Title: Fallen Angels: Weekend
Authors: Anastasia and Inell
Email: Charlie1@acay.com.au and inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you want, ask
Rating: R
Feedback: Means more fic
This is really part 13. I goofed on the numbering around chapter 7.
Sorry. :)
Follows Games in the series
Let us know what you think. Should we continue or stop? Just

********FALLEN ANGELS********

Part 13              Weekend


The weekend had been a bizarre adventure of twists and turns.  After
Friday night she had fallen asleep not waking until late Saturday
morning.  A cold breakfast had been laid out for her in the sitting
room. Her school bag and the book of Gaelic poems sat next to the
breakfast.  So she had eaten, showered and dressed before sitting down
to do her homework and then muddle through the book.  The lessons
allowed her to understand the basic words of Gaelic but most of the book
was still incomprehendible. Instead she turned her attention to the
delightful and intricate watercolour pictures that adorned a number of
the pages.  It was mid afternoon when Angelus opened her sitting room
door, asking her why she had not joined them in the master living
area.  Willow hadn't even realised that the door was unlocked...it was
a first.  So the afternoon was spent amusing themselves with card
games and chatting, well Spike and Angelus discussed their plans for the
evening and Willow listened.  At five she had been dismissed to go and
have a bath.  Dressed in a vibrant outfit of deep purple and burgundy
she accompanied them to a pub located in some town miles from

It all seemed rather ridiculous to Willow.  The pub itself was huge
and filled to capacity. People were dancing while a band played on stage
and others played pool and drank, which is to be expected at a pub.
But the strangest of all was the table that Angelus led her over to. A
huge round table with various men sitting about it.  As Angelus sat
down, dragging her with him, Willow was instantly reminded of King
Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.  Unfortunately these
weren't knights, they were vampires who were apparently under Angelus'
rule even though they were some distance from Sunnydale.  After
ordering her a seafood platter Angelus turned his full attention to the
others gathered around the table and left her to her dinner, well apart
from the fries which Spike kept stealing while he sat next to her. After
the fries were eaten Spike grew bored and wandered off. Willow watched
while he amused himself by chatting up some local girls and disappearing
with them only to return some twenty minutes later alone a wicked grin
on his face and a wink in her general direction.  As the discussion
between Angelus and the other vamps heated up Spike strolled over and
led her away to the dance floor.

So she spent the night alternately sitting next to Angelus, listening to
the business of the vampire world, and with Spike, dancing, being taught
to play pool and trying to avoid the smoke from his cigarettes. By the
early hours of the morning she sat next to Angelus, tired and exhausted.
However when one vampire from the circle began to argue she took it as
her que to go back to Spike. But Angelus' hand on her thigh kept her
seated.  Slowly she turned to glance at him. His face was a mask of
annoyed boredom.  Obviously this vampire who was ranting meant
nothing, had no power or meaning to Angelus.  She gasped softly as his
fingers moved up her thigh, his thumb deftly brushing across the silk of
her panties.  She crossed her legs, trying to stop him. It didn't.
Biting her lip she curled her hands into fists, her nails digging into
the palms and waited.  She hated how her body reacted to him.  How
he could make her scream, and, more embarrassingly, make her beg.
Slowly his fingers worked against her, building her up, he always did
this, always made her want to scream with pleasure, but she couldn't,
not in a packed pub.  Suddenly Spike was leaning across her as
Angelus' fingers pressed down hard, sending her over that precipice, and
she muffled her sounds of pleasure against a smirking Spike's chest.
Later when the pub was half empty Angelus had pulled her into a dark
corner and taken her hard and fast.  They'd returned to the mansion
just as the sun was rising and Willow had slept until late Sunday

Sunday evening was spent dining with Angelus, bathing him and spending
hours in her bed with him leaving, dragging his cool fingers over her
hot and sweaty flesh as he got out of the bed, early in the morning.

At seven she had been woken by Spike, she'd muttered at him, trying
ineffectively to push him away only to find herself hauled out of bed
and forced to dress to do her morning training.  Basically it entailed
Willow once again finding herself flat on her back on the mansions stone
floor, Spike standing over her grinning.  She was beginning to think
that flooring Spike on Friday had been a sheer fluke.  Although she
had managed to block most of his blows, she was still ending up on the
floor more times than she would really care to admit.  She ached all
over and it wasn't just from the training session with Spike.

"Why are you still down there?" he asked offhandedly.  Willow
continued to lie still staring at the ceiling, her back aching and a
dull roar in her ears.

"I was just thinking..." she sighed and smirked slightly at the thought
of her next words.  "That ceiling really could do with another coat of

Angelus' chuckle interrupted her focus on her various aches and she
scrambled up off the floor, pulling at the tight t-shirt that had crept
up her stomach.  He was sitting on the stairs, dressed in only his
leather pants, smoking a cigarette watching them both.  Or rather
watching Willow.

"That's enough for today," he stated quietly, standing up and walking
back up the stairs.  "Willow, have a shower."

Glancing at Spike she followed Angelus up the stairs and into her rooms,
frowning as he sprawled on her bed, lying on his stomach.  She arched
an eyebrow as she continued into the bathroom, fully expecting him to
join her in the shower.  He didn't.  He was still sprawled on the
bed when she came back, wrapped in a towel, but he had flipped over onto
his back so he could watch her.  As she met his gaze she shifted
nervously, wondering at what he wanted.  Usually he didn't have
anything to do with her in the mornings. It was always Spike who woke
her and ordered her about.  She turned her back to him, dropping the
towel and picking up the soft blue lace underwear, her fingers trembled
slightly as she pulled on the knickers and fiddled with the clasp on her
bra.  Behind her Angelus shifted on the bed to sit on the end, his
hands grabbing at her waist spinning her about and pulling her to him so
she stood between his legs.  His eyes flashed gold for a moment as his
tongue licked a wet path from the top of her knickers to her navel.
Possessively one of his hands came up to rest on the soft swell of her
stomach, his eyes meeting her gaze.

"Not much longer," he murmured his fingers massaging her gently, warming
against her skin.  He smiled a lazy lascivious smile.  "I could
taste it last night...that soft sweet hint of blood mixing with you.
Not much longer at all..."

Willow twisted in his hands, trying to step away from him.  He
growled, standing up and pulling her in flush against him, smiling down
at her.  The smile disappeared as his fingers ran through her hair and
down to caress her throat.

"Don't fight me, Willow," he murmured, revelling in the soft skin broken
by the harsh confines of her choker.  "Get dressed and go to
school...come directly here afterwards."

With that he left her.


She sighed, standing in the sunlight. It was a beautiful spring day. The
warm sun's rays heated her skin, soon drawing a light sheen of sweat as
she walked the remaining two blocks to the school. She smiled when she
saw Buffy, Xander and Cordelia sitting at the fountain. She made her way
to them. "Hey guys."

"Hey stranger" Buffy said, looking Willow over with a smile. "Wow. Nice

Willow blushed slightly, "Thanks. How are you guys?"

"Things are good" Xander said, "Missed you Friday night."

Willow glanced around nervously, her eyes moving over the other students
and staff members in the area, wondering if any of them were Angelus'
spies. "Yeah...well, you know the parents new rules."

Buffy looked at the others then back at her, "I tried calling you
Friday...surprise surprise, I got no answer," she smiled at her
redheaded friend, her face twisting in mirth. "Now you wouldn't have a
secret boyfriend we don't know about, Wills?"

Willow's face blanched as her friends laughed. Good grief. Did they
know?  Would that forfeit the agreement?  No they didn't know,
couldn't possibly, Buffy was joking.  Still it wasn't something she
wanted them joking about, drawing attention to.  Again, her green eyes
looked over the small crowd about them. Worry filled her eyes as she
laughed weakly, "Oh yeah Buffy. Got a dozen lined up."

The group began to tell her about their weekends. She listened
attentively, glad to have the attention off of herself. She had no
intention of reneging on the arrangement. She didn't want Angelus to
think she had mentioned anything at all to any of them. She was startled
from her thoughts by Cordelia, who was looking at her pointedly.

"Willow, those black circles under your eyes are so not attractive."
Cordelia pointed out, "I'd think you weren't sleeping except you're
ALWAYS home now."

Willow felt a flash of irritation. She knew she wasn't sleeping very
much at night anymore. Although Angelus rarely kept her up beyond
midnight, apart from the weekends, she still wasn't sleeping well. Often
tossing and turning, her sleep disturbed by dreams of murder and
mayhem.  Plus there was the physical exertion of being with Angelus
and her training sessions with Spike.  But, she didn't need Cordelia
pointing that out to her. She knew. "Thanks Cordelia. Glad you pay
attention to these things. Whatever would I do without you?"

Cordelia looked surprised at Willow's sarcastic tone. "Rude much? I was
only trying to help. I mean, they make concealer for those things."

Buffy started to laugh, "Wills, I think all that time at home is messing
with your mind. Come on...let's go to the library. We can get some
studying in before Chemistry. You can also give me all the details of
your secret boyfriend" Buffy laughed at her joke.

Willow looked around nervously, hoping that whoever was listening would
know Buffy was just joking. She didn't want Angelus to think she had
told.  She felt worry fill her as she shrugged Buffy off, "Nothing to
tell Buffy. But, I really need to go see Mr. Martin...I have some
questions about the homework last week."

Willow smiled apologetically at her friend as she moved away. She
couldn't risk Buffy continuing the questions and jokes. Even if she had
no idea, the spy might not realize it. It was safer for her...for them
all, if she just stayed away from them right now. She couldn't risk
making Angelus angry. So, she continued to push them away, heading to
the empty classroom that she had started to use as her hiding place
every morning.

End part 13.
