Title: Fallen Angels: Deflowering of an Angel
Author: Inell and Stasia
Email: Inell13@webtv.net and Charlie1@acay.com.au
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you have permission, take. IF you want, just ask.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Willow/Angelus/Spike
Feedback: Is our inspiration AND the only way you get more. PLEASE? We
could both use some nice words today.
Notes: This is part 7. I goofed on the numbering. Sorry.
To everyone who keeps asking for more. :)

***********FALLEN ANGELS************

Part 8          Deflowering of an Angel


 Angelus looked down at the redhead sound asleep in her bed and
smirked.  One week. Seven days since he'd marked her, since she had
surrendered...well, not quite everything....yet.  After her little
performance of last night, Angelus had left before she even had the
chance to recover her breath, leaving her alone with the storm and her
thoughts.  He'd heard her pace until the early hours of the morning
and he doubted very much that it was because of the storm.  He'd sent
Spike in to wake her, barely a few hours after she fell asleep, and
bring her to him.  He'd not let her out of his sight during the day,
keeping his distance but making sure she was obeying him.  At six he'd
had her bathe him, as usual and then told her to go to bed. The lack of
sleep from last night ensured that she fell asleep almost
immediately.  And now, close to midnight, he stood at the end of the
bed watching her sleep.  She looked like an innocent child, which she
was. Her red hair fanning across the pillow, one of her hands rested in
the silky locks, palm up, fingers curled slightly.  Her face was
flushed with sleep, her lips parted and moist, rosebud perfection.

Grinning he leaned forward and caught the black silk sheet that covered
her between his fingers, slowly and carefully pulling it down, not
wanting to wake her.  As the sheet whispered over her body she moved
restlessly, turning onto her side, throwing one of her legs over to the
side.  Angelus waited, making sure she was still asleep, and then
began to crawl over her, his fingers dragging lightly across her skin,
trailing upwards, his fingertips cool against her warmth.  Finally his
hands wrapped about her neck, fingers deftly undoing the solid clasp of
her choker and putting it aside on the bedside table.  His fingers
tickled her pale flesh, pushing her fine hair back from her face.  She
moved restlessly, her fingers brushing across her bare throat, nails
dragging lightly at the week old bite mark.

Reclining next to her Angelus watched her for a moment, stroking her
hair waiting for her to settle again.  Satisfied she was still soundly
sleeping he snaked an arm under hers, his hand wrapping about her
shoulder as he eased her onto her back.  She sighed, mumbling
something as her hand flew out brushing against his chest before resting
above her head.

"Oh this is just perfect," purred Angelus, his eyes roaming down from
her raised arm to the pert breast it left exposed. Licking his lips he
traced a path with the nail of his pinkie dragging it lightly around the
swell of her breast and then down to her navel.  Her nipple hardened
and she flinched in her sleep.  Smiling he leaned in and licked her
nipple, making her groan softly, before pulling back and blowing on the
glistening pink nub.  Deftly he ran his fingers across her flat
stomach, teasing the flesh, making broad sweeping circles.
Unconsciously she leaned into his touch, her head rolling on the pillow,
a soft gasp leaving her lips as her tongue licked at them, drawing his
attention.  He could hear her heart beat increasing, as was her
breathing...she was on the edge of waking up.  Moving forward his lips
captured hers, his tongue licking at them, urging them to open.  Still
his hand caressed her body while the other tangled in her fiery locks,
his thumb caressing the soft curve of her cheek.  As his tongue
explored the warm depths of her mouth he felt her move, her heart
beginning to pound, her hands moving to grasp at his body, legs
entwining with his.  As her tongue began to play with his, twirling
around the tip, pressing against his, he pulled back from the kiss and
smiled down at her.

Willow blinked a few times.  Her body was buzzing, her stomach
tightening.  She was entwined with his body, her hands stroking his
chest and stomach.  She frowned at him.

"Am I dreaming?" She asked quietly, disorientated.

"Yes..." he whispered, mouthing her ear, smiling as she leaned into his
touch.  "It's just a dream...."

"Okay," she sighed arching up into his hand as it caressed her breast,
the fingers curling about her hard nipple.

He concentrated on touching her in the places that she was so fond of
last night. Massaging her breasts, leaning down to tease the nipples
with his tongue and mouth, sucking and biting them, delighting in the
moans that these simple touches created.  His hand reached for her
thigh, drawing her leg up and over his, slowly and steadily he began to
rub his thigh against her already sopping wet cunt, not at all surprised
when she locked her leg around his and began to thrust down on his leg,
a soft gasp of pleasure leaving her with each stroke.

"Touch me," he murmured softly, his hand encouraging hers to move more,
guiding it over his body.  They were soft naive touches, butterfly
touches, her fingertips running across his skin, warming the cool
flesh.  He let her set her own pace, grunting when she hit a sensitive
spot or shifting against her hand if he needed more.  All the time his
hands were on her body, teasing it, building up her desire while she
kept her eyes closed and thought it all just a dream.  Her breath
shallowed into gasps and pants, her body moving against him, actively
seeking out his touch.  He drew his mouth away from her breasts and
kissed his way back to her gasping mouth, his tongue delving into her
warmth, drawing out her essence.  Her tongue met his, stroke for
painstakingly slow and teasing stroke and her hands tangled in his hair
pulling him away.  Her eyes flew open to stare at his chocolate brown

"This isn't a dream." She stated, her body ignoring her mental protest
and kept responding to his touches, she writhed against his thigh.

"Yes it is...just a dream, Willow," he whispered against her ear.  Her
hands moved from his hair, down to caress his back, knead at the
muscles, feel them flex as he continued to touch her.  Smiling he
lowered his mouth claiming her lips again in a slow and tantalizing
kiss. One of his hands stroked her arm, his hand closing around her
wrist and dragging it down.  His fingers entwined with hers, leading
them down to brush against his pubic hair.  Willow pulled away from
the kiss and gasped. Looking down at their entwined hands she couldn't
help but notice his huge throbbing cock.  He nuzzled her ear.
"Touch me, Willow."

He urged her fingers to wrap around him, guiding her in adding pressure
with her slim fingers as he moved them up and down his cock.  Kissing
her neck he continued to guide her hand until he was happy with the
rhythm. He then released her hand, smiling against her throat as she
continued to stroke him.  Grabbing her ass he lifted her up to him and
began to thrust into her little hand, easily sliding through her
fingers, the tip of his cock running the full length of her wet slit,
the head brushing across her clit.

Willow groaned and tightened her fingers around him, her other fingers
digging into his back at the sensation.  Blindly she thrust her hips
against his, trying to recapture the sensation he had created, but to no
avail.  Hissing in disappointment, she writhed wildly against him, her
legs hooking around his, trying to pull him into her, her fingers
guiding his cock.

Angelus kissed his way back up her throat to her mouth, his tongue
making a deep long sweep as his hands gripped her ass and he thrust
forward again, his cock gliding across her.  Her free hand tangled in
his hair and she gurgled into his mouth.  He began to move against
her, setting an irregular rhythm of thrusts, not giving her what she
really needed, teasing her into a frenzy.  Her fingers no longer
stroked his cock, just held him loosely as he thrust through them, every
know and then she would squeeze him, wanting more but not receiving
it.  Suddenly he rolled them and Willow was pinned beneath him, her
breathing coming in shallow pants.  He continued to thrust against
her, this time setting a solid rhythm of long reaching strokes, making
her writhe and moan.  His mouth crashed down on hers, his tongue
dominating and demanding, his teeth pulling and biting at her lips and

Willow groaned and lifted herself up into that kiss, her fingers
entwining in his hair, holding onto him, frightened he would pull
away.  Instincts took over and she rolled her hips to meet each of his
thrusts, her legs wrapping about him, one hooking over his thigh the
other swinging up over his hip.  Her cries of pleasure soon turned to
tortured gasps of frustration as this pale imitation of the sexual act
left her needing.  Tearing her mouth away from his she let out a long
wail of frustration.

Angelus smiled and lowered his head to her breasts, sucking and licking,
teasing the hard peaks of her nipples as he continued to rock his hips
against her.  Releasing his hold on her body he bought one hand up to
caress the back of her neck, his other hand wandered down to hers that
still loosely held his throbbing cock.  As his fingers entwined with
hers he ran his thumbnail across her clit, causing her to buck up
against him.

"Angelus," she cried out needing more.  He moved her hand up,
encircling her fingers just below the head of his cock and guided it to
her entrance.  Willow arched up against him, groaning in delight, her
fingers pushed down against him, wanting more.  Once more his mouth
joined hers, swallowing her soft moans and pleas, before tearing away
and kissing his way down to her throat, covering the mark he'd left days
before.  His hand increased the pressure on her nape, lifting her up,
while his fingers left hers on his cock and cupped her ass.  Willow
shifted, lifting her body up with her legs, tightening her strangle hold
on his body.

Suddenly the whole bed seem to move as Angelus slammed into her, forcing
her body upwards and impaling her on his fangs, no gentle teasing or
prodding, just one long hard thrust resulting in blinding pain and her
body fighting against him.  With the double penetration she cried out
in pain, not sure which was more excruciating.  Her muscles screamed
in agony, trying to accommodate his huge intrusive cock, her fingers
clutched at his back and a strangle sob broke from her.  Then there
was nothing but a throbbing ache. His weight lifted off her and his
fangs retracted, his cock pulled out of her.  Taking a shuddering
breath she hissed as his mouth found her entrance, his tongue snaking in
and twirling about the passage his cock had just left.  Pleasure
replaced pain as his tongue sought out her virginal blood and her
fingers entwined in his hair.  Growling softly he butted his face
against her, his hands on her hips rocking them.

Willow twisted his hair, her thighs grabbing at his head and she thrust
down against his face.  Blinding pleasure overtook her, the muscles in
her body clamping down, ceasing up and a scream left her lips as she
flooded his mouth with her secretions.  Gasping for breath she
released her vice like grip on his head, her hands falling away while
her thighs rolled open.  Closing her eyes she brought a hand up to
rest against them, half panting half sobbing.

Angelus looked up from between her spread legs and grinned as he looked
at her face.  Slowly he began to kiss his way up her trembling body,
his tongue licking at the blood that still leaked from the fresh bite
mark on her neck.  Carefully he eased his weight back down on her, his
cock rubbing against her.  Gently he brushed her hand away and kissed
each of her eyes before kissing his way down to her lips.  As his
tongue found the warmth of her mouth he moved his hips forward, his cock
entering her slowly, easing his way back into her tight warmth.

Willow gasped, her eyes flying open, her hands grabbing at his arms.
It still hurt but he was moving slowly, easing into her with gentle
thrusts.  She wriggled trying to relieve the discomfort, crying out
when it only served to push him in deeper.

"Shhh, Willow," Angelus whispered, kissing her face and continuing his
soft thrusts.  "Wrap your legs about me."

She winced as she bought her legs up, her feet brushing against his soft
skin.  The dull throb of her torn virginity was soon replaced with an
ache of a different kind and Willow grabbed at Angelus, her hands
clawing at him, trying to get him to increase his pace, to replaced the
soft shallow thrusts with longer deeper ones.  Soon she found herself
begging again.

"Please," she hissed, rolling her hips against him, thrusting up and
dragging her teeth over his ear.  He sped up, pulling back to thrust
deep and hard into her, making her keen in sheer delight.  She clung
to him, at his mercy and following his guiding hands, doing what pleased
him.  The room filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh
as their movements became more erratic, both lost in physical pleasure,
soft sighs combined with growls and moans.  Willows fingers dug into
his ass as he twisted her clit making her senses shatter.  She arched
up into him as his name tumbled from her lips and he slammed deep into
her, his hips jerking as he came, spilling his semen deep in her.

Sobs once more wracked her body, no longer of pain but of a mind numbing
pleasure.  Her body trembled, her muscles tensed and relaxed, her
fingers still dug into his flesh.  As she continued to shake she
waited for him to pull out, wanting nothing more than to close her legs
and relieve herself of his unrelenting weight.  But Angelus was happy
to stay buried in her warmth, his mouth sucking against her bite mark,
feeding from the slight flow of blood.  His hands started to wander
over her body, stroking and calming the trembling flesh, making her moan
softly at the sensations his talented fingers were quickly creating.
She lost herself to those sensations, closing her eyes and concentrating
only on his fingers, and squirmed beneath him.  Her eyes flew open as
she felt his cock start to swell inside of her and he began to rock
against her again.  Tearing his mouth from her neck he found her lips
again, claiming them, his tongue demanding a response.

Willow's arms locked about his neck and she surrendered to that kiss,
responding to it, her tongue playing with his.  Suddenly his fingers
dug into her flesh and he spun them.  Breaking away from his lips
Willow looked about, she was sitting astride him, his hard cock buried
deep within her, while he rested against the bed head.  With a lazy
smirk Angelus raised his arms, his hands grabbing the bed head and
waited.  Willow frowned and bit her bottom lip, wriggling slightly.
Closing her eyes she gasped at the sensation.  Swallowing she opened
her eyes and bought her hands up to his chest, her knees moving and
taking her weight.  Slowly she lifted up using her hands and knees for
leverage.  She gasped at the sensation of his cock sliding out of her,
she stopped and glanced down, she could see his pubic hair wet and
glistening with their mixed secretions.  Biting her lip she lowered
herself and moaned out loud as Angelus' cock buried deep inside her.

Licking her lips she repeated the action, speeding up a bit and rotating
her hips, grinding herself against him as she sank back down.
Glancing up she caught his self-satisfied smirk.  She smiled softly,
her hands moving along his chest, her fingers toying with his nipples as
she rose up again.  Suddenly Angelus shifted, his hands encircling her
waist and dragging her down hard against him making her gasp in
pleasure.  His hands continued to guide her up and down while he
leaned forward his tongue licking at the trail of blood that flowed from
her bite.  Soon she found herself screaming out his name again in
pleasure as she came.  He picked her up, still buried deep with in
her, threw her back on the bed and slammed into her, thrusting hard and
deep taking his own pleasure from her.  With a hoarse grunt he came,
her arms and legs locked about his powerful body.  Even then he still
remained deep inside her.

It was four hours later that Angelus finally pulled out of her exhausted
and tender body.  She could hardly keep her eyes open.  She felt the
bed shift and cool hands wrap about her throat, fingers pushed at her
hair and she soon felt the familiar and confining pressure of her
necklace being put back on.  She watched through half closed eyes as
Angelus moved off the bed, his fingers tracing a path from her neck down
to her long pale fingers, and walked away.  As she let herself fall
asleep she could hear the soft murmur of male voices, of Angelus and


Willow stretched out and instantly regretted it.  She ached.  Her
body felt like a truck had hit it.  Sighing she curled herself up into
a ball and glanced at the end of the bed.  There was a black velvet
jewellery box and a single red rose lying on the corner of the bed.
Hissing as she sat up she gathered the sheet to her body and reached out
to take the jewellery box.  It contained a bracelet of emeralds worked
through a design of Celtic knots, similar to the design of her
necklace.  As she fingered the exquisite, the beautiful bracelet
Angelus' words echoed through her.  Be good and you will be
rewarded.  Laying back down and curling into a ball she continued to
finger the bracelet.  Part of her cheered while part of her died.
