him a contrite look. "I'm sorry for being naughty." Her hands found his softening cock and began to caress it, bringing it back to erection as she talked. "I forgot. You were right to punish me."

Angelus snorted. "You loved every minute of it."

She blinked her eyes innocently at him. "Can I help being what you made me?" The innocent look changed to a wicked grin as he reached full erection. "Fuck me daddy?" she asked wistfully.

He had to laugh at that, a deep, evil laugh. "You just want to come, my beautiful bitch."

"I do," Willow admitted. "But, you'll get to come, too."

Reaching down, Angelus jerked her to her feet and propelled her across the room to the bed. Quickly unchaining Harmony and shoving her on the floor, Angelus picked up Willow and flung her onto her back. He crashed down on top of her, between her wide open legs, and was inside her the next instant.

Yelling in pleasure as he filled her tight, wet, pulsing channel, Willow wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her fingers into his shoulders, as her hips rose to meet each hard thrust.

Grunting in lust, Angelus pounded her into the bed, knowing that the satin sheets were rubbing her abraded ass and causing her even more pain. She was clinging to him, mewling in need, as she arched to him.

Their bodies slapped together violently as they drove each other to orgasm. Willow ground her clit against him on each of his down thrusts, groaning at the white-hot lust that flooded her. Angelus began to growl deep in his throat, feeling his balls tighten as her vagina clenched around his cock.

Willow's legs tightened and she yanked his pelvis down, rubbing frantically against his pubic bone. Screaming, she erupted into orgasm, her body spasming and jerking beneath him.

Watching her come, Angelus lowered his head and bit her throat possessively as his own orgasm hit and he filled her grasping channel with his dead seed.

He drank from her gently, listening to her whimpers of pleasure. Replete, they collapsed entwined on the soft bed. Angelus placed a gentle kiss on the already fading fang marks, then slid his hand down her back to rub the brand.

Willow hissed and arched into his hand, loving the pain. "You didn't need to brand me," she murmured petulantly.

"Oh, I think I did," he replied, his voice full of satisfaction. "It will fade in a week or so, but until then...you'll never forget."

Willow ran light kisses over his smooth chest, then nipped his chin delicately. "I'll never forget, my love. Sometimes I just like you to play rough."

Angelus chuckled and rolled onto his back, pulling her half on top of him. "Someday you're going to provoke me into staking you open for the minions, babe."

"That would be fun, too," she replied, grinning and reaching for his cock. It twitched in his hand. "Do me in the ass again?" she asked wistfully.

"Dry or lubed?"

"Oh, dry. What's pleasure without a little pain?"

Laughing, Angelus tugged Willow up his chest for a passionate kiss.

The End
