Peanut Butter Waffles

Author: Ally


Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Willow and Angel belong to Joss, the peanut butter belongs to Jiffy, and the waffles belong to Eggo…I, of course, belong to my muse.

Summery: Peanut butter, Willow, Angel…need I say more?

Notes: This is for Erica, because she needed something to look forward to. *’s are thoughts.


"I’m hungry."

Angel looked up from his book to see Willow looking at him with puppy-dog eyes.

"Um, would you like something to eat Will?" Angel asked, knowing that her answer would be yes, how he hated cooking for other people.

"Peanut butter waffles!" A smile lit up Willow’s face and she licked her lips at the thought of the warm, gooey peanut butter. Little did she realize that this unconscious gesture made Angel’s cock spring to life, making his pants seem to shrink.

"Okay, I’ll be right back." Angel sighed, and hurried out of her bedroom so that she wouldn’t notice the tenting of his pants. He quickly went downstairs to the Rosenberg’s kitchen to make the waffles. Tossing two of the frozen disks into the toaster oven he tried to get his mind of her mouth. How she had licked her small lips. *What he wouldn’t give to have those lips wrapped around his—*


The popping of the toaster oven jarred Angel from his naughty thoughts about Willow. He quickly pulled the waffles out, so as not to singe his fingers, then smeared massive globs of peanut butter onto each. Then he jogged back up the stairs to Willow’s room.

"Here you are." He set the plate down on her bedspread, next to where she was sprawled, reading the book he had left.

"Mmmm, thanks!" Willow took a large bite from one of the waffles. Then licked the sticky peanut butter off of her fingers. Angel watched this with rapt attention, his erection straining against the front of his jean. Then Willow looked at him with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, and a shit-eating grin plastered on her face.

"Wha--?" But before Angel could ask Willow smeared some of the peanut butter on his nose. Angel just sat with his mouth open like a fish, not knowing what to do. Willow just sat there and giggled, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh, you think that’s funny!" Angel scooped up some of the peanut butter and smeared it on her cheek. Willow just giggled some more, and then Angel did to as the hilarity of the situation hit him.

When they had both calmed down Angel wiped the peanut butter off his nose, and Willow got it off her cheek.

"Here, you missed some." Angel lent over and wiped away the last traces of peanut butter from the corner of Willow’s mouth with his thumb. As he went to wipe his hand on the napkin Willow shocked him and grabbed his wrist, licking and sucking the gooey substance off his thumb.

"Willow…" Angel closed his eyes at the touch of her warm lips on his fingers.

Willow gently licked and sucked each of Angel’s fingers clean. Then she took some more of the peanut butter and spread it on his lips. Slowly and hesitantly she kissed him, her tongue lightly licking away the still warm paste. Angel sighed against her lips and slightly opened his mouth to allow her seeking tongue entrance. As their tongues dueled in a peanuty kiss Willow’s hands roamed over Angel’s back and chest. Willow finally broke the kiss and her nimble fingers found there way to the button of Angel’s jeans and undid it.

As she undid his jeans Angel unbuttoned her blouse, running his thumbs over her cloth covered nipples. Pushing down her bra, Willow’s breasts were mounded above the fabric. Angel smeared some more of the peanut butter onto each of her pebble-like nipples then proceeded to worry each one with licks and nips. Willow moaned at his ministrations and rubbed her now throbbing mound over his boxer-covered erection trying to get more friction to her pulsing clit.

In one fluid motion Angel rolled them so that Willow was on her back. Quickly pushing down both his jeans and boxers, Angel’s hard staff sprang forth. Willow took the opportunity to shimmy out of her skirt and sopping panties. Wrapping her legs instinctively around Angel’s waist she pulled his head down for a deep kiss.

"Are you..?" Angel broke the kiss and panted, knowing that at this point he probably couldn’t stop himself anyway.

"Now!" Willow keened, grinding her clit against the firm planes of her abdomen.

Angel caught her mouth in a fierce kiss as her impaled her on his cold shaft, stifling her cry of pleasure. He drew out slowly, till only the tip of his cock was inside her, then thrust back into her. Willow threw her head back, and moaned. Angel set a slow steady pace and Willow began rocking her hips in time with his thrusts.

"Faster, harder…oh god!" Willow gasped and Angel complied, their pelvises smacking into each other. The only sounds were those of flesh hitting flesh, and Willow’s cries of pleasure as the pressure built low in her womb.

Angel felt the familiar tightening and he came, erratically pistoning in and out of her hot channel, spilling his cold seed deep within her. He collapsed next to her, his quickly softening cock withdrawing.

"Please…I need!" Angel could see the unfulfilled lust in her face as she squirmed, her hand going between her legs.

He swatted her hand away and lowered himself between her legs. He could see her clit, swollen and red, begging to be touched. He quickly dabbed some of the remaining peanut butter onto it, each touch sending Willows hips bucking wildly, craving more of his touch. Gently he ran his tongue up her swollen lips, circling round her clit and then back down.

"Angel!" Willow’s plaintful cry reached his ears. He slipped a single finger into her grasping passage and she immediately clamped down on it. He slid another finger in, and then a third, stretching her slightly. He began to piston them in and out of her, rubbing her inner walls. Finally he flicked her rock hard nubbin with his tongue. Her hips jumped off the bed, and he latched onto her clit, suckling and nibbling. He relished the taste of her mingling with the sweet peanut butter as she orgasmed around his fingers, drenching them.

Hearing her calm down, he pulled his fingers out and licked them clean, then crawled up the bed to lay next to her. Willow curled up next to him, pillowing her head against his cool chest.

"Wow." She said quietly.

"Yeah." He responded, running his fingers through her sweat dampened hair.



"Could you maybe make me some tea with honey?" Willow smiled up at Angel.

Angel quickly slipped out of the bed and ran down to the kitchen to find the honey. He didn’t think he’d mind cooking for Willow ever again.

The End
