Title: Fallen Angels: Dressing
Author: Inell and Anastasia
Email: Inell13@webtv.net and Charlie1@acay.com.au
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you want it, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angelus/Spike
Feedback: Is the only way you get more <hint> <hint>
Notes: Stasia wants everyone to know that I am to blame completely for
this part. Yep, it is all my fault. She had nothing to do with
it....LOL....Worried yet? ;)  <Is that good Stasia? See, I do as I'm
told...sometimes snicker>
To the people who are enjoying this.

***************FALEN ANGELS********

Part 6                Dressing


Willow entered her parent's house, closing the door behind her. She
rested her head on the door as she thought about her life and the
changes that had taken place. She glanced at the clock and saw that it
was just seven thirty. An hour and a half until she would be summoned.
If he would summon her that evening. Angelus confused her. She had seen
him twice since the bath. Neither time had he shared a bed with her.
They had spent the time talking and then she had retired to her bedroom,
alone. He was an enigma. He had taken possession of her soul..her
life...a week before. He had not yet  possessed her body. Of course, she
knew she shouldn't be complaining. She didn't want to lose her virginity
to a demon...a man that she hated completely. Why then did the fact that
he had yet to touch her intimately bother her so much?

Willow took her coat off, hanging it on a hook downstairs. She
reluctanly began the climb upstairs to her room. That was rather a joke.
It wasn't her room anymore. Nothing was hers. It was all Angelus'. He
owned it all the same way he owned her. The clothes, the make up, the
furnishings...all decided by him. She had lost her right to possess
anything the moment she had agreed to his proposition. Consorts were not
allowed to have anything private from their masters. Angelus had told
her that conversationally one evening over dinner. He had made sure she
understood that even her thoughts belonged to him. The entire idea
scared her to death. What was even worse was that she was slowly
becoming used to it. She still resented it like hell, but she no longer
was feeling the urge to argue. Arguing resulted in pain. She did as she
was told and things were fine.

She opened her bedroom door, coughing as the smoke greeted her. She
looked at the blonde vampire lying comfortably on her bed, his boots on
her new white comforter. "You're early."

Spike raised a brow and smirked, "He wants you to be ready for him...on
time." Willow glanced at the bed and saw several packages that were unopened.

Her eyes then fell on the dress bag hanging from the door of her closet.
She took a deep breath, "I need to shower."

Spike made a gesture with his hand. "He'll be here in an hour. You have
ten minutes."

Willow bit her tongue at his domineering attitude. She couldn't say
anything though. Angelus had told her that Spike was in charge when he
was not around. She went to the bathroom after grabbing a robe and
showered quickly. She knew Spike would be timing her. He seemed to
delight in reminding her who exactly was in charge during their private
meetings. She walked back into her bedroom, her hair still slightly wet.

She decided to put on her make up before she opened the boxes. She knew
she would be dressing in front of Spike as always and would rather be
nude for as little as possible. She unstopped a bottle of perfume
Angelus had bought her and began to trail the fragrant glass stopper
between her breasts and down her stomach. The heavy, sensual scent
filled the air. She then sat on her bench, leaning forward to pick up a
tube of pink lipgloss. She painted her lips and dusted her cheeks with
powder. Sure that her make up was nice but modest, she turned back the
packages on the bed.

She looked at Spike and then at the packages, "What's in the boxes?"

"Undo your robe" he said quietly, his blue eyes cold and unreadable.

"What?" Willow said, trepidation going through her.

"Undo your robe" he repeated with quiet authority.

"Close your eyes" she answered, taking a step back. She knew he would
refuse as always, but she had to protest this invasion of her privacy
even if it was pointless.

"Uh uh, pet. I give the orders. Besides, I like to watch." He said, his
cold eyes on her.

"No..." Willow said softly, seeing the anger flare in his eyes at her
denial of his order.

"Get dressed in what he sent you, luv. Now." Spike said, his face not
showing any emotion except for the slight pull in his cheek. He was
getting annoyed. He added, "You can't get your bloody seams straight if
you're wearing the god damn robe."

Willow saw the anger in his eyes and remembered Angelus' words. Spike
was in charge. She was to do as he said. If she refused, Angelus might
punish her. She lifted her hands to untie the sash holding her robe
together. Holding her breath, she unfasted it. It fell to the floor
leaving her naked before him. She was scared. She didn't know Spike. She
wasn't aware of what he might be capable of. She didn't know what game
he was playing. Her hands went to cover herself before Angelus' words
came back to haunt her. She let her arms fall to her side, her eyes on
the white boxes.

"Now, get dressed" he said, his tone bored as his blue eyes raked over
her trembling form. He turned his attention to the ceiling, knowing she
wouldn't be ready for Angelus if she continued to fret over his
watching. He didn't dare not have her ready. It would be him facing that

Willow hesitated, looking at the boxes and then back at him. She reached
for the first box, her breathing ragged as her fear increased at his

"Take your time, pet. You have thirty minutes. Pretend I'm not even here
if you must" Spike said, his voice low and bored, his eyes watching the
ceiling above her bed as he smoked his cigarette.

Pretend he wasn't there? How was she suppose to do that? He must be
crazy. She took a deep breath and began to open the boxes. Surprised,
she looked at the clothing. Each item she withdrew from the pastel
tissue in gift wrapped boxes was frilly, demure, and white. And each
item she knew would fit perfectly. Angelus would never leave anything to
chance. Willow opened a flat, slim box. From the tissue she removed an
eyelet and ribbon trimmed garter belt and a pair of pale silk stockings.
She finished opening the other packages surprised at the old
fashionedness of the clothing. Each article belonged to another time.
Angelus usually prefered dressing her in slinky, tight dresses and
heels. What was so different about this evening, she wondered.

She ran her hand over the stockings, her mouth opening slightly at the
feel of the fabric against her skin. She knew he was watching her with
those unreadable eyes. Every fiber of her being tingled with the thrill
of doing something almost forbidden. Every inch of her flesh felt him
watching her. She shivered and a faint flush crept over her pale skin as
she fastened the hooks and eyes of the garter belt.

She moved to her vanity, sitting down on the plush bench Angelus had
bought for her. She raised one shapely leg, bending it at the knee.
Bunching one pale stocking in her fingertips, she slipped the puddle of
silk over her foot. Then, straightening her leg above her head, she
eased the fily silk up the contours of her sleek calf, over her knees
and on up until the top of the stocking rested snugly on her firm thigh.
Placing a hand on either side of her ankle, she smoothed the silk with
deliberate leisure up her leg again, tugging the stocking top to secure
it. She followed suit with the other stocking. When she stood, her
fingers barely grazed the tops of her stockings. She watched herself in
the mirror while she adjusted the eyelet and ribbon trimmed garters
caressing the stockings on her sleek thighs.

Remebering Spike's words, she turned around, facing the bed, and checked
her reflection in the mirror. She made the adjustments necessary to
straighten the stockings. She was finally satisfied that they were
straight so she reached over to pick up the box of shoes from her bed.
She found a pair of old fashioned white kid boots beneath the tissue.
The dainty boots had two inch heels and laced up to the ankle. Dropping
them to the floor before her, she toed her feet into the soft boots inch
by inch until she worked them on. Then, with her profile to the bed, she
placed one booted foot on the bench. When she leaned down to lace it up,
her upturned breasts swung forward against the inner part of her arm.
Her already puckered nipples pebbled instantly into hard arousal. She
gave out a little gasp at the corresponding tightening in her groin and
the moisteness gathering there, then forced herself to concentrate on
finishing lacing the boots.

She heard the bed shift as Spike adjusted his position. She opened the
next box, her body flushed as she realized Spike was watching her every
move. She removed a silk charmeuse camisole trimmed with versailes lace.
Moving back to her mirror, she raised her arms above her head and
slipped the narrow shoulder straps on. The filmy camisole fluttered down
to settle over her breasts, the shadow of her nipples poking at the
fabric. She left the tiny satin covered buttons unfastened so the
camisole moved as she did. She then removed the matching silk charmeuse
tap pants with fluted edges from the box. She slipped them on.

She looked in amazement at the dainty white lace gloves laying in tissue
in one box. Angelus had to be planning something. He had carefully
selected her wardrobe. She sighed, turning to the dress bag. She
unzipped the bag, remembering  that Spike was still watching her. He had
been so silent, she had honestly forgotten. Her movements became a bit
jerky, but she soon pushed him from her mind. She was not going to be
intimidated in her own home. She gasped as the white lace Victorian
style dress was revealed to her. Tiny pearl buttons went up the back as
a sash lay hanging unfastened. She unhooked the dress from the hanger,
stepping into it. She was careful not to snag the lace on her boots.
Pulling it up, she glanced in the mirror. It was beautiful.

She heard the bed squeak again and soon felt cold hands on her back.
Spike fastened the buttons quickly, his fingers brushing against her
back. She felt his hands in her hair as he reached for her brush. Soon,
he was brushing her hair, his fingers massaging her scalp. She watched
in the mirror as her hair was twisted into an old fashioned top knot
seemingly by itself. When he was satisfied with it, he moved away from
her. She glanced at him, her eyes widening. She could have sworn she had
seen desire in his blue depths. He scowled at her, his eyes closing off
as he  moved to the window and watched for Angelus. She sat down on the
bed, careful not to wrinkle her dress. She was going crazy, not knowing
what to expect from one moment to the next. She heard him speak and came
out of her thoughts.

"Angelus is here. Get downstairs. Now." Spike ordered, picking up her
purse and a lace shawl that matched the dress. She followed him,
wondering what Angelus had in store for that evening.
