Title: Fallen Angels:  An Unholy Trinity
Authors: Inell (Inell@aol.com) and Anastasia (charlie1@acay.com.au)
Rating: NC~17...come on what else do you guys expect from us??
Disclaimer: Although we may fantasize and drool about them, we don't own them...Joss and Co. do.  Sad really. The song is by Dot Allison, from the album Afterglow, Destruction Records.
Feedback: Would inspire us to write more.
Notes: To the girls on the second floor...your stories of blood, mayhem and madness stay safely secured in my mind.  And Lex, who is so encouraging in her wonderful emails.


Willow closed her eyes, her head resting against Angelus' chest, his fingers winding in her hair as he spoke to Spike.  The Desoto was just leaving LA city limits, on their way back to Sunnydale after spending a few pleasant hours in the city.  They had basically wandered, being tourists, eating and shopping.  The shopping was the result of Spike staining his shirt with a meal that had put up too much of a struggle. He had, much to Angelus' amusement and Willow's discomfort, gone on a bit of a killing spree.  So when he had returned to the happily wandering couple, hand in hand and discussing the various individuals they passed, Angelus had laughed at him and declared that he needed some new clothes, dragging them all into an exclusive store.  Clothes weren't the only things that Angelus purchased.  He also ordered, from an exclusive dealership that was aware of his standing, a Mercedes CLK320 with various custom extras.  When the salesman had told him it would be a few weeks before it was ready Angelus replied that time was one thing he had plenty of.  Shortly after they had left the city, their purchases piled in the backseat of the Desoto, Spike driving and smoking while Angelus cradled Willow in his lap. 

"Come on, darlin'," Angelus' voice rumbled under her ear and Willow sat up, wiping the sleep from her eyes, surprised to find them back at the mansion. 

"I'm awake," she mumbled before jumping in Angelus' lap as the drivers car door slammed shut.  Angelus laughed and opened his door, stepping out and taking Willow with him.  She twisted about in time to catch Spike walking up the steps of the mansion, telling one of the minions to get the packages from the car.  As he disappeared through the front door she shivered, he'd been distant all night, barely talking to Angelus unless he was asked a question and as soon as they'd gotten to LA he'd left to hunt.  Her thoughts about Spike were interrupted as Angelus took her hand and led her into the mansion.  Even before they walked upstairs Willow could hear the music, soft and dark.  She'd heard Spike playing this CD before, some Scottish musician she'd never heard of, he'd told her rather sarcastically that the music soothed him.  He'd then gone on to say that the songs made him think of all the kills he'd made, of the thrill of fresh warm blood coursing through him.  So as she followed Angelus she couldn't help but be filled with trepidation over what exactly was going on with the blond. Angelus on the other hand seemed to find it amusing and sang along with the music as he sauntered into the library, staring at his blond childe and dragging Willow along with him. 

"I want to find a rainbow and paint it black, then fly the satellite that landed here this afternoon.  Close your eyes let me take you to the sun, burning slowly held together in the sky," Angelus sat down in his chair, dragging Willow down onto his lap, one of his hands curling about her thigh as he watched Spike.

"There's nothing missing that you can place, nothing broken you can fix, nothing wounded you can heal..." Spike stood up and turned on his heel.  

"I'm going out..." 

"No, you're not," stated Angelus relaxing back into the chair, on his lap Willow tensed as Spike stopped walking away.  

"Darlin', go have a bath."

 She was being dismissed, she was well aware of that and was silently grateful.  Spike was standing stock still in the middle of the room, where he had stopped when Angelus spoke to him, his back to both of them.  As she made her way across to her door, she glanced up at him and wished she hadn't.  His face was a mask of stoicism, his eyes were cold and hard, staring straight ahead, fixed on some insignificant point while his hands were tightly clenched in fists.  Willow dropped her gaze to her feet and left the two vampires alone. Even as she ran her bath and climbed into the warm scented water she could hear, over the music that was still playing, their voices.  Angelus' soft murmur was countered by Spike's curses, raised and angry utterances that Willow couldn't make any sense of.  Wanting to block them all out she sank down into the water, holding her breath and submerging her head.  Under the water she concentrated on the feel of her hair as it moved weightlessly around her face, neck and shoulders.  Lifting her head slightly her mouth broke the surface of the water so she could breathe and she spent her time lost in the sensation of her water logged hair, of the sound of her heart beating and the whooshing resonance of the water in her ears.  Once the water started to become noticeably cooler she sat back up and topped up the bath while she shampooed her hair.  She couldn't hear anything apart from the music playing.  Shrugging it off she continued to cleanse and condition her hair and then resumed soaking in the tub until the water once more cooled and her hands began to take on the appearance of prunes. Reluctantly she got out of the bath, towelled off quickly and pulled on a deep claret silk slip.  Wrapping the fluffy towel about her head she slowly started to wring her hair out, using the towel to absorb the water and leaving it only slightly damp instead of soaking wet.  Tossing the towel aside she began to work her fingers through the knots in her hair, tugging on the still damp strands, untangling the soft tresses as she made her way down toward the vanity for her brush.  Muted voices caught her attention and she paused, turning her head slightly to gaze into Angelus' room.  There on the bed were Angelus and Spike, naked and whispering soft words to each other between fervent kisses.  Willow watched spell bound for a moment, before Angelus shifting broke her hypnotic state.  As Angelus lifted away from Spike she took a deep breath, startled to find the dark haired vampires gaze fixed on her.  She swallowed as Spike continued to kiss the broad expanse of Angelus' chest.  For his part the blond was totally oblivious to her voyeuristic activities, Angelus wasn't. Pulling his gaze from her Angelus cupped the back of Spike's head and lowered his mouth to the younger vampires, claiming his childe with a dominating kiss.  Spike happily surrendered, his fingers entwining in his sires soft dark hair and following the movement as they sat up on the bed.  Once more Spike lowered his lips to explore his sire's chest, teasing and nipping at the hard nipples, his hands dropping down to stroke the hard muscular thighs and buttocks.  Angelus kept his hold on his childe's head and once more glanced up at Willow who was still standing in the same spot.  Brown eyes fixed on green as Angelus slowly stretched out his hand, offering it to her. Willow dropped her gaze down to his outstretched hand and bit her lip.  As it slipped from between her teeth she took a hesitant step forward passing over the threshold and into Angelus' bedroom.  Slowly, tentatively Willow walked towards the bed her eyes firmly fixed on his hand.  Reaching out she ran her fingertips across his and watched as his fingers curled, capturing her warm hand, his thumb caressing her knuckles.  With a gentle pressure he urged her forward, bringing her hand up to his mouth to lightly kiss as she raised her knee to lean against the bed.  A soft warning growl startled her and she glanced at Spike. His face was a mask of barely concealed anger and she could see his body literally tightening as he inched away from both of them. Angelus chuckled softly and kissed his childe, his hand still pulling Willow forward, urging her up onto the bed.  As his lips left Spike he turned and caught hers, his tongue seeking a response.  Willow leant into both the kiss and Angelus, shivering as he released her hand and cupped her back, pulling her in closer.  As she fell against his side her shoulder brushed Spike's chest, soliciting another growl from the disgruntled vampire.  At the sound of his childe's growl Angelus broke away from Willow and turned his attention back to the blond, once more claiming his mouth.  With a guiding hand on the back of his childe's head Angelus urged him closer, leading the blond with his hand and lips to the warmth of Willow.  As he broke the kiss he could feel Willow's hot breath caressing his face, her lips barely millimetres from both his and Spike's.  Turning from his childe he let his lips hover above Willow's, her sweet breath teasing his taste buds and he licked his lips as she leant forward to kiss him. Soft and tender, Willow was at his mercy as Angelus manipulated her towards his childe.  Lips joined and tongues hesitatingly ventured into mouths, teeth nipping and pulling at lips and tongues.  Only when they heard Angelus' soft chuckle did Spike and Willow realise exactly who they were kissing.  By the time Spike pulled away, smirk on his face, Angelus was silent, his eyes fixed on Willow.  With a single finger he traced the edge of her silk slip.  Without warning he turned her about, pulling her back into his hard chest so that she was facing Spike and the blond's eyes lit up with amusement as she whimpered in fear.  Behind her Angelus chuckled against her shoulder as he covered it with kisses.  Holding her with one hand Angelus reached out for his childe, pulling him in flush against her to kiss.  Breaking away from his childe's lips Angelus caught Willow's, his tongue delving in to her velvet warmth and his arm tightened about her waist.  When he tore his mouth away she moved her head only to collide with Spike and her lips brushed against his.  It was a hesitant, awkward move. Lips barely touched until Spike opened his mouth, pressing forward as his tongue snuck into the warm cavern of her mouth, teasing her.  She whimpered as he pulled back. Angelus smiled and ran his hand along her neck, tilting her head back to claim her lips in a dominant kiss.  His hand moved from her waist up to the low neckline of her slip and the other dropped down from her throat.  Fingers twisted in the fine material and in one swift movement tore it free of her body.  Willow gasped, her hands moving to try and cover herself, however Angelus' were quicker and he caught them. Covering her hands with his own, he shifted slightly, glancing up at his childe whose eyes were fixed on the naked redhead.  Smirking slightly he ran Willow's hands over her own body, across her breasts, along her thighs and stomach, watching as his childe's eyes darkened with lust. Turning his attention away from Spike he concentrated on Willow. Her eyes were closed, lost in the sensation of touch as she allowed him to guide her hands.  Kissing her shoulder he dipped their hands down between her slightly spread legs.  He smirked as his fingers encountered her natural sweet dampness.  Moving his hand he let her find her clit, teasing it, bringing herself pleasure.  Their other hands were caressing her breasts, nails catching and dragging across hard nipples.  He waited until her breath became nothing more than shallow pants before pulling their hands from between her legs and she moaned in disappointment, making him chuckle again.  Slowly, with a tempting smile, he raised their hands to Spike's mouth. Spike's eyes nearly rolled back in his head as he took in her heady aroma, sweet and musky...and the warmth, he could feel it radiating off those glistening digits.  Lost in her sweet fragrance his tongue swept along their fingers, revelling in the taste of her.  Moaning lightly he sucked Willow's fingers into his cool mouth, drowning in her taste and desperate for more. Willow groaned and opened her eyes as Spike continued his assault on her fingers, his soft tongue teasing the tips, swirling about.  To steady herself she placed her free hand on his chest, her palm pressed flat against the hard nipple and Spike leant into her touch, his hand holding hers to his greedy mouth.  Willow bit her lip and let her free hand explore his chest, eventually dropping lower and brushing against his throbbing cock, causing him to moan about her fingers still firmly secured in his mouth. Angelus smiled as Spike moved forward, his eyes briefly glancing towards his sire for consent before his hands caressed Willow's warm flesh.  Angelus mirrored his childe's movements on her back; when Spike touched her breasts, Angelus caressed her shoulder blades.  Whether it be a kiss or a caress they matched each other touch for touch and it was blowing Willow's mind, she was lost in sensation.  So much so that when they fell back on the bed, stretching out side by side, face to face with Spike and Angelus spooning in behind her, she wasn't aware of it until Angelus spoke. 

"Take her," Angelus whispered to Spike over her shoulder and Willow's eyes widened in shock.  She swung her head towards Angelus, ready to make a protest when his lips crashed down on hers, silencing her.  As Angelus' tongue licked at her lips his hands were manipulating her body, urging her leg over Spike's and moving her forward to his childe.  Closing her eyes Willow tangled her hand in his hair while her other hand fisted against Spike's back as the muscles shifted.  Tightening her hold on Angelus' hair she whimpered as his body thrust her forward and Spike's arms encircled her.  Together they thrust into her, Angelus with his tongue, Spike with his cock and a soft hiss of pleasure. Willow loosened her hold on Angelus, her leg automatically locking about Spike as he shifted, drawing her closer.  Breaking her physical contact with Angelus, Willow focused on Spike as he pulled his hips back, his hard cock sliding out of her.  Blindly she clutched at him and blue eyes fixed on green.  Slowly he moved his hips forward, sinking deeper into her, and briefly his eyes closed as her muscles fluttered around him.  Willow groaned as Angelus traced her spine with his tongue matching Spike's long slow thrust, she arched her back shuddering at the sensations. When he was completely inside her again, Spike stilled, eyes fixed on her flushed face, her pouty mouth that had formed the perfect O as she gasped for breath.  Somehow his lips found hers and his tongue penetrated and dominated her hot wet mouth, stifling both their moans of pleasure as he pulled her closer. One of his hands tangling in her damp hair, the other cupping her back, pulling her to him with each thrust.  Breaking the kiss his mouth wandered down to her neck and shoulders.  Willow groaned and dug her fingernails into the nape of his neck, her body rubbing against his and her nails scraped down his spine, making him snarl against her throat and thrust hard, slamming her back into Angelus' firm body.  Behind her Angelus shifted removing his support and she fell back into the soft bedding with Spike looming above her.  Briefly their eyes met before Spike grinned and lowered his head to her breasts, licking at one of her hard nipples before sucking it into his cool mouth, his tongue teasing the nub in mimicry of their thrusts making her cry out in pleasure.  As his mouth once more claimed hers she lifted herself up into his body, her legs hooking about his thighs to allow her more leverage as she revelled in the sensation of him moving against her...so different to Angelus.  There was nothing slow or deliberate about Spike, he was going on the sheer instinct of pleasure. Spike dropped his mouth back down to suckle her breasts and Willow rolled her head back, groaning in pleasure.  She clawed at his back being rewarded with harder thrusts and a soft growl vibrating against her breast.  She gasped in surprise as she felt Angelus' hand capture her free breast.  The gasp soon turned to a moan as his lips descended on hers and he pinched her hard nipple.  As he broke the kiss Spike rolled them back into their previous position, pulling her leg up about his waist, deepening his penetration. Willow moaned and leant back against Angelus' hard body, unconsciously rubbing against him as his hands wandered.  Spike claimed her mouth once more and their tongues played, teasing and taunting each other. Behind her Angelus nuzzled her hair, his fingers tracing a wet path along her spine and she moaned into Spike's mouth as the dark haired vampire slipped a well lubricated finger into her puckered entrance.  Surprise gave way to pleasure as Angelus began to thrust his finger in time with their movements, adding another finger as she relaxed into the rhythm.  He smiled against her shoulder as her soft moans grew more urgent and her body began to tense.  His fingers traced the movement of the muscles in her back as she thrust against them both.  Slowly, as she lost herself to the physical sensations, Angelus let his fingers curl about her choker pulling it free.  As he tossed it aside his brown eyes fixed on the vibrant blue of his childe's and he smiled lazily, his fingers caressing her bare throat. Spike moaned in pleasure at the look in his sire's eyes and hissed as his cock was caressed by the dark haired vampires fingers through the thin barriers of hot flesh that separated them.  Snarling Spike grabbed Willow's hips and pulled her down hard against him.  Her soft moans, hands and tight warmth were driving him to a frenzy of wanting. As his mouth crashed down on hers he felt his sire's hand move between them. Angelus' index finger found and caressed her clit and she tightened her hold on Spike, her body stilling momentarily as the dark haired vampire pushed her over the edge.  Her muscles tensed before fluttering and contracting, her cry of pleasure smothered by Spike's mouth.  Breaking the kiss she gasped for breath and Spike dropped his head to her shoulder, growling in frustration his hold on her tightening.  Angelus pulled his fingers out and Willow jerked forward, frowning as she felt his other hand between her and Spike.  Glancing down she saw Angelus' fingers tightly wrapped around the base of Spike's cock, starving off his orgasm, no wonder he was growling.  She gasped as Angelus' free hand began to massage her ass while he spooned in closer behind her sweat slickened body.  As her body tensed Angelus chuckled while Spike, still hard and deep within her, groaned. Lifting his head Spike looked at Angelus who smirked and released his painful hold on his childe's cock.  Slowly Angelus dragged his fingers over Willow's body, his lips caressing her shoulder as he inched his way forward.  His fingers caught her chin and tilted her head back, his lips claiming hers in a gentle kiss.  As their tongues entwined he thrust his hips forward, pushing her onto Spike, who moaned lightly and dropped his mouth to her neck.  Angelus broke the kiss and peppered soft kisses and nips along her shoulders, his hips rocking slowly and gently against hers, his erection rubbing against her ass.  Willow swallowed and tightened her hold on Spike who was massaging her thighs, pulling her in flush against him.  Spike looked over her shoulder at the dark eyes of his sire and tightened his hold on her as he shifted slightly to kiss her. Their tongues entwined and Spike bit down into the soft plump flesh as Angelus inched the head of his cock pass the tight ring of muscles of her anus.  Willow's eyes filled with tears and her fingers dug into the flesh of Spike's neck as both vampires stilled their movements.  Angelus kissed her shoulder again, his tongue tracing a wet path to her ear, one of his hands encircled the front of her neck, soothingly stroking it and tilting her head back, breaking the kiss with Spike.  Slowly Angelus moved his hips forward, inching his way deeper into her tight virgin passage and she rolled her head back, crying out.  His fingers shifted, moving up the slim column of her neck, tracing the contours of her mouth and she bit down on one as Angelus buried himself with one final thrust. Willow gasped around Angelus' finger, her body shaking in a mixture of pleasure and pain.  Spike kissed her neck and Angelus repeated the same actions, their hands brushing against each other as they caressed her trembling body.  Using the finger in her mouth Angelus tilted her head, his lips brushing across her jaw and she released his finger.  As his mouth claimed hers he pulled back, making them all moan, and Willow dropped one of her hands to grab at his hard muscular thigh.  He broke the kiss and she lowered her head only to have Spike capture her lips as Angelus thrust back deep inside her and the blond pulled back.  Willow moaned into his mouth, her body pressing against his, her fingers digging into his neck holding him to her.  Angelus' mouth joined theirs, his tongue flicking out and teasing both of theirs as Spike thrust forward and he pulled back. They alternated thrusting in and out of her and Willow closed her eyes and surrendered to the sensations.  Two mouths, four hands caressing and teasing her body, two cocks filling her, stretching her.  Pleasure and pain became one blinding force that overtook her body and she clutched at both the vampires, her body shaking uncontrollably as she came, crying out incoherently.  Through the flashes of light and the pounding of her blood in her ears she heard feral growls, her only warning as the two vampires sank their fangs into her bared throat.  She let out a strangled sob as she felt their fangs withdraw, only to be shocked when she heard them growl again as they sank their fangs into each other simultaneously climaxing, their hips jerking roughly against her as their seed spilled deep inside her. Willow clung weakly to Spike, dropping her head forward to his shoulder as Angelus licked at her bite marks, a soft murmur rumbling through him.  She winced as they both pulled out of her and Angelus leant over to kiss Spike before dropping his lips to hers and turning her about to face him.  Spike shifted and spooned in behind her, his fingers stroking her hair as Angelus' arms wrapped around them both.  Her eyes fluttered shut as she listened to the words the two vampires murmured to each other, lulling her to sleep.
